205 research outputs found

    Hvilken gjærdeig av hvete, med ulik mengde vann, hever mest?

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    I denne studien ble det undersøkt om gjærdeig av hvetemel med mer vann hever raskere enn gjærdeig med mindre vann. I studien ble det totalt laget ni deiger. Tre deiger bestod av 0,20 L vann, tre av 0,25 L og tre av 0,35 L. Tre og tre deiger, med ulik mengde vann, ble laget samtidig, i tilfeldig rekkefølge. Videre ble de hevet like lenge, under de samme forholdene, og målt hvert 20. minutt. Resultatene viste at deigen med 0,25 L vann, vannmengden i oppskriften, i gjennomsnitt hadde størst volum etter 80 minutter. Statistisk analyse av resultatene viste derimot at det ikke var en signifikant forskjell mellom hevevolumet til de ulike deigene. Konklusjonen på denne studien var at det ikke var en sammenheng mellom deigvæske og hevevolum

    Wind Turbines for the Power Supply for Offshore Fish Farms : A Case Study for the Norwegian West Coast

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    Master's thesis Renewable Energy ENE500 - University of Agder 2017In this thesis the power consumption of a fish farm is set in relation to the expected power production from a wind turbine in order to assess the feasibility of this combination. The fish farm, called Rataren, is located in Sør-Trøndelag and hourly data on power consumption is available in the period 1st February 2016 until 31st August 2016, as a result of change in energy source from diesel generators to the onshore power grid. This is one of Norway’s largest fish farms and has 14 cages during the studied period. There are some minor data losses that are removed from the data sets. Wind speed, air and water temperatures at 2.5 masl and 1 mbsl are measured by a Seawatch Midi 185 Buoy at the location, and the data are supplied by SINTEF Ocean. In view of the estimation of the power output of a wind turbine the data on wind speed have to be extrapolated from measuring height to turbine hub height. For this the atmospheric stability, estimated here by the temperature difference between the air and the sea, is taken into account. The classifications used are unstable, slightly unstable, near-neutral, slightly stable and stable, and are characterized by limits of the temperature differences set to -3°C, -1°C, 1°C and 3°C. Two methods of extrapolating wind speed from measuring height to hub height are considered; the logarithmic law with corrections according to stability and the power law parametrized according to stability. For both methods the complete calculation of key variables requires information that is unavailable in this case of study. The problems faced when using the log law were the determination of stability parameter z/L, but also variation in friction velocity or roughness height. When using the log law in combination with different values for the variables based on literature, there were inconsistencies in the results indicated by unreasonable wind profiles. The more simplified method, the power law, is therefore concluded as the best approximation when this many parameters are unknown. The power law exponents that are used to correspond to each of the atmospheric conditions mentioned are set to 0.07, 0.09, 0.11, 0.13 and 0.15. Hourly mean wind speeds were then calculated using the power law with the exponent for the stability class found to occur at that particular hour. The results show an average wind speed of 7.04 m/s at 65 meters, compared to a measured average of 5.01 m/s at 2.5 meters height. The hourly power production at site by a Hywind Demo 2.3 MW turbine and a GWP 750 kW turbine was estimated. To analyse the sensitivity of the results to the relation of consumption and production, the hourly consumption is also multiplied by three and by six in two other cases, while being compared to the power production by the Hywind turbine. The production by a wind farm of three GWP turbines are estimated and compared to the other cases, which is similar in capacity to the one Hywind turbine. The 750 kW turbines are considered to be slightly more favourable, as the ratio of energy import to export to the onshore power grid is lower. In all, the results show that wind turbine is not suitable without energy storage or additional power sources. Hence, it is not possible to make a firm conclusion of which turbine is most suitable without further investigations

    Kundeutbytte i norske sparebanker : Betyr kundeutbytte noe for kundens lojalitet og valg av bank?

