69 research outputs found

    Transducer-Based Force Generation Explains Active Process in Drosophila Hearing

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    BACKGROUND: Like vertebrate hair cells, Drosophila auditory neurons are endowed with an active, force-generating process that boosts the macroscopic performance of the ear. The underlying force generator may be the molecular apparatus for auditory transduction, which, in the fly as in vertebrates, seems to consist of force-gated channels that occur in series with adaptation motors and gating springs. This molecular arrangement explains the active properties of the sensory hair bundles of inner-ear hair cells, but whether it suffices to explain the active macroscopic performance of auditory systems is unclear.Results: To relate transducer dynamics and auditory-system behavior, we have devised a simple model of the Drosophila hearing organ that consists only of transduction modules and a harmonic oscillator that represents the sound receiver. In vivo measurements show that this model explains the ear's active performance, quantitatively capturing displacement responses of the fly's antennal sound receiver to force steps, this receiver's free fluctuations, its response to sinusoidal stimuli, nonlinearity, and activity and cycle-by-cycle amplification, and properties of electrical compound responses in the afferent nerve.Conclusions: Our findings show that the interplay between transduction channels and adaptation motors accounts for the entire macroscopic phenomenology of the active process in the Drosophila auditory system, extending transducer-based amplification from hair cells to fly ears and demonstrating that forces generated by transduction modules can suffice to explain active processes in ears

    A simple one-dimensional model of heat conduction which obeys Fourier's law

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    We present the computer simulation results of a chain of hard point particles with alternating masses interacting on its extremes with two thermal baths at different temperatures. We found that the system obeys Fourier's law at the thermodynamic limit. This result is against the actual belief that one dimensional systems with momentum conservative dynamics and nonzero pressure have infinite thermal conductivity. It seems that thermal resistivity occurs in our system due to a cooperative behavior in which light particles tend to absorb much more energy than the heavier ones.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR

    Jung und Alt im Hörsaal:Erfahrungen jĂŒngerer Studierender mit dem „Studium im Alter“ an der UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnster

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    Das „Studium im Alter“ ist ein Weiterbildungsangebot der UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnster fĂŒr Personen im mittleren und höheren Lebensalter, die als Gasthörer gemeinsam mit jĂŒngeren, regulĂ€ren Studierenden Vorlesungen und Seminare an der Hochschule besuchen. In der Presse erschienen von Zeit zu Zeit Berichte ĂŒber Konflikte, die das Gaststudium der Älteren in den HörsĂ€len verursacht. Das nahm eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern am „Studium im Alter“ zum Anlass, in einem zweisemestrigen Forschungsprojekt zu untersuchen, inwiefern solche Berichte die Regel oder EinzelfĂ€lle beschreiben. Das Ergebnis der schriftlichen Befragung regulĂ€rer Studierender zu Ihren Erfahrungen mit Studierenden im Alter liegt mit dieser Studie vor. Abgesehen von wenigen Ausnahmen belegt sie ein grundsĂ€tzlich harmonisches Miteinander von jĂŒngeren und Ă€lteren Studierenden in den HörsĂ€len der UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnster

    Direct gating and mechanical integrity of Drosophila auditory transducers require TRPN1

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    The elusive transduction channels for hearing are directly gated mechanically by the pull of gating springs. We found that the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel TRPN1 (NOMPC) is essential for this direct gating of Drosophila auditory transduction channels and that the channel-spring complex was disrupted if TRPN1 was lost. Our results identify TRPN1 as a mechanical constituent of the fly's auditory transduction complex that may act as the channel and/or gating spring

    Coupling and Elastic Loading Affect the Active Response by the Inner Ear Hair Cell Bundles

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    Active hair bundle motility has been proposed to underlie the amplification mechanism in the auditory endorgans of non-mammals and in the vestibular systems of all vertebrates, and to constitute a crucial component of cochlear amplification in mammals. We used semi-intact in vitro preparations of the bullfrog sacculus to study the effects of elastic mechanical loading on both natively coupled and freely oscillating hair bundles. For the latter, we attached glass fibers of different stiffness to the stereocilia and observed the induced changes in the spontaneous bundle movement. When driven with sinusoidal deflections, hair bundles displayed phase-locked response indicative of an Arnold Tongue, with the frequency selectivity highest at low amplitudes and decreasing under stronger stimulation. A striking broadening of the mode-locked response was seen with increasing stiffness of the load, until approximate impedance matching, where the phase-locked response remained flat over the physiological range of frequencies. When the otolithic membrane was left intact atop the preparation, the natural loading of the bundles likewise decreased their frequency selectivity with respect to that observed in freely oscillating bundles. To probe for signatures of the active process under natural loading and coupling conditions, we applied transient mechanical stimuli to the otolithic membrane. Following the pulses, the underlying bundles displayed active movement in the opposite direction, analogous to the twitches observed in individual cells. Tracking features in the otolithic membrane indicated that it moved in phase with the bundles. Hence, synchronous active motility evoked in the system of coupled hair bundles by external input is sufficient to displace large overlying structures

