14 research outputs found

    Sistema manipulador antropomórfico de tres grados de libertad

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    El presente artículo describe los aspectos fundamentales para la construcción de un manipulador antropomórfico o robot angular de tres grados de libertad. Se describe el diseño, modelado, implementación del manipulador físico, construcción de un simulador y de la interfaz de comunicación entre el simulador y el manipulador robótico de tres grados de libertad. El sistema manipulador antropomórfico diseñado tendrá fines didácticos y será utilizado como herramienta de apoyo en las asignaturas de robótica de la Universidad de Los Andes. El diseño del manipulador se realiza con la ayuda de programas CAD. Se calcula la cinemática directa e inversa con los parámetros de Denavit-Hartenberg. En la construcción del manipulador real se utilizan encoders ópticos como sensores y servo-motores como actuadores. El sistema de transmisión de potencia hacia los eslabones se realiza mediante el uso de engranajes. Adicionalmente, se explica el desarrollo de una herramienta computacional que simula un manipulador robótico antropomórfico de tres grados de libertad. La implementación del sistema se hace mediante el uso del lenguaje de programación Java y la librería de gráficos tridimensional Java 3D. Finalmente, se presenta la construcción del sistema interfaz entre el manipulador real y el simulador.The article describes the principal aspects in the design, modeling, implementation of the anthropomorphic manipulator prototype, a simulator construction and the interface of a three degree of freedom robotic manipulator. The anthropomorphic manipulator system designed will be for educational purposes in the robotics area at the Universidad de Los Andes. The design of the anthropomorphic manipulator is made with CAD programs. Denavit-Hartenberg parameters are used in order to calculate the forward and inverse kinematics. Optical encoders act as sensors with angular position measurement are used. Servo-motors are used as actuators. The power transmission system to the links is done by gears. The article also explains the development of a computational tool that simulates a three degree of freedom anthropomorphic robot manipulator. Java and the graphics tridimensional library Java3D are used for system implementation. Finally the interface between the real manipulator and the simulator is presented.Este trabajo ha sido realizado con el apoyo recibido del C.D.C.H.T. de la Universidad de los Andes bajo el marco del proyecto I-919-06-02-B titulado Diseño y Construcción de un Manipulador Robótico para fines educativos. Proyecto de la Comunidad de Madrid S2009/DPI-1559/ROBOCITY2030 II

