98 research outputs found

    Relationship Between the U.S. Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment And Healthcare Utilization

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    Escalating health care costs in the military health system are not sustainable long term. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve health and reduce health care costs. Military members serving in the United States Air Force (USAF) are encouraged to maintain physical fitness year-round and undergo mandatory physical fitness assessments (PFAs) annually. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine the nature of the relationship between the timing of the PFA and health care utilization (HU) by active duty service members assigned to the United Kingdom\u27s USAF military treatment facility. Donabedian\u27s framework and the logic process model were used to design the study. Archived fitness and health care utilization data were obtained on 361 military members. Findings indicated a strong, positive correlation between the timing of the PFA and HU, which was strongest during the PFA month. Monthly HU 6 months prior to PFA was compared using a 1-way repeated measures ANOVA. Findings indicated a significant difference between T-1 (PFA month), T-2 (1 month prior to PFA), and T-5 (5 months prior to PFA). Paired-samples t tests demonstrated a statistically significant increase in HU from T-5 to T-2. Although findings are not generalizable, they signal a need for further study to evaluate HU variability between populations, to identify at-risk groups, and to inform health and fitness policies that affect the readiness and retention of military members. The DNP project may promote interdisciplinary collaboration between health care providers and senior military leadership, innovation in health care delivery, and evidence-based and cost-conscious policies

    Melatonin-induced increase in human retina sensitivity to light as a possible component of its chronotropic properties

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    Integrated economic and environmental assessment of waste policy instruments

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    The need for new policy instruments supporting the on-going transition from end-of-pipe waste treatment to resource management has been recognized in European policy. Instruments need to be carefully assessed before implementation to promote the desired changes and avoid problem shifting. Mathematical models may assist policy makers in such assessments. This paper presents a set of soft-linked models for assessing the economic and environmental impacts of policy instruments for both the prevention and management of waste and discusses its strengths and limitations. Consisting of (1) a macro-economic model, (2) a systems engineering model for waste management and (3) a life cycle assessment model for waste management, the set is primarily suited to assessing market-based instruments and environmental regulations. Considerable resources were needed for developing and using the set, and there are clear limits as to what can be addressed. However, if only one of the models had been used, neither the range of instruments nor the scope of impacts would have been possible to cover. Furthermore, soft-linked models allow many disciplines to contribute within one harmonized framework. Such integrated assessments may become increasingly useful for continuing the implementation of policy for sustainable governance of society’s material resources

    Leadership Based on the Internal Quality Assurance System in the Christian University of Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the readiness of faculty and postgraduate program and to find a leadership model to implement the internal quality assurance (IQA) system consistently and sustainably. The method of the research was qualitative and quantitative approach. The data were obtained through interview result, internal quality audit result and questionnaire, and the sample was 168 permanent lecturers. The data analysis is done by organizing, synthesizing the data, and making conclusions. The findings of this research are as follows: Faculty and postgraduate program (1) have set 31 standard of quality, (2) have implemented 31 quality standard but still less understood, (3) have already done the audit and respond positively to internal quality audit activities, (4) audit results have been submitted to the rector of the university, (5) some leaders accept but some are resistant to the development of standards to 62 quality standards in faculty level. Furthermore, from the data found that the leadership style which supports the implementation of IQA system is the implementation of the task, so it can be concluded that the leadership style of the implementation tasks is recommended in the implementation of IQA system in universities

    Dynamics and Radiation of Young Type-Ia Supernova Remnants: Important Physical Processes

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    We examine and analyze the physical processes that should be taken into account when modeling young type-Ia SNRs, with ages of several hundred years. It is shown, that energy losses in the metal-rich ejecta can be essential for remnants already at this stage of evolution. The influence of electron thermal conduction and the rate of the energy exchange between electrons and ions on the temperature distribution and the X-radiation from such remnants is studied. The data for Tycho SNR from the XMM-Newton X-ray telescope have been employed for the comparison of calculations with observations.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Three pillars of sustainability: in search of conceptual origins

