1,091 research outputs found

    Overlap properties of geometric expanders

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    The {\em overlap number} of a finite (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraph HH is defined as the largest constant c(H)∈(0,1]c(H)\in (0,1] such that no matter how we map the vertices of HH into Rd\R^d, there is a point covered by at least a c(H)c(H)-fraction of the simplices induced by the images of its hyperedges. In~\cite{Gro2}, motivated by the search for an analogue of the notion of graph expansion for higher dimensional simplicial complexes, it was asked whether or not there exists a sequence {Hn}n=1∞\{H_n\}_{n=1}^\infty of arbitrarily large (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with bounded degree, for which inf⁥n≄1c(Hn)>0\inf_{n\ge 1} c(H_n)>0. Using both random methods and explicit constructions, we answer this question positively by constructing infinite families of (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with bounded degree such that their overlap numbers are bounded from below by a positive constant c=c(d)c=c(d). We also show that, for every dd, the best value of the constant c=c(d)c=c(d) that can be achieved by such a construction is asymptotically equal to the limit of the overlap numbers of the complete (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with nn vertices, as n→∞n\rightarrow\infty. For the proof of the latter statement, we establish the following geometric partitioning result of independent interest. For any dd and any Ï”>0\epsilon>0, there exists K=K(Ï”,d)≄d+1K=K(\epsilon,d)\ge d+1 satisfying the following condition. For any k≄Kk\ge K, for any point q∈Rdq \in \mathbb{R}^d and for any finite Borel measure ÎŒ\mu on Rd\mathbb{R}^d with respect to which every hyperplane has measure 00, there is a partition Rd=A1âˆȘ
âˆȘAk\mathbb{R}^d=A_1 \cup \ldots \cup A_{k} into kk measurable parts of equal measure such that all but at most an Ï”\epsilon-fraction of the (d+1)(d+1)-tuples Ai1,
,Aid+1A_{i_1},\ldots,A_{i_{d+1}} have the property that either all simplices with one vertex in each AijA_{i_j} contain qq or none of these simplices contain qq

    On quasianalytic local rings

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    This expository article is devoted to the local theory of ultradifferentiable classes of functions, with a special emphasis on the quasianalytic case. Although quasianalytic classes are well-known in harmonic analysis since several decades, their study from the viewpoint of differential analysis and analytic geometry has begun much more recently and, to some extent, has earned them a new interest. Therefore, we focus on contemporary questions closely related to topics in local algebra. We study, in particular, Weierstrass division problems and the role of hyperbolicity, together with properties of ideals of quasianalytic germs. Incidentally, we also present a simplified proof of Carleman's theorem on the non-surjectivity of the Borel map in the quasianalytic case.Comment: Final Manuscrip

    Care after pancreatic resection according to an algorithm for early detection and minimally invasive management of pancreatic fistula versus current practice (PORSCH-trial):design and rationale of a nationwide stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial

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    Background: Pancreatic resection is a major abdominal operation with 50% risk of postoperative complications. A common complication is pancreatic fistula, which may have severe clinical consequences such as postoperative bleeding, organ failure and death. The objective of this study is to investigate whether implementation of an algorithm for early detection and minimally invasive management of pancreatic fistula may improve outcomes after pancreatic resection. Methods: This is a nationwide stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized, superiority trial, designed in adherence to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines. During a period of 22 months, all Dutch centers performing pancreatic surgery will cross over in a randomized order from current practice to best practice according to the algorithm. This evidence-based and consensus-based algorithm will provide daily multilevel advice on the management of patients after pancreatic resection (i.e. indication for abdominal imaging, antibiotic treatment, percutaneous drainage and removal of abdominal drains). The algorithm is designed to aid early detection and minimally invasive step-up management of postoperative pancreatic fistula. Outcomes of current practice will be compared with outcomes after implementation of the algorithm. The primary outcome is a composite of major complications (i.e. post-pancreatectomy bleeding, new-onset organ failure and death) and will be measured in a sample size of at least 1600 patients undergoing pancreatic resection. Secondary endpoints include the individual components of the primary endpoint and other clinical outcomes, healthcare resource utilization and costs analysis. Follow up will be up to 90 days after pancreatic resection. Discussion: It is hypothesized that a structured nationwide implementation of a dedicated algorithm for early detection and minimally invasive step-up management of postoperative pancreatic fistula will reduce the risk of major complications and death after pancreatic resection, as compared to current practice. Trial registration: Netherlands Trial Register: NL 6671. Registered on 16 December 2017

    IRGM Is a Common Target of RNA Viruses that Subvert the Autophagy Network

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    Autophagy is a conserved degradative pathway used as a host defense mechanism against intracellular pathogens. However, several viruses can evade or subvert autophagy to insure their own replication. Nevertheless, the molecular details of viral interaction with autophagy remain largely unknown. We have determined the ability of 83 proteins of several families of RNA viruses (Paramyxoviridae, Flaviviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Retroviridae and Togaviridae), to interact with 44 human autophagy-associated proteins using yeast two-hybrid and bioinformatic analysis. We found that the autophagy network is highly targeted by RNA viruses. Although central to autophagy, targeted proteins have also a high number of connections with proteins of other cellular functions. Interestingly, immunity-associated GTPase family M (IRGM), the most targeted protein, was found to interact with the autophagy-associated proteins ATG5, ATG10, MAP1CL3C and SH3GLB1. Strikingly, reduction of IRGM expression using small interfering RNA impairs both Measles virus (MeV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1)-induced autophagy and viral particle production. Moreover we found that the expression of IRGM-interacting MeV-C, HCV-NS3 or HIV-NEF proteins per se is sufficient to induce autophagy, through an IRGM dependent pathway. Our work reveals an unexpected role of IRGM in virus-induced autophagy and suggests that several different families of RNA viruses may use common strategies to manipulate autophagy to improve viral infectivity