    Dexterous robotic motion planning using intelligent algorithms

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    The fundamental purpose of robots is to help humans in a variety of difficult tasks, enabling people to increase their capabilities of strength, energy, speed, memory, and to operate in hazardous environments and many other applications. Service robots, more precisely mobile manipulators, incorporate one or two robotic arms and a mobile base, and must accomplish complex manipulations tasks, interacting with tools or objects and navigating through cluttered environments. To this end, the motion planning problem plays a key role in the ahead calculation of robot movements to interact with its world and achieve the established goals. The objective of this work is to design various motion planning methods in order to improve the autonomy of MANFRED-2, which is a mobile robot fully developed by the Robotics Lab research group of the Systems Engineering and Automation Department of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Mobile robots need to calculate accurate paths in order to navigate and interact with objects throughout their surrounding area. In this work, we have developed motion planning algorithms for both navigation and manipulation. The presented algorithms for path planning are based on the Fast Marching Square method and include a replanner with subgoals, an anytime triangular planner, and a nonholonomic approach. The replanner with subgoals starts by generating a smooth and safe global path with the Fast Marching Square method. Then, this path is divided into multiple subpaths separated by equidistant nodes (defined by topological or metric constraints). After that, the obstacles information is progressively added and modifications are made only when the original path is unreachable. The most important advantage with respect to similar approaches is that the generated sub-paths are always efficient in terms of smoothness and safeness. Besides, the computational cost is low enough to use the algorithm in real-time. The anytime triangular planner, such as “Anytime” algorithms, quickly finds a feasible but not necessarily optimal motion plan which is incrementally improved. One important characteristic that this type of algorithms must satisfy is that the path must be generated in real-time. The planner relies on the Fast Marching Square method over a triangular mesh structure. Different variants are introduced and compared under equal circumstances that produce different paths in response time and quality, which leads us to an additional consideration. As in the field of benchmarking it is becoming increasingly difficult to compare new planners approaches because of the lack of a general benchmarking platform, improvements to existing approaches are suggested. Finally, the nonholonomic approach is presented. It is based on the Fast Marching Square method and its application to car-like robots. In order to apply the proposed method, a three dimensional configuration space of the environment is considered. The first two dimensions are given by the position of the robot, and the third one by its orientation. This means that we operate over the configuration space instead of the bi-dimensional environment map. Besides, the trajectory is computed along the configuration space taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle. In this way, it is possible to guarantee the absence of collisions. The proposed method is consistent at local and global scale because it guarantees a motion path solution, if it exists, and does not require global replanning supervision when a local trap is detected. Once a mobile robot has reached a goal location, it usually triggers the servomotors enclosed inside its robotic arm to manipulate a target. The manipulation algorithms presented in this work include the adaptation of trajectories, a planner with adaptive dimensionality, and an implementation of a dimensionality reduction approach inside a nuclear device. The adaptation of manipulation trajectories enables the robot to accomplish a task in different locations by using Evolution Strategies and forward kinematics. This approach avoids all the inconveniences that inverse kinematics imply, as well as the convergence problems in singular kinematic configurations. The planner with adaptive dimensionality reduces the complexity of high-dimensional path planning. First, a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree trajectory is generated using the full degrees of freedom of the robotic arm. Then, a geometry as a closed tube is built around the path line and the Fast Marching Square method is applied from start to goal using three dimensions inside the surface. The resulted three dimensional path is converted to full degrees of freedom with the inverse kinematics of the robot. The result is a smoother and safer path, visually more human friendly. Additionally, the search space is reduced, and therefore, also the planning time and the memory requirements. The application inside the nuclear device, similarly to the previous approach, reduces the degrees of freedom of the problem (but this time to two dimensions due to the mostly planar nature of the robot). The manipulation path is smooth and safe in an environment where safety must be the primarily objective. The motion planning algorithms have been tested in numerous experiments. The fast response of the methods allows its application in real-time tasks.El propósito fundamental de los robots es ayudar a los humanos en tareas difíciles, lo que permite a las personas incrementar sus capacidades de fuerza, energía, velocidad y memoria para trabajar en entornos peligrosos y en una inmensa variedad de aplicaciones. Los robots de servicio, puntualmente los manipuladores móviles, incorporan uno o dos brazos robóticos y una base móvil, y deben ser capaces de realizar tareas complejas de manipulación, interactuando con herramientas u objetos y navegando a través de entornos con obstáculos. Para este fin, el problema de la planificación de movimientos juega un rol clave en el cálculo anticipado de los movimientos del robot, para interactuar con su mundo y realizar las tareas establecidas. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar diversos métodos de planificación de movimiento con el fin de mejorar la autonomía de MANFRED-2, un robot móvil que fue desarrollado completamente en el grupo de investigación del Laboratorio de Robótica del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automatización de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Los robots móviles necesitan calcular de antemano trayectorias precisas para poder navegar e interactuar con objetos en su entorno. En este trabajo, hemos desarrollado algoritmos de planificación de movimiento para navegación y manipulación robótica. Los algoritmos presentados para la planificación de trayectorias de navegación se basan en el método de Fast Marching Square (FM2) e incluyen un replanificador con sub-objetivos, un planificador triangular de tipo interrumpible (en inglés este enfoque es mejor conocido como Anytime), y un enfoque no holonómico. El replanificador con submetas comienza generando una trayectoria global de curvas suaves y segura con FM2, entonces este camino es dividido en múltiples subtrayectorias separadas por nodos equidistantes (definidos por restricciones topológicas o métricas). Después de esto, se actualiza progresivamente el entorno con obstáculos detectados por los sensores; sólo se realizan cambios cuando la trayectoria original resulta inalcanzable. La ventaja más importante con respecto a enfoques similares es que las sub-trayectorias generadas son siempre eficientes en términos de suavidad y seguridad. Además, el coste computacional es lo suficientemente bajo como para utilizar el algoritmo en tiempo real. El planificador triangular interrumpible, como algoritmo “Anytime”, encuentra rápidamente una trayectoria de navegación válida, pero no necesariamente ópti ma, a continuación, de forma incremental se va mejorando según haya tiempo hasta llegar al óptimo. La capacidad más resaltante de este tipo de algoritmos es la de generar trayectorias en tiempo real. El planificador se basa en el uso de FM2 sobre una estructura de malla triangular. Se presentan diferentes formas de construir el mallado y se comparan en igualdad de circunstancias los diferentes caminos producidos en tiempo de respuesta y calidad, lo que generó una contribución adicional. Debido a la falta de una plataforma general de evaluación robusta, en el campo de la evaluación de trayectorias es cada vez más difícil comparar nuevos planificadores, por consiguiente se sugieren mejoras a los enfoques existentes. Finalmente, se presenta el enfoque no holónomo, que se basa en FM2 y su aplicación en robots móviles con sistemas de dirección similares a la de los coches. Para aplicar el método propuesto, se considera un espacio de configuración tridimensional del entorno, donde las dos primeras dimensiones vienen dadas por la posición del robot y la tercera dimensión, por su orientación. Esto quiere decir, que operamos en el espacio de configuraciones en vez de en el mapa bidimensional del entorno. Además, la trayectoria se calcula en el espacio de configuraciones teniendo en cuenta las dimensiones del vehículo, de esta manera es posible garantizar la ausencia de colisiones. El método propuesto es consistente a nivel local y global, ya que si existe una solución se garantiza encontrarla, y no requiere de supervisión global para reiniciar una planificación cuando se detecta un bloqueo a nivel local. Una vez que el robot móvil ha alcanzado la ubicación requerida, se suelen accionar los servomotores que están dentro del brazo robótico para manipular un objeto. Los algoritmos de manipulación presentados en este trabajo incluyen la adaptación de trayectorias, un planificador con dimensionalidad adaptable, y una implementación de un método de reducción de la dimensionalidad dentro de un dispositivo nuclear. La adaptación de las trayectorias de manipulación permite al robot realizar una misma tarea con diferentes ubicaciones y orientaciones haciendo uso de una Evolution Strategy y la cinemática directa del robot, este enfoque evita todos los inconvenientes que implican utilizar la cinemática inversa, así como los problemas de convergencia en configuraciones cinemáticas singulares. El planificador con dimensionalidad adaptativa reduce la complejidad de la planificación de trayectorias de manipulación con muchas dimensiones; en primer lugar, una trayectoria RRT se genera utilizando todos los grados de libertad (DOF) del brazo robótico, a continuación, una figura geométrica en forma de tubo cerrado se construye alrededor de la línea de la trayectoria y se aplica FM2 dentro de la superficie desde el inicio hasta el objetivo utilizando tres dimensiones, la ruta 3D resultante se convierte con la cinemática inversa del robot. El resultado es un camino más suave y seguro, más amigable a la vista humana. Además, debido a que el espacio de búsqueda se reduce, también se reduce el tiempo de planificación y los requerimientos de memoria. La aplicación en el interior del dispositivo nuclear, de manera similar al enfoque anterior, reduce los DOF del problema pero esta vez a dos dimensiones aprovechando la naturaleza mayormente plana del robot utilizado. La trayectoria de manipulación es suave y segura, lo que es conveniente en un entorno donde la seguridad debe ser el objetivo principal. Los algoritmos de planificación de movimiento resultantes han sido probados en numerosos experimentos. La respuesta rápida de los métodos permite su aplicación en tiempo real.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Carlos Balaguer Bernaldo de Quirós.- Secretario: Carlos Sagüés Blázquiz.- Vocal: Pedro Lim

