64 research outputs found

    Féminisme et nationalisme dans le Québec contemporain, entre modernité et postmodernité

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    Cet article s’intéresse aux liens entre nationalisme et féminisme dans le Québec contemporain. Dans ce que nous appelons le récit identitaire de l’émancipation, les liens entre les deux étaient serrés. Ces liens ont changé avec l’avènement de la postmodernité et la transformation du récit identitaire de l’émancipation vers le récit valorisant la citoyenneté. En raison de la fragmentation, du métissage et de l’individualisation des luttes, autant le féminisme que le nationalisme ont dû revoir leurs stratégies. Nous verrons que Québec solidaire chevauche modernité et postmodernité en articulant un projet collectif qui tient compte de l’hétérogénéité sociale et du pluralisme.This article is about the links between feminism and nationalism in contemporary Quebec. Connections were strong in what we call the récit identitaire of emancipation. With the coming of postmodernity and the transformation of the récit identitaire related to emancipation towards the promotion of citizenship, connections have changed. Feminism and nationalism have rebuilt their strategies because of the context of atomization, hybridization, and individualization of the social fights. With a political collective project that includes pluralism and social heterogeneity, Québec solidaire goes on between modernity and postmodernity

    La transformation du récit identitaire au Québec : de l'art au politique

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    L'art ouvre des portes, permet de saisir l'air du temps, de mettre des mots, couleurs, images, gestes sur ce qui est parfois difficile à saisir. Il est des cas où l'art peut véritablement agir comme un révélateur d'une certaine réalité sociopolitique. Au Québec, le milieu socioculturel a un énorme impact sur les différents récits identitaires articulés autant dans le politique, mais aussi dans les médias et évidemment au sein des arts et de la culture. Saisir le politique par l'art peut donc sembler être une voie marginale mais nous croyons que cette voie est essentielle pour analyser ce que nous qualifions être une transformation du récit identitaire au Québec. Par récit identitaire, terme que nous empruntons à Jocelyn Maclure dans son livre du même titre, nous englobons une réalité plus large que ce que peut contenir le concept d'identité, car si le questionnement identitaire est bien à l'oeuvre au niveau sociopolitique, les réalités identitaires contemporaines sont aujourd'hui beaucoup plus floues et peuvent même varier selon les besoins du sujet, particulièrement en cette ère postmoderne.\ud Nous nous pencherons ici davantage sur deux champs de la pratique artistique québécoise, soit les arts visuels et plus partiellement sur la littérature. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que certaines manifestations dont témoignent ces deux champs artistiques ont laissé présager d'une transformation du récit identitaire au Québec et ce, bien avant que celle-ci ne devienne perceptible au plan politique. L'actuelle « crise » identitaire perceptible au niveau politique peut ainsi être comprise comme le deuxième acte d'une histoire en deux temps de cette transformation du récit identitaire dont le premier acte s'est joué dans les arts et la culture. Le récit identitaire est passé d'un pôle ethniciste, nationaliste et indépendantiste -particulièrement incarné dans les différents courants artistiques, avant-gardistes et même au niveau de la culture populaire -pour se déplacer, ou se réarticuler, vers un pôle civique et valorisant le métissage culturel. Notre démarche sera donc de démontrer que l'art et la culture ont été parties prenantes de la transformation du récit identitaire québécois, passant du récit de l'émancipation nationale à celui de la citoyenneté, du métissage culturel et de l'hybridation identitaire. Nous avons choisi de situer notre démarche dans le cadre théorique de la pensée postmodeme avec les thèses de certains auteurs ayant contribué à la recherche sur la postmodemité ; Michel Maffesoli, Gianni Vattimo, Jean-François Lyotard et Umberto Eco. Nous croyons que certaines idées que nous leur empruntons peuvent nous permettre de mieux comprendre le devenir du récit identitaire et l'analyser aussi bien sur le plan des arts et de la culture que sur celui du politique, notamment les notions de métissage, de la tribalisation du monde, de la fin des métarécits, de la transfiguration du politique et de l'oeuvre ouverte. Dans la question de l'identité québécoise, cette approche se veut un apport de fragmentation, d'identités plurielles. Et dans le cas qui nous occupe plus particulièrement, l'analyse de la transformation du récit identitaire par la voie des arts et de la culture, l'approche postmodeme a le mérite de créer un pont avec la notion d'esthétique, mais aussi dans les sphères sociales et politiques et de rendre ainsi compte d'une impasse qu'il y a à clairement définir l'identité collective. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Identité, Art et politique, Québec contemporain, Postmodernité