    Care after pancreatic resection according to an algorithm for early detection and minimally invasive management of pancreatic fistula versus current practice (PORSCH-trial): design and rationale of a nationwide stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial

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    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic resection is a major abdominal operation with 50% risk of postoperative complications. A common complication is pancreatic fistula, which may have severe clinical consequences such as postoperative bleeding, organ failure and death. The objective of this study is to investigate whether implementation of an algorithm for early detection and minimally invasive management of pancreatic fistula may improve outcomes after pancreatic resection. METHODS: This is a nationwide stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized, superiority trial, designed in adherence to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines. During a period of 22 months, all Dutch centers performing pancreatic surgery will cross over in a randomized order from current practice to best practice according to the algorithm. This evidence-based and consensus-based algorithm will provide da

    Old stones' song: Use-wear experiments and analysis of the Oldowan quartz and quartzite assemblage from Kanjera South (Kenya)

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    Evidence of Oldowan tools by w2.6 million years ago (Ma) may signal a major adaptive shift in hominin evolution. While tool-dependent butchery of large mammals was important by at least 2.0 Ma, the use of artifacts for tasks other than faunal processing has been difficult to diagnose. Here we report on use-wear analysis ofw2.0 Ma quartz and quartzite artifacts from Kanjera South, Kenya. A use-wear framework that links processing of specific materials and tool motions to their resultant use-wear patterns was developed. A blind test was then carried out to assess and improve the efficacy of this experimental use-wear framework, which was then applied to the analysis of 62 Oldowan artifacts from Kanjera South. Usewear on a total of 23 artifact edges was attributed to the processing of specific materials. Use-wear on seven edges (30%) was attributed to animal tissue processing,corroborating zooarchaeological evidence for butchery at the site. Use-wear on 16 edges (70%)was attributed to the processing of plant tissues, including wood, grit-covered plant tissues that we interpret asunderground storage organs (USOs), and stems of grass or sedges. These results expand our knowledge of the suite of behaviours carried out in the vicinity of Kanjera South to include the processing of materials that would be ‘invisible’ using standard archaeological methods. Wood cutting and scraping may represent the production and/or maintenance of wooden tools. Use-wear related to USO processing extends the archaeological evidence for hominin acquisition and consumption of this resource by over 1.5 Ma. Cutting of grasses, sedges or reeds may be related to a subsistence task (e.g., grass seed harvesting, cutting out papyrus culm for consumption) and/or a non-subsistence related task (e.g., production of ‘twine,’ simple carrying devices, or bedding). These results highlight the adaptive significance of lithic technology for hominins at Kanjera

    Precision measurement of the deuteron spin structure function g1dg^{d}_{1}

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    We report on a high-statistics measurement of the deuteron spin structure function g[sup d][sub 1] at a beam energy of 29 GeV in the kinematic range 0.029 < x < 0.8 and 1 < Q2 < 10 (GeV/c)2. The integral Gamma [sup d][sub 1] = (integral)[sup 1][sub 0]g[sup d][sub 1]dx evaluated at fixed Q2 = 3 (GeV/c)2 gives 0.042 ± 0.003(stat) ± 0.004(syst). Combining this result with our earlier measurement of g[sup p][sub 1], we find Gamma [sup p][sub 1]- Gamma [sup n][sub 1] = 0.163 ± 0.010(stat) ± 0.016(syst), which agrees with the prediction of the Bjorken sum rule with O( alpha [sup 3][sub s]) corrections, Gamma [sup p][sub 1]- Gamma [sup n][sub 1] = 0.171 ± 0.008. We find the quark contribution to the proton helicity to be Delta q = 0.30 ± 0.06

    Evidence for Transcript Networks Composed of Chimeric RNAs in Human Cells

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    The classic organization of a gene structure has followed the Jacob and Monod bacterial gene model proposed more than 50 years ago. Since then, empirical determinations of the complexity of the transcriptomes found in yeast to human has blurred the definition and physical boundaries of genes. Using multiple analysis approaches we have characterized individual gene boundaries mapping on human chromosomes 21 and 22. Analyses of the locations of the 5â€Č and 3â€Č transcriptional termini of 492 protein coding genes revealed that for 85% of these genes the boundaries extend beyond the current annotated termini, most often connecting with exons of transcripts from other well annotated genes. The biological and evolutionary importance of these chimeric transcripts is underscored by (1) the non-random interconnections of genes involved, (2) the greater phylogenetic depth of the genes involved in many chimeric interactions, (3) the coordination of the expression of connected genes and (4) the close in vivo and three dimensional proximity of the genomic regions being transcribed and contributing to parts of the chimeric RNAs. The non-random nature of the connection of the genes involved suggest that chimeric transcripts should not be studied in isolation, but together, as an RNA network

    Lupine and zig-zag lines: queer affects in Alain Guiraudie’s L’inconnu du lac and Rester vertical

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    In this article I investigate how a theory of becomings-animal operates in a number of contemporary queer French films by director Alain Guiraudie (L’inconnu du lac (2013) and Rester vertical (2016)). In particular I explore how a becomings-animal’s association with a Deleuzian theory of affect enhances our understanding of queer intimacy. The aim of this article is to reposition queer intimacy as an ontology outside – outside synthetic and vertical lines of filiation and kinship and inside the disjunctive lines of the outside (what is irregular, random, rural, cosmic). Drawing at first on intimacy as an ontological non-relationality (Bersani 2008; 2009) and on the idea of separation as an ontological necessity of queer intimacy (John Paul Ricco 2017), I want to rethink queer intimacy as exposure outwards – an intimacy to and towards. Within this exteriorization of intimacy, my methodology will rely on the affective power of a Deleuzian theory of lines
