654 research outputs found

    Landscapes and their relation to hominin habitats : case studies from Australopithecus sites in eastern and southern Africa

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    We examine the links between geomorphological processes, specific landscape features, surface water drainage, and the creation of suitable habitats for hominins. The existence of mosaic (i.e. heterogeneous) habitats within hominin site landscape reconstructions is typically explained using models of the riverine and gallery forest settings, or the pan or lake setting. We propose a different model: the Tectonic Landscape Model (TLM), where tectonic faulting and volcanism disrupts existing pan or river settings at small scales (~ 10–25 km). Our model encompasses the interpretation of the landscape features, the role of tectonics in creating these landscapes, and the implications for hominins. In particular, the model explains the underlying mechanism for the creation and maintenance of heterogeneous habitats in regions of active tectonics. We illustrate how areas with faulting and disturbed drainage patterns would have been attractive habitats for hominins, such as Australopithecus, and other fauna. Wetland areas are an important characteristic of surface water disturbance by fault activity; therefore we examine the tectonically-controlled Okavango Delta (Botswana) and the Nylsvley wetland (South Africa) as modern examples of how tectonics in a riverine setting significantly enhances the faunal and floral biodiversity. While tectonic landscapes may not have been the only type of attractive habitats to hominins, we propose a suite of landscape, faunal, and floral indicators, which when recovered together suggest that site environments may have been influenced by tectonic and/or volcanic activity while hominins were present. For the fossil sites, we interpret the faulting and landscapes around australopithecine-bearing sites of the Middle Awash (Ethiopia) and Makapansgat, Taung, and Sterkfontein (South Africa) to illustrate these relationships between landscape features and surface water bodies. Exploitation of tectonically active landscapes may explain why the paleoenvironmental signals, anatomy, diets, as well as the fauna associated with Australopithecus appear largely heterogeneous through time and space. This hypothesis is discussed in light of potential preservation and time-averaging effects which may affect patterns visible in the fossil record. The model, however, offers insight into the landscape processes of how such habitats are formed. The landscape features and range of habitat conditions, specifically the wetter, down-dropped plains and drier, uplifted flanks persist in close proximity for as long as the fault motion continues. The Tectonic Landscape Model provides an alternative explanation of why mixed habitats may be represented at certain sites over longer timescales

    Multilateral inversion of A_r, C_r and D_r basic hypergeometric series

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    In [Electron. J. Combin. 10 (2003), #R10], the author presented a new basic hypergeometric matrix inverse with applications to bilateral basic hypergeometric series. This matrix inversion result was directly extracted from an instance of Bailey's very-well-poised 6-psi-6 summation theorem, and involves two infinite matrices which are not lower-triangular. The present paper features three different multivariable generalizations of the above result. These are extracted from Gustafson's A_r and C_r extensions and of the author's recent A_r extension of Bailey's 6-psi-6 summation formula. By combining these new multidimensional matrix inverses with A_r and D_r extensions of Jackson's 8-phi-7 summation theorem three balanced very-well-poised 8-psi-8 summation theorems associated with the root systems A_r and C_r are derived.Comment: 24 page

    A new multivariable 6-psi-6 summation formula

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    By multidimensional matrix inversion, combined with an A_r extension of Jackson's 8-phi-7 summation formula by Milne, a new multivariable 8-phi-7 summation is derived. By a polynomial argument this 8-phi-7 summation is transformed to another multivariable 8-phi-7 summation which, by taking a suitable limit, is reduced to a new multivariable extension of the nonterminating 6-phi-5 summation. The latter is then extended, by analytic continuation, to a new multivariable extension of Bailey's very-well-poised 6-psi-6 summation formula.Comment: 16 page

    Resonant Absorption as Mode Conversion?

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    Resonant absorption and mode conversion are both extensively studied mechanisms for wave "absorption" in solar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). But are they really distinct? We re-examine a well-known simple resonant absorption model in a cold MHD plasma that places the resonance inside an evanescent region. The normal mode solutions display the standard singular resonant features. However, these same normal modes may be used to construct a ray bundle which very clearly undergoes mode conversion to an Alfv\'en wave with no singularities. We therefore conclude that resonant absorption and mode conversion are in fact the same thing, at least for this model problem. The prime distinguishing characteristic that determines which of the two descriptions is most natural in a given circumstance is whether the converted wave can provide a net escape of energy from the conversion/absorption region of physical space. If it cannot, it is forced to run away in wavenumber space instead, thereby generating the arbitrarily small scales in situ that we recognize as fundamental to resonant absorption and phase mixing. On the other hand, if the converted wave takes net energy way, singularities do not develop, though phase mixing may still develop with distance as the wave recedes.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; accepted by Solar Phys (July 9 2010

