198 research outputs found

    Cosmic ray moderation of the thermal instability

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    We apply the Hermite-Bieler theorem in the analysis of the effect of cosmic rays on the thermal stability of an initially uniform, static background. The cosmic rays were treated in a fluid approximation and the diffusion coefficient was assumed to be constant in time and space. The inclusion of cosmic rays does not alter the criterion for the thermal stability of a medium subjected to isobaric perturbations. It does alter the criteria for the stability of a medium perturbed by small amplitude sound waves. In the limit of a high background cosmic ray pressure to thermal pressure ratio, the instability in response to high frequency sound waves is suppressed

    Estabilización de aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico con antioxidantes naturales de hojas de Artemisia absinthium obtenidos por maceración y extracción asistida por ultrasonido

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    Olive oil is the most popular product derived from Olea europaea L. due to its organoleptic characteristics and its beneficial effects on human health. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in olive oil enrichment with medicinal plants. In this regard, Artemisia absinthium L. is an edible source of antioxidants. The aim of the present study was to improve the oxidative stability and the nutritional value of Organic Tunisian Chetoui Olive oil by its enrichment with the phenolic compounds in Artemisia absinthium. The enrichment carried out by maceration and ultrasound-assisted extraction did not affect the organic criteria of olive oil. The comparative study, performed during one year of storage, showed that ultrasound-assisted extraction led to the lowest final peroxide and extinction coefficient values. At the end of storage, this method increased oleic acid content and biophenol contents. Furthermore, the anti-radical activities of enriched samples were higher than the control.El aceite de oliva es el producto derivado de Olea europaea L. muy popular debido a sus características organolépticas y sus efectos beneficiosos para la salud humana. En la actualidad existe un interés creciente por enriquecer el aceite de oliva con plantas medicinales. En este sentido, Artemisia absinthium L. es una fuente comestible de antioxidantes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue la mejora de la estabilidad oxidativa y el valor nutricional del aceite de oliva Chetoui tunecino orgánico mediante su enriquecimiento con compuestos fenólicos de Artemisia absinthium. El enriquecimiento realizado por maceración y extracción asistida por ultrasonidos no afectó a los criterios ecológicos del aceite de oliva. El estudio comparativo, realizado durante un año de almacenamiento, mostró que la extracción asistida por ultrasonidos condujo a los valores finales de peróxido y coeficientes de extinción más bajos. Al final del almacenamiento, este método aumentó el contenido de ácido oleico y de biofenoles. Además, las actividades antirradicales de las muestras enriquecidas fueron mayores que las del control

    Post-allergen challenge inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase harbors therapeutic potential for treatment of allergic airway inflammation

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    Background: Identifying therapeutic drugs that block the release or effects of T-helper type 2 (Th2) cytokines after allergen exposure is an important goal for the treatment of allergic inflammatory diseases including asthma. We recently showed, using a murine model of allergic airway inflammation, that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma-related lung inflammation. PARP inhibition, by single injection of a novel inhibitor, thieno[2,3-c]isoquinolin-5-one (TIQ-A), before ovalbumin (OVA) challenge, prevented airway eosinophilia in C57BL/6 mice with concomitant suppression of Th2 cytokine production and mucus secretion. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the drug when it is given after OVA challenge for its possible therapeutic potential. Methods: This study was conducted using a murine model of allergic airway inflammation. Results: A single injection of TIQ-A (6 mg/kg) one or 6 h post-allergen challenge conferred similar reduction in OVA challenge-induced eosinophilia. More significantly, post-allergen challenge administration of the drug exerted even better suppression on the production of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IgE and prevented airway hyperresponsiveness to inhaled-methacholine. The significant decrease in IL-13 was accompanied by a complete absence of airways mucus production indicating a potential protection against allergen-induced airway remodelling. Conclusion: The coincidence of the inflammation trigger and the time of drug administration appear to be important for the drug\u27s more pronounced protection. The observed time window for efficacy, 1 or 6 h after allergen challenge may be of great clinical interest. These findings may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of allergic airway inflammation, including asthma. © 2008 The Authors

    Photoionized gas in hydrostatic equilibrium: the role of gravity

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    We present a method to include the effects of gravity in the plasma physics code Cloudy. More precisely, a term is added to the desired gas pressure in order to enforce hydrostatic equilibrium, accounting for both the self-gravity of the gas and the presence of an optional external potential. As a test case, a plane-parallel model of the vertical structure of the Milky Way disk near the solar neighbourhood is considered. It is shown that the gravitational force determines the scale height of the disk, and it plays a critical role in setting its overall chemical composition. However, other variables, such as the shape of incident continuum and the intensity of the Galactic magnetic field, strongly affect the predicted structure.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Potential of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase as a Therapeutic Target for Allergen-Induced Airway Hyperresponsiveness : A Critical Connection to Nitric Oxide Levels and PARP Activity.

