45 research outputs found

    Meta-analysis of research on gender violence: the state producing knowledge

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    Aquest treball realitza una metaanàlisi de les investigacions empíriques (quantitatives / qualitatives) sobre la violència de gènere, o violència contra les dones, realitzades a Espanya en el període de 2005 a 2012. A través d'ella s'ha comprovat el control d'aquest dispositiu de saber per part de l'Estat. Control que és exercit: usurpant el paper d'investigador directe (analitzarem el cas en concret de la Macroenquesta l'Institut de la Dona); imposant certes constriccions teòriques i metodològiques en el procés d'investigació i fins i tot introduint a seus agents de manera oberta a formar part dels equips de recerca universitaris. Tota ingerència política mai no és gratuïta per molt disfressa que vulgui justificar la seva eficàcia interventora. En definitiva, aquest article fa visible la manca d'autonomia científica derivada del control de l'Estat (independentment del color polític del govern de torn) que apareix en la investigació sobre la violència de gènere a Espanya.Este trabajo realiza un meta-análisis de las investigaciones empíricas (cuantitativas/ cualitativas) sobre la violencia de género, o violencia contra las mujeres, realizadas en España en el periodo de 2005 a 2012. A través de ella se ha comprobado el control de este dispositivo de saber por parte del Estado. Control que es ejercido: usurpando el rol de investigador directo (analizaremos el caso en concreto de la Macroencuesta del Instituto de la Mujer); imponiendo ciertas constricciones teóricas y metodológicas en el proceso de investigación e incluso introduciendo a sus agentes de manera abierta a formar parte de los equipos de investigación universitarios. Toda injerencia política nunca es gratuita por mucho disfraz que quiera justificar su eficacia interventora. En definitiva, este artículo visibiliza la falta de autonomía científica derivada del control del Estado (independientemente del color político del gobierno de turno) que aparece en la investigación sobre la violencia de género en España.This paper provides a meta-analysis (quantitative/qualitative) empirical research on gender violence or violence against women, made in Spain in the period 2005 to 2012. Through it has been found to control this device to know the state. Control is exercised: usurping the role of direct research (specifically analyze the case of the Macro Institute of Women); imposing certain theoretical and methodological constraints in the research process and even introducing their agents openly part of university research teams. Political interference is never free for long disguise who wants justify intervening effectively. In short, this article makes visible the lack of scientific autonomy derived from state control (regardless of the political color of the government of the day) on research on gender violence in Spain

    Programa de educación para la salud de soporte vital básico y primeros auxilios dirigido a estudiantes de educación secundaria

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    Introducción: la parada cardiorrespiratoria es un importante problema de salud que afecta a toda la población. Se trata de una situación de máxima emergencia y cuando se produce en ambiente extrahospitalario, la supervivencia de la víctima dependerá de la rápida y correcta actuación por los testigos. Actualmente, las tasas de inicio de actuación por los testigos son relativamente bajas, por lo que la educación a la población todavía sigue siendo un reto. Para lograrlo, una de las recomendaciones consiste en la formación de los estudiantes en la escuela, población diana con suficiente capacidad de aprendizaje para ser futuros reanimadores. Desde enfermería, se pretende realizar un programa de salud, como profesionales con competencias en educación y promoción de la salud.Objetivo: Conseguir que los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria adquieran conocimientos y habilidades en soporte vital básico y primeros auxilios mediante la elaboración e implantación de un programa de educación para la salud enfocado a esta población.<br /

    Cambios temporales en el origen de la materia orgánica en las marismas del Río Miño (NW Península Ibérica) mediante marcadores lipídicos. Temporal changes in the organic matter sources in the Minho River tidal marshes (NW Iberian Península): A lipid biomarker approach.

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    [EN]: The lipid biomarker distribution in a sediment core fromMinho river tidal-marshes (NW Iberian Peninsula) was studiedusing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in order to evaluate changes in the sources and distribution of organic matter (OM) in the estuary during the last centuries. The distribution of terrestrial and phytoplankton biomarker inventory reflected an heterogeneous mixture of OM from marine and terrestrial sources. Lignin derived phenols, triterpenoids and long chain n-alkanes with an odd number of carbons are indicators of soil-and vascular plant-derived continental OM, being more abundant on the topmost sections of the core. In addition, a conspicuous contribution from plankton-derived OM (e.g. short chain fatty acids and alcohols, phytosterols) is observed in the deepest sections of the core. However, in general the lipid biomarker assemblage found indicate the existence of a complex input of organic matter (OM) to this estuarine area, from both river run-off and marine depositions. Temporal variations observed could also be attributed to terrigenous contributions after flooding events from Miño river, although a differential degradation of individual biomarkers should not be neglected when interpreting biomarker assemblages in this geodynamically active environment. [ES]: Con el objetivo de evaluar las variaciones en las fuentes y distribución de la matería orgânica (MO) durante los últimos siglos, se estudia la distribución de biomarcadores lipídicos en una secuencia sedimentaria de las marismas del río Miño (NW Península Ibérica) mediante Cromatografía de Gases¿Espectrometria de Masas (CG/MS) . La distribución de biomarcadores terrestres y marinos muestra una mezcla heterogénea de MO con diferente orígen. Los fenoles derivados de la lignina, triterpenoides y n-alcanos de cadena larga con número impar de carbonos proceden de plantas superiores, indicadores de MO de origen continental , se encuentran com mayor abundancia en las secciones superiores del sondeo. Los lípidos derivados del plancton marino (ej., acidos grasos y alcoholes de cadena corta, fitosteroles) se encontraron con mayor abundancia relativa en las secciones mas profundas del sondeo. Sin embargo, la distribución global de los biomarcadores lipídicos estudiados muestra la complejidad de las fuentes de MO en este estuario, y que incluye las descargas del río y deposiciones de sedimentos marinos. Algunas variaciones observadas pueden deberse a contribuciones de MO terrígena debidas a descargas elevadas procedentes del río Miño. No obstante, a la hora de interpretar los cámbios observados en la distribución de determinados biomarcadores en este ambiente geodinámicamente activo, se debe tener en cuenta la posible ocurrencia de fenómenos de degradación preferencial o selectiva en el sedimento.Peer Reviewe

    Decision-making processes on sustainable packaging options in the European food sector

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    Food packaging improves shelf life and allows longer transportation distances in global food supply chains, but it is also responsible for huge volumes of waste. The transition to sustainable packaging by food companies has often been slow and inconsistent. How decisions on (sustainable) packaging are made within companies in the food sector remains mostly opaque to research. To explore the decision-making process and identify barriers for cleaner, more resource efficient food packaging, we carried out 17 interviews in four European countries across different food sectors using the theoretical decision-making process of Nutt (1984) as an analytical framework. Through qualitative content analysis, we found that decision-making processes often lack structure and extend over long stretches of time. Frequently, they are initiated in response to packaging material manufacturers or suppliers. Switching to more sustainable packaging often implies costly investments into new machinery. Economic sustainability takes precedence over ecological sustainability. We recommend companies move to life-cycle cost models for packaging decisions, commit to mono- and other recyclable materials, and establish structured decision-making processes with clear cut-off criteria so as to streamline implementation decisions. Our results further support a call for progressive legislation towards a circular economy in the packaging sector.This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action Circul-a-bility, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), www.cost.eu.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Decision-making processes on sustainable packaging options in the European food sector

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    Food packaging improves shelf life and allows longer transportation distances in global food supply chains, but it is also responsible for huge volumes of waste. The transition to sustainable packaging by food companies has often been slow and inconsistent. How decisions on (sustainable) packaging are made within companies in the food sector remains mostly opaque to research. To explore the decision-making process and identify barriers for cleaner, more resource efficient food packaging, we carried out 17 interviews in four European countries across different food sectors using the theoretical decision-making process of Nutt (1984) as an analytical framework. Through qualitative content analysis, we found that decision-making processes often lack structure and extend over long stretches of time. Frequently, they are initiated in response to packaging material manufacturers or suppliers. Switching to more sustainable packaging often implies costly investments into new machinery. Economic sustainability takes precedence over ecological sustainability. We recommend companies move to life-cycle cost models for packaging decisions, commit to mono- and other recyclable materials, and establish structured decision-making processes with clear cut-off criteria so as to streamline implementation decisions. Our results further support a call for progressive legislation towards a circular economy in the packaging sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organic matter sources for tidal marsh sediment over the past two millennia in the Minho River estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    Environmental changes during the last 2 millennia in the Minho River tidal marsh (NW Portugal-Spain border) were reconstructed. Changes in the sources of organic matter (OM) delivered to the marsh were evaluated from elemental, isotopic and molecular composition using a 1 m sediment core. Carbon isotopic composition (delta13C) and organic carbon to total nitrogen ratio (Corg/N) provided valuable information concerning the origin of the OM. These parameters indicated a major input from land plants, reaching a maximum at 1100–1200 and 1750–1850 AD. These periods match with major flood events in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula, as reported by several authors. A significant reduction in the terrestrial signature occurred at 6–4 cm (ca. 1960–1985 AD), which is contemporaneous with the construction of several major dams on the Minho River. The distribution of selected lipid biomarkers, including n-alkanes, n-fatty acids and n-alkan-2-ones and specific parameters derived from the molecular distributions, were useful for refining bulk geochemical results. Long chain n- alkanes with an odd number of carbons are indicators of soil-and vascular plant derived terrestrial OM and were dominant throughout the core. In addition, a greater contribution of plankton-derived lipids was observed in the sections corresponding to ca. 1960–1985 AD (6–4 cm) and ca. 100–200 AD (96–94 cm). Although different degradation rates for individual compounds might have partly affected biomarker assemblages, the variations could be attributed to a sharp decrease in the freshwater contribution to the Minho River Estuary (dam construction) and a possible marine highstand, respectively. In addition, several parameters suggested changes in land use (including deforestation and farming) and probably the effects of mining exploitation during the Roman occupation of the area.We acknowledge the funding by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of Portugal for J.M. M’s PhD. Grant (SFRH/BD/45528/2008) and for the WestLog Project (PTDC/CTE-GIX/105370/2008). E.L. was awarded a Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. This is a contribution to the IGCP Project 588 and to the Geo-Q Research Unit (Aranzadi).Peer reviewe

    Sustainable food packaging: An updated definition following a holistic approach

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    Food packaging solutions need to be redesigned to be more sustainable, but determining which solution is ‘more optimal’ is a very difficult task when considering the entire food product value chain. Previous papers paved the way toward a sustainable food packaging definition, but it is far from being commonly accepted or well usable in the broad food systems domain, which further results in uninformed choices for sustainable food packaging made by all stakeholders in the value chain: producers, distributors, practitioners and consumers. Therefore, this work aims first at giving a state-of-the-art overview of sustainable food packaging terms (38 similar terms were identified and grouped into four clusters: Sustainable, Circular, Bio and Other sustainable packaging) and definitions using systematic (narrative) review analysis and ‘controlled expert opinion feedback’ methodology. Second, it aims to offer an updated definition for sustainable food packaging, which is also specific to food packaging and be simple, coherent, easily understandable, and communicable to everybody. The applied holistic approach intends to include all aspects of the food-packaging unit, to consider food safety and packaging functionality, while taking into account different disciplines and challenges related to food packaging along the supply chain. Being a balancing act, a sustainable food packaging may not be a perfect solution, but contextual, suboptimal and in need of constant validation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Endogenous IL-1 receptor antagonist restricts healthy and malignant myeloproliferation

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    Here we explored the role of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) repressor cytokine, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1rn), in both healthy and abnormal hematopoiesis. Low IL-1RN is frequent in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients and represents a prognostic marker of reduced survival. Treatments with IL-1RN and the IL-1β monoclonal antibody canakinumab reduce the expansion of leukemic cells, including CD34+ progenitors, in AML xenografts. In vivo deletion of IL-1rn induces hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation into the myeloid lineage and hampers B cell development via transcriptional activation of myeloid differentiation pathways dependent on NFκB. Low IL-1rn is present in an experimental model of pre-leukemic myelopoiesis, and IL-1rn deletion promotes myeloproliferation, which relies on the bone marrow hematopoietic and stromal compartments. Conversely, IL-1rn protects against pre-leukemic myelopoiesis. Our data reveal that HSC differentiation is controlled by balanced IL-1β/IL-1rn levels under steady-state, and that loss of repression of IL-1β signaling may underlie pre-leukemic lesion and AML progression

    Endogenous IL-1 receptor antagonist restricts healthy and malignant myeloproliferation.

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    Here we explored the role of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) repressor cytokine, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1rn), in both healthy and abnormal hematopoiesis. Low IL-1RN is frequent in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients and represents a prognostic marker of reduced survival. Treatments with IL-1RN and the IL-1β monoclonal antibody canakinumab reduce the expansion of leukemic cells, including CD34+ progenitors, in AML xenografts. In vivo deletion of IL-1rn induces hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation into the myeloid lineage and hampers B cell development via transcriptional activation of myeloid differentiation pathways dependent on NFκB. Low IL-1rn is present in an experimental model of pre-leukemic myelopoiesis, and IL-1rn deletion promotes myeloproliferation, which relies on the bone marrow hematopoietic and stromal compartments. Conversely, IL-1rn protects against pre-leukemic myelopoiesis. Our data reveal that HSC differentiation is controlled by balanced IL-1β/IL-1rn levels under steady-state, and that loss of repression of IL-1β signaling may underlie pre-leukemic lesion and AML progression.We thank K. Tasken, J. Saarela and the NCMM at the University of Oslo (UiO), S. Kanse (UiO) and B. Smedsrød (UiT), for access to facilities. We acknowledge Center for Medical Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital (Bergen, Norway) and R. Hovland for karyotyping, FISH, translocation and DNA analyses of AML and MDS patients included in this study, and Department of Pathology, Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Norway) and S. Spetalen for deep sequencing. L.M. Gonzalez, L.T. Eliassen, X. Zhang, M. Ristic and other members of L. Arranz group, O.P. Rekvig, R. Doohan, L.D. Håland, M.I. Olsen, A. Urbanucci, J. Landskron, K.B. Larsen, R.A. Lyså and UiT Advanced Microscopy Core Facility, UiO and UiT Comparative Medicine Units, for assistance. P. Garcia and S. Mendez-Ferrer for providing NRASG12D and Nes-gfp mice, respectively. P. Garcia and L. Kurian for careful reading of the manuscript. E. Tenstad (Science Shaped) for artwork in schematics. We would also like to thank the AML and MDS patients, and healthy volunteers, who donated biological samples. Our work is supported by a joint meeting grant of the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, the University Hospital of Northern Norway (UNN) and UiT (Strategisk-HN06-14), Young Research Talent grants from the Research Council of Norway, (Stem Cell Program, 247596; FRIPRO Program, 250901), and grants from the Norwegian Cancer Society (6765150), the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority (HNF1338-17), and the Aakre-Stiftelsen Foundation (2016/9050) to L.A. Vav-Cre NRASG12D experiments were supported by NIH grant R01CA152108 to J.Z.S