    Gas-liquid-solid flow modelling in a bubble column

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    An alternative approach to the modelling of solid-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flows for a 5:1 height to width aspect ratio bubble column is presented here. A modified transport equation for the volume fraction of a dispersed phase has been developed for the investigation of turbulent buoyancy driven flows (Chem. Eng. Proc., in press). In this study, a modified transport equation has been employed for discrete phase motion considering both solid-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flows. The modelling of the three-phase flow in a bubble column was achieved in the following case: injecting a slug of solid particles into the column for 10 s at a velocity of 0.1 m s-1 and then the gas phase flow was initiated with a superficial gas velocity of 0.02 cm s-1. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    An Assessment of the Use of Chimpanzees in Hepatitis C Research Past, Present and Future: 2. Alternative Replacement Methods

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    The use of chimpanzees in hepatitis C virus (HCV) research was examined in the report associated with this paper (1: Validity of the Chimpanzee Model), in which it was concluded that claims of past necessity of chimpanzee use were exaggerated, and that claims of current and future indispensability were unjustifiable. Furthermore, given the serious scientific and ethical issues surrounding chimpanzee experimentation, it was proposed that it must now be considered redundant — particularly in light of the demonstrable contribution of alternative methods to past and current scientific progress, and the future promise that these methods hold. This paper builds on this evidence, by examining the development of alternative approaches to the investigation of HCV, and by reviewing examples of how these methods have contributed, and are continuing to contribute substantially, to progress in this field. It augments the argument against chimpanzee use by demonstrating the comprehensive nature of these methods and the valuable data they deliver. The entire life-cycle of HCV can now be investigated in a human (and much more relevant) context, without recourse to chimpanzee use. This also includes the testing of new therapies and vaccines. Consequently, there is no sound argument against the changes in public policy that propose a move away from chimpanzee use in US laboratories

    Genome And Secretome Analysis Of The Hemibiotrophic Fungal Pathogen, Moniliophthora Roreri, Which Causes Frosty Pod Rot Disease Of Cacao: Mechanisms Of The Biotrophic And Necrotrophic Phases

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    Background: The basidiomycete Moniliophthora roreri is the causal agent of Frosty pod rot (FPR) disease of cacao (Theobroma cacao), the source of chocolate, and FPR is one of the most destructive diseases of this important perennial crop in the Americas. This hemibiotroph infects only cacao pods and has an extended biotrophic phase lasting up to sixty days, culminating in plant necrosis and sporulation of the fungus without the formation of a basidiocarp.Results: We sequenced and assembled 52.3 Mb into 3,298 contigs that represent the M. roreri genome. Of the 17,920 predicted open reading frames (OFRs), 13,760 were validated by RNA-Seq. Using read count data from RNA sequencing of cacao pods at 30 and 60 days post infection, differential gene expression was estimated for the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases of this plant-pathogen interaction. The sequencing data were used to develop a genome based secretome for the infected pods. Of the 1,535 genes encoding putative secreted proteins, 1,355 were expressed in the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases. Analysis of the data revealed secretome gene expression that correlated with infection and intercellular growth in the biotrophic phase and invasive growth and plant cellular death in the necrotrophic phase.Conclusions: Genome sequencing and RNA-Seq was used to determine and validate the Moniliophthora roreri genome and secretome. High sequence identity between Moniliophthora roreri genes and Moniliophthora perniciosa genes supports the taxonomic relationship with Moniliophthora perniciosa and the relatedness of this fungus to other basidiomycetes. Analysis of RNA-Seq data from infected plant tissues revealed differentially expressed genes in the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases. The secreted protein genes that were upregulated in the biotrophic phase are primarily associated with breakdown of the intercellular matrix and modification of the fungal mycelia, possibly to mask the fungus from plant defenses. Based on the transcriptome data, the upregulated secreted proteins in the necrotrophic phase are hypothesized to be actively attacking the plant cell walls and plant cellular components resulting in necrosis. These genes are being used to develop a new understanding of how this disease interaction progresses and to identify potential targets to reduce the impact of this devastating disease. © 2014 Meinhardt et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.151USDA; U.S. Department of AgricultureLatunde-Dada, A.O., Colletotrichum: tales of forcible entry, stealth, transient confinement and breakout (2001) Mol Plant Pathol, 2 (4), pp. 187-198. , 10.1046/j.1464-6722.2001.00069.x, 20573006Oliver, R.P., Ipcho, S.V.S., Arabidopsis pathology breathes new life into the necrotrophs-vs.-biotrophs classification of fungal pathogens (2004) Mol Plant Pathol, 5 (4), pp. 347-352. , 10.1111/j.1364-3703.2004.00228.x, 20565602Catanzariti, A.M., Dodds, P.N., Lawrence, G.J., Ayliffe, M.A., Ellis, J.G., Haustorially expressed secreted proteins from flax rust are highly enriched for avirulence elicitors (2006) Plant Cell, 18 (1), pp. 243-256. , 10.1105/tpc.105.035980, 1323496, 16326930Link, T.I., Voegele, R.T., Secreted proteins of Uromyces fabae: similarities and stage specificity (2008) Mol Plant Pathol, 9 (1), pp. 59-66Brown, N.A., Antoniw, J., Hammond-Kosack, K.E., The predicted secretome of the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum: a refined comparative analysis (2012) Plos One, 7 (4), pp. e33731. , 10.1371/journal.pone.0033731, 3320895, 22493673Thomma, B.P., Alternaria spp.: from general saprophyte to specific parasite (2003) Mol Plant Pathol, 4 (4), pp. 225-236. , 10.1046/j.1364-3703.2003.00173.x, 20569383Evans, H.C., Stalpers, J.A., Samson, R.A., Benny, G.L., Taxonomy of Monilia-Roreri, an important pathogen of theobroma-cacao in South-America (1978) Can J Bot, 56 (20), pp. 2528-2532Aime, M.C., Phillips-Mora, W., The causal agents of witches' broom and frosty pod rot of cacao (chocolate, Theobroma cacao) form a new lineage of Marasmiaceae (2005) Mycologia, 97 (5), pp. 1012-1022. , 10.3852/mycologia.97.5.1012, 16596953Phillips-Mora, W., Wilkinson, M.J., Frosty pod of cacao: a disease with a limited geographic range but unlimited potential for damage (2007) Phytopathology, 97 (12), pp. 1644-1647. , 10.1094/PHYTO-97-12-1644, 18943726Meinhardt, L.W., Rincones, J., Bailey, B.A., Aime, M.C., Griffith, G.W., Zhang, D.P., Pereira, G.A.G., Moniliophthora perniciosa, the causal agent of witches' broom disease of cacao: what's new from this old foe? 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    Effects of estimated community-level health literacy on treatment initiation and preventive care among older adults with newly diagnosed diabetes

