336 research outputs found

    The upgraded low-background germanium counting facility Gator for high-sensitivity γ-ray spectrometry

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    We describe the upgrade and performance of the high-purity germanium counting facility Gator, which is dedicated to low-background γ-ray spectrometry. Gator is operated at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory in Italy, at an average depth of 3600 meter water equivalent, and employed for material screening and selection in ultra-low background, rare-event search experiments in astroparticle physics. The detector is equipped with a passive shield made of layers of copper, lead and polyethylene, and the sample cavity is purged with gaseous nitrogen maintained at positive pressure for radon suppression. After upgrading its enclosure, the background rate is (82.0 ± 0.7) counts/(kg·day) in the energy region 100 keV to 2700 keV, a 20% reduction compared to the previously reported rate. We show the stability of various operation parameters as a function of time. We also summarize the sample analysis procedure, and demonstrate Gator's sensitivity by examining one material sample, a candidate photosensor for the DARWIN experiment

    Liquid Argon Instrumentation and Monitoring in LEGEND-200

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    LEGEND is the next-generation experiment searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay in 76^{76}Ge. The first stage, LEGEND-200, takes over the cryogenic infrastructure of GERDA at LNGS: an instrumented water tank surrounding a 64 m3^{3} liquid argon cryostat. Around 200 kg of Ge detectors will be deployed in the cryostat, with the liquid argon acting as cooling medium, high-purity passive shielding and secondary detection medium. For the latter purpose, a liquid argon instrumentation is developed, based on the system used in GERDA Phase II. Wavelength shifting fibers coated with TPB are arranged in two concentric barrels. Both ends are read out by SiPM arrays. A wavelength shifting reflector surrounds the array in order to enhance the light collection far from the array. The LLAMA is installed in the cryostat to permanently monitor the optical parameters and to provide in-situ inputs for modeling purposes. The design of all parts of the LEGEND-200 LAr instrumentation is presented. An overview of the geometry, operation principle, and off-line data analysis of the LLAMA is shown

    The Benchtop mesoSPIM: a next-generation open-source light-sheet microscope for large cleared samples

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    In 2015, we launched the mesoSPIM initiative (www.mesospim.org), an open-source project for making light-sheet microscopy of large cleared tissues more accessible. Meanwhile, the demand for imaging larger samples at higher speed and resolution has increased, requiring major improvements in the capabilities of light-sheet microscopy. Here, we introduce the next-generation mesoSPIM ("Benchtop") with significantly increased field of view, improved resolution, higher throughput, more affordable cost and simpler assembly compared to the original version. We developed a new method for testing objectives, enabling us to select detection objectives optimal for light-sheet imaging with large-sensor sCMOS cameras. The new mesoSPIM achieves high spatial resolution (1.5 μm laterally, 3.3 μm axially) across the entire field of view, a magnification up to 20x, and supports sample sizes ranging from sub-mm up to several centimetres, while being compatible with multiple clearing techniques. The new microscope serves a broad range of applications in neuroscience, developmental biology, and even physics

    Impact of Aetiological Treatment on Conventional and Multiplex Serology in Chronic Chagas Disease

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    The main criterion for treatment effectiveness in Chagas Disease has been the seronegative conversion of previously reactive serology, generally achieved many years post-treatment. The lack of reliable tests to ensure parasite clearance and to examine the effect of treatment is the main difficulty in evaluating treatment for chronic Chagas disease. Decreases of conventional and non-conventional serological titers can be useful tools to monitor the early impact of treatment. We serially measured changes in antibody levels, including seronegative conversion as well as declines in titers in 53 benznidazole-treated and 89 untreated chronically T. cruzi-infected subjects. Seronegative conversion as well as decreases of titers was significantly higher in treated compared with untreated patients. A strong concordance was found between decreases of titers of conventional and non-conventional serologic tests post-treatment, reaffirming the findings. When seronegative conversion plus decreases of titers were considered altogether, the impact of treatment was higher, in a shorter follow-up period than previously considered. New tools for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment of chronic Chagas disease are necessary, and the results showed in this study is a contribution to researchers and physicians who assist patients suffering from this disease

    an individual participant data meta-analysis

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    Background The impact of neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) on influenza-related pneumonia (IRP) is not established. Our objective was to investigate the association between NAI treatment and IRP incidence and outcomes in patients hospitalised with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. Methods A worldwide meta- analysis of individual participant data from 20 634 hospitalised patients with laboratory-confirmed A(H1N1)pdm09 (n = 20 021) or clinically diagnosed (n = 613) ‘pandemic influenza’. The primary outcome was radiologically confirmed IRP. Odds ratios (OR) were estimated using generalised linear mixed modelling, adjusting for NAI treatment propensity, antibiotics and corticosteroids. Results Of 20 634 included participants, 5978 (29·0%) had IRP; conversely, 3349 (16·2%) had confirmed the absence of radiographic pneumonia (the comparator). Early NAI treatment (within 2 days of symptom onset) versus no NAI was not significantly associated with IRP [adj. OR 0·83 (95% CI 0·64–1·06; P = 0·136)]. Among the 5978 patients with IRP, early NAI treatment versus none did not impact on mortality [adj. OR = 0·72 (0·44–1·17; P = 0·180)] or likelihood of requiring ventilatory support [adj. OR = 1·17 (0·71–1·92; P = 0·537)], but early treatment versus later significantly reduced mortality [adj. OR = 0·70 (0·55–0·88; P = 0·003)] and likelihood of requiring ventilatory support [adj. OR = 0·68 (0·54–0·85; P = 0·001)]. Conclusions Early NAI treatment of patients hospitalised with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection versus no treatment did not reduce the likelihood of IRP. However, in patients who developed IRP, early NAI treatment versus later reduced the likelihood of mortality and needing ventilatory support

