118 research outputs found

    Estudos sobre a cinética de absorção do fósforo pelo arroz (Oryza sativa L.) e pelo feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Three experiments were conducted under controlled conditions with the objectives of evaluating the effect of different concentrations of phosphorus and on the presence of other ions on the kinetic of absorption. Excised roots of rice and bean were placed in aereated solutions containing increasing concentrations of NaH2PO4 (10-7 M to 5x10-2M) during 90 minutes. The rate of absorption (v = mmols P/g dry matter) and the kinetic constants Vmax and Km were determined. Similar procedure was used to to evaluate the interaction of Mg+2, Al+3, K+, N-NH4+, N-NO3- and N-ureia in the uptake of phosphorus during 120 minutes. In another experiment, the effect of the presence of Mg+2 and/for Al+3 in the uptake and redistribution of phosphorus, was evaluated by varying the external concentration (1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 20 ppm) during a period of 17 hours, and utilizing whole rice plants. It was observed a dual mechanism, with two phases following the Michaelis-Menten kinetics and with transition phase 1 - 50 x 10-5 M. The best explanation of the experimental data was obtained, by transforming the data in accordance with HOFSTEE (1952). Bean was more efficient than rice in the first phase of uptake (higher Vmax). Al+3 had a clear stimulatory effect on the uptake of phosphorus, promoting, however, the anion fixation in the root at lower concentrations. At the highest concentrations (20 ppm) of phosphorus this effect was not evident. No effect on the uptake was observed with Mg+2, K+ and different forms of nitrogen. Urea could have a depressive effect although, not significant. Possible mechanisms invelved are discussed.Objetivando caracterizar os efeitos das diferentes concentrações de fósforo e da presença de outros íons na cinética de absorção de radiofósforo, foram conduzidos ensaios em solução nutritiva, em condições ambientais controladas. Foram empregadas raízes destacadas de arrroz e feijão para os estudos com diferentes concentrações de fósforo no meio (10-7 M até 5 x 10-2 M) e para avaliar as interações promovidas por Mg+2, Al+3, K+, NH4+, N-NO3-, N-urêia no mecanismo de absorção por períodos de uma hora e meia a duas horas. Em plantas inteiras de arroz procurou-se avaliar os efeitos da presença de Mg e/ou alumínio na absorção e transporte de fósforo quando variava a concentração externa (1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm e 20 ppm) por um período de 17 horas. Foi constatado um mecanismo duplo de absorção com as duas fases seguindo a cinética simples de Michaelis-Menten, e com ponto de transição entre 1-50x10-5. A transformada de dados segundo Hofstee adaptou-se melhor à interpretação dos dados experimentais. Feijão foi mais eficientes na absorção que arroz para a primeira fase (maior Vmax). Alumínio apresentou efeito estimulatório nítido na absorção de fósforo, promovendo porém, a fixação do ânion na raiz quando consideradas as concentrações mais baixas. Em concentrações altas de P, este último efeito não foi evidenciado. Magnésio não promoveu maior absorção, nem maior transporte do que K+; o mesmo aconteceu com as diferentes formas de nitrogênio. Uréia poderia ter um efeito depressivo maior, embora não significativo. Discutem-se os prováveis mecanismos envolvidos nestas respostas

    Reviewing research priorities in weed ecology, evolution and management: A horizon scan

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    Weedy plants pose a major threat to food security, biodiversity, ecosystem services and consequently to human health and wellbeing. However, many currently used weed management approaches are increasingly unsustainable. To address this knowledge and practice gap, in June 2014, 35 weed and invasion ecologists, weed scientists, evolutionary biologists and social scientists convened a workshop to explore current and future perspectives and approaches in weed ecology and management. A horizon scanning exercise ranked a list of 124 pre-submitted questions to identify a priority list of 30 questions. These questions are discussed under seven themed headings that represent areas for renewed and emerging focus for the disciplines of weed research and practice. The themed areas considered the need for transdisciplinarity, increased adoption of integrated weed management and agroecological approaches, better understanding of weed evolution, climate change, weed invasiveness and finally, disciplinary challenges for weed science. Almost all the challenges identified rested on the need for continued efforts to diversify and integrate agroecological, socio-economic and technological approaches in weed management. These challenges are not newly conceived, though their continued prominence as research priorities highlights an ongoing intransigence that must be addressed through a more system-oriented and transdisciplinary research agenda that seeks an embedded integration of public and private research approaches. This horizon scanning exercise thus set out the building blocks needed for future weed management research and practice; however, the challenge ahead is to identify effective ways in which sufficient research and implementation efforts can be directed towards these needs

    Association of lifestyle factors and inflammation with sarcopenic obesity: data from the PREDIMED‐Plus trial

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    Background: Sarcopenia is a progressive age-related skeletal muscle disorder associated with increased likelihood of adverse outcomes. Muscle wasting is often accompanied by an increase in body fat, leading to ‘sarcopenic obesity’. The aim of the present study was to analyse the association of lifestyle variables such as diet, dietary components, physical activity (PA), body composition, and inflammatory markers, with the risk of sarcopenic obesity. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis based on baseline data from the PREDIMED-Plus study was performed. A total of 1535 participants (48% women) with overweight/obesity (body mass index: 32.5 ± 3.3 kg/m2; age: 65.2 ± 4.9 years old) and metabolic syndrome were categorized according to sex-specific tertiles (T) of the sarcopenic index (SI) as assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scanning. Anthropometrical measurements, biochemical markers, dietary intake, and PA information were collected. Linear regression analyses were carried out to evaluate the association between variables. Results: Subjects in the first SI tertile were older, less physically active, showed higher frequency of abdominal obesity and diabetes, and consumed higher saturated fat and less vitamin C than subjects from the other two tertiles (all P < 0.05). Multiple adjusted linear regression models evidenced significant positive associations across tertiles of SI with adherence to the Mediterranean dietary score (P-trend < 0.05), PA (P-trend < 0.0001), and the 30 s chair stand test (P-trend < 0.0001), whereas significant negative associations were found with an inadequate vitamin C consumption (P-trend < 0.05), visceral fat and leucocyte count (all P-trend < 0.0001), and some white cell subtypes (neutrophils and monocytes), neutrophil-tolymphocyte ratio, and platelet count (all P-trend < 0.05). When models were additionally adjusted by potential mediators (inflammatory markers, diabetes, and waist circumference), no relevant changes were observed, only dietary variables lost significance

