328 research outputs found

    Cryptochromes are the key photoreceptors mediating Arabidopsis inflorescence stem movements under natural sunlight

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    Inflorescence stem movements in response to natural sunlight are widely spread across angiosperm species and are suggested to increase reproductive success. However, the underlying mechanisms that mediate this phototropic response to natural irradiation are unclear. We studied phototropic responses of Arabidopsis inflorescences in both laboratory and field conditions and report an action spectrum at wavelengths below 500 nm, mediated by several photoreceptor families. In controlled conditions, UVR8 is the key photoreceptor for narrowband UV-B radiation while phototropins and cryptochromes are crucial for phototropic responses to narrowband blue light. At low blue irradiances, phototropins are dominant while cryptochromes are essential during high blue irradiances but subjected to the negative control of phototropins. Importantly, cryptochromes are the principal photoreceptors mediating inflorescence stem bending under full sunlight

    Low red/far-red ratios delay spike and stem growth in wheat

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    The responses to low red light/far-red light (R/FR) ratios simulating dense stands were evaluated in wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars released at different times in the 20th century and consequently resulting from an increasingly prolonged breeding and selection history. While tillering responses to the R/FR ratio were unaffected by the cultivars, low R/FR ratios reduced grain yield per plant (primarily grain number and secondarily grain weight per plant) particularly in modern cultivars. Low R/FR ratios delayed spike growth and development, reduced the expression of spike marker genes, accelerated the development of florets already initiated, and reduced the number of fertile florets at anthesis. It is noteworthy that low R/FR ratios did not promote stem or leaf sheath growth and therefore the observed reduction of yield cannot be accounted for as a consequence of divergence of resources towards increased plant stature. It is proposed that the regulation of yield components by the R/FR ratio could help plants to adjust to the limited availability of resources under crop conditions

    Use of Confocal Laser as Light Source Reveals Stomata-Autonomous Function

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    In most terrestrial plants, stomata open during the day to maximize the update of CO(2) for photosynthesis, but they close at night to minimize water loss. Blue light, among several environmental factors, controls this process. Stomata response to diverse stimuli seems to be dictated by the behaviour of neighbour stomata creating leaf areas of coordinated response. Here individual stomata of Arabidopsis leaves were illuminated with a short blue-light pulse by focusing a confocal argon laser. Beautifully, the illuminated stomata open their pores, whereas their dark-adapted neighbours unexpectedly experience no change. This induction of individual stomata opening by low fluence rates of blue light was disrupted in the phototropin1 phototropin2 (phot1 phot2) double mutant, which exhibits insensitivity of stomatal movements in blue-illuminated epidermal strips. The irradiation of all epidermal cells making direct contact with a given stoma in both wild type and phot1 phot2 plants does not trigger its movement. These results unravel the stoma autonomous function in the blue light response and illuminate the implication of PHOT1 and/or PHOT2 in such response. The micro spatial heterogeneity that solar blue light suffers in partially shaded leaves under natural conditions highlights the physiological significance of the autonomous stomatal behaviour

    Effects of elevated carbon dioxide on stomatal characteristics and carbon isotope ratio of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes originating from an altitudinal gradient

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    Stomatal functioning regulates the fluxes of CO2 and water vapour between vegetation and atmosphere and thereby influences plant adaptation to their habitats. Stomatal traits are controlled by external environmental and internal cellular signalling. The objective of this work was to quantify the effects of CO2 enrichment (CE) on stomatal density-related properties, guard cell length (GCL) and carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of a range of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes originating from a wide altitudinal range (50–1260 m above sea level (asl)), and grown at 400 and 800 ppm [CO2], and thereby elucidate the possible adaptation and acclimation responses controlling stomatal traits and water use efficiency (WUE). There was highly-significant variation among ecotypes in the magnitude and direction of response of stomatal traits namely, stomatal density (SD) and index (SI) and guard cell length (GCL), and δ13C to CE, which represented a short-term acclimation response. A majority of ecotypes showed increased SD and SI with CE with the response not depending on the altitude of origin. Significant ecotypic variation was shown in all stomatal traits and δ13C at each [CO2]. At 400 ppm, means of SD, SI and GCL for broad altitudinal ranges, i.e. low (400 m), increased with increasing altitude, which represented an adaptation response to decreased availability of CO2 with altitude. δ13C was negatively correlated to SD and SI at 800 ppm but not at 400 ppm. Our results highlight the diversity in the response of key stomatal characters to CE and altitude within the germplasm of A. thaliana and the need to consider this diversity when using A. thaliana as a model plant

    phytochrome B Is Required for Light-Mediated Systemic Control of Stomatal Development.

