123 research outputs found

    Why Are Regulations Changed? A Parcel Analysis of Upzoning in Los Angeles

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    Planners, officials, and neighborhood groups often debate zoning changes, yet there is little empirical evidence explaining why zoning and other land use regulations are changed. I use logistic regression models to examine density-enabling rezoning (“upzoning”) in Los Angeles. I find that upzoning occurs where there are development opportunities combined with limited political resistance. Upzoning is most likely on well-located parcels zoned for low-intensity, nonresidential uses. Meanwhile, homeowners—and particularly homeowners with access to valuable amenities—are associated with regulatory stasis. I conclude by recommending strategies for addressing homeowners’ concerns about higher density housing

    Computed Tomography With Intravenous Contrast Alone: The Role of Intra‐abdominal Fat on the Ability to Visualize the Normal Appendix in Children

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    Background Computed tomography ( CT ) with enteric contrast is frequently used to evaluate children with suspected appendicitis. The use of CT with intravenous ( IV ) contrast alone ( CT IV ) may be sufficient, however, particularly in patients with adequate intra‐abdominal fat ( IAF ). Objectives The authors aimed 1) to determine the ability of radiologists to visualize the normal (nondiseased) appendix with CT IV in children and to assess whether IAF adequacy affects this ability and 2) to assess the association between IAF adequacy and patient characteristics. Methods This was a retrospective 16‐center study using a preexisting database of abdominal CT scans. Children 3 to 18 years who had CT IV scan and measured weights and for whom appendectomy history was known from medical record review were included. The sample was chosen based on age to yield a sample with and without adequate IAF . Radiologists at each center reread their site's CT IV scans to assess appendix visualization and IAF adequacy. IAF was categorized as “adequate” if there was any amount of fat completely surrounding the cecum and “inadequate” if otherwise. Results A total of 280 patients were included, with mean age of 10.6 years (range = 3.1 to 17.9 years). All 280 had no history of prior appendectomy; therefore, each patient had a presumed normal appendix. A total of 102 patients (36.4%) had adequate IAF . The proportion of normal appendices visualized with CT IV was 72.9% (95% confidence interval [ CI ] = 67.2% to 78.0%); the proportions were 89% (95% CI  = 81.5% to 94.5%) and 63% (95% CI  = 56.0% to 70.6%) in those with and without adequate IAF (95% CI for difference of proportions = 16% to 36%). Greater weight and older age were strongly associated with IAF adequacy (p < 0.001), with weight appearing to be a stronger predictor, particularly in females. Although statistically associated, there was noted overlap in the weights and ages of those with and without adequate IAF . Conclusions Protocols using CT with IV contrast alone to visualize the appendix can reasonably include weight, age, or both as considerations for determining when this approach is appropriate. However, although IAF will more frequently be adequate in older, heavier patients, highly accurate prediction of IAF adequacy appears challenging solely based on age and weight. Resumen Tomografía Computarizada Únicamente con Contraste Intravenoso: El Papel de la Grasa Intrabadominal en la Capacidad para Visualizar el Apéndice Normal en los Niños Introduction La tomografía computarizada ( TC ) con contraste entérico es usada frecuentemente para evaluar a los niños con sospecha de apendicitis. El uso de la TC únicamente con contraste intravenoso ( TC IV ) puede ser suficiente, especialmente en pacientes con adecuada grasa intrabdominal ( GIA ). Objetivos 1) Determinar la capacidad de los radiólogos para visualizar el apéndice normal (sin enfermedad) con TC IV en niños, y valorar si la cantidad de GIA afecta a esta capacidad; y 2) valorar la asociación entre la idoneidad de la GIA y las características del paciente. Metodología Estudio retrospectivo de 16 hospitales que utilizó una base de datos prexistente de TC abdominales. Se incluyó a los niños entre 3 y 18 años que tenían una TC IV , una medida del peso e historia de apendectomía conocida por la revisión de la historia clínica. La muestra se eligió en base a la edad con el fin de conseguir una muestra con y sin GIA adecuada. Los radiólogos de cada centro releyeron las TC IV de sus centros para valorar la visualización del apéndice y la adecuación de la GIA . La GIA se clasificó como “adecuada” si había cualquier cantidad de grasa completamente alrededor del ciego e “inadecuada” si era de otra manera. Resultados Se incluyeron 280 pacientes, con una media de edad de 10,6 años (rango 3,1 a 17,9 años). Ninguno tenía historia previa de apendectomía; por lo tanto todos los pacientes tuvieron un apéndice presumiblemente normal. Ciento dos pacientes (36,4%) tuvieron GIA adecuada. El porcentaje de apéndices normales visualizados con TC IV fue de 72,9% ( IC 95% = 67,2% a 78,0%); la proporción fue 89% ( IC 95% = 81,5% a 94,5%), y 63% ( IC 95% = 56,0% a 70,6%) en aquéllos con y sin GIA adecuada ( IC 95% para la diferencia de proporciones = 16% a 36%). El mayor peso y la mayor edad se asociaron fuertemente con la adecuación de la GIA (p < 0,001), y el peso resultó ser el mayor factor predictivo, especialmente en mujeres. Aunque se asoció estadísticamente, se vio un solapamiento en los pesos y edades de aquéllos con y sin GIA adecuada. Conclusiones Los protocolos que usan la TC IV para visualizar el apéndice pueden razonablemente incluir el peso, la edad, o ambas como consideraciones para determinar cuándo esta aproximación es apropiada. Sin embargo, aunque la cantidad de GIA será frecuentemente más apropiada en los pacientes más mayores y de mayor peso, la predicción certera de adecuación de GIA es altamente desafiante si se basa sólo en la edad y el peso.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99695/1/acem12185.pd