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    The three-pillar conception of (social, economic and environmental) sustainability, commonly represented by three intersecting circles with overall sustainability at the centre, has become ubiquitous. With a view of identifying the genesis and theoretical foundations of this conception, this paper reviews and discusses relevant historical sustainability literature. From this we find that there is no single point of origin of this three-pillar conception, but rather a gradual emergence from various critiques in the early academic literature of the economic status quo from both social and ecological perspectives on the one hand, and the quest to reconcile economic growth as a solution to social and ecological problems on the part of the United Nations on the other. The popular three circles diagram appears to have been first presented by Barbier (Environ Conserv 14:101, doi: 10.1017/s0376892900011449, 1987), albeit purposed towards developing nations with foci which differ from modern interpretations. The conceptualisation of three pillars seems to predate this, however. Nowhere have we found a theoretically rigorous description of the three pillars. This is thought to be in part due to the nature of the sustainability discourse arising from broadly different schools of thought historically. The absence of such a theoretically solid conception frustrates approaches towards a theoretically rigorous operationalisation of ‘sustainability’

    The role of manufacturing in affecting the social dimension of sustainability

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    LCA of ICT solutions: environmental impacts and challenges of assessment

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is playing an important role in modern society, contributing to economic growth and affecting society and people’s lifestyles. There are high expectations on ICT to contribute to sustainable development, e.g. through greenhouse gas emissions reductions. ICT solutions (ICT products and services) are often perceived as having low or no environmental impacts compared with conventional alternatives. In order to determine the potential of ICT to reduce environmental impacts, environmental assessments of ICT solutions compared with other alternatives are needed. A number of studies have already assessed the environmental impacts of individual ICT solutions and the ICT sector. However, more research is needed, covering different types of impacts (primary, secondary, rebound, etc.) in a variety of impact categories (e.g. climate change, ozone depletion, eutrophication, human and ecotoxicity, etc.). The findings then need to be systematised in order to identify hot-spots and draw generic conclusions. As the area is rather new and fast-developing, assessment methods need to be critically appraised in order to identify challenges and developments necessary for high quality assessments. This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge on the direct life cycle environmental impacts of ICT solutions and to investigate and analyse the challenges of applying Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a tool for environmental assessment of ICT solutions. Two research questions: “What life cycle environmental impacts and their causes can be identified for ICT solutions?” and “What are the methodological challenges of assessing the ICT solutions using LCA?” were analysed by reviewing published LCAs on ICT solutions and conducting a case study of online and printed newspapers. The literature review helped identify hotspots in the life cycle of ICT solutions, draw generic conclusions concerning environmental impacts and their causes, and identify major challenges to LCA application. The case study assessed the environmental impacts of traditional and new media solutions and provided information on methodological challenges. The results show that impacts other than climate change potential and energy use are not well-studied in the ICT sector, creating a risk of possible sub-optimisation and problem shifting. Manufacturing and the use phase are concluded to be the most environmentally intense life cycle stages of ICT products in many studies. However, transportation and end-of-life treatment should not be omitted in the assessments, although their impacts appear lower, as uncertainty and lack of data might be a reason for underestimations. As ICT is under constant and rapid development, environmental assessment of ICT solutions faces challenges regarding e.g. data quality and availability; choice of data type; methodological choices (e.g. choice of functional unit, scope definition and allocation); and assumptions on user behaviour. These affect the final results and thus need to be carefully considered by LCA practitioners. The outcomes of this thesis can benefit practitioners and decision-makers, improving knowledge on the environmental impacts of ICT solutions and challenges in applying LCA for assessment of ICT solutions, and providing improved grounds for more informed decision-making. Areas for further research regarding methodology development and filling knowledge gaps are also identified.Informations-och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) spelar en viktig roll i dagens samhälle genom att bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt, påverka samhällstrukturer och människors livsstil. Det finns höga förväntningar på att IKT skulle kunna bidra till hållbar utveckling, bland annat genom minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser. Miljöpåverkan från IKT-lösningar (produkter och tjänster) anses ofta vara obefintlig eller mycket lägre än konventionella alternativ. Men för att uppskatta vilken potential IKT har för att minska miljöpåverkan, behöver miljöbedömningar göras. Ett flertal studier har också genomförts för att bedöma miljöpåverkan av specifika IKT-lösningar och av branschen i sin helhet. Fortfarande behövs mer forskning som ger ökad kunskap om olika typer av påverkan (direkt, indirekt, rebound, etc.) och om olika slags miljöeffekter (t.ex. övergödning, toxiska effekter, markanvändning och biodiversitet. De resultat som redan finns kan också sammanställas för att identifiera de betydande aspekterna och för att dra generella slutsatser. Eftersom miljöbedömning av IKT-lösningar är relativt nytt och eftersom sektorn och dess produkter och tjänster utvecklas snabbt behöver metodiken analyseras, diskuteras och vidareutvecklas. Avhandlingens syfte är att bidra med ökad kunskap om IKT-lösningars direkta miljöpåverkan sett ur ett livscykelperspektiv, samt att identifiera och diskutera olika utmaningar med att använda livscykelanalys (LCA) som verktyg för miljöbedömning av IKT-lösningar. Två forskningsfrågor besvaras: ”Vilken miljöpåverkan har IKT-lösningar, sett ur ett livscykelperspektiv, och vad orsakar denna påverkan?” samt ”Vilka är de metodmässiga utmaningarna vid bedömningar av IKT -lösningar med hjälp av LCA?”