    Adaptive Evolving Strategy for Dextrous Robotic Manipulation

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    A robot task can be represented as a set of trajectories conformed by a sequence of poses. In this way it is possible to teach a mobile robot to accomplish a manipulation task, and also to reproduce it. Nevertheless robot navigation may normally introduce inaccuracies in localization due to natural events as wheel-slides, causing a mismatch between the end-effector and the objects or tools the robot is supposed to interact with. We propose an algorithm for adapting manipulation trajectories for different locations. The adaptation is achieved by optimizing in position, orientation and energy consumption. The approach is built over the basis of Evolution Strategies, and only uses forward kinematics permitting to avoid all the inconveniences that inverse kinematics imply, as well as convergence problems in singular kinematic configurations. Manipulation paths generated with this algorithm can achieve optimal performance, sometimes even improving original path smoothness. Experimental results are presented to verify the algorithm.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-II-CM project (S2009/DPI-1559), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU.Publicad

    Nonholonomic motion planning using the fast marching square method

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    This research presents two novel approaches to nonholonomic motion planning. The methodologies presented are based on the standard fast marching square path planning method and its application to car-like robots. Under the first method, the environment is considered as a three-dimensional C-space, with the first two dimensions given by the position of the robot and the third dimension by its orientation. This means that we operate over the configuration space instead of the bi-dimensional environment map. Moreover, the trajectory is computed along the C-space taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle, and thus guaranteeing the absence of collisions. The second method uses the standard fast marching square, and takes advantage of the vector field of the velocities computed during the first step of the method in order to adapt the motion plan to the control inputs that a car-like robot is able to execute. Both methods ensure the smoothness and safety of the calculated paths in addition to providing the control actions to perform the trajectory.This work is funded by project number DPI2010-17772, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and also by the RoboCity2030-II-CM project (S2009/DPI-1559), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid, and co-funded by the Structural Funds of the EU

