165 research outputs found

    Two Versions of the Truth: Class and Perspective in Early Captivity Narratives

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    This study deals with early American narratives about North African captivity. The focus is put on two widely differing narratives that were written about the same event (the capture of the USS Philadelphia in 1803), one by an officer, the other by a regular sailor. The aim of this study is to show how class, monetary considerations and literary ambitions influenced the seemingly factual retellings of those events.L’étude analyse les premiers rĂ©cits amĂ©ricains de captivitĂ© barbaresque. Deux rĂ©cits prĂ©sentant de notables divergences et portant sur le mĂȘme Ă©pisode (la capture de la frĂ©gate USS Philadelphia en 1803) sont examinĂ©s, l’un des rĂ©cits Ă©tant celui d’un officier, l’autre celui d’un simple marin. L’objet est de montrer comment les questions de classe sociale, les enjeux monĂ©taires et les ambitions littĂ©raires ont influencĂ© le compte-rendu, en apparence factuelle, des Ă©vĂ©nements

    Online-Nutzung von Musikwerken

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    Auf Grund des rasanten technischen Fortschritts im Online-Bereich (Internet und Handy) entstehen laufend neue Nutzungsformen von Musikwerken. Angesichts der enormen wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Musikindustrie ist daher eine korrekte rechtliche Qualifikation und Einordnung dieser Nutzungsformen unter die – nach dem österreichischen Urheberrecht bestehenden – Verwertungsrechte eine absolute Notwendigkeit. Dies zeigt sich gerade im Bereich der Online-Nutzungen, wo in den letzten Jahren ein positiver Trend hinsichtlich der UmsĂ€tze der Musikindustrie zu verzeichnen ist. Zu Beginn der Arbeit wird nĂ€her auf die einzelnen Verwertungsrechte (VervielfĂ€ltigungsrecht, Verbreitungsrecht, Recht der öffentlichen Wiedergabe, Senderecht und ZurverfĂŒgungstellungsrecht) eingegangen und diese voneinander abgegrenzt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei vor allem auf das Senderecht iSd § 17 UrhG und das ZurverfĂŒgungstellungsrecht iSd § 18a UrhG gelegt. Anschließend wird auf die – von der Verwertung von Musikwerken – Betroffenen (Urheber, AusĂŒbende KĂŒnstler, TontrĂ€gerhersteller, Rundfunkunternehmer) und auf die Relevanz der Abgrenzung und Einordnung neuer Nutzungsformen (unter die entsprechenden Verwertungsrechte) eingegangen. In weiterer Folge werden folgende neue Nutzungsformen nĂ€her behandelt und unter die entsprechenden Verwertungsrechte subsumiert: Internetradio (Simulcasting, Webcasting, Podcasting), Filesharing-Netzwerke, Recording-Software, Online-Recording, DatenĂŒbermittlung via E-Mail, Nutzung von Mobiltelefonen (insbesondere DatenĂŒbermittlungsformen und Handyklingeltöne). In diesem Zusammenhang werden zahlreiche Abgrenzungsfragen zwischen den einzelnen Nutzungsformen nĂ€her behandelt