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    This preliminary study was inspired by the Attachment-Diathesis Model of Chronic Pain (ADMoCP) and examined pain self-efficacy as a mediator of the relation between people’s insecure romantic attachment and individual functioning, as well couple satisfaction. This study used a sample of 45 adults with chronic pain from the community who have been in couple relationships for at least 6 months. Participants completed self-report measures. Direct links were obtained between 1) insecure romantic attachment (anxiety over abandonment) and pain self-efficacy, 2) pain self-efficacy and individual functioning, 3) insecure romantic attachment and low individual functioning, and 4) insecure romantic attachment and lower couple satisfaction. Results also showed that pain self-efficacy significantly mediates the relation between anxiety over abandonment and individual functioning, thus adding to existing literature as well as providing more support for the ADMoCP. Future research directions are discussed along with clinical implications.Keywords: Chronic Pain. Romantic Attachment. Pain Self-Efficacy. Individual Functioning. RESUMOEste estudo preliminar foi inspirado no Attachment-Diathesis Model of Chronic Pain – ADMoCP e investigou a autoeficácia no manejo da dor como um mediador da ligação entre estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas, funcionamento individual e satisfação conjugal. Este estudo utilizou uma amostra de 45 adultos da comunidade com dor crônica e que estavam em um relacionamento há pelo menos 6 meses. Participantes responderam a questionários de autorrelato. Foram obtidas relações diretas entre 1) estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas (ansiedade de abandono) e autoeficácia no manejo da dor, 2) autoeficácia no manejo da dor e funcionamento individual, 3) estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas e limitações no funcionamento individual e 4) estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas e menor satisfação conjugal. Os resultados também mostraram que a autoeficácia no manejo da dor interfere significativamente na relação entre ansiedade de abandono e funcionamento individual, corroborando a literatura existente bem como fornecendo mais suporte para a ADMoCP. São discutidas futuras direções de pesquisa bem como implicações clínicas.Palavras-chave: Dor Crônica. Apego nas relações afetivas. Autoeficácia no manejo da dor. Funcionamento Individual


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    This preliminary study was inspired by the Attachment-Diathesis Model of Chronic Pain (ADMoCP) and examined pain self-efficacy as a mediator of the relation between people’s insecure romantic attachment and individual functioning, as well couple satisfaction. This study used a sample of 45 adults with chronic pain from the community who have been in couple relationships for at least 6 months. Participants completed self-report measures. Direct links were obtained between 1) insecure romantic attachment (anxiety over abandonment) and pain self-efficacy, 2) pain self-efficacy and individual functioning, 3) insecure romantic attachment and low individual functioning, and 4) insecure romantic attachment and lower couple satisfaction. Results also showed that pain self-efficacy significantly mediates the relation between anxiety over abandonment and individual functioning, thus adding to existing literature as well as providing more support for the ADMoCP. Future research directions are discussed along with clinical implications. Keywords: Chronic Pain. Romantic Attachment. Pain Self-Efficacy. Individual Functioning.   RESUMO Este estudo preliminar foi inspirado no Attachment-Diathesis Model of Chronic Pain – ADMoCP e investigou a autoeficácia no manejo da dor como um mediador da ligação entre estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas, funcionamento individual e satisfação conjugal. Este estudo utilizou uma amostra de 45 adultos da comunidade com dor crônica e que estavam em um relacionamento há pelo menos 6 meses. Participantes responderam a questionários de autorrelato. Foram obtidas relações diretas entre 1) estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas (ansiedade de abandono) e autoeficácia no manejo da dor, 2) autoeficácia no manejo da dor e funcionamento individual, 3) estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas e limitações no funcionamento individual e 4) estilo de apego inseguro nas relações afetivas e menor satisfação conjugal. Os resultados também mostraram que a autoeficácia no manejo da dor interfere significativamente na relação entre ansiedade de abandono e funcionamento individual, corroborando a literatura existente bem como fornecendo mais suporte para a ADMoCP. São discutidas futuras direções de pesquisa bem como implicações clínicas. Palavras-chave: Dor Crônica. Apego nas relações afetivas. Autoeficácia no manejo da dor. Funcionamento Individual