    Generación de procesos de transversalización de diferentes áreas del conocimiento a partir del enfoque ambiental a través del proyecto "Ecoencantados" en la comunidad educativa del Colegio Bravo Páez

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    El proyecto Ecoencantados está direccionado a la comunidad educativa del Colegio Bravo Páez I.E.D donde se observó en los estudiantes, el escaso desarrollo de su conciencia ambiental, desconociendo las virtudes positivas que este puede ofrecer, donde se puede vincular a la comunidad educativa en procesos como recolección, limpieza y clasificación de residuos sólidos, fortalecimiento de la soberanía alimentaria, generación de conciencia ambiental a través de procesos comunicativos y literarios y generación de ideas para emprendimientos ambientales. Lo que se espera de este proyecto, por parte de los estudiantes es la apropiación de conocimientos a través de la vivencia y participación en el proyecto, desarrollando un pensamiento reflexivo y crítico que los lleve a tener responsabilidad social y ambiental. Por parte de los docentes, la ejecución de un proceso transversal, donde la comunidad se involucre y sea parte fundamental en el desarrollo con la finalidad de generar conciencia ambiental a nivel local

    How reliably can algorithms identify eosinophilic asthma phenotypes using non-invasive biomarkers?

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    Asthma is a heterogeneous respiratory disease that encompasses different inflammatory and functional endophenotypes. Many non-invasive biomarkers has been investigated to its pathobiology. Heany et al proposed a clinical algorithm that classifies severe asthmatic patients into likely-eosinophilic phenotypes, based on accessible biomarkers: PBE, current treatment, FeNO, presence of nasal polyps (NP) and age of onset.We assessed the concordance between the algorithm proposed by Heany et al. with sputum examination, the gold standard, in 145 asthmatic patients of the MEGA cohort with varying grades of severity.No correlation was found between both classifications 0.025 (CI = 0.013-0.037). Moreover, no relationship was found between sputum eosinophilia and peripheral blood eosinophilia count in the total studied population.In conclusion, our results suggest that grouping the biomarkers proposed by Heany et al. are insufficient to diagnose eosinophilic phenotypes in asthmatic patients. Sputum analysis remains the gold standard to assess airway inflammation.© 2022 The Authors. Clinical and Translational Allergy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

    Evidence of the circulation of hepatitis A virus, subgenotype IA, in environmental samples from Antioquia, Colombia

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    RESUMEN: Introducción. El virus de la hepatitis A (HAV) es un importante patógeno que se transmite por vía fecal-oral. La epidemiología de la infección está directamente relacionada con el acceso de la población al agua potable y con la infraestructura de alcantarillado. Objetivo. Determinar la presencia del HAV e identificar el genotipo en muestras de agua de abastecimiento y agua residual en ocho municipios, un corregimiento y una vereda del departamento de Antioquia, noroccidente de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se hicieron tres muestreos seriados de diciembre de 2012 a abril de 2014 en la fuente principal de abastecimiento de los acueductos y en el principal vertimiento de aguas residuales de cada municipio. Las muestras se concentraron por filtración y ultrafiltración tangencial, y por las técnicas de polietilenglicol y floculación con leche descremada, respectivamente. A partir del ARN total de cada muestra, se amplificaron la región VP3-VP1 para la detección del genoma viral y la región VP1-2B para la genotipificación. Resultados. El genoma del HAV se detectó en las fuentes de agua de abastecimiento de Puerto Berrío, Frontino y Nutibara, y en las muestras de aguas residuales provenientes de los municipios de Arboletes, Zaragoza y Venecia. Mediante el análisis de las secuencias se identificó el subgenotipo IA del virus. Conclusión. Este estudio permitió detectar la presencia del HAV en 6,6 % de las muestras de agua de abastecimiento y en 13,3 % de las muestras de agua residual de los municipios en estudio. Se reporta por primera vez la circulación del subgenotipo IA en muestras ambientales en Antioquia.ABSTRACT: Introduction: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is an important pathogen, typically transmitted via the faecal-oral route. The epidemiology of the infection is directly related to drinking water access and adequate disposal of sewage water. Objective: To determine the presence and identify the genotype of HAV in environmental samples from eight municipalities and two villages in Antioquia, northwestern Colombia. Materials and methods: Three serial samplings were done between December, 2012, and April, 2014. Water samples were obtained from drinking water plants prior to treatment, as well as from the main reserve of wastewater in each municipality included in the study. Viral concentrations for the two types of sample sources were determined by filtration/tangential ultrafiltration and polyethyleneglycol plus flocculation with skimmed milk, respectively. Total ARN was subsequently obtained from each sample and the VP3-VP1 region amplified for detection of the viral genome. The genotype was determined by amplification of the VP1-2B region. Results: The HAV genome was detected in samples from drinking water plants at Puerto Berrío, Frontino and Nutibara, and in wastewater samples from the municipalities of Arboletes, Zaragoza and Venecia. HAV subgenotype IA was identified using phylogenetic analysis. Conclusion: In this study, HAV was identified in 6.6% of the samples from drinking water plants and 13.3% of wastewater samples. This is the first report of HAV subgenotype IA circulating in environmental samples from Antioquia

