89 research outputs found

    Synthesis and photodecomposition of antibiotics containing ethanolamine and oxazolidine moieties.

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    Abstract Antimicrobial resistance is a leading cause of death globally and is on the rise. The discovery of new antibiotics is declining, and the synthesis of new scaffolds with decomposing properties is more important now than ever to combat the rise of antimicrobial resistance. The goal of this project was to synthesize photodecomposable antibiotics containing the ethanolamine moiety, and further modify this to the corresponding oxazolidine. 1-((2,5-Dichloro-4-nitrophenyl)amino)-3-phenylpropan-2-ol (3a) was successfully synthesized to a yield of 13%. Compound 3a was used to synthesize 5-benzyl-3-(2,5-dichloro-4- nitrophenyl)oxazolidine (4) in a yield of 31%. Photodecomposition was conducted for compounds 3a and 4, and they were fully photodecomposed after approximately 24 hours as judged by 1H NMR. Compounds 3a and 4 have been submitted for biological testing and results are expected later this spring. Results from biological testing are therefore not included in this report. Attempts were also made to synthesize 1-((2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenyl)amino)-3- phenylpropan-2-ol (3b) using the appropriate aniline (1b) and (2,3-epoxypropyl)benzene (2). None of the reactions that were attempted were successful.Abstract Antimicrobial resistance is a leading cause of death globally and is on the rise. The discovery of new antibiotics is declining, and the synthesis of new scaffolds with decomposing properties is more important now than ever to combat the rise of antimicrobial resistance. The goal of this project was to synthesize photodecomposable antibiotics containing the ethanolamine moiety, and further modify this to the corresponding oxazolidine. 1-((2,5-Dichloro-4-nitrophenyl)amino)-3-phenylpropan-2-ol (3a) was successfully synthesized to a yield of 13%. Compound 3a was used to synthesize 5-benzyl-3-(2,5-dichloro-4- nitrophenyl)oxazolidine (4) in a yield of 31%. Photodecomposition was conducted for compounds 3a and 4, and they were fully photodecomposed after approximately 24 hours as judged by 1H NMR. Compounds 3a and 4 have been submitted for biological testing and results are expected later this spring. Results from biological testing are therefore not included in this report. Attempts were also made to synthesize 1-((2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenyl)amino)-3- phenylpropan-2-ol (3b) using the appropriate aniline (1b) and (2,3-epoxypropyl)benzene (2). None of the reactions that were attempted were successful

    "Annerledes - uten allierte" : Refleksjoner rundt møter med utviklingshemmede, og vår evne til å ta i mot deres uttrykk.

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    Denne hovedfagsoppgaven er skrevet i essayets form. Teksten baserer seg på en kvalitativ tilnærming til temaet, med vekt på studentens subjektive erfaring i tråd med fenomenologisk vitenskapstradisjon. Problemstillingen, eller tekstens hovedprosjekt er å reflektere rundt studentens møter med utviklingshemmede og utforskende fortolke erfaringer fra disse møtene. En grunnleggende antagelse for refleksjonene knyttes til vår evne til å møte utviklingshemmede med sensitivitet og åpenhet. Studenten problematiserer og reflekterer rundt fenomener som kan hindre forståelse og gjensidighet mellom utviklingshemmede og menneskene rundt dem. Erfaringene som fortolkes beveger seg gjennom sanselige opplevelser fra møter med enkelte utviklingshemmede, til refleksjoner rundt erfaringer knyttet til et gruppeintervju med utviklingshemmede informanter. Temaet for intervjuet hadde tilknytning til studentens arbeid som tilrettelegger i et råd for utviklingshemmede og mange av tekstens refleksjoner og deltema er knyttet til erfaringer fra dette arbeidet. Metodisk er både utforskningen og teksten strukturert som en sirkulære montasje. Studenten har tenkt seg møter mellom utviklingshemmede og andre som kjernen i sirkelen. Videre legges det til grunn at i hvert møte vil deltakernes fortolkning av situasjonen og hverandres ytringer, gi føringer for om det som skjer åpner for forståelse og utvikling eller om deltakerne ikke får tak i hverandres prosjekter. Denne sirkulære forståelsen av samhandling bidrar til at fokus blir rettet mot det som foregår mellom menneskene og særlig resurspersonenes fortolkninger og handlingsvalg. Sirkelen utvides gjennom å innlemme stadig flere beskrivelser av situasjoner og ulike teoretiske perspektiver som kan by på flere tolkninger av fenomenene. Det er også søkt å utvide sirkelen fra refleksjoner rundt erfaring fra sanselige møter mellom utviklingshemmede og andre på et trivielt nivå, til betraktninger rundt fenomener som belyser samhandling mellom utviklingshemmede og andre på et politisk nivå. Teorier fra ulike fagfelt blir benyttet og studenten forsøker å forholde seg dialogisk og reflekterende til etisk filosofi, sosiologisk teori rundt maktforhold og kommunikasjonsteori, i håp om å skape økt forståelse. Gjennomgående er studenten opptatt av å løfte fram flere mulige tolkninger og teorier på fenomen som kan bidra til at utviklingshemmede muligens ikke blir møtt med tilstrekkelig ydmykhet og lydhørhet i forhold til god etisk praksis

