3,111 research outputs found

    Mechanizmy rekrutacji na uniwersytet - na przykładzie kierunku socjologia ogólna na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

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    The mechanisms which shape the student population are extremely complex and complicated. As a result of various selection mechanisms, ever smaller percentages of young people reach subsequent levels of education. Key differentiating factors include: school performance, abilities, acquired skills, social and economic conditions in the socialising environment, any endeavours by educational institutions and individuals’ motivations and actions. The author is primarily interested in the recruitment procedure which is among the most crucial mechanisms that shape the student population. As it turns out, the procedure is not free of the influence of social factors. The article is based on research conducted during the recruitment procedure for a study programme in general sociology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The analyses of mechanisms which shape the first year student population at the aforementioned university clearly indicate that the recruitment procedure rests on two platforms. On the one hand, most of the admittees were good students but, on the other hand, the screening procedure negatively selects candidates by gender and residential background.Mechanizmy kształtujące zbiorowość studentów mają niezwykle skomplikowany charakter. W wyniku rozmaitych mechanizmów selekcji, na coraz wyższe szczeble edukacji dociera coraz mniejszy odsetek młodych ludzi. Wśród głównych czynników różnicujących należy wymienić: osiągnięcia szkolne, zdolności, nabyte dyspozycje, warunki społeczno-ekonomiczne środowiska socjalizacyjnego, wszelkie zabiegi instytucji edukacyjnych oraz motywacje i działania poszczególnych jednostek. Autor zajmuje się przede wszystkim procedurą rekrutacyjną, która stanowi jeden z najistotniejszych mechanizmów kształtujących zbiorowość studentów. Jak się jednak okazuje, nie jest ona wolna od uwarunkowań społecznych. Artykuł oparty jest na badaniach przeprowadzonych w trakcie postępowania rekrutacyjnego na kierunek socjologia ogólna na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Przedstawione analizy mechanizmów kształtujących zbiorowość studentów I roku wyraźnie wskazują na dwupłaszczyznowy charakter procedury rekrutacyjnej. Z jednej strony na studia dostają się głównie dobrzy uczniowie, z drugiej jednak strony postępowanie kwalifikacyjne negatywnie selekcjonuje kandydatów ze względu na płeć i środowisko zamieszkania

    Alien Registration- Wasielewski, Wincenty (South Portland, Cumberland County)

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    CHEK2 1100delC and polygenic susceptibility to breast cancer and colorectal cancer

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    Approximately 15-25% of breast cancers are identified in women with a family history of breast cancer. Yet, germline mutations in the currently known breast cancer susceptibility genes account for only one-third of familial breast cancer cases. In 2002, our research group had identified the CHEK2 1100delC mutation as a breast cancer susceptibility allele. It was estimated that this mutation confers an approximately 2-fold increased breast cancer risk for female CHEK2 1100delC carriers. Although this 2-fold increased breast cancer risk had classified the CHEK2 1100delC mutation as a moderate-risk breast cancer susceptibility allele, the mutation typically was more prevalent among breast cancer families with a high-risk breast cancer inheritance pattern. Also, the CHEK2 1100delC mutation did not completely segregate with the breast cancer phenotype in the high-risk breast cancer families. Together, these observations suggested the presence of additional cance! r susceptibility alleles in CHEK2 1100delC families. This thesis has focused on three topics related to the CHEK2 gene and in particular the CHEK2 1100delC mutation: analysis of the CHEK2-p53 tumor suppressor pathway by mutation analysis of both genes in human breast cancer cell lines; evaluation of the association of CHEK2 1100delC with male breast cancer and colorectal cancer; and identification of genes involved in the polygenic CHEK2 cancer model by using a candidate gene approach

    Academic Performance of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: Insights from a Study of One Catholic College