    Die Lenau-Übertragungen Fedor Tjutčevs und Aleksej Apuchtins

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    Fedor Tjutčev verfasste am 15. August 1858 eine Variation auf Nikolaus Lenaus letztes Gedicht Blick in den Strom. Das deutsche Original war mit Tjutčevs eigener Lyrik zwar bereits kompatibel, dennoch hat der russische Dichter viele VerĂ€nderungen vorgenommen, die die Nachdichtung in ein selbststĂ€ndiges Gedicht verwandelt haben, das den Vorstellungen und Ideen des Übersetzers genau entspricht. Im Gegensatz zum deutschen Fremdtext spielen in der russischen Nachdichtung die Beseeltheit der Natur und die AllmĂ€chtigkeit des Flusses eine wichtige Rolle. Tjutčev, der zeit seines Lebens eng mit Deutschland und der deutschen Kultur verbunden war, ĂŒbersetzte auch viele Werke Heines, Goethes und Schillers ins Russische, die Ă€hnliche Übersetzungsmuster wie die Lenau-Übertragung aufweisen. Auch Aleksej Apuchtins Variation auf Lenaus Schilflied Nr. 1, das er am 21. November 1858 ins Russische ĂŒbertrug, ist nur lose mit seiner Vorlage verbunden. Durch wenige VerĂ€nderungen transferierte er den deutschen Fremdtext in ein neues poetisches System. Idem er das Motiv des FlĂŒsterns und Schweigens in die Nachdichtung integrierte, verwandelte er den deutschen Fremdtext in ein symbolistisches Gedicht. Ebenso entsprechen die Belebung der Natur und die Verwandlung des deutschen Originals in ein Herbstgedicht seiner eigenen Motivwelt. Einige dieser Ideen verwirklichte Apuchtin auch in seinen Übertragungen aus dem Werk Heinrich Heines. Im Vergleich zu Tjutčev sind die Zahl seiner Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen und seine Verbindung zu Deutschland jedoch kaum erwĂ€hnenswert.On the 15th of August 1858 Fedor Tjutčev translated Nikolaus Lenau’s last poem Blick in den Strom into Russian. Although the German original had already been compatible with Tjutčev’s own poetry the Russian poet changed many things that transformed the adaption to an independent poem which corresponds to the themes and ideas of the translator. In comparison to the German text the animation of nature and the omnipotence of the river play an important role in the Russian adaption. Tjutčev who had been related strongly to Germany and the German culture throughout his whole life also translated a lot of works by Heine, Goethe and Schiller into Russian. These translations show similar translation-patterns as the adaption of Lenau. Also Aleksej Apuchtin’s variation of Lenau’s poem Schilflied Nr. 1 which he translated into Russian on the 21st of November 1858 is only loosely connected to the original. Only by a few changes he transferred the German text to a new poetical system. Apuchtin transformed the German text to a symbolistic poem by integrating the motive of whispering and the motive of silence. Also the vitalization of nature und the transformation of the German original to a poem of fall represent his own world of imagination. Apuchtin realized some of these ideas in his adaptions of Heinrich Heine as well. In comparison to Tjutčev the number of his translations from the German language and his connection to Germany are hardly worth mentioning

    Photoaquation mechanism of hexacyanoferrate(II) ions: ultrafast 2D UV and transient visible and IR spectroscopies

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    Ferrous iron(II) hexacyanide in aqueous solutions is known to undergo photoionization and photoaquation reactions depending on the excitation wavelength. To investigate this wavelength dependence, we implemented ultrafast two-dimensional UV transient absorption spectroscopy, covering a range from 280 to 370 nm in both excitation and probing, along with UV pump/visible probe or time-resolved infrared (TRIR) transient absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. As far as photoaquation is concerned, we find that excitation of the molecule leads to ultrafast intramolecular relaxation to the lowest triplet state of the [Fe(CN)6]4– complex, followed by its dissociation into CN– and [Fe(CN)5]3– fragments and partial geminate recombination, all within <0.5 ps. The subsequent time evolution is associated with the [Fe(CN)5]3– fragment going from a triplet square pyramidal geometry, to the lowest triplet trigonal bipyramidal state in 3–4 ps. This is the precursor to aquation, which occurs in ∌20 ps in H2O and D2O solutions, forming the [Fe(CN)5(H2O/D2O)]3– species, although some aquation also occurs during the 3–4 ps time scale. The aquated complex is observed to be stable up to the microsecond time scale. For excitation below 310 nm, the dominant channel is photooxidation with a minor aquation channel. The photoaquation reaction shows no excitation wavelength dependence up to 310 nm, that is, it reflects a Kasha Rule behavior. In contrast, the photooxidation yield increases with decreasing excitation wavelength. The various intermediates that appear in the TRIR experiments are identified with the help of DFT calculations. These results provide a clear example of the energy dependence of various reactive pathways and of the role of spin-states in the reactivity of metal complexes

    Chromium(0), Molybdenum(0), and Tungsten(0) Isocyanide Complexes as Luminophores and Photosensitizers with Long-Lived Excited States