    The Prevalence of Insomnia Subtypes in Relation to Demographic Characteristics, Anxiety, Depression, Alcohol Consumption and Use of Hypnotics

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the prevalence of insomnia subtypes in relation to several demographic characteristics, as well as to investigate the prevalence of possible anxiety and depression, alcohol consumption and use of hypnotics within the different insomnia subtypes. Methods: The present study was based on an extensive web-based survey made publicly available in 2012. The data was downloaded in January 2019, after 113 887 people had responded to parts of, or the entire questionnaire. The 64 503 participants who met the criteria for chronic insomnia disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) comprised the study population. The present study divided insomnia into seven subtypes based on type of sleep difficulty reported; sleep onset insomnia (SOL-insomnia), sleep maintenance insomnia (WASO-insomnia), early morning awakening insomnia (EMA-insomnia) and combinations of these. Data were analyzed with chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses adjusted for sex, age, level of education and marital status. Results: More than 60% of the study population met the criteria of either SOL-insomnia or a mixed insomnia subtype consisting of SOL-, WASO- and EMA-insomnia (SOL + WASO + EMA-insomnia). The percentage distribution of insomnia subtypes within the demographic characteristics showed that participants with female sex, high age, low level of education and who were divorced, separated or a widow/widower had a higher prevalence of SOL + WASO + EMA-insomnia compared to their respective demographic counterparts. The prevalence of possible anxiety, possible depression and use of hypnotics were higher among participants with SOL + WASO + EMA-insomnia compared to the other insomnia subtypes. The combination of WASO- and EMA-insomnia (WASO + EMA-insomnia) was associated with the most frequent alcohol consumption. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that there are major differences between the insomnia subtypes, both regarding demographics, but also in terms of how the complaints may affect daily life. Participants with combinations of SOL, WASO and EMA were more likely than participants with the other subtypes to have possible anxiety and possible depression, high alcohol consumption and to use hypnotics.publishedVersio

    Micro- and nanoplastic toxicity on aquatic life: Determining factors

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    Plastic pollution has become a major environmental concern due to its omnipresence and degradation to smaller particles. The potential toxicological effects of micro- and nanoplastic on biota have been investigated in a growing number of exposure studies. We have performed a comprehensive review of the main determining factors for plastic particle toxicity in the relevant exposure systems, from publications until including the year 2018. For a focused scope, effects of additives or other pollutants accumulated by the plastic particles are not included. In summary, current literature suggests that plastic particle toxicity depends on concentration, particle size, exposure time, particle condition, shape and polymer type. Furthermore, contaminant background, food availability, species, developmental stage and sex have major influence on the outcome of plastic particles exposures. Frequently reported effects were on body and population growth, energy metabolism, feeding, movement activity, physiological stress, oxidative stress, inflammation, the immune system, hormonal regulation, aberrant development, cell death, general toxicity and altered lipid metabolism. Several times reported were increased growth and food consumption, neuro-, liver- or kidney pathology and intestinal damage. Photosynthesis disruption was reported in studies investigating effects on phytoplankton. For the currently unquantified plastic particles below 10 μm, more toxic effects were reported in all aquatic life, as compared to plastic particles of larger size.publishedVersio

    Extending the Study of the 6,8 Rearrangement in Flavylium Compounds to Higher pH Values: Interconversion between 6-Bromo and 8-Bromo-apigeninidin

