3,156 research outputs found

    Structural Properties of Central Galaxies in Groups and Clusters

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    Using a representative sample of 911 central galaxies (CENs) from the SDSS DR4 group catalogue, we study how the structure of the most massive members in groups and clusters depend on (1) galaxy stellar mass (Mstar), (2) dark matter halo mass of the host group (Mhalo), and (3) their halo-centric position. We establish and thoroughly test a GALFIT-based pipeline to fit 2D Sersic models to SDSS data. We find that the fitting results are most sensitive to the background sky level determination and strongly recommend using the SDSS global value. We find that uncertainties in the background translate into a strong covariance between the total magnitude, half-light size (r50), and Sersic index (n), especially for bright/massive galaxies. We find that n depends strongly on Mstar for CENs, but only weakly or not at all on Mhalo. Less (more) massive CENs tend to be disk (spheroid)-like over the full Mhalo range. Likewise, there is a clear r50-Mstar relation for CENs, with separate slopes for disks and spheroids. When comparing CENs with satellite galaxies (SATs), we find that low mass (<10e10.75 Msun/h^2) SATs have larger median n than CENs of similar Mstar. Low mass, late-type SATs have moderately smaller r50 than late-type CENs of the same Mstar. However, we find no size differences between spheroid-like CENs and SATs, and no structural differences between CENs and SATs matched in both mass and colour. The similarity of massive SATs and CENs shows that this distinction has no significant impact on the structure of spheroids. We conclude that Mstar is the most fundamental property determining the basic structure of a galaxy. The lack of a clear n-Mhalo relation rules out a distinct group mass for producing spheroids, and the responsible morphological transformation processes must occur at the centres of groups spanning a wide range of masses. (abridged)Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Design and Test of a Forward Neutron Calorimeter for the ZEUS Experiment

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    A lead scintillator sandwich sampling calorimeter has been installed in the HERA tunnel 105.6 m from the central ZEUS detector in the proton beam direction. It is designed to measure the energy and scattering angle of neutrons produced in charge exchange ep collisions. Before installation the calorimeter was tested and calibrated in the H6 beam at CERN where 120 GeV electrons, muons, pions and protons were made incident on the calorimeter. In addition, the spectrum of fast neutrons from charge exchange proton-lucite collisions was measured. The design and construction of the calorimeter is described, and the results of the CERN test reported. Special attention is paid to the measurement of shower position, shower width, and the separation of electromagnetic showers from hadronic showers. The overall energy scale as determined from the energy spectrum of charge exchange neutrons is compared to that obtained from direct beam hadrons.Comment: 45 pages, 22 Encapsulated Postscript figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Cell transformation assays for prediction of carcinogenic potential: State of the science and future research needs

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    Copyright @ 2011 The Authors. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Cell transformation assays (CTAs) have long been proposed as in vitro methods for the identification of potential chemical carcinogens. Despite showing good correlation with rodent bioassay data, concerns over the subjective nature of using morphological criteria for identifying transformed cells and a lack of understanding of the mechanistic basis of the assays has limited their acceptance for regulatory purposes. However, recent drivers to find alternative carcinogenicity assessment methodologies, such as the Seventh Amendment to the EU Cosmetics Directive, have fuelled renewed interest in CTAs. Research is currently ongoing to improve the objectivity of the assays, reveal the underlying molecular changes leading to transformation and explore the use of novel cell types. The UK NC3Rs held an international workshop in November 2010 to review the current state of the art in this field and provide directions for future research. This paper outlines the key points highlighted at this meeting

    Identification of tidal features in deep optical galaxy images with Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Interactions between galaxies leave distinguishable imprints in the form of tidal features which hold important clues about their mass assembly. Unfortunately, these structures are difficult to detect because they are low surface brightness features so deep observations are needed. Upcoming surveys promise several orders of magnitude increase in depth and sky coverage, for which automated methods for tidal feature detection will become mandatory. We test the ability of a convolutional neural network to reproduce human visual classifications for tidal detections. We use as training \sim6000 simulated images classified by professional astronomers. The mock Hyper Suprime Cam Subaru (HSC) images include variations with redshift, projection angle and surface brightness (μlim\mu_{lim} =26-35 mag arcsec2^{-2}). We obtain satisfactory results with accuracy, precision and recall values of Acc=0.84, P=0.72 and R=0.85, respectively, for the test sample. While the accuracy and precision values are roughly constant for all surface brightness, the recall (completeness) is significantly affected by image depth. The recovery rate shows strong dependence on the type of tidal features: we recover all the images showing shell features and 87% of the tidal streams; these fractions are below 75% for mergers, tidal tails and bridges. When applied to real HSC images, the performance of the model worsens significantly. We speculate that this is due to the lack of realism of the simulations and take it as a warning on applying deep learning models to different data domains without prior testing on the actual data.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mid-Infrared Galaxy Luminosity Functions from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey

