3,660 research outputs found

    Der Einfluss von Haftsilan auf den Dentin-Kompositverbund

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    EinfĂŒhrung: In der vorliegenden Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob der Dentin- Kompositverbund neben dem Drei-Flaschen–AdhĂ€sivsystem SyntacÂź (Ivoclar Vivadent AG) mit Hilfe eines zusĂ€tzlichen Haftsilanes (MonobondÂź Plus; Ivoclar Vivadent AG)beeinflusst wird. Methode: FĂŒr den experimentellen Versuch wurden 54 extrahierte, fĂŒllungs- und kariesfreihe humane dritten Molaren verwendet. Die ZĂ€hne sind willkĂŒrlich auf achtzehn Versuchsgruppen zu je drei Proben verteilt worden. Es folgte die PrĂ€paration einer Klasse-I-KavitĂ€t, deren KavitĂ€tenboden vollstĂ€ndig im Dentin lag. Anschließend ist die KavitĂ€t mit EcuSphereÂź-Komposit (DMG) adhĂ€siv mit Syntac und dem Haftsilan Monobond Plus nach einem festgelegten Schema gruppenspezifisch wieder aufgefĂŒllt und die ZĂ€hne mit Hilfe einer wassergekĂŒhlten DiamantsĂ€ge vertikal und horizontal in kleinen StĂ€bchen zersĂ€gt worden. Diese PrĂŒfkörper wurden einer MikrozugfestigkeitsprĂŒfung in einer UniversalprĂŒfmaschine (Microtensile MTD-500 Plus, SD Mechatronik GmbH, Feldkirchen-Westerham) unterzogen. Die dabei ermittelten Werte fĂŒr jede Gruppe wurden statistisch mit Hilfe des Programmes SPSS 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA)ausgewertet. Abschließend wurde das Dentin-Komposit-Interface rasterelektonenmikrokopisch qualitativ untersucht (REM Phenom, Phenom-World BV, Eindhoven, Niederlande) und bewertet. Ergebnisse: Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein Haftsilan den Einfluss auf den Dentin-Kompositverbund, insbesondere des verwendeteten AdhĂ€sivsystems Syntac negativ beeinflusste. In der Versuchsreihe wurde das Haftsilan Monobond Plus sowohl in der AusfĂŒhrung Syntac Etch-and-Rinse (EAR) und Syntac Self-Etch (SE) eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse legen dar, dass alle ermittelten Werte der Versuchsgruppen mit Syntac EAR als auch Syntac SE signifikant schlechter waren (p<0,05), als der Mittelwert von Syntac EAR (38,5 MPa) bzw. Syntac SE (16,9 MPa). Folglich fĂŒhrt die Verwendung eines zusĂ€tzlichen Haftsilanes zu keiner Verbesserung der Haftwerte

    Searching For Anomalous Ï„ÎœW\tau \nu W Couplings

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    The capability of current and future measurements at low and high energy e+e−e^+e^- colliders to probe for the existence of anomalous, CP conserving, Ï„ÎœW\tau \nu W dipole moment-type couplings is examined. At present, constraints on the universality of the tau charged and neutral current interactions as well as the shape of the τ→ℓ\tau \to \ell energy spectrum provide the strongest bounds on such anomalous couplings. The presence of these dipole moments are shown to influence, e.g., the extraction of αs(mτ2)\alpha_s(m_\tau^2) from τ\tau decays and can lead to apparent violations of CVC expectations.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    A Two-Step Machine Learning Method for Predicting the Formation Energy of Ternary Compounds

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    Predicting the chemical stability of yet-to-be-discovered materials is an important aspect of the discovery and development of virtual materials. The conventional approach for computing the enthalpy of formation based on ab initio methods is time consuming and computationally demanding. In this regard, alternative machine learning approaches are proposed to predict the formation energies of different classes of materials with decent accuracy. In this paper, one such machine learning approach, a novel two-step method that predicts the formation energy of ternary compounds, is presented. In the first step, with a classifier, we determine the accuracy of heuristically calculated formation energies in order to increase the size of the training dataset for the second step. The second step is a regression model that predicts the formation energy of the ternary compounds. The first step leads to at least a 100% increase in the size of the dataset with respect to the data available in the Materials Project database. The results from the regression model match those from the existing state-of-the-art prediction models. In addition, we propose a slightly modified version of the Adam optimizer, namely centered Adam, and report the results from testing the centered Adam optimizer.Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftPeer Reviewe

    Causes of the large warm bias in the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone in the Norwegian Earth System Model

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    We have investigated the causes of the sea surface temperature (SST) bias in the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) of the southeastern Atlantic Ocean simulated by the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). Similar to other coupled-models, NorESM has a warm SST bias in the ABFZ of up to 8 °C in the annual mean. Our analysis of NorESM reveals that a cyclonic surface wind bias over the ABFZ drives a locally excessively strong southward (0.05 m/s (relative to observation)) Angola Current displacing the ABFZ southward. A series of uncoupled stand-alone atmosphere and ocean model simulations are performed to investigate the cause of the coupled model bias. The stand-alone atmosphere model driven with observed SST exhibits a similar cyclonic surface circulation bias; while the stand-alone ocean model forced with the reanalysis data produces a warm SST in the ABFZ with a magnitude approximately half of that in the coupled NorESM simulation. An additional uncoupled sensitivity experiment shows that the atmospheric model’s local negative surface wind curl generates anomalously strong Angola Current at the ocean surface. Consequently, this contributes to the warm SST bias in the ABFZ by 2 °C (compared to the reanalysis forced simulation). There is no evidence that local air-sea feedbacks among wind stress curl, SST, and sea level pressure (SLP) affect the ABFZ SST bias. Turbulent surface heat flux differences between coupled and uncoupled experiments explain the remaining 2 °C warm SST bias in NorESM. Ocean circulation, upwelling and turbulent heat flux errors all modulate the intensity and the seasonality of the ABFZ errors.publishedVersio