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    Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) (SFRH/BPD/72652/2010; SFRH/BPD/84805/2012) FCT Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) (007265 UID/QUI/50006/2013)he rearrangement between isomers 6- and 8-bromo-apigeninidin (6 and 8) was studied by pH jumps using stopped flow, UV/Vis, NMR, and HPLC analysis. The system constitutes a pH-dependent network of chemical reactions involving up to 18 different species. The dynamic network is equivalent to a single diprotic acid exhibiting two pK(a)s, 2.55 and 5.4. Similar to other flavylium derivatives, the mole fraction of the species hemiketal and cis-chalcone in both multistate isomers are negligible at the equilibrium. At pH 1, the pure isomers are slowly converted in a mixture containing about 50% of isomers 6 and 8, while at pH 4, the system evolves to mixture of 10% trans-chalcone and 90% of quinoidal bases. A series of pH jumps from pure isomer 6 at pH 1 to pH 6 and back to pH 1 leads to the same initial absorption spectra of the pure isomer 6. The same occurs for pure isomer 8, showing the lack of communication between the cis-chalcones, at least in the time scale of few minutes. A pH jump from the equilibrated mixture of the isomers at pH 1.0 to 5.8 permits to follow a very slow isomerization.publishersversionpublishe

    Geochemistry and petrology of Palaeocene coals from Spitsbergen — Part 1: oil potential and depositional environment

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    Abundant oil prone coal (Type III kerogen) deposits are preserved within the high latitude, middle Palaeocene, Todalen member of the Central Tertiary Basin, Spitsbergen Island, Norwegian Arctic. The coals (Svea, Longyear, Svarteper and Askeladden seams) have been subjected to only minor previous geochemical characterisation. Focussing upon the Longyear seam, this paper characterises the present, prospective and economic oil potential of the Svalbard coals. Organic biomarker parameters, Fe–S chemistry and coal maceral analysis are then applied to understand the provenance and environmental origins of this unusual source rock. The upper Todalen Mbr. coals (Longyear, Svarteper and Askeladden seams) have significantly more oil potential than the Lower Svea seams with estimated retortion yields of 170–190 kg/tonne vs. 24 kg/tonne respectively. The Longyear seam exhibits relatively high HI values (ca. 300–400 mg/g TOC) consistent with a hydrogen rich mixed Type II/III kerogen source. Greatest oil potential is shown to be favoured by formation within a fen environment, with high bacterial degradation (> 100 μg/g TOC hopanes), marine influence (> 0.5 wt.% sulfur, Fe/S < 0.9) and the unique temperate high latitude Palaeocene climate of Svalbard leading to preservation of hydrogen rich organic matter via organo-sulfur bond formation

    Strategic partnership alliance in successful subsea field development on the Norwegian continental Shelf

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    Master in Business Administration (MBA) - Nord universitet 202

    Konstruksjon og dekonstruksjon av livssyn i terapi. En studie av terapeuters refleksjoner om livssyns` innflytelse på hvilke spørsmål som stilles i narrativ terapi

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    Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ studie basert på intervjuer med fire informanter. Tre av dem arbeider som terapeuter ved etablerte terapeutiske virksomheter i Norge, en har tilsvarende arbeid i Australia. Samtlige informanter betegnet sin praksis som narrativ terapi. Tema for oppgaven dreide seg om narrativ terapi og livssyn, og forskningsspørsmålet lød som følger: Hvordan kan temaer knyttet til livssyn komme til uttrykk, ved spørsmålsvalg i narrativ praksis

    Fører NOU 2013:8 til en sikrere farledsbevisordning for nærskipsfarten?

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    Fører NOU 2013:8 rapporten sine forslag til en bedre og mer sikker opplæring/bedømming av navigatører som skal tilegne seg farledsbevis i nærskipsfarten? I denne oppgaven konkluderte vi med at en forandring i dagens losordningen er nødvendig, og at de vi intervjuet mente at dette kunne føre til en enklere og sikrere ordning. Dette er en oppgave som belyser sikkerhets aspektet ved farledsbevis delen av NOU 2013:8 sin rapport om losordningen. I fokus står opplæring og bedømming av navigatører som skal tilegne seg farledsbevis. Dette er noe som gjenspeiles i problemstillingen som lyder som følger: «Med utgangspunkt i en beskrivelse av dagens ordninger for opplæring og bedømmelse av kunnskaper (utstedelse av farledsbevis) vil vi undersøke hvilke forestillinger som eksisterer i nærskipsfarten og tilhørende maritime organisasjoner mht. om sikkerheten vil forbedres eller forverres med de nye forslagene» NOU2013:8 rapporten og intervjuer legger grunnlaget for denne oppgaven, der vi har intervjuet et utvalg rederier fra nærskipsfarten og tilhørende maritime organisasjone