    An ecological future for weed science to sustain crop production and the environment. A review

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    Sustainable strategies for managing weeds are critical to meeting agriculture's potential to feed the world's population while conserving the ecosystems and biodiversity on which we depend. The dominant paradigm of weed management in developed countries is currently founded on the two principal tools of herbicides and tillage to remove weeds. However, evidence of negative environmental impacts from both tools is growing, and herbicide resistance is increasingly prevalent. These challenges emerge from a lack of attention to how weeds interact with and are regulated by the agroecosystem as a whole. Novel technological tools proposed for weed control, such as new herbicides, gene editing, and seed destructors, do not address these systemic challenges and thus are unlikely to provide truly sustainable solutions. Combining multiple tools and techniques in an Integrated Weed Management strategy is a step forward, but many integrated strategies still remain overly reliant on too few tools. In contrast, advances in weed ecology are revealing a wealth of options to manage weedsat the agroecosystem levelthat, rather than aiming to eradicate weeds, act to regulate populations to limit their negative impacts while conserving diversity. Here, we review the current state of knowledge in weed ecology and identify how this can be translated into practical weed management. The major points are the following: (1) the diversity and type of crops, management actions and limiting resources can be manipulated to limit weed competitiveness while promoting weed diversity; (2) in contrast to technological tools, ecological approaches to weed management tend to be synergistic with other agroecosystem functions; and (3) there are many existing practices compatible with this approach that could be integrated into current systems, alongside new options to explore. Overall, this review demonstrates that integrating systems-level ecological thinking into agronomic decision-making offers the best route to achieving sustainable weed management

    Loss of the matrix metalloproteinase-10 causes premature features of aging in satellite cells

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    © 2023 Bobadilla Muñoz, Orbe, Abizanda, Machado, Vilas, Ullate-Agote, Extramiana, Baraibar Churio, Aranguren, Cantero, Sáinz Amillo, Rodríguez, Ramos García, Romero Riojas, Vallejo-Illarramendi, Paradas, López de Munain, Páramo, Prósper and Pérez-Ruiz. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Aged muscles accumulate satellite cells with a striking decline response to damage. Although intrinsic defects in satellite cells themselves are the major contributors to aging-associated stem cell dysfunction, increasing evidence suggests that changes in the muscle-stem cell local microenvironment also contribute to aging. Here, we demonstrate that loss of the matrix metalloproteinase-10 (MMP-10) in young mice alters the composition of the muscle extracellular matrix (ECM), and specifically disrupts the extracellular matrix of the satellite cell niche. This situation causes premature features of aging in the satellite cells, contributing to their functional decline and a predisposition to enter senescence under proliferative pressure. Similarly, reduction of MMP-10 levels in young satellite cells from wild type animals induces a senescence response, while addition of the protease delays this program. Significantly, the effect of MMP-10 on satellite cell aging can be extended to another context of muscle wasting, muscular dystrophy. Systemic treatment of mdx dystrophic mice with MMP-10 prevents the muscle deterioration phenotype and reduces cellular damage in the satellite cells, which are normally under replicative pressure. Most importantly, MMP-10 conserves its protective effect in the satellite cell-derived myoblasts isolated from a Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient by decreasing the accumulation of damaged DNA. Hence, MMP-10 provides a previously unrecognized therapeutic opportunity to delay satellite cell aging and overcome satellite cell dysfunction in dystrophic muscles.This work was supported by Red de Terapia Celular (TerCel) RD16-0011-0005 Instituto de Salud Carlos III convocatoria 2016, Convocatoria de Redes Temáticas Cooperativas de Investigación en Salud; CIBERONC; Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER, CIBERONC, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI18/01152), (PI19/00065), and CIBERCV (CB16/11/00371). GC is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship funded by Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía and Programa Operativo Fondo Social Europeo de Andalucía 2014-2020 (RH0046-2020).Peer reviewe

    Analysis of protein carbonylation - pitfalls and promise in commonly used methods

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    Abstract Oxidation of proteins has received a lot of attention in the last decades due to the fact that they have been shown to accumulate and to be implicated in the progression and the patho-physiology of several diseases such as Alzheimer, coronary heart diseases, etc. This has also resulted in the fact that research scientist became more eager to be able to measure accurately the level of oxidized protein in biological materials, and to determine the precise site of the oxidative attack on the protein, in order to get insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in the progression of diseases. Several methods for measuring protein carbonylation have been implemented in different laboratories around the world. However, to date no methods prevail as the most accurate, reliable and robust. The present paper aims at giving an overview of the common methods used to determine protein carbonylation in biological material as well as to highlight the limitations and the potential. The ultimate goal is to give quick tips for a rapid decision making when a method has to be selected and taking into consideration the advantage and drawback of the methods