14 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Habitat Perkembangbiakan Aedes aegypti di Desa Gosoma, Halmahera Utara, Indonesia

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik lingkungan biotik dan abiotik habitat perkembangbiakan Ae. aegypti sebagai vektor demam berdarah di Desa Gosoma, Kecamatan Tobelo, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara. Studi observasional dengan melakukan survei larva pada setiap titik pengambilan sampel dan identifikasi terhadap faktor biotik dan abiotik. Karakteristik lingkungan abiotik diperoleh hasil pengukuran suhu udara berkisar antara 28-32 °C, kelembaban 64-83%, dan intensitas cahaya 450-1780 lux. Sementara suhu air berkisar antara 25-30 °C dan pH 6,4-7,6. Densitas larva tertinggi ditemukan pada daerah rawa sebanyak 31 larva per 250 ml. Inventarisasi vegetasi (faktor biotik) diperoleh 23 jenis tumbuhan pada 8 stasiun pengamatan. INP kumulatif yang tinggi pada tingkat rumput-rumputan dan herba adalah Cyperaceae 264,95% dan Ipomea aquatic 210,32%. Jenis perdu yang dominan adalah Carica papaya 123,67%, Citrus microcarpa 106,68%, dan Areca catechu 89,93%. Sementara jenis pohon yang dominan adalah Ficus septica 300,00%, Mangifera indica 170,51%, Nephelium lappaceum 150,00%, Cocos nucifera 130,14%, Terminalia catappa 123,33%, dan Myristica fragans 120,86%. Habitat perkembangbiakan nyamuk sebagai vektor demam berdarah berada di wilayah pemukiman penduduk. &nbsp

    a quantitative approach

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pasta kayu manis-madu terhadap pembentukan akar pada cangkok kalamansi. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) sederhana dengan 3 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Dari masing-masing ulangan dipilih 4 pohon sebagaitanaman induk. Perlakuan konsentrasi ZPT yang digunakan yaitu kontrol (tanpa ZPT), Rootone F (P1) sebanyak 146,67 g Rootone F per 100 ml air dan pasta kayu manis-madu (P2) dengan komposisi 36,67 g bubuk kayu manis per 100 ml madu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pasta kayu manis-madu memiliki pengaruh yang sama efektifnya dengan ZPT sintetis Rootone F dan keduanya memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dari kontrol terkait variabel jumlah dan panjang akar pada cangkok kalamansi. Pasta kayu manis-madu berperan sebagai fitohormon alternatif karena mengandung enzim dan senyawa monosakarida (glukosa dan fruktosa) yang dapat menstimulasi perakaran pada cangkok kalamansi. Selain itu, kandungan antibakteri dan antijamur pada pasta kayu manis-madu dapat mendukung kondisi perakaran cangkok yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Cangkok, Fitohormon Alternatif, Kalamansi, dan Pasta Kayu Manis- Madu

    Shell Structure of the Superheavy Elements

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    Ground state properties of the superheavy elements (SHE) with Z from 108 to 128 and N from 150 to 192 are investigated using both the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method with a density-independent contact pairing interaction and the macroscopic-microscopic approach with an average Woods-Saxon potential and a monopole pairing interaction. Detailed analysis of binding energies, separation energies, shell effects, single proton and neutron states, equilibrium deformations, alpha-decay energies, and other observables is given.Comment: 27 RevTeX pages, 22 figures available upon request to [email protected]

    Have Superheavy Elements been Produced in Nature?

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    We discuss the possibility whether superheavy elements can be produced in Nature by the astrophysical rapid neutron capture process. To this end we have performed fully dynamical network r-process calculations assuming an environment with neutron-to-seed ratio large enough to produce superheavy nuclei. Our calculations include two sets of nuclear masses and fission barriers and include all possible fission channels and the associated fission yield distributions. Our calculations produce superheavy nuclei with A ~ 300 that however decay on timescales of days.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Prevalensi Hiperurisemia dan Gout di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

