105 research outputs found

    Niche differentiation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SUP05) in submarine hydrothermal plumes

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    Hydrothermal plumes transport reduced chemical species and metals into the open ocean. Despite their considerable spatial scale and impact on biogeochemical cycles, niche differentiation of abundant microbial clades is poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the microbial ecology of two bathy- (Brothers volcano; BrV-cone and northwest caldera; NWC) and a mesopelagic (Macauley volcano; McV) plumes on the Kermadec intra-oceanic arc in the South Pacific Ocean. The microbial community structure, determined by a combination of 16S rRNA gene, fluorescence in situ hybridization and metagenome analysis, was similar to the communities observed in other sulfur-rich plumes. This includes a dominance of the vent characteristic SUP05 clade (up to 22% in McV and 51% in BrV). In each of the three plumes analyzed, the community was dominated by a different yet uncultivated chemoautotrophic SUP05 species, here, provisionally named, Candidatus Thioglobus vadi (McV), Candidatus Thioglobus vulcanius (BrV-cone) and Candidatus Thioglobus plumae (BrV-NWC). Statistical analyses, genomic potential and mRNA expression profiles suggested a SUP05 niche partitioning based on sulfide and iron concentration as well as water depth. A fourth SUP05 species was present at low frequency throughout investigated plume samples and may be capable of heterotrophic or mixotrophic growth. Taken together, we propose that small variations in environmental parameters and depth drive SUP05 niche partitioning in hydrothermal plumes

    Development of Iron Speciation Reference Materials for Palaeoredox Analysis

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    The development and application of geochemical techniques to identify redox conditions in modern and ancient aquatic environments has intensified over recent years. Iron (Fe) speciation has emerged as one of the most widely used procedures to distinguish different redox regimes in both the water column and sediments, and is the main technique used to identify oxic, ferruginous (anoxic, Fe(II) containing) and euxinic (anoxic, sulfidic) water column conditions. However, an international sediment reference material has never been developed. This has led to concern over the consistency of results published by the many laboratories that now utilise the technique. Here, we report an interlaboratory comparison of four Fe speciation reference materials for palaeoredox analysis, which span a range of compositions and reflect deposition under different redox conditions. We provide an update of extraction techniques used in Fe speciation, and assess the effects of both test portion mass, and the use of different analytical procedures, on the quantification of different Fe fractions in sedimentary rocks. While atomic adsorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry produced comparable Fe measurements for all extraction stages, the use of ferrozine consistently underestimated Fe in the extraction step targeting mixed ferrous‐ferric minerals such as magnetite. We therefore suggest that the use of ferrozine is discontinued for this Fe pool. Finally, we report the combined data of four independent Fe speciation laboratories to characterise the Fe speciation composition of the reference materials. These reference materials are available to the community to provide an essential validation of in‐house Fe speciation measurements

    Spatial and temporal patterns of pore water chemistry in the inter-tidal zone of a high energy beach

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    Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a ubiquitous source of meteoric fresh groundwater and recirculating seawater to the coastal ocean. Due to the hidden distribution of SGD, as well as the hydraulic- and stratigraphy-driven spatial and temporal heterogeneities, one of the biggest challenges to date is the correct assessment of SGD-driven constituent fluxes. Here, we present results from a 3-dimensional seasonal sampling campaign of a shallow subterranean estuary in a high-energy, meso-tidal beach, Spiekeroog Island, Northern Germany. We determined beach topography and analyzed physico-chemical and biogeochemical parameters such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, Fe(II) and dissolved organic matter fluorescence (FDOM). Overall, the highest gradients in pore water chemistry were found in the cross-shore direction. In particular, a strong physico-chemical differentiation between the tidal high water and low water line was found and reflected relatively stable in- and exfiltrating conditions in these areas. Contrastingly, in between, the pore water compositions in the existing foreshore ridge and runnel system were very heterogeneous on a spatial and temporal scale. The reasons for this observation may be the strong morphological changes that occur throughout the entire year, which affect the exact locations and heights of the ridge and runnel structures and associated flow paths. Further, seasonal changes in temperature and inland hydraulic head, and the associated effect on microbial mediated redox reactions likely overprint these patterns. In the long-shore direction the pore water chemistry varied less than the along the cross-shore direction. Variation in long-shore direction was probably occurring due to topography changes of the ridge-runnel structure and a physical heterogeneity of the sediment, which produced non-uniform groundwater flow conditions. We conclude that on meso-tidal high energy beaches, the rapidly changing beach morphology produces zones with different approximations to steady-state conditions. Therefore, we suggest that zone-specific endmember sampling is the optimal strategy to reduce uncertainties of SGD-driven constituent fluxes