    Electroweak corrections to hadronic event shapes and jet production in e+e- annihilation

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    We present a complete calculation of the electroweak O(alpha^3 alpha_s) corrections to three-jet production and related event-shape observables at electron--positron colliders. The Z-boson resonance is described within the complex-mass scheme, rendering the calculation valid both in the resonance and off-shell regions. Higher-order initial-state radiation is included in the leading-logarithmic approximation. We properly account for the corrections to the total hadronic cross section and for the experimental photon isolation criteria. To this end we implement contributions of the quark-to-photon fragmentation function both in the slicing and subtraction formalism. The effects of the electroweak corrections on various event-shape distributions and on the three-jet rate are studied. They are typically at the few-per-cent level, and remnants of the radiative return are found even after inclusion of appropriate cuts.Comment: 47 pages, 20 figure

    Spin structure of the nucleon: QCD evolution, lattice results and models

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    The question how the spin of the nucleon is distributed among its quark and gluon constituents is still a subject of intense investigations. Lattice QCD has progressed to provide information about spin fractions and orbital angular momentum contributions for up- and down-quarks in the proton, at a typical scale \mu^2~4 GeV^2. On the other hand, chiral quark models have traditionally been used for orientation at low momentum scales. In the comparison of such model calculations with experiment or lattice QCD, fixing the model scale and the treatment of scale evolution are essential. In this paper, we present a refined model calculation and a QCD evolution of lattice results up to next-to-next-to-leading order. We compare this approach with the Myhrer-Thomas scenario for resolving the proton spin puzzle.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, equation (9) has been corrected leading to a revised figure 1b. Revision matches published versio

    Bˉ→Xsγ\bar{B}\to X_s \gamma in the Two Higgs Doublet Model up to Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order in QCD

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    We compute three-loop matching corrections to the Wilson coefficients C7C_7 and C8C_8 in the Two Higgs Doublet Model by applying expansions for small, intermediate and large charged Higgs boson masses. The results are used to evaluate the branching ratio of Bˉ→XsÎł\bar{B}\to X_s \gamma to next-to-next-to leading order accuracy, and to determine an updated lower limit on the charged Higgs boson mass. We find \mhplus \ge 380 GeV at 95% confidence level when the recently completed BABAR data analysis is taken into account. Our results for the charged Higgs contribution to the branching ratio exhibit considerably weaker sensitivity to the matching scale ÎŒ0\mu_0, as compared to previous calculations.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures; v2: minor modifications, matches published version in JHE

    Electroweak corrections to three-jet production in electron-positron annihilation

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    We compute the electroweak O(α3αs){\cal O}(\alpha^3\alpha_s) corrections to three-jet production and related event-shape observables at electron-positron colliders. We properly account for the experimental photon isolation criteria and for the corrections to the total hadronic cross section. Corrections to the three-jet rate and to normalised event-shape distributions turn out to be at the few-per-cent level.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. v2: changed normalisation in Fig. 2, minor text revisions, version to appear in Phys.Lett.

    Status Report of the DPHEP Study Group: Towards a Global Effort for Sustainable Data Preservation in High Energy Physics

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    Data from high-energy physics (HEP) experiments are collected with significant financial and human effort and are mostly unique. An inter-experimental study group on HEP data preservation and long-term analysis was convened as a panel of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA). The group was formed by large collider-based experiments and investigated the technical and organisational aspects of HEP data preservation. An intermediate report was released in November 2009 addressing the general issues of data preservation in HEP. This paper includes and extends the intermediate report. It provides an analysis of the research case for data preservation and a detailed description of the various projects at experiment, laboratory and international levels. In addition, the paper provides a concrete proposal for an international organisation in charge of the data management and policies in high-energy physics

    Non-Canonical Gauge Coupling Unification in High-Scale Supersymmetry Breaking

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    The string landscape suggests that the supersymmetry breaking scale can be high, and then the simplest low energy effective theory is the Standard Model (SM). Considering grand unification scale supersymmetry breaking, we show that gauge coupling unification can be achieved at about 10^{16-17} GeV in the SM with suitable normalizations of the U(1)_Y, and we predict that the Higgs mass range is 127 GeV to 165 GeV, with the precise value strongly correlated with the top quark mass m_t and SU(3)_C gauge coupling. For example, if m_t=178\pm1 GeV, the Higgs boson mass is predicted to be between 141 GeV and 154 GeV. We also point out that gauge coupling unification in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) does not imply the canonical U(1)_Y normalization. In addition, we present 7-dimensional orbifold grand unified theories (GUTs) in which such normalizations for the U(1)_Y and charge quantization can be realized. The supersymmetry can be broken at the grand unification scale by the Scherk--Schwarz mechanism. We briefly comment on a non-canonical U(1)_Y normalization due to the brane localized gauge kinetic terms in orbifold GUTs.Comment: RevTex4, 28 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