    Brabykinin B1 Receptor Antagonism Is Beneficial in Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

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    Previously we have demonstrated that bradykinin B1 receptor deficient mice (B1KO) were protected against renal ischemia and reperfusion injury (IRI). Here, we aimed to analyze the effect of B1 antagonism on renal IRI and to study whether B1R knockout or antagonism could modulate the renal expression of pro and anti-inflammatory molecules. To this end, mice were subjected to 45 minutes ischemia and reperfused at 4, 24, 48 and 120 hours. Wild-type mice were treated intra-peritoneally with antagonists of either B1 (R-954, 200 µg/kg) or B2 receptor (HOE140, 200 µg/kg) 30 minutes prior to ischemia. Blood samples were collected to ascertain serum creatinine level, and kidneys were harvested for gene transcript analyses by real-time PCR. Herein, B1R antagonism (R-954) was able to decrease serum creatinine levels, whereas B2R antagonism had no effect. The protection seen under B1R deletion or antagonism was associated with an increased expression of GATA-3, IL-4 and IL-10 and a decreased T-bet and IL-1β transcription. Moreover, treatment with R-954 resulted in lower MCP-1, and higher HO-1 expression. Our results demonstrated that bradykinin B1R antagonism is beneficial in renal IRI

    Phylogenetic diversity of Amazonian tree communities

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    Aim: To examine variation in the phylogenetic diversity (PD) of tree communities across geographical and environmental gradients in Amazonia. Location: Two hundred and eighty-three c. 1 ha forest inventory plots from across Amazonia. Methods: We evaluated PD as the total phylogenetic branch length across species in each plot (PDss), the mean pairwise phylogenetic distance between species (MPD), the mean nearest taxon distance (MNTD) and their equivalents standardized for species richness (ses.PDss, ses.MPD, ses.MNTD). We compared PD of tree communities growing (1) on substrates of varying geological age; and (2) in environments with varying ecophysiological barriers to growth and survival. Results: PDss is strongly positively correlated with species richness (SR), whereas MNTD has a negative correlation. Communities on geologically young- and intermediate-aged substrates (western and central Amazonia respectively) have the highest SR, and therefore the highest PDss and the lowest MNTD. We find that the youngest and oldest substrates (the latter on the Brazilian and Guiana Shields) have the highest ses.PDss and ses.MNTD. MPD and ses.MPD are strongly correlated with how evenly taxa are distributed among the three principal angiosperm clades and are both highest in western Amazonia. Meanwhile, seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) and forests on white sands have low PD, as evaluated by any metric. Main conclusions: High ses.PDss and ses.MNTD reflect greater lineage diversity in communities. We suggest that high ses.PDss and ses.MNTD in western Amazonia results from its favourable, easy-to-colonize environment, whereas high values in the Brazilian and Guianan Shields may be due to accumulation of lineages over a longer period of time. White-sand forests and SDTF are dominated by close relatives from fewer lineages, perhaps reflecting ecophysiological barriers that are difficult to surmount evolutionarily. Because MPD and ses.MPD do not reflect lineage diversity per se, we suggest that PDss, ses.PDss and ses.MNTD may be the most useful diversity metrics for setting large-scale conservation priorities

    Evolutionary Heritage Influences Amazon Tree Ecology

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    Lineages tend to retain ecological characteristics of their ancestors through time. However, for some traits, selection during evolutionary history may have also played a role in determining trait values. To address the relative importance of these processes requires large-scale quantification of traits and evolutionary relationships among species. The Amazonian tree flora comprises a high diversity of angiosperm lineages and species with widely differing life-history characteristics, providing an excellent system to investigate the combined influences of evolutionary heritage and selection in determining trait variation. We used trait data related to the major axes of life-history variation among tropical trees (e.g. growth and mortality rates) from 577 inventory plots in closed-canopy forest, mapped onto a phylogenetic hypothesis spanning more than 300 genera including all major angiosperm clades to test for evolutionary constraints on traits. We found significant phylogenetic signal (PS) for all traits, consistent with evolutionarily related genera having more similar characteristics than expected by chance. Although there is also evidence for repeated evolution of pioneer and shade tolerant life-history strategies within independent lineages, the existence of significant PS allows clearer predictions of the links between evolutionary diversity, ecosystem function and the response of tropical forests to global change