144 research outputs found

    An analysis of IEEE publications

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    INSPEC Accession Number:8979846This paper appears in: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE This study reports on a few elements of the scientific production of the IEEE. Other features could be displayed that would be interesting for a better understanding of the trajectories of the societies, journals, etc. The possibility of projecting new data onto the current spaces allows researchers to see if journals are static (the concepts and methods remaining stable) or dynamic (evolutions, ruptures can be tracked). In other words, this type of analysis can be used as a strategic tool to follow the impact and trends in engineering sciences. The fact that the authors concentrate on the IEEE publications prohibits any comparison with other societies publishing engineering papers. Such insights are feasible through the analysis of the INSPEC database. This could bring other clues on the coverage, the competition, and the reaction to new areas

    Visual cross-platform analysis: digital methods to research social media images

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    Analysis of social media using digital methods is a flourishing approach. However, the relatively easy availability of data collected via platform application programming interfaces has arguably led to the predominance of single-platform research of social media. Such research has also privileged the role of text in social media analysis, as a form of data that is more readily gathered and searchable than images. In this paper, we challenge both of these prevailing forms of social media research by outlining a methodology for visual cross-platform analysis (VCPA), defined as the study of still and moving images across two or more social media platforms. Our argument contains three steps. First, we argue that cross-platform analysis addresses a gap in research methods in that it acknowledges the interplay between a social phenomenon under investigation and the medium within which it is being researched, thus illuminating the different affordances and cultures of web platforms. Second, we build on the literature on multimodal communication and platform vernacular to provide a rationale for incorporating the visual into cross-platform analysis. Third, we reflect on an experimental cross-platform analysis of images within social media posts (n = 471,033) used to communicate climate change to advance different modes of macro- and meso-levels of analysis that are natively visual: image-text networks, image plots and composite images. We conclude by assessing the research pathways opened up by VCPA, delineating potential contributions to empirical research and theory and the potential impact on practitioners of social media communication

    Predictors and outcome impact of perioperative serum sodium changes in a high-risk population.

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    BACKGROUND: The perioperative period may be associated with a marked neurohumoral stress response, significant fluid losses, and varied fluid replacement regimes. Acute changes in serum sodium concentration are therefore common, but predictors and outcomes of these changes have not been investigated in a large surgical population. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective cohort analysis of 27 068 in-patient non-cardiac surgical procedures in a tertiary teaching hospital setting. Data on preoperative conditions, perioperative events, hospital length of stay, and mortality were collected, along with preoperative and postoperative serum sodium measurements up to 7 days after surgery. Logistic regression was used to investigate the association between sodium changes and mortality, and to identify clinical characteristics associated with a deviation from baseline sodium >5 mmol litre(-1). RESULTS: Changes in sodium concentration >5 mmol litre(-1) were associated with increased mortality risk (adjusted odds ratio 1.49 for a decrease, 3.02 for an increase). Factors independently associated with a perioperative decrease in serum sodium concentration >5 mmol litre(-1) included age >60, diabetes mellitus, and the use of patient-controlled opioid analgesia. Factors associated with a similar increase were preoperative oxygen dependency, mechanical ventilation, central nervous system depression, non-elective surgery, and major operative haemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS: Maximum deviation from preoperative serum sodium value is associated with increased hospital mortality in patients undergoing in-patient non-cardiac surgery. Specific preoperative and perioperative factors are associated with significant serum sodium changes.This work was supported by the Cambridge University Division of Anaesthesia.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bja/aeu40

    Gene profiling in white blood cells predicts infliximab responsiveness in rheumatoid arthritis