    Evolution of the Southwest Australian Rifted Continental Margin During Breakup of East Gondwana: Results from IODP Expedition 369

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    International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 369 drilled four sites on the southwestern Australian continental margin, in the deep water Mentelle Basin (MB) and on the neighboring Naturaliste Plateau (NP). The drillsites are located on continental crust that continued rifting after seafloor spreading began further north on the Perth Abyssal Plain (PAP) between magnetochrons M11r and M11n (133‐132 Ma), ending when spreading began west of the NP between chrons M5n and M3n (126‐124 Ma). Drilling recovered the first in‐situ samples of basalt flows overlying the breakup unconformity on the NP, establishing a magnetostratigraphically constrained eruption age of >131‐133 Ma and confirming a minimal late Valanginian age for the breakup unconformity (coeval with the onset of PAP seafloor spreading). Petrogenetic modeling indicates the basalts were generated by 25% melting at 1.5 GPa and a potential temperature of 1380‐1410 °C, consistent with proximity of the Kerguelen plume during breakup. Benthic foraminiferal fossils indicate that the NP remained at upper bathyal or shallower depths during the last 6 Myr of rifting and for 3‐5 Myr after breakup between India and Australia. The limited subsidence is attributed to heat from the nearby Kerguelen plume and PAP spreading ridge. The margin subsided to middle bathyal depths by Albian time and to lower bathyal (NP) or greater (MB) depths by late Paleogene time. Periods of rapid sedimentation accompanied a westward jump of the PAP spreading ridge (108 Ma), rifting on the southern margin (100‐84 Ma), and opening of the southern seaway between Australia and Antarctica (60‐47 Ma)

    Development of Iron Speciation Reference Materials for Palaeoredox Analysis

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    The development and application of geochemical techniques to identify redox conditions in modern and ancient aquatic environments has intensified over recent years. Iron (Fe) speciation has emerged as one of the most widely used procedures to distinguish different redox regimes in both the water column and sediments, and is the main technique used to identify oxic, ferruginous (anoxic, Fe(II) containing) and euxinic (anoxic, sulfidic) water column conditions. However, an international sediment reference material has never been developed. This has led to concern over the consistency of results published by the many laboratories that now utilise the technique. Here, we report an interlaboratory comparison of four Fe speciation reference materials for palaeoredox analysis, which span a range of compositions and reflect deposition under different redox conditions. We provide an update of extraction techniques used in Fe speciation and assess the effects of both test portion mass, and the use of different analytical procedures, on the quantification of different Fe fractions in sedimentary rocks. While atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry produced comparable Fe measurements for all extraction stages, the use of ferrozine consistently underestimated Fe in the extraction step targeting mixed ferrous–ferric minerals such as magnetite. We therefore suggest that the use of ferrozine is discontinued for this Fe pool. Finally, we report the combined data of four independent Fe speciation laboratories to characterise the Fe speciation composition of the reference materials. These reference materials are available to the community to provide an essential validation of in‐house Fe speciation measurements

    Zircon ages in granulite facies rocks: decoupling from geochemistry above 850 °C?

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    Granulite facies rocks frequently show a large spread in their zircon ages, the interpretation of which raises questions: Has the isotopic system been disturbed? By what process(es) and conditions did the alteration occur? Can the dates be regarded as real ages, reflecting several growth episodes? Furthermore, under some circumstances of (ultra-)high-temperature metamorphism, decoupling of zircon U–Pb dates from their trace element geochemistry has been reported. Understanding these processes is crucial to help interpret such dates in the context of the P–T history. Our study presents evidence for decoupling in zircon from the highest grade metapelites (> 850 °C) taken along a continuous high-temperature metamorphic field gradient in the Ivrea Zone (NW Italy). These rocks represent a well-characterised segment of Permian lower continental crust with a protracted high-temperature history. Cathodoluminescence images reveal that zircons in the mid-amphibolite facies preserve mainly detrital cores with narrow overgrowths. In the upper amphibolite and granulite facies, preserved detrital cores decrease and metamorphic zircon increases in quantity. Across all samples we document a sequence of four rim generations based on textures. U–Pb dates, Th/U ratios and Ti-in-zircon concentrations show an essentially continuous evolution with increasing metamorphic grade, except in the samples from the granulite facies, which display significant scatter in age and chemistry. We associate the observed decoupling of zircon systematics in high-grade non-metamict zircon with disturbance processes related to differences in behaviour of non-formula elements (i.e. Pb, Th, U, Ti) at high-temperature conditions, notably differences in compatibility within the crystal structure

    Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Pore Water Chemistry in the Inter-Tidal Zone of a High Energy Beach

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    Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a ubiquitous source of meteoric fresh groundwater and recirculating seawater to the coastal ocean. Due to the hidden distribution of SGD, as well as the hydraulic- and stratigraphy-driven spatial and temporal heterogeneities, one of the biggest challenges to date is the correct assessment of SGD-driven constituent fluxes. Here, we present results from a 3-dimensional seasonal sampling campaign of a shallow subterranean estuary in a high-energy, meso-tidal beach, Spiekeroog Island, Northern Germany. We determined beach topography and analyzed physico-chemical and biogeochemical parameters such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, Fe(II) and dissolved organic matter fluorescence (FDOM). Overall, the highest gradients in pore water chemistry were found in the cross-shore direction. In particular, a strong physico-chemical differentiation between the tidal high water and low water line was found and reflected relatively stable in- and exfiltrating conditions in these areas. Contrastingly, in between, the pore water compositions in the existing foreshore ridge and runnel system were very heterogeneous on a spatial and temporal scale. The reasons for this observation may be the strong morphological changes that occur throughout the entire year, which affect the exact locations and heights of the ridge and runnel structures and associated flow paths. Further, seasonal changes in temperature and inland hydraulic head, and the associated effect on microbial mediated redox reactions likely overprint these patterns. In the long-shore direction the pore water chemistry varied less than the along the cross-shore direction. Variation in long-shore direction was probably occurring due to topography changes of the ridge-runnel structure and a physical heterogeneity of the sediment, which produced non-uniform groundwater flow conditions. We conclude that on meso-tidal high energy beaches, the rapidly changing beach morphology produces zones with different approximations to steady-state conditions. Therefore, we suggest that zone-specific endmember sampling is the optimal strategy to reduce uncertainties of SGD-driven constituent fluxes

    Emission of volatile halogenated compounds, speciation and localization of bromine and iodine in the brown algal genome model Ectocarpus siliculosus

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    This study explores key features of bromine and iodine metabolism in the filamentous brown alga and genomics model Ectocarpus siliculosus. Both elements are accumulated in Ectocarpus, albeit at much lower concentration factors (2-3 orders of magnitude for iodine, and < 1 order of magnitude for bromine) than e.g. in the kelp Laminaria digitata. Iodide competitively reduces the accumulation of bromide. Both iodide and bromide are accumulated in the cell wall (apoplast) of Ectocarpus, with minor amounts of bromine also detectable in the cytosol. Ectocarpus emits a range of volatile halogenated compounds, the most prominent of which by far is methyl iodide. Interestingly, biosynthesis of this compound cannot be accounted for by vanadium haloperoxidase since the latter have not been found to catalyze direct halogenation of an unactivated methyl group or hydrocarbon so a methyl halide transferase-type production mechanism is proposed

    Upper ocean oxygenation dynamics from I/Ca ratios during the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE 2

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 30 (2015): 510–526, doi:10.1002/2014PA002741.Global warming lowers the solubility of gases in the ocean and drives an enhanced hydrological cycle with increased nutrient loads delivered to the oceans, leading to increases in organic production, the degradation of which causes a further decrease in dissolved oxygen. In extreme cases in the geological past, this trajectory has led to catastrophic marine oxygen depletion during the so-called oceanic anoxic events (OAEs). How the water column oscillated between generally oxic conditions and local/global anoxia remains a challenging question, exacerbated by a lack of sensitive redox proxies, especially for the suboxic window. To address this problem, we use bulk carbonate I/Ca to reconstruct subtle redox changes in the upper ocean water column at seven sites recording the Cretaceous OAE 2. In general, I/Ca ratios were relatively low preceding and during the OAE interval, indicating deep suboxic or anoxic waters exchanging directly with near-surface waters. However, individual sites display a wide range of initial values and excursions in I/Ca through the OAE interval, reflecting the importance of local controls and suggesting a high spatial variability in redox state. Both I/Ca and an Earth System Model suggest that the northeast proto-Atlantic had notably higher oxygen levels in the upper water column than the rest of the North Atlantic, indicating that anoxia was not global during OAE 2 and that important regional differences in redox conditions existed. A lack of correlation with calcium, lithium, and carbon isotope records suggests that neither enhanced global weathering nor carbon burial was a dominant control on the I/Ca proxy during OAE 2.Z.L. thanks NSF OCE 1232620. J.D.O. is supported by an Agouron Postdoctoral Fellowship. T.W.L. acknowledges support from the NSF-EAR and NASA-NAI. A.R. thanks the support of NERC via NE/J01043X/1.2015-11-1