270 research outputs found

    Physical characteristics of localized surface plasmons resulting from nano-scale structured multi-layer thin films deposited on D-shaped optical fiber

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    Novel surface plasmonic optical fiber sensors have been fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fiber. UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask produces a nano-scaled surface relief grating structure resembling nano-wires. The resulting individual corrugations produced by material compaction are approximately 20 μm long with an average width at half maximum of 100 nm and generate localized surface plasmons. Experimental data are presented that show changes in the spectral characteristics after UV processing, coupled with an overall increase in the sensitivity of the devices to surrounding refractive index. Evidence is presented that there is an optimum UV dosage (48 joules) over which no significant additional optical change is observed. The devices are characterized with regards to change in refractive index, where significantly high spectral sensitivities in the aqueous index regime are found, ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity

    Raman Scattering near Metal Nanostructures

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    We study Raman scattering in active media placed in proximity of different types of metal nanostructures, at wavelengths that display either Fabry-Perot or plasmonic resonances, or a combination of both. We use a semi-classical approach to derive equations of motion for Stokes and anti-Stokes fields that arise from quantum fluctuations. Our calculations suggest that local field enhancement yields Stokes and anti-Stokes conversion efficiencies between five and seven orders of magnitudes larger compared to cases without the metal nanostructure. We also show that to first order in the linear susceptibility the local field correction induces a dynamic, intensity-dependent frequency detuning that at high intensities tends to quench Raman gain

    Metal-enhanced fluorescence of colloidal nanocrystals with nanoscale control

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    Engineering the spectral properties of fluorophores, such as the enhancement of luminescence intensity, can be achieved through coupling with surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures This process, referred to as metal-enhanced fluorescence, offers promise for a range of applications, including LEDs, sensor technology, microarrays and single-molecule studies. It becomes even more appealing when applied to colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals, which exhibit size-dependent optical properties, have high photochemical stability, and are characterized by broad excitation spectra and narrow emission bands. Other approaches have relied upon the coupling of fluorophores (typically organic dyes) to random distributions of metallic nanoparticles or nanoscale roughness in metallic films. Here, we develop a new strategy based on the highly reproducible fabrication of ordered arrays of gold nanostructures coupled to CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals dispersed in a polymer blend. We demonstrate the possibility of obtaining precise control and a high spatial selectivity of the fluorescence enhancement process

    Present and Future of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering.

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    The discovery of the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on nanostructured metal surfaces is a landmark in the history of spectroscopic and analytical techniques. Significant experimental and theoretical effort has been directed toward understanding the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect and demonstrating its potential in various types of ultrasensitive sensing applications in a wide variety of fields. In the 45 years since its discovery, SERS has blossomed into a rich area of research and technology, but additional efforts are still needed before it can be routinely used analytically and in commercial products. In this Review, prominent authors from around the world joined together to summarize the state of the art in understanding and using SERS and to predict what can be expected in the near future in terms of research, applications, and technological development. This Review is dedicated to SERS pioneer and our coauthor, the late Prof. Richard Van Duyne, whom we lost during the preparation of this article