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    As indicators of responsiveness to a tumour necrosis factor (TNF)α blocking agent (infliximab) are lacking in rheumatoid arthritis, we have used gene profiling in peripheral blood mononuclear cells to predict a good versus poor response to infliximab. Thirty three patients with very active disease (Disease Activity Score 28 >5.1) that resisted weekly methotrexate therapy were given infliximab at baseline, weeks 2 and 6, and every 8th week thereafter. The patients were categorized as responders if a change of Disease Activity Score 28 = 1.2 was obtained at 3 months. Mononuclear cell RNAs were collected at baseline and at three months from responders and non-responders. The baseline RNAs were hybridised to a microarray of 10,000 non-redundant human cDNAs. In 6 responders and 7 non-responders, 41 mRNAs identified by microarray analysis were expressed as a function of the response to treatment and an unsupervised hierarchical clustering perfectly separated these responders from non-responders. The informativeness of 20 of these 41 transcripts, as measured by qRT-PCR, was re-assessed in 20 other patients. The combined levels of these 20 transcripts properly classified 16 out of 20 patients in a leave-one-out procedure, with a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 70%, whereas a set of only 8 transcripts properly classified 18/20 patients. Trends for changes in various transcript levels at three months tightly correlated with treatment responsiveness and a down-regulation of specific transcript levels was observed in non-responders only. Our gene profiling obtained by a non-invasive procedure should now be used to predict the likely responders to an infliximab/methotrexate combination

    The Role of Endocarditis, Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis

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    The current study is the first scientometric analysis of research activity and output in the field of inflammatory disorders of the heart (endo-, myo- and pericarditis). Scientometric methods are used to compare scientific performance on national and on international scale to identify single areas of research interest. Interest and research productivity in inflammatory diseases of the heart have increased since 1990. The majority of publications about inflammatory heart disorders were published in Western Europe and North America. The United States of America had a leading position in terms of research productivity and quality; half of the most productive authors in this study came from American institutions. The analysis of international cooperation revealed research activity in countries that are less established in the field of inflammatory heart disorder research, such as Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia. These results indicate that future research of heart inflammation may no longer be influenced predominantly by a small number of countries. Furthermore, this study revealed weaknesses in currently established scientometric parameters (i.e., h-index, impact factor) that limit their suitability as measures of research quality. In this respect, self-citations should be generally excluded from calculations of h-index and impact factor

    e-MIR2: a public online inventory of medical informatics resources

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    Background. Over the last years, the number of available informatics resources in medicine has grown exponentially. While specific inventories of such resources have already begun to be developed for Bioinformatics (BI), comparable inventories are as yet not available for Medical Informatics (MI) field, so that locating and accessing them currently remains a hard and time-consuming task. Description. We have created a repository of MI resources from the scientific literature, providing free access to its contents through a web-based service. Relevant information describing the resources is automatically extracted from manuscripts published in top-ranked MI journals. We used a pattern matching approach to detect the resources? names and their main features. Detected resources are classified according to three different criteria: functionality, resource type and domain. To facilitate these tasks, we have built three different taxonomies by following a novel approach based on folksonomies and social tagging. We adopted the terminology most frequently used by MI researchers in their publications to create the concepts and hierarchical relationships belonging to the taxonomies. The classification algorithm identifies the categories associated to resources and annotates them accordingly. The database is then populated with this data after manual curation and validation. Conclusions. We have created an online repository of MI resources to assist researchers in locating and accessing the most suitable resources to perform specific tasks. The database contained 282 resources at the time of writing. We are continuing to expand the number of available resources by taking into account further publications as well as suggestions from users and resource developers

    Healthy living on a healthy planet - Summary

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    Unsere Lebensweise macht krank und zerstört die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen. In der Vision „Gesund leben auf einer gesunden Erde“ werden menschliche Lebensbereiche – Ernähren, Bewegen, Wohnen – gesund und umweltverträglich gestaltet sowie planetare Risiken – Klimawandel, Biodiversitätsverlust, Verschmutzung – bewältigt. Gesundheitssysteme nutzen ihre transformativen Potenziale, Bildung und Wissenschaft befördern gesellschaftliche Veränderungen. Die Vision ist nur mit internationaler Kooperation realisierbar und erfordert eine globale Dringlichkeitsgovernance.Our lifestyle is making us ill and is destroying the natural life-support systems. In the vision of ‘healthy living on a healthy planet’, human spheres of life – what we eat, how we move, where we live – are designed to be both healthy and environmentally compatible, and planetary risks – climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution – have been overcome. Health systems harness their transformative potential; education and science promote societal change. The vision can only be realized with international cooperation and requires what the WBGU terms global urgency governance