42 research outputs found

    Pyrite Textures, Trace Elements and Sulfur Isotope Chemistry of Bijaigarh Shales, Vindhyan Basin, India and Their Implications

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    The Vindhyan Basin in central India preserves a thick (~5 km) sequence of sedimentary and lesser volcanic rocks that provide a valuable archive of a part of the Proterozoic (~1800-900 Ma) in India. Here, we present an analysis of key sedimentary pyrite textures and their trace element and sulfur isotope compositions in the Bijaigarh Shale (1210 ± 52 Ma) in the Vindhyan Supergroup, using reflected light microscopy, LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP-SI, respectively. A variety of sedimentary pyrite textures (fine-grained disseminated to aggregates, framboids, lags, and possibly microbial pyrite textures) are observed reflecting quiet and strongly anoxic water column conditions punctuated by occasional high-energy events (storm incursions). Key redox sensitive or sensitive to oxidative weathering trace elements (Co, Ni, Zn, Mo, Se) and ratios of (Se/Co, Mo/Co, Zn/Co) measured in sedimentary pyrites from the Bijaigarh Shale are used to infer atmospheric redox conditions during its deposition. Most trace elements are depleted relative to Proterozoic mean values. Sulfur isotope compositions of pyrite, measured using SHRIMP-SI, show an increase in δ34S as we move up stratigraphy with positive δ34S values ranging from 5.99% (lower) to 26.08� (upper). We propose limited sulphate supply caused the pyrites to incorporate the heavier isotope. Overall, we interpret these low trace element signatures and heavy sulfur isotope compositions to indicate relatively suppressed oxidative weathering on land during the deposition of the Bijaigarh Shale

    Анализ параметров активной фазированной антенной решетки радиотелескопа ГУРТ

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    Представлены методика расчета и результаты численного анализа параметров активной фазированной антенной решетки (АФАР) Гигантского украинского радиотелескопа (ГУРТ) декаметрового и метрового диапазонов волн, который сооружается в настоящее время вблизи г. Харькова на территории Радиоастрономической обсерватории им. С. Я. Брауде Радиоастрономического института Национальной академии наук Украины. Методика базируется на матричной теории антенных решеток, сочетающей в себе электродинамический подход к анализу решетки излучателей с методами теории многополюсников СВЧ для описания фидерной схемы АФАР. Приведены и проанализированы результаты численного расчета эффективной площади АФАР и коэффициента передачи, который в случае пассивной ФАР ассоциируется с КПД, в широком секторе сканирования луча в диапазоне частот 10- 80 МГц.Надаються методика розрахунку та результати числового аналізу параметрів активної фазованої антенної решітки (АФАР) Гігантського українського радіотелескопу (ГУРТ) декаметрового та метрового діапазонів хвиль, що наразі споруджується поблизу м. Харкова на території Радіоастрономічної обсерваторії ім. С. Я. Брауде Радіоастрономічного інституту Національної академії наук України. Методика базується на матричній теорії антенних решіток, що поєднує електродинамічний підхід до аналізу решітки випромінювачів з методами теорії багатополюсників НВЧ для опису фідерної схеми АФАР. Наведені та проаналізовані результати числового розрахунку ефективної площі АФАР та коефіцієнту передачі, що в разі пасивної ФАР асоціюється з ККД, у широкому секторі сканування променя в діапазоні частот 10 - 80 МГц.The calculation technique results of numerical analysis of parameters of active phased antenna array (APAA) of the Giant Ukrainian Radio Telescope (GURT) of decameter and meter wavelengths which is being built now nearby Kharkiv at the area of S. Ya. Braude Radio Astronomy Observatory of the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are presented. The technique is based on the matrix theory of antenna arrays which combines an electromagnetic approach to analysis of radiators array with the methods of microwave multiport theory for the APAA feed network description. The results of numerical calculation of the APAA effective area and its gain, which in case of passive array is associated with its efficiency, are given and analyzed for a wide scan range within 10 to 80 MHz

    Behavior of Platinum-Group Elements during Hydrous Metamorphism: Constraints from Awaruite (Ni3Fe) Mineralization