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    Arylisocyanide complexes based on earth-abundant Group 6 d6 metals are interesting alternatives to photoactive complexes made from precious metals such as RuII, ReI, OsII, or IrIII. Some of these complexes have long-lived 3MLCT excited states that exhibit luminescence with good quantum yields as well as nano- to microsecond lifetimes, and they are very strongly reducing. Recent studies have demonstrated that Cr0, Mo0, and W0 arylisocyanide complexes have great potential for applications in luminescent devices, photoredox catalysis, and dye-sensitized solar cells

    Directly probing spin dynamics in a molecular magnet with femtosecond time-resolution

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    We show that a vanadium-chromium Prussian blue analogue, which is a room-temperature molecule-based magnet, displays a fast magnetic response on a femtosecond timescale that is attributed to the super-exchange interaction between the metal ions. These dynamics are obtained from femtosecond Faraday magneto-optical (MO) measurements, performed at 50 and 300 K. Exciting at the ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (LMCT) band results in the formation of the 2E excited state on the Cr ion via intersystem crossing (ISC) from the 4LMCT state in less than 250 fs. Subsequent vibrational relaxation in the 2E state occurs on a 0.78 ± 0.05 ps timescale at 50 K and 1.1 ± 0.1 ps at 300 K. The MO measurements can detect the formation of the 2E state on the Cr ion from the change in the super-exchange interaction taking place as a result of the corresponding spin flip associated with the formation of the 2E state. These results open up a new avenue to study molecular magnets using a powerful method that is capable of directly probing spin dynamics on a sub-picosecond timescale in thin film environments.journal article2016 Dec 012016 08 01importe

    Production yields of noble-gas isotopes from ISOLDE UCx_{x}/graphite targets

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    Yields of He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe isotopic chains were measured from UCx_{x}/graphite and ThCx_{x}/graphite targets at the PSB-ISOLDE facility at CERN using isobaric selectivity achieved by the combination of a plasma-discharge ion source with a water-cooled transfer line. %The measured half-lives allowed %to calculate the decay losses of neutron-rich isotopes in the %target and ion-source system, and thus to obtain information on the in-target %productions from the measured yields. The delay times measured for a UCx_x/graphite target allow for an extrapolation to the expected yields of very neutron-rich noble gas isotopes, in particular for the ``NuPECC reference elements'' Ar and Kr, at the next-generation radioactive ion-beam facility EURISOL. \end{abstract} \begin{keyword} % keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword radioactive ion beams \sep release \sep ion yields \sep ISOL (Isotope Separation On-Line) \sep uranium and thorium carbide targets. % PACS codes here, in the form: \PACS code \sep code \PACS 25.85.Ge \sep 28.60+S \sep 29.25.Rm

    Multiphoton-Excited Luminescent Lanthanide Bioprobes: Two- and Three-Photon Cross Sections of Dipicolinate Derivatives and Binuclear Helicates

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    Multiphoton excited luminescent properties of water-soluble EuIII and TbIII complexes with derivatives of dipicolinic acid functionalized with a polyoxyethylene pendant arm and terminal groups, [Eu(LOMe)3]3-, [Eu(LNH2)3]3-, and [Tb(LOH)3]3-, as well as of binuclear helicates with overall composition [Ln2(LCX)3] (X ) 2, 5) are investigated. Characteristic emission from the 5D0 and 5D4 excited levels of EuIII and TbIII, respectively, upon ≈800 nm excitation results from three-photon absorption (3PA) for [Eu(LOMe)3]3-, [Eu(LNH2)3]3-, [Tb(LOH)3]3-, and [Ln2(LC2)3], while luminescence from [Eu2(LC5)3] is induced by two-photon absorption (2PA) owing to its 1PA spectrum extending further into the visible. The 3PA cross sections have been determined and are the first ones reported for lanthanide complexes: (i) those of EuIII and TbIII bimetallic helicates [Ln2(LC2)3] are 20 times larger compared to the corresponding values for tris(dipicolinates); (ii) derivatization of dipicolinic acid for TbIII complexes has almost no influence on the 3PA cross section; however, for EuIII complexes a ∌2 times decrease is observed. The feasibility of [Eu2(LC5)3] as multiphoton luminescence bioprobe is demonstrated by two-photon scanning microscopy imaging experiments on HeLa cells incubated with this bimetallic helicate