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    Although expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in the lungs of asthmatics and associated nitrosative damage are established, iNOS failed as a therapeutic target for blocking airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and inflammation in asthmatics. This dichotomy calls for better strategies with which the enzyme is adequately targeted. Here, we confirm iNOS expression in the asthmatic lung with concomitant protein nitration and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activation. We show, for the first time, that iNOS is highly expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of asthmatics with uncontrolled disease, which did not correspond to protein nitration. Selective iNOS inhibition with L-NIL protected against AHR upon acute, but not chronic, exposure to ovalbumin or house dust mite (HDM) in mice. Supplementation of NO by nitrite administration significantly blocked AHR in chronically HDM-exposed mice that were treated with L-NIL. Protection against chronic HDM exposure-induced AHR by olaparib-mediated PARP inhibition may be associated with the partial but not the complete blockade of iNOS expression. Indeed, L-NIL administration prevented olaparib-mediated protection against AHR in chronically HDM-exposed mice. Our study suggests that the amount of iNOS and NO are critical determinants in the modulation of AHR by selective iNOS inhibitors and renews the potential of iNOS as a therapeutic target for asthma

    Swimming and the human microbiome at the intersection of sports, clinical, and environmental sciences. A scoping review of the literature

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    The human microbiota is comprised of more than 10–100 trillion microbial taxa and symbiotic cells. Two major human sites that are host to microbial communities are the gut and the skin. Physical exercise has favorable effects on the structure of human microbiota and metabolite production in sedentary subjects. Recently, the concept of “athletic microbiome” has been introduced. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no review specifically addressing the potential role of microbiomics for swimmers, since each sports discipline requires a specific set of techniques, training protocols, and interactions with the athletic infrastructure/facility. Therefore, to fill in this gap, the present scoping review was undertaken. Four studies were included, three focusing on the gut microbiome, and one addressing the skin microbiome. It was found that several exercise-related variables, such as training volume/intensity, impact the athlete’s microbiome, and specifically the non-core/peripheral microbiome, in terms of its architecture/composition, richness, and diversity. Swimming-related power-/sprint- and endurance-oriented activities, acute bouts and chronic exercise, anaerobic/aerobic energy systems have a differential impact on the athlete’s microbiome. Therefore, their microbiome can be utilized for different purposes, including talent identification, monitoring the effects of training methodologies, and devising ad hoc conditioning protocols, including dietary supplementation. Microbiomics can be exploited also for clinical purposes, assessing the effects of exposure to swimming pools and developing potential pharmacological strategies to counteract the insurgence of skin infections/inflammation, including acne. In conclusion, microbiomics appears to be a promising tool, even though current research is still limited, warranting, as such, further studies

    Molecules at high Redshift: The Evolution of the Cool Phase of Protogalactic Disks

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    We study the formation of molecular hydrogen, after the epoch of re-ionization, in the context of canonical galaxy formation theory due to hierarchical clustering. There is an initial epoch of H2H_2 production in the gas phase through the HH^- route which ends at a redshift of order unity. Star formation in the protogalactic disks can become self-regulated. The process responsible for the feedback is heating of the gas by the internal stellar radiation field which can dominate the background radiation field at various epochs. It is possible to define a maximum star formation rate during this epoch. Plausible estimates give a rate of 0.2-2 Mo yr-1 for condensations corresponding to 1 sigma and 2 sigma initial density fluctuations. Therefore, the production of metals and dust proceeds slowly in this phase. This moderate epoch is terminated by a phase transition to a cold dense and warm neutral/ionized medium once the metals and dust have increased to a level Z=0.03-0.1 Z_o. Then: (1) atoms and molecules such as C, O and CO become abundant and cool the gas to below 300K300 K ; (2) the dust abundance has become sufficiently high to allow shielding of the molecular gas and; (3) molecular hydrogen formation can occur rapidly on grain surfaces. This phase transition occurs at a redshift of approximately 1.5, with a fiducial range of 1.2<z<2. The combination of feedback and a phase transition provides a natural resolution of the G-dwarf problem.Comment: 33 pages LaTeX, 5 PS figures, uses aasms.sty file, Accepted by Ap

