367 research outputs found

    Interactions of the magnetospheres of stars and close-in giant planets

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    Since the first discovery of an extrasolar planetary system more than a decade ago, hundreds more have been discovered. Surprisingly, many of these systems harbor Jupiter-class gas giants located close to the central star, at distances of 0.1 AU or less. Observations of chromospheric 'hot spots' that rotate in phase with the planetary orbit, and elevated stellar X-ray luminosities,suggest that these close-in planets significantly affect the structure of the outer atmosphere of the star through interactions between the stellar magnetic field and the planetary magnetosphere. Here we carry out the first detailed three-dimensional MagnetoHydroHynamics (MHD) simulation containing the two magnetic bodies and explore the consequences of such interactions on the steady-state coronal structure. The simulations reproduce the observable features of 1) increase in the total X-ray luminosity, 2) appearance of coronal hot spots, and 3) phase shift of these spots with respect to the direction of the planet. The proximate cause of these is an increase in the density of coronal plasma in the direction of the planet, which prevents the corona from expanding and leaking away this plasma via a stellar wind. The simulations produce significant low temperature heating. By including dynamical effects, such as the planetary orbital motion, the simulation should better reproduce the observed coronal heating

    Identifying Nearby, Young, Late-type Stars by Means of Their Circumstellar Disks

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    It has recently been shown that a significant fraction of late-type members of nearby, very young associations (age <10 Myr) display excess emission at mid-IR wavelengths indicative of dusty circumstellar disks. We demonstrate that the detection of mid-IR excess emission can be utilized to identify new nearby, young, late-type stars including two definite new members ("TWA 33" and "TWA 34") of the TW Hydrae Association. Both new TWA members display mid-IR excess emission in the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) catalog and they show proper motion and youthful spectroscopic characteristics -- namely H\alpha emission, strong lithium absorption, and low surface gravity features consistent with known TWA members. We also detect mid-IR excess -- the first unambiguous evidence of a dusty circumstellar disk -- around a previously identified UV-bright, young, accreting star (2M1337) that is a likely member of the Lower-Centaurus Crux region of the Scorpius Centaurus Complex.Comment: ApJ, Accepte

    MOST detects variability on tau Bootis possibly induced by its planetary companion

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    (abridged) There is considerable interest in the possible interaction between parent stars and giant planetary companions in 51 Peg-type systems. We demonstrate from MOST satellite photometry and Ca II K line emission that there has been a persistent, variable region on the surface of tau Boo A which tracked its giant planetary companion for some 440 planetary revolutions and lies ~68deg (phi=0.8) in advance of the sub-planetary point. The light curves are folded on a range of periods centered on the planetary orbital period and phase dependent variability is quantified by Fourier methods and by the mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the folded data for both the photometry and the Ca II K line reversals. The region varies in brightness on the time scale of a rotation by ~1 mmag. In 2004 it resembled a dark spot of variable depth, while in 2005 it varied between bright and dark. Over the 123 planetary orbits spanned by the photometry the variable region detected in 2004 and in 2005 are synchronised to the planetary orbital period within 0.0015 d. The Ca II K line in 2001, 2002 and 2003 also shows enhanced K-line variability centered on phi=0.8, extending coverage to some 440 planetary revolutions. The apparently constant rotation period of the variable region and its rapid variation make an explanation in terms of conventional star spots unlikely. The lack of complementary variability at phi=0.3 and the detection of the variable region so far in advance of the sub-planetary point excludes tidal excitation, but the combined photometric and Ca II K line reversal results make a good case for an active region induced magnetically on the surface of tau Boo A by its planetary companion.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    On the chromospheric activity of stars with planets

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    Context. Signatures of chromospheric activity enhancement have been found for a dozen stars, pointing to a possible star-planet interaction. Nevertheless in the coronal activity regime, there is no conclusive observational evidence for such an interaction. Does star-planet interaction manifest itself only for a few particular cases, without having a major effect on stars with planets in general? Aims. We aim to add additional observational constraints to support or reject the major effects of star-planet interactions in stellar activity, based on CaII chromospheric emission flux. Methods. We performed a statistical analysis of CaII emission flux of stars with planets, as well as a comparison between CaII and X-ray emission fluxes, searching for dependencies on planetary parameters. Results. In the present sample of stars with planets, there are no significant correlations between chromospheric activity indicator log(R'HK) and planetary parameters. Further, the distribution of the chromospheric activity indicator for stars without planets is not distinguishable from the one with planets.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A&