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    Purpose: Individual measures of health literacy are not feasible for administration on a large scale, yet estimates of community-level health literacy in the US recently became available. We sought to investigate whether community-level health literacy estimates are associated with the initiation of oral antihyperglycemic agents (OHA) and the use of standard preventive care services among older adults with newly diagnosed diabetes. Patients and methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 169,758 patients, ≥65 years old with hypertension and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes using 2007–2011 data from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Chronic Conditions Warehouse. We examined the relationship between community-level health literacy estimates and initiation of OHA, receipt of flu shots, eye exams, Hemoglobin A1c tests, and lipid tests within 12 months post diabetes diagnosis. Results: Patients living in communities with above basic health literacy (vs. basic/below basic) were 15% more likely to initiate OHA (Hazard Ratio=1.15; 95% CI 1.12 to 1.18). After classifying the health literacy distribution as quintiles, the analysis revealed a dose– response relationship with OHA initiation that plateaued at the third and fourth quintiles and declined at the fifth quintile. Individuals residing in communities with higher health literacy were more likely to participate in preventive care services (relative risk ranged from 1.09 for lipid test [95% CI 1.07–1.11] to 1.43 for flu shot [95% CI 1.41–1.46]). Conclusion: Community-level health literacy estimates were associated with the initiation of OHA and uptake of standard preventive care services in older adults. Community-level health literacy may help to inform targeted diabetes education and support efforts

    Mating opportunities and energetic constraints drive variation in age-dependent sexual signalling

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    When males repeatedly produce energetically expensive sexual signals, trade-offs between current and future investment can cause plasticity in age-dependent signalling. Such variation is often interpreted as alternate adaptive strategies: live fast and die young vs. slow and steady.  An alternative (yet rarely tested) explanation is that condition-dependent constraints on allocation cause variation in signalling with age (‘late bloomers’ do not have early investment options). Testing this hypothesis is challenging because resource acquisition and allocation are difficult to measure, and energetic reserves both affect and are affected by reproductive effort.  We simultaneously manipulated acquisition (through dietary nutrition) and access to potential mates (as a proxy for manipulating sexual trait allocation) in male decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus), while measuring age- and signalling effort-mediated changes in energy storage components.  Increased diet quality caused increased signalling effort and energy storage, while access to females increased both the likelihood of and time spent signalling. Males with lower resource budgets signalled less, but still suffered energetic storage loss and viability costs.  Our results suggest that energetic constraints, rather than strategic resource accumulation, reduced signalling levels in males with lower resource acquisition ability. Our findings imply a non-adaptive explanation for age-dependent variation in sexual signalling, and an important role for energetic constraints in maintaining the honesty of costly behavioural displays

    The Labour of Love: Seasonal Migration from Jharkhand to the Brick Kilns of Other States in India

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    Seasonal casual labour migration in India has conventionally been understood as the result of extreme poverty whereby villagers are forced to become migrants for the dry six months to subsist or merely survive. This article draws on fieldwork in a village in Jharkhand and a brick kiln in West Bengal to argue that migrants do not understand their movement in economic terms alone. Many see the brick kilns as a temporary space of freedom to escape problems back home, explore a new country, gain independence from parents or live out prohibited amorous relationships. It is suggested that Jharkhandi activists and policy-makers’ construction of such migration as a ‘problem’ is as much about their vision of how the new tribal state ought to be as about exploitation. Migration to the kilns is seen by them as a threat to the purity and regulation of the social and sexual tribal citizen. This moralising perspective creates a climate that paradoxically encourages many young people to flee to the brick kilns where they can live ‘freely’. In this way, the new puritanism at home helps to reproduce the conditions for capitalist exploitation and the extraction of surplus value
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