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    Master's thesis in Business administration (BE501)Formål -Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke om kundeutbytte betyr noe for personersvalg av bank. Kundeutbytte er en overskuddsdisponering som utbetales til kundene. For å besvare problemstillingen,har vi fokusert på ulike former for kundelojalitet og kundetilfredshet. Teori-Det teoretiske rammeverket bygger på teorier om lojalitet, tilfredshet og hvordan praktiseringen av kundeutbytte kan påvirke kundens holdninger til banken sin. Lojalitet og tilfredshet er to teoretiske begreper som hører tett sammen, hvor tilfredshet sammen med personlige byttekostnader er forløpere som leder direkte til lojalitet (Oliver, 1999; Beerli, Martín & Quintana, 2004; Lewis & Soureli, 2006).Metode og utvalg-I denne oppgaven benyttet vi en kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse med respondenter fra Innlandet. Datainnsamlingen resulterte i 194 besvarelser, der 180 av de ble ansett som godkjente og benyttet i våre analyser. Dataene ble analysert ved bruk av krysstabeller, korrelasjonsanalyse, faktoranalyse, t-test og regresjonsanalyse. Vi benyttet også et eksperiment der respondentene ble bedt om å ta stilling til hvilkenbank de ville valgt i en hypotetisk situasjon–en bank med kundeutbytte, og en bank uten kundeutbytte

    Characterization of the Metabolically Healthy Phenotype in Overweight and Obese British Men

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    We calculated the prevalence of the metabolically healthy but obese (MHO) phenotype in (n=9 177) British men (age 48.9±7.4 years) attending preventive health screening between 2000 and 2009. We examined differences in cardiorespiratory fitness (Fitness) and self-reported physical activity levels, according to whether the men were metabolically healthy (<2 components of the metabolic syndrome), and by BMI category (normal-weight, over-weight, obese). Fitness was estimated from treadmill exercise as VO2peak and classified as: Low, Moderate, or High using age-specific cut-offs. We identified 21.6% of our sample as obese, of whom 83.1% were metabolically healthy. Compared with the metabolic unhealthy obese (MUO; 3.7% of sample), MHO phenotypes were fitter (effect size d=0.21) and were more physically active (d=0.31). Logistic regression showed high fitness (OR=2.40, 95%CI 1.38-4.19), and being physically active (OR=1.71, 95% CI 1.14-2.56) to be independently associated with the MHO phenotype. Our findings agree with US data suggesting that higher cardiorespiratory fitness is a characteristic of the MHO phenotype. Our finding that meeting physical activity guidelines was associated with the MHO phenotype independent of fitness is, however, novel. If confirmed, our findings indicate that public health messages that en-courage active lifestyles to promote fitness should be encouraged regardless of weight sta-tus

    Designing Durable Vapor-Deposited Surfaces for Reduced Hydrate Adhesion

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    The formation and accumulation of clathrate hydrates inside oil and gas pipelines cause severe problems in deep-sea oil/gas operations. In the present work, durable and mechanically robust bilayer poly-divinyl benzene/poly(perfluorodecylacrylate) coatings are developed using initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) to reduce the adhesion strength of hydrates to underlying substrates (silicon and steel). Tetrahydrofuran (THF) dissolved in water with a wt% concentration of 0–70 is used to study the formation of hydrates and their adhesion strength. Goniometric measurements of the THF–water droplets on the substrates exhibit a reduction in advancing and receding contact angles with an increase in the THF concentration. The strength of hydrate adhesion experiences a tenfold reduction when substrates are coated with these iCVD polymers: from 1050 ± 250 kPa on bare silicon to 128 ± 100 kPa on coated silicon and from 1130 ± 185 kPa on bare steel to 153 ± 86 kPa on coated steel. The impact of subcooling temperature and time on the adhesion strength of hydrate on substrates is also studied. The results of this work suggest that the THF–water mixture repellency of a given substrate can be utilized to assess its hydrate-phobic behavior; hence, it opens a pathway for studying hydrate-phobicity.Chevron Corporation (MIT-Chevron University Partnership Program