    Obese Asthma Syndrome, Glucocorticoids, and Vitamin D: Mechanisms and Implications

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    The obese asthma syndrome (OAS) is characterized by increased airway inflammation and impaired lung function. Obesity-induced inflammation, characterized by elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines and reduced anti-inflammatory adipokines, contributes to airway inflammation and asthma symptoms. Asthmatic patients with obesity often have a poor response to inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), which are the mainstay of asthma treatment. They achieve less asthma control, more hospitalizations, and experience a poorer quality of life. The detrimental effects of obesity on lung function and the additive or synergistic effects of systemic inflammation contribute to this reduced response to glucocorticoids. Additionally, studies have suggested a potential association between vitamin D deficiency, obesity, and asthma exacerbations. Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to glucocorticoid resistance, while in vitro evidence suggests that vitamin D can enhance the effectiveness of glucocorticoids. Weight loss through bariatric surgery shows promising results in improving asthma control and reducing airway inflammation

    Asthma and Obesity: Two Diseases on the Rise and Bridged by Inflammation

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    Asthma and obesity are two epidemics affecting the developed world. The relationship between obesity and both asthma and severe asthma appears to be weight-dependent, causal, partly genetic, and probably bidirectional. There are two distinct phenotypes: 1. Allergic asthma in children with obesity, which worsens a pre-existing asthma, and 2. An often non allergic, late-onset asthma developing as a consequence of obesity. In obesity, infiltration of adipose tissue by macrophages M1, together with an increased expression of multiple mediators that amplify and propagate inflammation, is considered as the culprit of obesity-related inflammation. Adipose tissue is an important source of adipokines, such as pro-inflammatory leptin, produced in excess in obesity, and adiponectin with anti-inflammatory effects with reduced synthesis. The inflammatory process also involves the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, and TGFβ, which also contribute to asthma pathogenesis. In contrast, asthma pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IL-33 contribute to maintain the lean state. The resulting regulatory effects of the immunomodulatory pathways underlying both diseases have been hypothesized to be one of the mechanisms by which obesity increases asthma risk and severity. Reduction of weight by diet, exercise, or bariatric surgery reduces inflammatory activity and improves asthma and lung function

    Reference Gene Validation for RT–qPCR in PBMCs from Asthmatic Patients with or without Obesity

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    Obesity is known to impair the efficacy of glucocorticoid medications for asthma control. Glucocorticoid-induced gene expression studies may be useful to discriminate those obese asthmatic patients who present a poor response to glucocorticoids. The expression of genes of interest is normalized with respect to reference genes (RGs). Ideally, RGs have a stable expression in different samples and are not affected by experimental conditions. The objective of this work was to analyze suitable RGs to study the role of glucocorticoid-induced genes in obese asthmatic patients in further research. The gene expression of eight potential RGs (GUSB, B2M, POLR2A, PPIA, ACTB, GAPDH, HPRT1, and TBP) was assessed with reverse transcription–quantitative polymerase chain reaction in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from asthmatic, obese asthmatic, and healthy individuals. Their stability was analyzed using four different algorithms—BestKeeper, ΔCt, geNorm, and NormFinder. geNorm analysis recommended the use of a minimum of three genes for normalization. Moreover, intergroup variation due to the treatment was calculated by NormFinder, which found that B2M was the gene that was least affected by different treatments. Comprehensive rankings indicated GUSB and HPRT1 as the best RGs for qPCR in PBMCs from healthy and asthmatic subjects, while B2M and PPIA were the best for obese asthmatic subjects. Finally, our results demonstrated that B2M and HPRT1 were the most stable RGs among all groups, whereas ACTB, TBP, and GAPDH were the worst shared ones