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    We present galaxy luminosity functions at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 micron measured by combining photometry from the IRAC Shallow Survey with redshifts from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey Bootes field. The well-defined IRAC samples contain 3800-5800 galaxies for the 3.6-8.0 micron bands with spectroscopic redshifts and z < 0.6. We obtained relatively complete luminosity functions in the local redshift bin of z < 0.2 for all four IRAC channels that are well fit by Schechter functions. We found significant evolution in the luminosity functions for all four IRAC channels that can be fit as an evolution in M* with redshift, \Delta M* = Qz. While we measured Q=1.2\pm0.4 and 1.1\pm0.4 in the 3.6 and 4.5 micron bands consistent with the predictions from a passively evolving population, we obtained Q=1.8\pm1.1 in the 8.0 micron band consistent with other evolving star formation rate estimates. We compared our LFs with the predictions of semi-analytical galaxy formation and found the best agreement at 3.6 and 4.5 micron, rough agreement at 8.0 micron, and a large mismatch at 5.8 micron. These models also predicted a comparable Q value to our luminosity functions at 8.0 micron, but predicted smaller values at 3.6 and 4.5 micron. We also measured the luminosity functions separately for early and late-type galaxies. While the luminosity functions of late-type galaxies resemble those for the total population, the luminosity functions of early-type galaxies in the 3.6 and 4.5 micron bands indicate deviations from the passive evolution model, especially from the measured flat luminosity density evolution. Combining our estimates with other measurements in the literature, we found (53\pm18)% of the present stellar mass of early-type galaxies has been assembled at z=0.7.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, submitted to ApJ (revised following the referee report

    Feedback and Recycled Wind Accretion: Assembling the z=0 Galaxy Mass Function

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    We analyse cosmological hydrodynamic simulations that include observationally-constrained prescriptions for galactic outflows. If these simulated winds accurately represent winds in the real Universe, then material previously ejected in winds provides the dominant source of gas infall for new star formation at redshifts z<1. This recycled wind accretion, or wind mode, provides a third physically distinct accretion channel in addition to the "hot" and "cold" modes emphasised in recent theoretical studies. Because of the interaction between outflows and gas in and around halos, the recycling timescale of wind material (t_rec) is shorter in higher-mass systems, which reside in denser gaseous environments. In these simulations, this differential recycling plays a central role in shaping the present-day galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF). If we remove all particles that were ever ejected in a wind, then the predicted GSMFs are much steeper than observed; galaxy masses are suppressed both by the direct removal of gas and by the hydrodynamic heating of their surroundings, which reduces subsequent infall. With wind recycling included, the simulation that incorporates our favoured momentum-driven wind scalings reproduces the observed GSMF for stellar masses 10^9 < M < 5x10^10 Msolar. At higher masses, wind recycling leads to excessive galaxy masses and excessive star formation rates relative to observations. In these massive systems, some quenching mechanism must suppress the re-accretion of gas ejected from star-forming galaxies. In short, as has long been anticipated, the form of the GSMF is governed by outflows; the unexpected twist here for our simulated winds is that it is not primarily the ejection of material but how the ejected material is re-accreted that governs the GSMF.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The IFMIF-DONES Project: Design Status and Main Achievements Within the EUROfusion FP8 Work Programme

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    International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility-DEMO-Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a high-intensity neutron irradiation facility for qualification of fusion reactor materials, which is being designed as part of the European roadmap to fusion-generated electricity. Its main purpose is to study the behavior of materials properties under irradiation in a neutron flux able to simulate the same effects in terms of relevant nuclear responses as those expected in the first wall of the DEMO reactor which is envisaged to follow ITER. It is thus a key facility to support the design, licensing and safe operation of DEMO as well as of the fusion power plants that will be developed afterwards. The start of its construction is foreseen in the next few years. In this contribution, an overview of the IFMIF-DONES neutron source is presented together with a snapshot of the current engineering design status and of the relevant key results achieved within the EUROfusion Work Package Early Neutron Source (WPENS) as part of the 2014–2020 EURATOM Research and Training Programme, complementary to the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (FP8). Moreover, some information on the future developments of the project are given

    Balanced Schnyder woods for planar triangulations: an experimental study with applications to graph drawing and graph separators

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    In this work we consider balanced Schnyder woods for planar graphs, which are Schnyder woods where the number of incoming edges of each color at each vertex is balanced as much as possible. We provide a simple linear-time heuristic leading to obtain well balanced Schnyder woods in practice. As test applications we consider two important algorithmic problems: the computation of Schnyder drawings and of small cycle separators. While not being able to provide theoretical guarantees, our experimental results (on a wide collection of planar graphs) suggest that the use of balanced Schnyder woods leads to an improvement of the quality of the layout of Schnyder drawings, and provides an efficient tool for computing short and balanced cycle separators.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2019

    Clues from nearby galaxies to a better theory of cosmic evolution

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    The great advances in the network of cosmological tests show that the relativistic Big Bang theory is a good description of our expanding universe. But the properties of nearby galaxies that can be observed in greatest detail suggest a still better theory would more rapidly gather matter into galaxies and groups of galaxies. This happens in theoretical ideas now under discussion.Comment: published in Natur