    Laboratory-based ergometry for swimmers: a narrative review

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    INTRODUCTION: First widely available dry-land training machines for swimmers were introduced about 40 years ago. They were designed so that swimmers could perform resistance exercise whilst more-closely replicating the movements of swimming, than when using other gymnasium-based resistance training machines. This narrative review categorises and summarises what has been shown by the studies that have utilised laboratory-based ergometry for swimmers. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Scopus (1970-2018) and relevant publications were included. Publications were grouped into 4 main areas of research: (i) physiological responses to exercise, (ii) functional evaluation of swimmers, (iii) monitoring of training, and (iv) muscular work output of swimmers. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Significant differences were showed between swim bench exercise and real swimming, especially in regard to the muscles involved. The difficulties of accurate reproduction of the movements and coordinated dynamic actions of swimming have not been overcome. Nevertheless, the literature shows that the use of these devices has provided a valuablecontribution to swimming physiology, while overcoming difficulties presented by attempting to make physiological measurements in the water. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of its limitations, laboratory-based ergometry has allowed a valuable contribution to the understanding of the physiology, effects of training and efficiency of swimming

    Isolated core training improves sprint performance in national-level junior swimmers

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    Purpose: The aim of our study was to quantify the effects of a 12-week isolated core training programme on 50-m front crawl swim time and measures of core musculature functionally relevant to swimming. Methods: Twenty national-level junior swimmers (ten male and ten female, 16 ± 1 y, 171 ± 5 cm, 63 ± 4 kg) participated in the study. Group allocation (intervention [n=10], control [n=10]) was based on two pre-existing swim training groups who were part of the same swimming club but trained in different groups. The intervention group completed the core training, incorporating exercises targeting the lumbo-pelvic complex and upper region extending to the scapula, three times per week for 12 weeks. While the training was performed in addition to the normal pool-based swimming programme, the control group maintained their usual pool-based swimming programme. We made probabilistic magnitude-based inferences about the effect of the core training on 50-m swim time and functionally relevant measures of core function. Results: Compared to the control group, the core training intervention group had a possibly large beneficial effect on 50-m swim time (-2.0%; 90% confidence interval -3.8 to -0.2%). Moreover it showed smallmoderate improvements on a timed prone-bridge test (9.8%; 3.9 to 16.0%) and asymmetric straight-arm pull-down test (21.9%; 12.5 to 32.1%), there were moderate-large increases in peak EMG activity of core musculature during isolated tests of maximal voluntary contraction. Conclusion: This is the first study to demonstrate a clear beneficial effect of isolated core training on 50-m front crawl swim performance

    Wettability effects on oil recovery mechanisms in fractured chalk

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    This thesis is a part of the ongoing project, “Oil recovery from fractured chalk reservoirs”, which is a collaboration between the Reservoir Physics Group at the University of Bergen and ConocoPhillips Research Center in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The project was initiated in 1990 and for the last 15 years about 30 Master and PhD candidates have graduated and, mainly employed by the oil industry. Dedicated candidates combined with professional guidance and stable funding has been a key to the success of this long term research project. Early work in this project report experiments on large chalk blocks subjected to water floods. The dynamics of the water front propagation during water floods were monitored by nuclear tracer imaging for homogeneous whole blocks and when fractured. The impact of the fractures on the water flood could then be investigated. Emphasis was on the effect of wettability condition on the recovery mechanism. In addition to the saturation monitoring system, attempts to measure the pressure difference across different fractures in the block were made with varying degree of success. Based on the findings of the earlier work, emphasis for further research as a part of this thesis work was chosen: 1. Improve the aging technique to obtain reproducible, uniform and relevant wettabilities 2. Improve imaging in order to study the details on fluid transfer across open fractures at different wettability conditions