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    Tidak diizinkan karya tersebut diunggah ke dalam aplikasi Repositori Perpustakaan Universitas.Latar Belakang: Hiperurisemia dan gout adalah penyakit inflamasi “ideal”, dan terkait dengan sejumlah penyakit metabolik: tekanan darah, ateriosklerosis, diabetes, strok, dan gangguan fungsi ginjal. Studi tentang hiperurisemia dan gout dengan latar-belakang suku-bangsa berbeda di Indonesia belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi hiperurisemia dan gout pada komunitas etnik Kao, Tobelo, Galela dan Loloda di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara. Metode: Data prevalensi hiperurisemia dan gout diperoleh melalui dua pendekatan yaitu studi terhadap data rekam medis 150 pasien tahun 2016 dan penelitian langsung (kuesioner dan pemeriksaan kesehatan pada 240 responden yang dipilih secara acak dari 4 etnik Halmahera Utara). Analisis statistik untuk uji Chi-square dan Kruskal Wallis menggunakan program SPSS versi 16.0. Nilai p (p value) kurang dari 0,05 dianggap signifikan secara statistik. Hasil: Prevalensi hiperurisemia, gout akut dan gout kronis berdasarkan jumlah pasien yang teridentifikasi di puskesmas dan rumah sakit di Halmahera Utara masing- masing adalah 100%, 72% dan 1,3%. Sedangkan prevalensi hiperurisemia dan gout akut berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan langsung pada populasi etnik Halmahera Utara adalah 60% dan 27,5% secara berturut-turut. Pada komunitas etnik risiko hiperurisemia mulai terdeteksi pada usia dibawah 30 tahun dan gout umumnya diatas usia 30 tahun. Kesimpulan: Prevalensi hiperurisemia relatif tinggi pada populasi etnik asli Halmahera Utara. Hanya ditemukan 3 individu yang menderita podagra, sementara tidak ditemukan gout topus pada komunitas etnik asli.Background: Hyperuricemia and gout is an "ideal" inflammatory disease associated with the number of metabolic disease: blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, stroke, and kidney dysfunction. The study of hyperuricemia and gout against the background of different ethnic group in Indonesia has been done very limitedly. This study aims to determine the prevalence of hyperuricemia and gout in ethnic communities of Kao, Tobelo, Galela and Loloda in North Halmahera. Method: Prevalence data of hyperuricemia and gout obtained through two approaches, medical records of 150 patients in 2016 and field research (questionnaires and health examinations on 240 randomly selected respondents from 4 of ethnic groups in North Halmahera). Statistical analysis for Chi-square and Kruskal Wallis test using SPSS version 16,0. The p value of less than 0,05 was considered to be statistically significance. Result: The prevalence of hyperuricemia, acute gout and chronic gout based on the number of patients identified in health centers and hospitals in North Halmahera was 100%, 72% and 1,3%, respectively. While the prevalence of hyperuricemia and acute gout based on the results of health examinations on North Halmahera ethnic population was 60% and 27,5% respectively. The risk of hyperuricemia was detected before 30 years old and gout was generally over 30 years old in the ethnic groups. Conclusion: The prevalence of hyperuricemia was relatively high in the native ethnic population in North Halmahera. Only 3 of people with podagra had been found in the native ethnic groups. However, there is no case of individual with tophaceous gout

    Hyperuricemia and the Relations Between Blood Uric Acid Concentration, Random Blood Glucose and Bmi Among Ethnic Population in North Halmahera

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    Background: Studies of hyperuricemia in societies with a particular ethnic background in Indonesia are interestingly studied because they are related to a number of metabolic indicators/diseases but also because of the unique cultural and genetic contribution that may be significant. This study aims to determine the prevalence of hyperuricemia and it is relationship with other metabolic indicators, especially random blood glucose levels (RBS) and body mass index (BMI) among native ethnic communities in North Halmahera. Methods: A total of 240 respondents from 4 native ethnic communities in North Halmahera were included in the study. Determination of respondents (ethnic origin) was through random selection. Respondent's search was done by identifying the clans representing the family names in each of the ethnic groups in North Halmahera. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney and Spearman correlation statistics. Results: The prevalence of hyperuricemia is considered high, which is 60% (50,83% male and 69,17% female). Conversely, the prevalence of hyperglycemia is lower with the amount 1,25% (1,67% male and 0,83% female). The prevalence of overweight and obese is respectively 29,17% and 12,50%; with male 30% and 11,67%; and, female 28,33% and 13,33%. There was a positive but not significant correlation between uric acid levels and GDS (r=0.082, ρ=0.207), and there was no significant negative correlation between uric acid levels and BMI in ethnic populations (r=-0.047, ρ=0.468). The relationship between random blood glucose and BMI in all ethnic data showed a positive and significant (r=0.176, ρ=0.006). Conclusions: The prevalence of hyperuricemia (and overweight) among ethnic groups in North Halmahera is very high. Statistically, there is no relationship between levels of RBS and uric acid, as well as the uric acid levels and BMI value in the native ethnic population in North Halmahera. There is a significant positive correlation between the BMI value and the RBS levels

    Pemanfaatan Kebun Pekarangan untuk Pemenuhan Pangan Keluarga pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the use of home gardens to fulfill family food during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has a wide impact on various sectors, including agriculture, which affects food availability and distribution. Strengthening local food productivity at the household or community scale is the key to anticipating food scarcity. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach, data were obtained using a semi-structured questionnaire, interviews, and field observations. Purposive sampling with inclusion criteria was used to pick respondents, who were households that use their yards for gardening activities and lived in Tobelo District, North Halmahera Regency. The inventory of plants in the yard revealed 37 different types of herbs, shrubs, and trees. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of respondents believed that gardening in their yards helped them fulfill their food needs. The community believes that the consumption of vegetables and other foodstuffs from the garden itself is relatively safer and more economical. Besides, some enthusiastic residents are actively cultivating herbal plants to increase immunity