. Genom en litteraturstudie över livscykelanalyser av IKT-lösningar identifieras betydande aspekter och generella slutsatser gällande miljöpåverkan och dess orsaker dras. Dessutom identifieras och diskuteras metodik-utmaningar. En fallstudie av online- och tryckta tidningar exemplifierar miljöpåverkan från traditionella och nya medielösningar med IKT, och ger dessutom underlag för diskussion om metodmässiga utmaningar. Avhandlingen visar att annan miljöpåverkan än klimatpåverkan och energianvändning inte är särskilt väl studerade inom IKT-sektorn. Detta kan leda till suboptimering och att problem överförs från en typ av miljöpåverkan till en annan. Generellt gäller att det är i tillverknings- och användningsfaserna som den största miljöpåverkan uppkommer. Transporter och avfallshantering visar inte särskilt hög miljöpåverkan i de studier som utförts och sammanställts. Transporter och avfallshantering bör ändå fortsatt inkluderas vid miljöbedömning av IKT-lösningar, eftersom osäkerhet och brist på data kan vara en orsak till resultaten. Eftersom IKT är under ständig och snabb utveckling kommer det fortsatt att vara en utmaning att göra miljöbedömningar av IKT-lösningar. Datakvalitet och -tillgänglighet, typ av data, olika metodval såsom val av funktionell enhet, systemgränser och allokering samt antaganden om användarnas beteende påverkar de slutliga resultaten och måste övervägas noga under en livscykelanalys. Resultaten från avhandlingen kan vara till nytta både för praktiker och för beslutsfattare. De kan bidra till ökad kunskap om miljöpåverkan från IKT-lösningar och utmaningar när det gäller att använda LCA på detta område och ger därmed en bättre grund för mer välunderbyggda beslut kopplade till IKT lösningar. Avhandlingen identifierar även områden för vidare forskning om metodutveckling.Информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ) играют важную роль в современном обществе, внося свой вклад в экономический рост и оказывая влияние на общество и стиль жизни людей. Большие надежды возлагаются на вклад ИКТ в устойчивое развитие, например,  посредством уменьшения выбросов парниковых газов. Часто предполагается, что ИКТ решения имеют меньшее негативное воздействие на окружающую среду (ВОС) по сравнению с традиционными решениями, или не имеют его вообще. Для того, чтобы определить потенциал ИКТ в уменьшении ВОС, необходима оценка воздействия на окружающую среду ИКТ по сравнению с другими альтернативами. Уже опубликовано довольно большое количество работ, оценивающих ВОС отдельных ИКТ и ИКТ сектора в целом.  Не смотря на это, необходимо больше исследований, охватывающих различные виды воздействий (первичные, вторичные, т.д.) в различных категориях (например, изменение климата, разрушение озонового слоя, токсичность и т.д.). Затем результаты необходимо систематизировать для того, чтобы определить так называемые «проблемные  точки» и сделать общие выводы. Поскольку эта сфера довольно нова и развивается быстро, методы анализа также необходимо подвергнуть критической оценке для того, чтобы определить возможные трудности, а также усовершенствования, необходимые для проведения последующих анализов высокого качества. Цель этой работы - пополнить базу знаний о воздействии на окружающую среду жизненного цикла ИКТ, а также изучить и проанализировать трудности, возникающие при применении Оценки Жизненного Цикла (ОЖЦ) как метода анализа ИКТ решений относительно их экологического воздействия.  Два вопроса были изучены в этой работе: «Каково воздействие на окружающую среду жизненного цикла ИКТ решений и каковы его причины?» и «Каковы методологические трудности в оценке ИКТ решений с использованием ОЖЦ?».  Для того, чтобы ответить на эти вопросы был сделан обзор опубликованых работ по ОЖЦ ИКТ решений, а также проведена ОЖЦ  интернет газет и их печатных аналогов.  Обзор опубликованных работ помог определить  «проблемные  точки» в жизненном цикле ИКТ решений, сделать общие выводы касательно ВОС и его причин, а также определить главные трудности в применении ОЖЦ. При проведении ОЖЦ  интернет газет и их печатных аналогов было оценено ВОС традиционных и новых видов медиа решений и собрана информация о методологических трудностях. Результаты показали что различные виды экологического воздействия ИКТ сектора (кроме влияния на изменение климата или энергопотребления) мало изучены, что создает риск возможной суб-оптимизации и переноса проблем из одной сферы в другую. Производство и фаза использования во многих исследованиях были выявлены как стадии жизненного цикла, имеющие наибольшее экологическое воздействие. Однако, нельзя пренебрегать такими стадиями жизненного цикла, как транспортировка и утилизация отходов, даже если их ВОС кажется небольшим, т.к. это может быть обусловлено недостатком данных для оценки. Поскольку ИКТ быстро развивается, при оценке экологического воздействия ИКТ решений легко столкнуться с трудностями касающимися, например, качества данных и их доступности; выбора типа данных; методологических решений (выбор функциональной единицы, определение границ исследования, т.д.); предположений по поводу поведения пользователя. Все это влияет на окончательные результаты и поэтому должно быть учтено ОЖЦ специалистами. Результаты этой работы вносят вклад в усовершенствование знаний об экологическом воздействии ИКТ решений и трудностях применения ОЖЦ для анализа ИКТ решений, а также предоставляют улучшенную базу для более информированного принятия решений, а следовально могут быть полезны практикующим исследователям и лицам, ответственным за принятие решений. В работе так же обозначены направления дальнейших исследований: изучение методологии, пополнение недостающих знаний