    General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Magnetically Choked Accretion Flows around Black Holes

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    Black hole (BH) accretion flows and jets are qualitatively affected by the presence of ordered magnetic fields. We study fully three-dimensional global general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of radially extended and thick (height HH to cylindrical radius RR ratio of H/R0.21|H/R|\sim 0.2--1) accretion flows around BHs with various dimensionless spins (a/Ma/M, with BH mass MM) and with initially toroidally-dominated (ϕ\phi-directed) and poloidally-dominated (RzR-z directed) magnetic fields. Firstly, for toroidal field models and BHs with high enough a/M|a/M|, coherent large-scale (i.e. H\gg H) dipolar poloidal magnetic flux patches emerge, thread the BH, and generate transient relativistic jets. Secondly, for poloidal field models, poloidal magnetic flux readily accretes through the disk from large radii and builds-up to a natural saturation point near the BH. For sufficiently high a/M|a/M| or low H/R|H/R| the polar magnetic field compresses the inflow into a geometrically thin highly non-axisymmetric "magnetically choked accretion flow" (MCAF) within which the standard linear magneto-rotational instability is suppressed. The condition of a highly-magnetized state over most of the horizon is optimal for the Blandford-Znajek mechanism that generates persistent relativistic jets with 100\gtrsim 100% efficiency for a/M0.9|a/M|\gtrsim 0.9. A magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable magnetospheric interface forms between the compressed inflow and bulging jet magnetosphere, which drives a new jet-disk quasi-periodic oscillation (JD-QPO) mechanism. The high-frequency QPO has spherical harmonic m=1|m|=1 mode period of τ70GM/c3\tau\sim 70GM/c^3 for a/M0.9a/M\sim 0.9 with coherence quality factors Q10Q\gtrsim 10. [abridged]Comment: 32 pages + acks/appendix/references, 22 figures, 10 tables. MNRAS in press. High-Res Version: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~jmckinne/mcaf.pdf . Fiducial Movie: http://youtu.be/V2WoJOkIin