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    Natural Fe-Ni alloys are common in meteorites and, presumably, the Earth’s core, where they host significant platinum-group elements (PGE). However, little is known on PGE concentrations in hydrothermal or metamorphic Fe-Ni alloys (i.e., awaruite Ni3Fe) from terrestrial rocks. In this work, we examine the geochemistry of awaruite and related minerals from several placer deposits sourced from the suprasubduction ophiolitic (Kamchatsky Mys, Karaginsky Island, and Mamet) and Ural-Alaskan (Galmoenan) complexes of Kamchatka and the Koryak Highlands (Far East Russia) in order to assess the abundance of PGE in awaruite and constrain their mobility under metamorphic and hydrothermal conditions. Studied awaruite from ophiolitic and Ural-Alaskan type complexes formed via desulfurization of pentlandite during serpentinization. Three groups of platinum-group minerals (PGMs) are associated with awaruite from Kamchatsky Mys: (1) Pt-Fe alloys such as ferronickelplatinum (Pt2FeNi) or unnamed Ni2FePt alloys; (2) Os-Ir-Ru alloys of various composition; (3) Pd-Sb minerals which form together with serpentine during hydrothermal alteration. Despite the abundance of PGM inclusions, no significant PGE concentrations were measured in awaruite from the Kamchatsky Mys, Karaginsky Island, or Mamet ophiolites. In contrast, pentlandite relicts in awaruite from placers related to the Galmoenan Ural-Alaskan type complex contain exceptionally high, previously unreported, Os (up to 540 ppm). Awaruite that forms on behalf of this pentlandite does not show any significant Os enrichment. Rare Galmoenan awaruite analyses yield up to 3 ppm Pd. The new data are not in complete accordance with previous studies that reported relatively high (up to first 10 ppm) PGE content in awaruite. We attribute this to low PGE concentration in precursor sulfides and preferential partitioning of PGE into discrete secondary PGM within awaruite. Nevertheless, abundant inclusions of secondary PGM in awaruite provide evidence of PGE mobility during metamorphic and hydrothermal alteration of ultramafic rocks

    Redox regulation of calcium ion channels: Chemical and physiological aspects

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    For a distance-regular graph Γ\Gamma of diameter 3, the graph Γi\Gamma_i can be strongly regular for i=2i=2 or 3. J.Kulen and co-authors found the parameters of a strongly regular graph Γ2\Gamma_2 given the intersection array of the graph Γ\Gamma (independently, the parameters were found by A.A. Makhnev and D.V.Paduchikh). In this case, Γ\Gamma has an eigenvalue a2c3a_2-c_3. In this paper, we study graphs Γ\Gamma with strongly regular graph Γ2\Gamma_2 and eigenvalue θ=1\theta=1. In particular, we prove that, for a QQ-polynomial graph from a series of graphs with intersection arrays {2c3+a1+1,2c3,c3+a1c2;1,c2,c3}\{2c_3+a_1+1,2c_3,c_3+a_1-c_2;1,c_2,c_3\}, the equality c3=4(t2+t)/(4t+4c22)c_3=4 (t^2+t)/(4t+4-c_2^2) holds. Moreover, for t100000t\le 100000, there is a unique feasible intersection array {9,6,3;1,2,3}\{9,6,3;1,2,3\} corresponding to the Hamming (or Doob) graph H(3,4)H(3,4). In addition, we found parametrizations of intersection arrays of graphs with θ2=1\theta_2=1 and θ3=a2c3\theta_3=a_2-c_3

    Can We See PIP3and Hydrogen Peroxide with a Single Probe?

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    A genetically encoded sensor for parallel measurements of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels (termed PIP-SHOW) was developed. Upon elevation of local phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5- trisphosphate (PIP3) concentration, the sensor translocates from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, while a ratiometric excitation change rapidly and simultaneously reports changes in the concentration of H2O2. The dynamics of PIP3 and H2O2 generation were monitored in platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated fibroblasts and in T-lymphocytes after formation of an immunological synapse. We suggest that PIP-SHOW can serve as a prototype for many fluorescent sensors with combined readouts

    Society And The State In The Pandemic Context

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    The coronavirus infection pandemic affected all spheres of human existence, making it impossible to implement traditional regulation of socially significant, political and legal issues. Based on the importance of an unprecedented new reality, the authors were tasked with studying and analyzing the problems of interaction between the State and society in the context of the pandemic and the introduction of state measures to prevent the spread of viral infection, which to a degree or another limit the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen