87 research outputs found
Influence des variations saisonnières et annuelles de la pluviosité sur la composition, la reproduction et la mue d'une communauté aviaire au Nord-est du Venezuela
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal
Utilisation de l'espace et des ressources chez un carnivore terrestre de l'Arctique : le renard polaire
Les écosystèmes arctiques sont caractérisés par une productivité végétale réduite, une structure trophique relativement simple et des variations cycliques d'abondance de certaines proies et de leurs prédateurs. Le renard polaire, de par sa position au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire, a un impact sur plusieurs espèces de proies, mais est aussi, en retour, influencé par leurs fluctuations d'abondance. Ce prédateur utilise aussi des ressources en provenance d'écosystèmes des régions tempérées, en consommant les oies des neiges qui s'y nourrissent et accumulent de l'énergie avant de venir se reproduire dans l'Arctique. L'utilisation de ressources d'origine marine (phoques) a été aussi rapportée. Ces apports de ressources extérieures (ressources allochtones) pourraient expliquer en partie la permanence de plusieurs espèces de prédateurs dans l'écosystème de toundra arctique, en dépit d'une faible productivité primaire. Face aux changements climatiques, dont les premiers effets se font déjà sentir dans les régions polaires, il a été récemment suggéré d'accroître les efforts de recherche sur la dynamique trophique des écosystèmes arctiques. Ce projet de thèse s'inscrit dans cette démarche en se concentrant sur l'étude d'un des carnivores terrestres arctiques les plus répandus à l'échelle circumpolaire. En utilisant ces différentes ressources, dont l'abondance varie fortement dans le temps et dans l'espace, le renard polaire serait un facteur important de structuration des réseaux trophiques terrestres en Arctique. L'objectif général était de mieux comprendre, à travers l'étude des patrons d'utilisation de l'espace et des ressources chez le renard polaire, comment ce prédateur parvient à connecter les réseaux trophiques d'écosystèmes distincts. Cette étude concerne une population suivie intensivement depuis 2003 sur l'île Bylot (73°N, 80°O) dans le parc national du Canada de Sirmilik, Nunavut. Les trois objectifs spécifiques étaient de : 1) déterminer la capacité de mouvement et d'utilisation de la banquise par le renard polaire au cours d'un cycle annuel complet, afin d'évaluer son potentiel d'utilisation des ressources marines qui s'y trouvent; 2) quantifier et comparer les domaines vitaux individuels en été (lorsque la banquise est absente) et en hiver (lorsque la banquise est présente) afin de tester des hypothèses sur les patrons de mouvements en fonction de l'accessibilité aux ressources marines; 3) mesurer la diversité du régime alimentaire (niche trophique) à deux échelles, populationnelle et individuelle, afin d'identifier les mécanismes expliquant les variations interindividuelles d'utilisation des ressources d'origine terrestre ou marine. L'étude de l'utilisation de l'espace (objectifs 1 et 2) est basée sur les données de mouvements à grande échelle spatiotemporelle, récoltées par suivi satellite Argos. L'étude de l'utilisation des ressources (objectif 3) est basée sur l'analyse des signatures isotopiques du carbone et de l'azote. Ceci a permis de déterminer l'assimilation des ressources en lien avec l'utilisation de l'espace par le renard polaire. Le premier chapitre répond à l'objectif 1 en démontrant et en quantifiant, pour la première fois, l'exceptionnelle capacité de déplacement dont peut faire preuve cette espèce, à la fois en terme de vitesse (jusqu'à 90 km par jour) mais aussi de la distance parcourue (4,500 km en 5 mois). Ces résultats montrent que cette espèce extrêmement mobile peut facilement utiliser la banquise pour y trouver des ressources marines. Le deuxième chapitre répond à l'objectif 2 en montrant que les domaines vitaux individuels ne varient pas tous au cours d'une même année : certains individus agrandissent leur domaine vital en hiver pour y inclure une grande proportion de banquise, alors que d'autres le maintiennent à peu près constant et centré sur la terre ferme. Mais tous semblent utiliser la banquise à un moment ou un autre de l'hiver. Afin de mieux répondre à l'objectif 3, nous avons ajouté un chapitre portant sur une question technique cruciale et reliée à la méthode d'analyse des isotopes stables. En se basant sur cette méthode, qui est de plus en plus utilisée en écologie, le troisième chapitre propose une méthode d'analyse de la sensibilité d'un modèle de mélange bayésien aux variations des rapports isotopiques. Cette approche permet de mieux anticiper, dans un système donné, les effets de ces variations sur l'interprétation biologique des relations trophiques. Le quatrième chapitre répond à l'objectif 3, en montrant que les variations temporelles de la niche trophique à l'échelle de la population peuvent être expliquées par des caractéristiques individuelles et les variations d'abondances des ressources. La modélisation du régime alimentaire, basée sur l'analyse isotopique, a permis de montrer que les individus non reproducteurs utilisent beaucoup plus les ressources marines (allochtones) au printemps, alors que les individus reproducteurs utilisent surtout les ressources terrestres (autochtones). Cette variation interindividuelle permet d'expliquer les variations temporelles observées à l'échelle de la population. C'est un important pas en avant dans notre compréhension des liens trophiques entre les écosystèmes terrestres et marins de l'Arctique, via les prédateurs mobiles terrestres. \ud
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MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Isotopes stables, renard arctique, mouvements, suivi satellite, réseau trophiqu
Sea ice phenology and primary productivity pulses shape breeding success in Arctic seabirds
Spring sea ice phenology regulates the timing of the two consecutive pulses of marine autotrophs
that form the base of the Arctic marine food webs. This timing has been suggested to be the single
most essential driver of secondary production and the efficiency with which biomass and energy
are transferred to higher trophic levels. We investigated the chronological sequence of productivity
pulses and its potential cascading impacts on the reproductive performance of the High Arctic seabird
community from Svalbard, Norway. We provide evidence that interannual changes in the seasonal
patterns of marine productivity may impact the breeding performance of little auks and Brünnich’s
guillemots. These results may be of particular interest given that current global warming trends in
the Barents Sea region predict one of the highest rates of sea ice loss within the circumpolar Arctic.
However, local- to regional-scale heterogeneity in sea ice melting phenology may add uncertainty
to predictions of climate-driven environmental impacts on seabirds. Indeed, our fine-scale analysis
reveals that the inshore Brünnich’s guillemots are facing a slower advancement in the timing of ice melt
compared to the offshore-foraging little auks. We provide a suitable framework for analyzing the effects
of climate-driven sea ice disappearance on seabird fitnessPeer reviewe
Mercury exposure and short-term consequences on physiology and reproduction in Antarctic petrels
Mercury (Hg) is a pervasive contaminant reaching Antarctic environments through atmospheric transport and deposition. Seabirds as meso to top predators can accumulate high quantities of Hg through diet. Reproduction is one of the most sensitive endpoints of Hg toxicity in marine birds. Yet, few studies have explored Hg exposure and effects in Antarctic seabirds, where increasing environmental perturbations challenge animal populations. This study focuses on the Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarctica from Svarthamaren, Antarctica, where the world\u27s largest breeding population is thought to be in decline. Hg and the stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C, proxy of feeding habitat) and nitrogen (δ15N, trophic position/diet) were measured in red blood cells from 266 individuals over two breeding years (2012–13, 2013–14). Our aims were to 1) quantify the influence of individual traits (size and sex) and feeding ecology (foraging location, δ13C and δ15N values) on Hg exposure, and 2) test the relationship between Hg concentrations with body condition and breeding output (hatching success and chick survival). Hg concentrations in Antarctic petrels (mean ± SD, 0.84 ± 0.25, min-max, 0.42–2.71 μg g−1 dw) were relatively low when compared to other Antarctic seabirds. Hg concentrations increased significantly with δ15N values, indicating that individuals with a higher trophic level (i.e. feeding more on fish) had higher Hg exposure. By contrast, Hg exposure was not driven by feeding habitat (inferred from both foraging location and δ13C values), suggesting that Hg transfer to predators in Antarctic waters is relatively homogeneous over a large geographical scale. Hg concentrations were not related to body condition, hatching date and short-term breeding output. At present, Hg exposure is likely not of concern for this population. Nevertheless, further studies on other fitness parameters and long-term breeding output are warranted because Hg can have long-term population-level effects without consequences on current breeding success. Blood Hg concentrations in Antarctic petrels were driven by trophic position and were not related to short-term breeding output