    End-of-life care in long-term care homes : a scoping review protocol

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    Background: Quality end-of-life (EOL) care is essential in long-term care homes (LTCHs), as the average survival time of newly admitted residents is estimated to be around 2 to 2.5 years. However, significant challenges exist when it comes to providing EOL clinical care in LTCHs, and the available empirical evidence does not offer a clear idea of the best practices to adopt. Aim: To systematically map the state of knowledge on EOL clinical care in LTCHs, as it relates to people receiving care, family care partners, health care professionals, the characteristics of the organization, the social context, and the implementation of guides. Methods: The scoping review method by Levac et al. (2010) will be used. Data will be collected from multiple sources, including eleven databases using a combination of keywords and descriptors, references list, prospective and manual searches, and by consulting clinicians and managers from LTCHs for additional publications. The literature from 2012 and onwards will be selected if it directly concerns EOL care in LTCHs, with no restriction on the age of residents or on the type of health care professionals or family care partners. The screening and data extraction will be performed by two people independently and any discrepancies will be resolved by consensus. We will also assess the quality of publication with the critical appraisal tools developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. We will synthesize the extracted data using content analysis and consult stakeholders in LTCHs when a first version of the data synthesis is available to enhance the interpretation of the results based on their experience. We will present results in narrative form with tables and graphs. Discussion: The results will provide evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice when available findings are conclusive and will allow identifying knowledge gaps to orient future research programs focusing specifically on EOL clinical care in LTCHs

    Documentary Protocols = Protocoles documentaires (1967-1975)

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    "Documentary Protocols (1967-1975) is the third part of an ambitious project that took place over a three-year period, and that also included two exhibitions (Documentary Protocols I and Documentary Protocols II) curated and presented at the Gallery in 2007 and 2008. This major historical publication reproduces over 250 documents from the 1960s and 70s drawn from 10 archival fonds and includes an introduction, a contextualizing essay and 6 case studies. In the mid-1960s, Canadian artists suffered from cultural isolation as museums were indifferent to their work and the international art market seemed beyond reach. Artists made up for this state of exclusion by creating alternative spaces in which they could present experimental work and offer services to members of their communities. Documentary Protocols (1967-1975) addresses a historical moment in which the investment of the concept of information by artists converged with the role of administrator they bestowed upon themselves. The historical trajectory of these self-managed organizations can now be observed in their archival fonds, where the results of partially realized utopias exist alongside material evidence of the artists’ labour. Following the decompartmentalization characterizing the period, the editorial structure of this publication provides equal visibility both to the sampling of documents and to the case studies based on the close reading of these items" -- Publisher's web site

    A social role for churches and cultural demarcation:how German MEPs represent religion in the European Parliament

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    This study deals with the question of how German members of the European Parliament (MEPs) represent the German model of religion–state relations at the European level. Based on a survey and interviews with German MEPs as well as a content-analysis of German MEPs’ speeches, motions and parliamentary questions during the seventh term of the European Parliament (EP), our study demonstrates that this model is represented in three dimensions. First, German MEPs reflect the close cooperation between the churches and the state in Germany, primarily on social issues, through largely church- and religion-friendly attitudes and relatively frequent contacts with religious interest-groups. Second, by referring to religious freedoms and minorities primarily outside the EU and by placing Islam in considerably more critical contexts than Christianity, German MEPs create a cultural demarcation line between Islam and Christianity through their parliamentary activities, which is similar to, though less politicised than, cultural boundaries often produced in public debates in Germany. Third, our study illustrates similar patterns of religious affiliation and subjective religiosity among German parliamentarians in both the EP and the national Parliament, which to some degree also reflect societal trends in Germany. Yet our data also suggest that European political elites are more religious than the average German population. If the presence of religion in terms of religious interest-groups and arguments is included, the EP appears to be more secularist than the German Parliament

    Genetic Variation in LPA, Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery, and Familial Risk of Aortic Valve Microcalcification.