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if students with disabilities perform comparably to students without disabilities academically at a small liberal arts college. Quantitative results were gathered through the comparison of end of semester and cumulative grade point averages for students with disabilities and students without disabilities (n=56). The t test for independent means and a 2-way analysis of variance were used to test hypotheses. Students without disabilities had significantly higher academic performances than students with disabilities as measured by grade point averages. Female students without disabilities outperformed female students with disabilities as measured by end-of-semester and cumulative grade point averages. However, male students without disabilities did not outperform male students with disabilities. Further research should evaluate why females with disabilities seem to fare worse when compared to female students in the comparison group and why male students did not demonstrate the same pattern. Resultados académicos de estudiantes con discapacidades en la educación superior: percepciones de un estudio de un centro de educación superior católico El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si los estudiantes con discapacidades obtienen resultados comparables a aquellos sin discapacidades académicas, en un pequeño colegio de artes liberales. Se reunieron los resultados cuantitativos mediante la comparación de las notas de final de semestre y las notas medias cumulativas de los estudiantes con discapacidades y de los estudiantes sin discapacidades (n=56). Para probar hipótesis, se emplearon la prueba t para medias independientes y un análisis de variación a dos bandas. Los estudiantes sin discapacidades obtuvieron unos resultados significativamente superiores a los de los estudiantes con discapacidades, tal y como midieron las notas medias finales. Las estudiantes sin discapacidades superaron a las estudiantes con discapacidades, tal y como lo midieron las notas medias de final de semestre y las notas medias cumulativas. Sin embargo, los estudiantes varones sin discapacidades no superaron a los estudiantes varones con discapacidades. Investigaciones ulteriores deberían evaluar por qué las estudiantes con discapacidades parecen obtener peores resultados cuando se las compara a las estudiantes del grupo de comparación y por qué los estudiantes varones no mostraron el mismo patrón. Palabras clave: resultado académico, estudiantes con discapacidades, educación post-secundaria Résultats universitaires des étudiants handicapés dans l\u27enseignement supérieur : perspectives tirées d\u27une enquête sur un établissement d\u27enseignement supérieur catholique Cette étude avait pour but de déterminer si les étudiants handicapés ont des résultats universitaires comparables à ceux des étudiants non handicapés dans un petit établissement d\u27enseignement supérieur des Arts et Lettres. Des résultats quantitatifs ont été recueillis en comparant les moyennes des notes de fin de semestre et les notes accumulées pour les étudiants handicapés et non handicapés (n=56). Le test t pour des moyennes indépendantes et une analyse de variance à deux facteurs ont été utilisés pour tester les hypothèses. Les étudiants non handicapés ont des résultats universitaires nettement meilleurs que ceux des étudiants handicapés, mesurés par les moyennes des notes. Les étudiantes non handicapées ont des résultats universitaires nettement meilleurs que ceux des étudiantes handicapées, mesurés par les moyennes des notes. Toutefois, les étudiants hommes non handicapés n\u27ont pas eu de meilleurs résultats que les étudiants handicapés. Des recherches plus poussées devraient évaluer pourquoi les étudiantes handicapées semblent avoir de moins bons résultats par rapport aux étudiantes non handicapées dans le groupe de comparaison et pourquoi les étudiants hommes n\u27ont pas suivi le même schéma. Mots-clés : résultats universitaires, étudiants handicapés, enseignement post secondair

    Language games

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    2013 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.The complex nature of language has interested me as long as I can remember: how we experience it and how it affects our lives in both personal and public ways. This fascination was the spark for a thesis body of work that considers Ludwig Wittgenstein's "language game" in the context of contemporary discourse. In his publication Philosophical Investigations, he first coins the term, noting that it is "meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity, or of a form of life." This idea that we activate language as we speak it, is the cornerstone of my personal exploration of the written and spoken word as a medium and the foundation of this thesis body

    Cut layer of a circular saw with radial run-out of cutting edges

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    U radu se obrađuje utjecaj radijalnog ispona zubi kružne pile na promjene debljine strugotine za svaku oštricu i na promjenu ukupne debljine strugotine za sve zube na pili. Osim toga, analiziran je i utjecaj položaja obratka u odnosu na list pile na debljinu strugotine.This paper presents the influence of the radial run-out of circular saw blade teeth on changes of cut layer thickness for each blade and change of total cut layer thickness for the saw. Additionally the influence is presented of workpiece position in relation to the saw on cut layers thickness

    Software Requirements As Executable Code

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    This project analyzed the effectiveness of using Story Testing frameworks to create an application directly from user specifications. It did this by taking an example business application with traditional specifications and rewriting those specifications in three different Story Testing Frameworks - Cucumber, FitNesse, and JBehave. Analysis of results drew the following conclusions: 1) Story Testing can help prove a project\u27s completeness, 2) Specifications are still too technical, 3) Implementation is not overly complex, and 4) Story Testing is worth it. It proposed future research around evaluating natural languages and seeking more user-friendly ways of writing specifications in a natural language

    Man, Death & Ethics

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    Aim of work: the research of the determination and destination of human for nature and cognition. The basis of the research is Karl Raimund Popper's article «Evolutionary epistemology». A critical analysis of Popper's proposed theses and the scheme of theory evolution is conducted. The signifi-cance of the occurrence of the system of tenses of the language as an implication of the descriptive function of the language is noted. The issue with which the cycle of evolution of life and cognition begins is revealed. The language is included in the scheme proposed by Popper. As a result of the reasoning the pivotal feature of the human essence is identified: awareness the problem of death. This awareness makes it possible to relate oneself to the problem, which is the reason for the presence of the most aggregate evaluation categories: «good» and «evil». This is how a person may determine the purpose of evolution: overcoming the problem. In contrast to nature, the evolution of which is aimed at avoiding the problem. Having reached the goal, a person will go beyond himself as a phe-nomenon defined by the awareness of the problem. In this case, self-transcendence is a person's tran-sition to a new quality. The role of philosophy in the procedures of self-transcendence occurring in contemporary society is discussed