31 research outputs found


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    Devido a exploração irregular das orquídeas, muitas delas se encontram ameaçadas de extinção.  Na tentativa de que a proliferação destas plantas seja garantida utilizam-se técnicas de cultivo in vitro. A utilização de regiões meristemáticas para a produção de protocormóides e posterior regeneração de plantas tem sido empregada com sucesso para diferentes espécies. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da utilização dos reguladores de crescimento ANA e BAP na formação de protocormóides a partir de ápices radiculares e segmentos foliares de Cyrtopodium paranaense. Os explantes foram seccionados e inoculados em meio de cultura MS suplementado com concentrações de ANA (0; 0,5 e 1 mg.L-1) e BAP (0; 0,5 e 1 mg.L-1)  totalizando 9 tratamentos. Os meios de cultura foram acrescidos de sacarose (30 g. L-1), geleificados com ágar (6,5 g. L-1). O experimento foi inteiramente casualizado, a unidade experimental constou de um vidro contendo sete explantes, com quatro repetições.  Após a inoculação os frascos foram levados para B.O.D. com temperatura de 24º ± 2ºC e fotoperíodo de 16 horas. Semanalmente avaliou-se o aparecimento de modificações morfológicas como formação de calos e protocormóides. Na segunda semana de cultivo foi observada a formação de calos friáveis e esbranquiçados na extremidade seccionada dos ápices radiculares em todos os tratamentos. Os ápices foliares não apresentaram respostas morfogenéticas e secaram progressivamente. Após 180 dias de cultivo o número médio de  protocormóides por explante foi maior nos tratamentos com 0,5 mg.L-1  de BAP e 0,5 mg.L-1 de ANA e 1 mg.L-1  de BAP.

    The Role of Spirituality and Religiosity in Subjective Well-Being of Individuals With Different Religious Status

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    Spirituality and religiosity have been found to be positive predictors of subjective wellbeing, even if results are not altogether consistent across studies. This mixed evidence is probably due to the inadequate operationalization of the constructs as well as the neglect of the moderation effect that the individuals' religious status can have on the relation between spirituality/religiosity and subjective well-being. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship of spirituality and religiosity with subjective well-being (operationalized as both life satisfaction and balance between positive and negative affect) and to test whether differences exist according to individuals' religious status (religious, non-religious, and uncertain). Data were collected from 267 Italian adults aged 18-77 (M = 36.68; SD = 15.13), mainly women (59.9%). In order to test the role of spirituality (operationalized as Purpose, Innerness, Interconnection, and Transcendence) and religiosity (operationalized as three dimensions of the religious identity: Commitment, In-depth Exploration, and Reconsideration of Commitment) in subjective well-being, two path analysis models were run, one for each predictor. To test the invariance of the two models across the individuals' religious status, two multi-group models were run. The models concerning spirituality were tested on the entire sample, finding that spirituality had a positive impact on subjective well-being (except for the dimension of Interconnection) and that this relation is unaffected by the individual's religious status. The models concerning religiosity were instead tested only on religious and uncertain, finding that the relationship between religiosity and subjective well-being changes across religious status. In particular, the main difference we found was that religious identity commitment positively predicted satisfaction with life among religious, but not among uncertain individuals. An interpretation of the results and their implications are discussed

    Local Environmental Non-Profit Organizations and the Green Investment Strategies of Family Firms

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    We add to the debate on the determinants of firms\u2019 green investment strategies (GIS) by looking at societal stakeholders and explicitly testing the role of local environmental non-profit organizations (ENPOs) in GIS engagement by family and non-family firms. We argue that ENPOs favor GIS engagement only by family firms, which, due to their resource constraints, risk aversion and local embeddedness, are more sensitive to ENPOs normative pressure. We also suggest that the role of ENPOs is especially important for family firms\u2019 GIS in those sectors with less stringent regulations, where ENPOs may act as a substitute for the coercive pressure of regulation, and promote firms\u2019 self-regulatory behaviors. We test and find support for our arguments on a sample of about 2000 Italian manufacturing firms over the period 2001\u20132003. Our results are robust to the control of observable omitted variables, reverse causality and to alternative model specifications