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    Stomata are pores found on the surfaces of leaves, and they regulate gas exchange between the plant and the environment [1]. Stomatal development is highly plastic and is influenced by environmental signals [2]. Light stimulates stomatal development, and this response is mediated by plant photoreceptors [3-5], with the red-light photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) having a dominant role in white light [3]. Light also regulates stomatal development systemically, with the irradiance perceived by mature leaves modulating stomatal development in young leaves [6, 7]. Here, we show that phyB is required for this systemic response. Using a combination of tissue-specific expression and an inducible expression system in the loss-of-function phyB-9 mutant [8], we show that phyB expression in the stomatal lineage, mesophyll, and phloem is sufficient to restore wild-type stomatal development. Induction of PHYB in mature leaves also rescues stomatal development in young untreated leaves, whereas phyB mutants are defective in the systemic regulation of stomatal development. Our data show that phyB acts systemically to regulate cell fate decisions in the leaf epidermis

    Colour assessment outcomes – a new approach to grading the severity of color vision loss

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    INTRODUCTION: Recent studies have shown that a significant percentage of subjects with anomalous, congenital trichromacy can perform the suprathreshold, colour-related tasks encountered in many occupations with the same accuracy as normal trichromats. In the absence of detailed, occupation-specific studies, an alternative approach is to make use of new findings and the statistical outcomes of past practices that have been considered safe to produce graded, justifiable categories of colour vision that can be enforced. METHODS: We analyzed traditional color assessment outcomes and measured severity of colour vision loss using the CAD test in 1363 subjects (336 normals, 705 deutan, 319 protan and 3 tritan). The severity of colour vision loss was measured in each subject and statistical, pass / fail outcomes established for each of the most commonly used, conventional colour assessment tests and protocols. RESULTS: The correlation between the number of Ishihara (IH) test plates subjects fail and the severity of RG colour vision loss was very poor. The 38 plates IH test has high sensitivity when no errors are allowed (i.e., only 0.71% deutans and 0.63% protans pass). Protocols based on zero errors are uncommon since 18.15% of normal trichromats fail. The most common protocols employ either the 24 or the 14 plates editions with two or less errors. These protocols pass almost all normal trichromats, but the deutans and some protans that also pass (when two or less errors are allowed) can be severely deficient. This is simply because the most challenging plates have not been included in the 24 and 14 plates editions. As a result, normals no longer fail, but the deutans and protans that pass have more severe loss of colour vision since they fail less challenging plates. The severity of colour vision loss was measured in each subject and statistical, pass / fail outcomes established for each of the most commonly used, conventional colour assessment tests and protocols. DISCUSSION: Historical evidence and new findings that relate severity of loss to the effective use of colour signals in a number of tasks provide the basis for a new colour grading system based on six categories. A single colour assessment test is needed to establish the applicant’s Colour Vision category which can range from ‘supernormal’ (CV0), for the most stringent, colour-demanding tasks, to ‘severe colour deficiency’, when red / green colour vision is either absent or extremely weak (CV5)

    Arabidopsis COP1 shapes the temporal pattern of CO accumulation conferring a photoperiodic flowering response

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    The transcriptional regulator CONSTANS (CO) promotes flowering of Arabidopsis under long summer days (LDs) but not under short winter days (SDs). Post-translational regulation of CO is crucial for this response by stabilizing the protein at the end of a LD, whereas promoting its degradation throughout the night under LD and SD. We show that mutations in CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1), a component of a ubiquitin ligase, cause extreme early flowering under SDs, and that this is largely dependent on CO activity. Furthermore, transcription of the CO target gene FT is increased in cop1 mutants and decreased in plants overexpressing COP1 in phloem companion cells. COP1 and CO interact in vivo and in vitro through the C-terminal region of CO. COP1 promotes CO degradation mainly in the dark, so that in cop1 mutants CO protein but not CO mRNA abundance is dramatically increased during the night. However, in the morning CO degradation occurs independently of COP1 by a phytochrome B-dependent mechanism. Thus, COP1 contributes to day length perception by reducing the abundance of CO during the night and thereby delaying flowering under SDs

    A meta-analysis of N-acetylcysteine in contrast-induced nephrotoxicity: unsupervised clustering to resolve heterogeneity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Meta-analyses of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) for preventing contrast-induced nephrotoxicity (CIN) have led to disparate conclusions. Here we examine and attempt to resolve the heterogeneity evident among these trials.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two reviewers independently extracted and graded the data. Limiting studies to randomized, controlled trials with adequate outcome data yielded 22 reports with 2746 patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant heterogeneity was detected among these trials (<it>I</it><sup>2 </sup>= 37%; <it>p </it>= 0.04). Meta-regression analysis failed to identify significant sources of heterogeneity. A modified L'Abbé plot that substituted groupwise changes in serum creatinine for nephrotoxicity rates, followed by model-based, unsupervised clustering resolved trials into two distinct, significantly different (<it>p </it>< 0.0001) and homogeneous populations (<it>I</it><sup>2 </sup>= 0 and <it>p </it>> 0.5, for both). Cluster 1 studies (<it>n </it>= 18; 2445 patients) showed no benefit (relative risk (RR) = 0.87; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.68–1.12, <it>p </it>= 0.28), while cluster 2 studies (<it>n </it>= 4; 301 patients) indicated that NAC was highly beneficial (RR = 0.15; 95% CI 0.07–0.33, <it>p </it>< 0.0001). Benefit in cluster 2 was unexpectedly associated with NAC-induced decreases in creatinine from baseline (<it>p </it>= 0.07). Cluster 2 studies were relatively early, small and of lower quality compared with cluster 1 studies (<it>p </it>= 0.01 for the three factors combined). Dialysis use across all studies (five control, eight treatment; <it>p </it>= 0.42) did not suggest that NAC is beneficial.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This meta-analysis does not support the efficacy of NAC to prevent CIN.</p

    Paracoccidioidomicose duodenal com sangramento digestivo

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    Apresenta-se um caso de hematêmese fatal por úlcera duodenal paracoccidioidomicótica. Tanto esta localização da paracoccidioidomicose, como sua manifestação clínica são incomuns, resultando provavelmente do grande comprometimento da cavidade abdominal