    Relationship Between the U.S. Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment and Healthcare Utilization

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    Escalating health care costs in the military health system are not sustainable long term. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve health and reduce health care costs. Military members serving in the United States Air Force (USAF) are encouraged to maintain physical fitness year-round and undergo mandatory physical fitness assessments (PFAs) annually. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine the nature of the relationship between the timing of the PFA and health care utilization (HU) by active duty service members assigned to the United Kingdom's USAF military treatment facility. Donabedian's framework and the logic process model were used to design the study. Archived fitness and health care utilization data were obtained on 361 military members. Findings indicated a strong, positive correlation between the timing of the PFA and HU, which was strongest during the PFA month. Monthly HU 6 months prior to PFA was compared using a 1-way repeated measures ANOVA. Findings indicated a significant difference between T-1 (PFA month), T-2 (1 month prior to PFA), and T-5 (5 months prior to PFA). Paired-samples t tests demonstrated a statistically significant increase in HU from T-5 to T-2. Although findings are not generalizable, they signal a need for further study to evaluate HU variability between populations, to identify at-risk groups, and to inform health and fitness policies that affect the readiness and retention of military members. The DNP project may promote interdisciplinary collaboration between health care providers and senior military leadership, innovation in health care delivery, and evidence-based and cost-conscious policies