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    The Contribution of Meaning Making and Religiosity to Individuals’ Psychological Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prosocial Orientation Matters

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected individuals’ psychological well-being worldwide, thus representing a challenge for flourishing among emerging adults. To understand psychological processes involved in the positive adaptation to this challenge, the present study examined the role of meaning in life and religious identity as crucial resources for flourishing in a sample of 255 Italian emerging adults. Specifically, as in the midst of a stressful event individuals may experience the potential for flourishing through the process of search for meaning, the study examined the mediated role of existential, spiritual/religious and prosocial orientations as the three primary trajectories for building meaning. Results from path analytic mediation models revealed a positive influence of presence of meaning and in-depth exploration on flourishing. Findings also suggested the contribution of prosocial orientation in building meaning and, ultimately, in increasing flourishing. Implications are discussed

    the stability of individual well-being in short windows of time: Women's perceptions across the ovulatory cycle

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    Empirical research on well-being has rapidly increased in recent years. One of the most dominant issue concerns the degree of cross-situational consistency and stability of well-being across time, and this is of particular relevance to women life. The aim of this study was to verify the stability of women well-being in short windows of time, specifically across menstrual cycle phases. A within-subject design with 25 normally cycling women (range: 19-26 years) was carried out. The multidimensional assessment of well-being included the administration of psychological well-being, self-esteem, and emotional self-efficacy beliefs questionnaires during both high and low-fertility phases. The results showed the stability of the level of individual well-being across menstrual cycle phases. Albeit preliminary, results indicated that women representations of their well-being do not change according to menstrual cycle. Rather, an effective organization and integration of the entire self-system appears sustained by the stability of well-being measured through a multi-componential assessment over short periods of time

    Plant growth of Laelia tenebrosa Rolfe treated with gibberellic acid and grown on different substrates

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    The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) and different substrates on the growth of Laelia tenebrosa was evaluated. In vitro germinated plants were transplanted to trays, acclimatized, and after nine months used in two experiments: (a) effect of different substrates: coconut powder, Pinus sp. bark, coconut powder + Pinus sp. bark, coconut powder + Pinus sp. bark + charcoal and coconut powder + Pinus sp. bark + charcoal + crushed walnut shells, with five plants/pot and seven repetitions; (b) effect of pulverization with GA3 (0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg L-1) with four plants/pot and seven repetitions. After 360 days, the following variables were evaluated: survival rate, shoot height, number of leaves and buds, length and width of leaves and root length. Significant differences were found for number of buds, length of leaves and roots, with the best results for the plants grown in coconut powder + Pinus sp. bark and coconut powder + Pinus sp. bark + charcoal + walnut shells. Significant differences were found with pulverization with GA3 for all variables except for leaf width and the best results were obtained with 25, 50 and 200 mg L-1.Se evaluó el efecto del ácido giberélico (GA3) y de diferentes sustratos en el crecimiento de plantas de Laelia tenebrosa oriundas de la germinación in vitro, trasplantadas para bandejas colectivas, aclimatadas y tras nueve meses utilizadas en dos experimentos: a) evaluación del efecto de la pulverización con GA3 (0, 25, 50, 100 e 200 mgL-1) con cuatro plantas/florero y siete repeticiones; b) evaluación del efecto de los sustratos: polvo de coco, cáscara de Pinus sp., polvo de coco + cáscara de Pinus sp., polvo de coco + cáscara de Pinus sp. + carbón y polvo de coco + cáscara de Pinus sp. + carbón + cáscara de nueces, con cinco plantas/ florero y siete repeticiones. Tras 360 días se evaluó: supervivencia, altura de la parte aérea, número de hojas y brotes, largura y anchura de las hojas y largura de la raíz. Diferencias significativas fueron observadas para todas las variables excepto anchura de las hojas con pulverización con GA3 y mejores resultados con 25, 50 y 200 mgL-1. Diferencias significativas fueron observadas para número de brotes, largura de las hojas y mayor raíz, con mejores resultados cuando las plantas fueron cultivadas con polvo de coco + cáscara de Pinus sp. y polvo de coco + cáscara de Pinus sp.+ carbón + cáscara de nueces