    Harmonin-b, an actin-binding scaffold protein, is involved in the adaptation of mechanoelectrical transduction by sensory hair cells

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    We assessed the involvement of harmonin-b, a submembranous protein containing PDZ domains, in the mechanoelectrical transduction machinery of inner ear hair cells. Harmonin-b is located in the region of the upper insertion point of the tip link that joins adjacent stereocilia from different rows and that is believed to gate transducer channel(s) located in the region of the tip link's lower insertion point. In Ush1cdfcr-2J/dfcr-2J mutant mice defective for harmonin-b, step deflections of the hair bundle evoked transduction currents with altered speed and extent of adaptation. In utricular hair cells, hair bundle morphology and maximal transduction currents were similar to those observed in wild-type mice, but adaptation was faster and more complete. Cochlear outer hair cells displayed reduced maximal transduction currents, which may be the consequence of moderate structural anomalies of their hair bundles. Their adaptation was slower and displayed a variable extent. The latter was positively correlated with the magnitude of the maximal transduction current, but the cells that showed the largest currents could be either hyperadaptive or hypoadaptive. To interpret our observations, we used a theoretical description of mechanoelectrical transduction based on the gating spring theory and a motor model of adaptation. Simulations could account for the characteristics of transduction currents in wild-type and mutant hair cells, both vestibular and cochlear. They led us to conclude that harmonin-b operates as an intracellular link that limits adaptation and engages adaptation motors, a dual role consistent with the scaffolding property of the protein and its binding to both actin filaments and the tip link component cadherin-23

    Modelling a Historic Oil-Tank Fire Allows an Estimation of the Sensitivity of the Infrared Receptors in Pyrophilous Melanophila Beetles

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    Pyrophilous jewel beetles of the genus Melanophila approach forest fires and there is considerable evidence that these beetles can detect fires from great distances of more than 60 km. Because Melanophila beetles are equipped with infrared receptors and are also attracted by hot surfaces it can be concluded that these infrared receptors are used for fire detection

    HEATR2 Plays a Conserved Role in Assembly of the Ciliary Motile Apparatus

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    Cilia are highly conserved microtubule-based structures that perform a variety of sensory and motility functions during development and adult homeostasis. In humans, defects specifically affecting motile cilia lead to chronic airway infections, infertility and laterality defects in the genetically heterogeneous disorder Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD). Using the comparatively simple Drosophila system, in which mechanosensory neurons possess modified motile cilia, we employed a recently elucidated cilia transcriptional RFX-FOX code to identify novel PCD candidate genes. Here, we report characterization of CG31320/HEATR2, which plays a conserved critical role in forming the axonemal dynein arms required for ciliary motility in both flies and humans. Inner and outer arm dyneins are absent from axonemes of CG31320 mutant flies and from PCD individuals with a novel splice-acceptor HEATR2 mutation. Functional conservation of closely arranged RFX-FOX binding sites upstream of HEATR2 orthologues may drive higher cytoplasmic expression of HEATR2 during early motile ciliogenesis. Immunoprecipitation reveals HEATR2 interacts with DNAI2, but not HSP70 or HSP90, distinguishing it from the client/chaperone functions described for other cytoplasmic proteins required for dynein arm assembly such as DNAAF1-4. These data implicate CG31320/HEATR2 in a growing intracellular pre-assembly and transport network that is necessary to deliver functional dynein machinery to the ciliary compartment for integration into the motile axoneme

    Tree diversity and species identity effects on soil fungi, protists and animals are context dependent

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    Plant species richness and the presence of certain influential species (sampling effect) drive the stability and functionality of ecosystems as well as primary production and biomass of consumers. However, little is known about these floristic effects on richness and community composition of soil biota in forest habitats owing to methodological constraints. We developed a DNA metabarcoding approach to identify the major eukaryote groups directly from soil with roughly species-level resolution. Using this method, we examined the effects of tree diversity and individual tree species on soil microbial biomass and taxonomic richness of soil biota in two experimental study systems in Finland and Estonia and accounted for edaphic variables and spatial autocorrelation. Our analyses revealed that the effects of tree diversity and individual species on soil biota are largely context dependent. Multiple regression and structural equation modelling suggested that biomass, soil pH, nutrients and tree species directly affect richness of different taxonomic groups. The community composition of most soil organisms was strongly correlated due to similar response to environmental predictors rather than causal relationships. On a local scale, soil resources and tree species have stronger effect on diversity of soil biota than tree species richness per se