    Prevalence and factors affecting home blood pressure documentation in routine clinical care: a retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Home blood pressure (BP) is closely linked to patient outcomes. However, the prevalence of its documentation has not been examined. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence and factors affecting documentation of home BP in routine clinical care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective study of 142,973 encounters of 9,840 hypertensive patients with diabetes from 2000 to 2005 was performed. The prevalence of recorded home BP and the factors associated with its documentation were analyzed. We assessed validity of home BP information by comparing the difference between home and office BP to previously published prospective studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Home BP was documented in narrative notes for 2.08% of encounters where any blood pressure was recorded and negligibly in structured data (EMR flowsheets). Systolic and diastolic home BP in narrative notes were lower than office BP readings by 9.6 and 2.5 mm Hg, respectively (p < 0.0001 for both), consistent with prospective data. Probability of home BP documentation increased by 23.0% for each 10 mm Hg of office systolic BP (p < 0.0001), by 6.2% for each $10,000 in median income of zip code (p = 0.0055), and by 17.7% for each decade in the patient's age (p < 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Home BP readings provide a valid representation of the patient's condition, yet are seldom documented despite their potential utility in both patient care and research. Strong association between higher patient income and home BP documentation suggests that the cost of the monitors may be a limiting factor; reimbursement of home BP monitoring expenses should be pursued.</p

    Data Descriptor: Australia’s continental-scale acoustic tracking database and its automated quality control process

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    Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ applies to the metadata files made available in this article.Our ability to predict species responses to environmental changes relies on accurate records of animal movement patterns. Continental-scale acoustic telemetry networks are increasingly being established worldwide, producing large volumes of information-rich geospatial data. During the last decade, the Integrated Marine Observing System’s Animal Tracking Facility (IMOS ATF) established a permanent array of acoustic receivers around Australia. Simultaneously, IMOS developed a centralised national database to foster collaborative research across the user community and quantify individual behaviour across a broad range of taxa. Here we present the database and quality control procedures developed to collate 49.6 million valid detections from 1891 receiving stations. This dataset consists of detections for 3,777 tags deployed on 117 marine species, with distances travelled ranging from a few to thousands of kilometres. Connectivity between regions was only made possible by the joint contribution of IMOS infrastructure and researcher-funded receivers. This dataset constitutes a valuable resource facilitating meta-analysis of animal movement, distributions, and habitat use, and is important for relating species distribution shifts with environmental covariates

    Justice from an interdisciplinary perspective: the impact of the revolution in Human Sciences on Peace Research and International Relations

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    Peace and justice have been a preferred couple in theoretical writings - but what do we know about their empirical relationship? Insights from other disciplines suggest that humans are highly sensitive to violations of justice and that justice concerns permeate social relations. Neuroscientists have located the parts of the brain responsible for negative reactions to violation of claims for justice. Evolutionary biologists have identified rules of distribution and retribution not only in early human societies but among other socially living species as well. Psychologists have observed the emergence of a sense of justice in very early childhood, while behavioral economists have identified behavior of average persons in experiments that deviated significantly from the model of the "economic man" and could only be explained by a sense of justice. The chapter summarizes these findings and outlines their implications for peace research. It highlights the ambivalent nature of justice for social relations. Justice concerns can exacerbate conflicts between individuals and groups but justice can also provide standards for arriving at durable peaceful solutions to conflicts. Understanding these ambivalences and their repercussions for international and intrastate relations provides a promising path towards understanding conflict dynamics

    Nuclear charge radii of ⁶²⁻⁸⁰Zn and their dependence on cross-shell proton excitations

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    Nuclear charge radii of ⁶²⁻⁸⁰Zn have been determined using collinear laser spectroscopy of bunched ion beams at CERN-ISOLDE. The subtle variations of observed charge radii, both within one isotope and along the full range of neutron numbers, are found to be well described in terms of the proton excitations across the Z = 28 shell gap, as predicted by large-scale shell model calculations. It comprehensively explains the changes in isomer-to-ground state mean square charge radii of ⁶⁹⁻⁷⁹Zn, the inversion of the odd-even staggering around N = 40 and the odd-even staggering systematics of the Zn charge radii. With two protons above Z = 28, the observed charge radii of the Zn isotopic chain show a cumulative effect of different aspects of nuclear structure including single particle structure, shell closure, correlations and deformations near the proposed doubly magic nuclei, ⁶⁸Ni and ⁷⁸Ni