Sea ice phenology and primary productivity pulses shape breeding success in Arctic seabirds
Spring sea ice phenology regulates the timing of the two consecutive pulses of marine autotrophs that form the base of the Arctic marine food webs. This timing has been suggested to be the single most essential driver of secondary production and the efficiency with which biomass and energy are transferred to higher trophic levels. We investigated the chronological sequence of productivity pulses and its potential cascading impacts on the reproductive performance of the High Arctic seabird community from Svalbard, Norway. We provide evidence that interannual changes in the seasonal patterns of marine productivity may impact the breeding performance of little auks and Brünnich's guillemots. These results may be of particular interest given that current global warming trends in the Barents Sea region predict one of the highest rates of sea ice loss within the circumpolar Arctic. However, local- to regional-scale heterogeneity in sea ice melting phenology may add uncertainty to predictions of climate-driven environmental impacts on seabirds. Indeed, our fine-scale analysis reveals that the inshore Brünnich's guillemots are facing a slower advancement in the timing of ice melt compared to the offshore-foraging little auks. We provide a suitable framework for analyzing the effects of climate-driven sea ice disappearance on seabird fitness
Within and between breeding-season changes in contaminant occurrence and body condition in the Antarctic breeding south polar skua
The Antarctic ecosystem represents a remote region far from point sources of pollution. Still, Antarctic marine predators, such as seabirds, are exposed to organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) which may induce adverse health effects. With increasing restrictions and regulations on OHCs, the levels and exposure are expected to decrease over time. We studied south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki), a top predator seabird, to compare OHC concentrations measured in whole blood from 2001/2002 and 2013/2014 in Dronning Maud Land. As a previous study found increasing organochlorine concentrations with sampling day during the 2001/2002 breeding season, suggesting dietary changes, we investigated if this increase was repeated in the 2013/2014 breeding season. In addition to organochlorines, we analyzed hydroxy-metabolites, brominated contaminants and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in 2013/2014, as well as dietary descriptors of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, to assess potential changes in diet during breeding. Lipid normalized concentrations of individual OHCs were 63%, 87% and 105% higher for hexachlorobenzene (HCB), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p'-DDE), and ∑Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), respectively, in 2013/2014 compared to 2001/2002. South polar skuas males in 2013/2014 were in poorer body condition than in 2001/2002, and with higher pollutant levels. Poorer body condition may cause the remobilization of contaminants from stored body reserves, and continued exposure to legacy contaminants at overwintering areas may explain the unexpected higher OHC concentrations in 2013/2014 than 2001/2002. Concentrations of protein-associated PFAS increased with sampling day during the 2013/2014 breeding season, whereas the lipid-soluble chlorinated pesticides, PCBs and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs) showed no change. OHC occurrence was not correlated with stable isotopes. The PFAS biomagnification through the local food web at the colony should be investigated further
Mercury exposure and short-term consequences on physiology and reproduction in Antarctic petrels
Mercury (Hg) is a pervasive contaminant reaching Antarctic environments through atmospheric transport and deposition. Seabirds as meso to top predators can accumulate high quantities of Hg through diet. Reproduction is one of the most sensitive endpoints of Hg toxicity in marine birds. Yet, few studies have explored Hg exposure and effects in Antarctic seabirds, where increasing environmental perturbations challenge animal populations. This study focuses on the Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarctica from Svarthamaren, Antarctica, where the world\u27s largest breeding population is thought to be in decline. Hg and the stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C, proxy of feeding habitat) and nitrogen (δ15N, trophic position/diet) were measured in red blood cells from 266 individuals over two breeding years (2012–13, 2013–14). Our aims were to 1) quantify the influence of individual traits (size and sex) and feeding ecology (foraging location, δ13C and δ15N values) on Hg exposure, and 2) test the relationship between Hg concentrations with body condition and breeding output (hatching success and chick survival). Hg concentrations in Antarctic petrels (mean ± SD, 0.84 ± 0.25, min-max, 0.42–2.71 μg g−1 dw) were relatively low when compared to other Antarctic seabirds. Hg concentrations increased significantly with δ15N values, indicating that individuals with a higher trophic level (i.e. feeding more on fish) had higher Hg exposure. By contrast, Hg exposure was not driven by feeding habitat (inferred from both foraging location and δ13C values), suggesting that Hg transfer to predators in Antarctic waters is relatively homogeneous over a large geographical scale. Hg concentrations were not related to body condition, hatching date and short-term breeding output. At present, Hg exposure is likely not of concern for this population. Nevertheless, further studies on other fitness parameters and long-term breeding output are warranted because Hg can have long-term population-level effects without consequences on current breeding success
Spring phenology shapes the spatial foraging behavior of Antarctic petrels
In polar seas, the seasonal melting of ice triggers the development of an open-water ecosystem characterized by short-lived algal blooms, the grazing and development of zooplankton, and the influx of avian and mammalian predators. Spatial heterogeneity in the timing of ice melt generates temporal variability in the development of these events across the habitat, offering a natural framework to assess how foraging marine predators respond to the spring phenology. We combined 4 yr of tracking data of Antarctic petrels Thalassoica antarctica with synoptic remote-sensing data on sea ice and chlorophyll a to test how the development of melting ice and primary production drive Antarctic petrel foraging. Cross-correlation analyses of first-passage time revealed that Antarctic petrels utilized foraging areas with a spatial scale of 300 km. These areas changed position or disappeared within 10 to 30 d and showed no spatial consistency among years. Generalized additive model (GAM) analyses suggested that the presence of foraging areas was related to the time since ice melt. Antarctic petrels concentrated their search effort in melting areas and in areas that had reached an age of 50 to 60 d from the date of ice melt. We found no significant relationship between search effort and chlorophyll a concentration. We suggest that these foraging patterns were related to the vertical distribution and profitability of the main prey, the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. Our study demonstrates that the annual ice melt in the Southern Ocean shapes the development of a highly patchy and elusive food web, underscoring the importance of flexible foraging strategies among top predators
Workshop on seabird bycatch monitoring in the NEAFC regulatory areas (WKBB)
In 2021, ICES received a special request for advice from the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) on seabird bycatch in the NEAFC regulatory areas (RAs). Data scoping exercises conducted in 2021, 2022, and 2023 on the availability of bycatch data in the region on the one hand and on the availability of fisheries data on the other hand concluded of important shortages both in terms of quality and quantity that prevented in-depth analyses of the magnitude and the scale of the seabird bycatch problem in the NEAFC RAs. The Workshop on seabird Bycatch monitoring in the NEAFC regulatory areas (WKBB) was the next step in the NEAFC special request. This report describes the work undertaken at the WKBB workshop that took place in Copenhagen and online in May 2023, presents a synthesis of the analytical outputs (including conclusions), and provides some recommendations for the scope and implementation of a pilot monitoring programme which will significantly improve the evidence base related to the incidental bycatch of seabirds in commercial fisheries operating in the NEAFC RAs. The data at hand for the workshop – fisheries effort and two complementary seabird tracking datasets – were used to estimate the spatiotemporal overlap between seabirds and fishing activities in the period 2018-2022. Following this, a bycatch risk assessment method originally developed for marine mammal bycatch (called ByRA) was adapted to estimate risk scores and to map high-risk areas for 20 seabird species susceptible to bycatch in the NEAFC RAs. The results are discussed, including the uncertainty in the data used during the workshop. Based on the results from the ByRA, the last part of the report presents recommendations for a pilot monitoring study to increase the understanding of the scale and of the magnitude of seabirds fisheries interactions in the NEAFC RAs.publishedVersio
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