    A detailed spectropolarimetric analysis of the planet hosting star WASP-12

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    The knowledge of accurate stellar parameters is paramount in several fields of stellar astrophysics, particularly in the study of extrasolar planets, where often the star is the only visible component and therefore used to infer the planet's fundamental parameters. Another important aspect of the analysis of planetary systems is the stellar activity and the possible star-planet interaction. Here we present a self-consistent abundance analysis of the planet hosting star WASP-12 and a high-precision search for a structured stellar magnetic field on the basis of spectropolarimetric observations obtained with the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter. Our results show that the star does not have a structured magnetic field, and that the obtained fundamental parameters are in good agreement with what was previously published. In addition we derive improved constraints on the stellar age (1.0-2.65 Gyr), mass (1.23-1.49 M/M0), and distance (295-465 pc). WASP-12 is an ideal object to look for pollution signatures in the stellar atmosphere. We analyse the WASP-12 abundances as a function of the condensation temperature and compare them with those published by several other authors on planet hosting and non-planet hosting stars. We find hints of atmospheric pollution in WASP-12's photosphere, but are unable to reach firm conclusions with our present data. We conclude that a differential analysis based on WASP-12 twins will probably clarify if an atmospheric pollution is present, the nature of this pollution and its implications in the planet formation and evolution. We attempt also the direct detection of the circumstellar disk through infrared excess, but without success.Comment: 49 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication on Ap

    Investigation of using sulfur-containing gases in low-temperature fuel cell at sulfuric acid production site

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    The possibility and effectiveness of using sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide as the fuel in lowtemperature fuel cells at the sulfuric acid production site has been investigated. A fuel cell has been designed and constructed using palladium as a catalyst, which enables conversion of the energy of oxidation of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide to the electric energy. The experimental data showed that the use of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide as a fuel allows achieving the power of 1.0 and 0.5 mW, respectively. The comparative studies with the use of hydrogen in the same fuel cell resulted in the power of about 2.0 mW, i.e. the use of hydrogen sulfide delivers a performance comparable with that of the hydrogen. The processes of oxidizing of the sulfur containing gases are used in our company in production of sulfuric acid. Oxidation of these gases conducted using the conventional technological processes. The use of these processes to produce energy as a byproduct could be an attractive way to reduce the energy consumption of the whole process. Considering the relatively high power obtained in this work for the sulfur containing gases fed fuel cells, the substitution of conventional oxidation of sulfur containing gases in this technological chain by the fuel cell oxidation, and by-producing the electric energy, could be very profitable for the energy efficiency enhancement of the main production process. In the future work, the design and development of fuel cell catalysts and membranes to enhance the performances of sulfur containing fuel cells will be significant

    A New Method to Identify Nearby, Young, Low-mass Stars

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    We describe a new method to identify young, late-type stars within ~150 pc of the Earth that employs visual or near-infrared data and the GALEX GR4/5 database. For spectral types later than K5, we demonstrate that the ratio of GALEX near-ultraviolet (NUV) to visual and near-IR emission is larger for stars with ages between 10 and 100 Myr than for older, main sequence stars. A search in regions of the sky encompassing the TW Hya and Scorpius-Centaurus Associations has returned 54 high-quality candidates for followup. Spectroscopic observations of 24 of these M1-M5 objects reveal Li 6708 angstrom absorption in at least 17 systems. Because GALEX surveys have covered a significant fraction of the sky, this methodology should prove valuable for future young star studies.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Some significant changes were made in proof, we recommend readers use the ApJ versio

    The Tucana/Horologium, Columba, AB Doradus, and Argus Associations: New Members and Dusty Debris Disks

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    We propose 35 star systems within ~70 pc of Earth as newly identified members of nearby young stellar kinematic groups; these identifications include the first A- and late-B type members of the AB Doradus moving group and field Argus Association. All but one of the 35 systems contain a bright solar- or earlier-type star that should make an excellent target for the next generation of adaptive optics (AO) imaging systems on large telescopes. AO imaging has revealed four massive planets in orbit around the {\lambda} Boo star HR 8799. Initially the planets were of uncertain mass due in large part to the uncertain age of the star. We find that HR 8799 is a likely member of the ~30 Myr old Columba Association implying planet masses ~6 times that of Jupiter. We consider Spitzer Space Telescope MIPS photometry of stars in the ~30 Myr old Tucana/Horologium and Columba Associations, the ~40 Myr old field Argus Association, and the ~70 Myr old AB Doradus moving group. The percentage of stars in these young stellar groups that display excess emission above the stellar photosphere at 24 and 70 \mu m wavelengths - indicative of the presence of a dusty debris disk - is compared with corresponding percentages for members of 11 open clusters and stellar associations with ages between 8 and 750 Myr, thus elucidating the decay of debris disks with time.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Searching for star-planet magnetic interaction in CoRoT observations

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    Close-in massive planets interact with their host stars through tidal and magnetic mechanisms. In this paper, we review circumstantial evidence for star-planet interaction as revealed by the photospheric magnetic activity in some of the CoRoT planet-hosting stars, notably CoRoT-2, CoRoT-4, and CoRoT-6. The phenomena are discussed in the general framework of activity-induced features in stars accompanied by hot Jupiters. The theoretical mechanisms proposed to explain the activity enhancements possibly related with hot Jupiter are also briefly reviewed with an emphasis on the possible effects at photospheric level. The unique advantages of CoRoT and Kepler observations to test these models are pointed out.Comment: Invited review paper accepted by Astrophysics and Space Science, 13 pages, 5 figure