    Angular diameters, fluxes and extinction of compact planetary nebulae: further evidence for steeper extinction towards the Bulge

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    We present values for angular diameter, flux and extinction for 70 Galactic planetary nebulae observed using narrow band filters. Angular diameters are derived using constant emissivity shell and photoionization line emission models. The mean of the results from these two models are presented as our best estimate. Contour plots of 36 fully resolved objects are included and the low intensity contours often reveal an elliptical structure that is not always apparent from FWHM measurements. Flux densities are determined, and for both H-alpha and O[III] there is little evidence of any systematic differences between observed and catalogued values. Observed H-alpha extinction values are determined using observed H-alpha and catalogued radio fluxes. H-alpha extinction values are also derived from catalogued H-alpha and H-beta flux values by means of an Rv dependent extinction law. Rv is then calculated in terms of observed extinction values and catalogued H-alpha and H-beta flux values. Comparing observed and catalogue extinction values for a subset of Bulge objects, observed values tend to be lower than catalogue values calculated with Rv = 3.1. For the same subset we calculate = 2.0, confirming that toward the Bulge interstellar extinction is steeper than Rv = 3.1. For the inner Galaxy a relation with the higher supernova rate is suggested, and that the low-density warm ionized medium is the site of the anomalous extinction. Lowvalues of extinction are also derived using dust models with a turnover radius of 0.08 microns.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 17 pages, 9 figures (including 36 contour plots of PNe), 5 Tables (including 2 large tables of angular diameters, fluxes and extinction

    Pre-peak ram pressure stripping in the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4501

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    VIVA HI observations of the Virgo spiral galaxy NGC 4501 are presented. The HI disk is sharply truncated to the southwest, well within the stellar disk. A region of low surface-density gas, which is more extended than the main HI disk, is discovered northeast of the galaxy center. These data are compared to existing 6cm polarized radio continuum emission, Halpha, and optical broad band images. We observe a coincidence between the western HI and polarized emission edges, on the one hand, and a faint Halpha emission ridge, on the other. The polarized emission maxima are located within the gaps between the spiral arms and the faint Halpha ridge. Based on the comparison of these observations with a sample of dynamical simulations with different values for maximum ram pressure and different inclination angles between the disk and the orbital plane,we conclude that ram pressure stripping can account for the main observed characteristics. NGC 4501 is stripped nearly edge-on, is heading southwest, and is ~200-300 Myr before peak ram pressure, i.e. its closest approach to M87. The southwestern ridge of enhanced gas surface density and enhanced polarized radio-continuum emission is due to ram pressure compression. It is argued that the faint western Halpha emission ridge is induced by nearly edge-on ram pressure stripping. NGC 4501 represents an especially clear example of early stage ram pressure stripping of a large cluster-spiral galaxy.Comment: 22 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Protective Effects of PARP-1 Knockout on Dyslipidemia-Induced Autonomic and Vascular Dysfunction in ApoE−/− Mice: Effects on eNOS and Oxidative Stress

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)-1 in dyslipidemia-associated vascular dysfunction as well as autonomic nervous system dysregulation. Apolipoprotein (ApoE)−/− mice fed a high-fat diet were used as a model of atherosclerosis. Vascular and autonomic functions were measured in conscious mice using telemetry. The study revealed that PARP-1 plays an important role in dyslipidemia-associated vascular and autonomic dysfunction. Inhibition of this enzyme by gene knockout partially restored baroreflex sensitivity in ApoE−/− mice without affecting baseline heart-rate and arterial pressure, and also improved heart-rate responses following selective blockade of the autonomic nervous system. The protective effect of PARP-1 gene deletion against dyslipidemia-induced endothelial dysfunction was associated with preservation of eNOS activity. Dyslipidemia induced PARP-1 activation was accompanied by oxidative tissue damage, as evidenced by increased expression of iNOS and subsequent protein nitration. PARP-1 gene deletion reversed these effects, suggesting that PARP-1 may contribute to vascular and autonomic pathologies by promoting oxidative tissue injury. Further, inhibition of this oxidative damage may account for protective effects of PARP-1 gene deletion on vascular and autonomic functions. This study demonstrates that PARP-1 participates in dyslipidemia-mediated dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and that PARP-1 gene deletion normalizes autonomic and vascular dysfunctions. Maintenance of eNOS activity may be associated with the protective effect of PARP-1 gene deletion against dyslipidemia-induced endothelial dysfunction