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    IMPORTANCE: Genetic variants at the LPA locus are associated with both calcific aortic valve stenosis (CAVS) and coronary artery disease (CAD). Whether these variants are associated with CAVS in patients with CAD vs those without CAD is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To study the associations of LPA variants with CAVS in a cohort of patients undergoing heart surgery and LPA with CAVS in patients with CAD vs those without CAD and to determine whether first-degree relatives of patients with CAVS and high lipoprotein(a) (Lp[a]) levels showed evidence of aortic valve microcalcification. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This genetic association study included patients undergoing cardiac surgery from the Genome-Wide Association Study on Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis in Quebec (QUEBEC-CAVS) study and patients with CAD, patients without CAD, and control participants from 6 genetic association studies: the UK Biobank, the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk, and Genetic Epidemiology Research on Aging (GERA) studies and 3 French cohorts. In addition, a family study included first-degree relatives of patients with CAVS. Data were collected from January 1993 to September 2018, and analysis was completed from September 2017 to September 2018. EXPOSURES: Case-control studies. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Presence of CAVS according to a weighted genetic risk score based on 3 common Lp(a)-raising variants and aortic valve microcalcification, defined as the mean tissue to background ratio of 1.25 or more, measured by fluorine 18-labeled sodium fluoride positron emission tomography/computed tomography. RESULTS: This study included 1009 individuals undergoing cardiac surgery and 1017 control participants in the QUEBEC-CAVS cohort; 3258 individuals with CAVS and CAD, 41 100 controls with CAD, 2069 individuals with CAVS without CAD, and 380 075 control participants without CAD in the UK Biobank, EPIC-Norfolk, and GERA studies and 3 French cohorts combined; and 33 first-degree relatives of 17 patients with CAVS and high Lp(a) levels (≥60 mg/dL) and 23 control participants with normal Lp(a) levels (<60 mg/dL). In the QUEBEC-CAVS study, each SD increase of the genetic risk score was associated with a higher risk of CAVS (odds ratio [OR], 1.35 [95% CI, 1.10-1.66]; P = .003). Each SD increase of the genetic risk score was associated with a higher risk of CAVS in patients with CAD (OR, 1.30 [95% CI, 1.20-1.42]; P < .001) and without CAD (OR, 1.33 [95% CI, 1.14-1.55]; P < .001). The percentage of individuals with a tissue to background ratio of 1.25 or more or CAVS was higher in first-degree relatives of patients with CAVS and high Lp(a) (16 of 33 [49%]) than control participants (3 of 23 [13%]; P = .006). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this study, a genetically elevated Lp(a) level was associated with CAVS independently of the presence of CAD. These findings support further research on the potential usefulness of Lp(a) cascade screening in CAVS

    Genetic analyses of the electrocardiographic QT interval and its components identify additional loci and pathways

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    The QT interval is an electrocardiographic measure representing the sum of ventricular depolarization and repolarization, estimated by QRS duration and JT interval, respectively. QT interval abnormalities are associated with potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmia. Using genome-wide multi-ancestry analyses (>250,000 individuals) we identify 177, 156 and 121 independent loci for QT, JT and QRS, respectively, including a male-specific X-chromosome locus. Using gene-based rare-variant methods, we identify associations with Mendelian disease genes. Enrichments are observed in established pathways for QT and JT, and previously unreported genes indicated in insulin-receptor signalling and cardiac energy metabolism. In contrast for QRS, connective tissue components and processes for cell growth and extracellular matrix interactions are significantly enriched. We demonstrate polygenic risk score associations with atrial fibrillation, conduction disease and sudden cardiac death. Prioritization of druggable genes highlight potential therapeutic targets for arrhythmia. Together, these results substantially advance our understanding of the genetic architecture of ventricular depolarization and repolarization

    Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management?

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    Biological reference points are important tools for fisheries management. Reference points are not static, butmay change when a population's environment or the population itself changes. Fisheries-induced evolution is one mechanism that can alter population characteristics, leading to "shifting" reference points by modifying the underlying biological processes or by changing the perception of a fishery system. The former causes changes in "true" reference points, whereas the latter is caused by changes in the yardsticks used to quantify a system's status. Unaccounted shifts of either kind imply that reference points gradually lose their intended meaning. This can lead to increased precaution, which is safe, but potentially costly. Shifts can also occur in more perilous directions, such that actual risks are greater than anticipated. Our qualitative analysis suggests that all commonly used reference points are susceptible to shifting through fisheries-induced evolution, including the limit and "precautionary" reference points for spawning-stock biomass, B-lim and B-pa, and the target reference point for fishing mortality, F-0.1. Our findings call for increased awareness of fisheries-induced changes and highlight the value of always basing reference points on adequately updated information, to capture all changes in the biological processes that drive fish population dynamics