87 research outputs found

    Cultural Resources Survey: Freeport, Harbor, Texas, (45-Foot) Navigation Improvement Project, Brazoria County, Texas

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    In October and November of 1980, the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, conducted an intensive resource survey and limited testing in an area on either side of the mouth of the Brazos River in Brazoria County, Texas. A history was composed of the project area in relation to that of the Republic and State of Texas. A structural history of the town of Velasco was compiled from archival and historical research. Intensive survey and assessment of the project area resulted in the conclusion that, aside from a few possible subsurface indications at or below the water level, Fort Velasco and the townsite of Velasco have been eliminated by the action of successive tropical storms. It is recommended, however, that further intensive testing be carried out if the area within Monument Square of old Velasco is to be seriously impacted by the Freeport Harbor Navigation Improvement Project

    “Alice Pavilion.”

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    In the spring term 2008 the ALICE pavilion team designed Overflow as a large-scale archi-tectonic artifact interacting with the tidal movements at the Thames River. Conceived as a flexible post-tensioned polystyrene structure, fastened along the embankment handrail as a hinge, it was reacting to the tidal amplitudes in the Thames River

    Valorisation des races animales locales par des produits liés à leur territoire : cinq leçons tirées de cas variés en France

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    Sur la base de cas concrets relatifs à plusieurs espèces domestiques, en France, on tire cinq enseignements relatifs à la valorisation des races locales via leurs produits. Premièrement, il n’existe pas de solution unique pour valoriser une race, une grande diversité des moyens se rencontrant et parfois se combinant sur le terrain. Deuxièmement, il est nécessaire de construire et de maintenir une clientèle et d’adapter en temps réel la production et demande. Troisièmement, un défi de taille est de maintenir un contrôle étroit des éleveurs sur la filière, de sorte que la valeur ajoutée leur bénéficie pleinement. Quatrièmement, il convient de veiller à la cohésion entre les différents acteurs et de porter une attention équilibrée au développement des produits et à la gestion des races. Cinquièmement, les collectifs concernés doivent gérer avec habileté la question de l’appropriation, par la race ou par le produit, du nom porteur d’une image favorable auprès du public.Added value for local breeds by products linked to their territory: five lessons learned from various cases in France. On the basis of concrete cases from several domestic species, in France, five lessons were drawn on how to obtain an added value to local breeds via their products. First, there is no single way to find an added value, a wide variety of means being encountered and sometimes combined on the field. Second, it is necessary to build and maintain a customer base and to adapt production and demand in real time. Third, a major challenge is to maintain a close control of farmers on the value chain, so that the added value benefits them fully. Fourth, there is a need to ensure cohesion between the different actors and to pay attention to the balance between product development and breed management. Fifth, the groups of concerned people must skillfully manage the issue of the appropriation of the name carrying a favorable image, by the breed or by product

    Rethinking architectural education - the new EU directive and the role of live projects

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    The symposium was held as part of the 2nd Annual AAE Conference 2014 - Living and Learning - at the University of Sheffield and encouraged the participants to discuss the teaching method of Live Projects as part of the typical 5 year architectural education in the UK. Within the context of the new EU directive and the potential for a rethinking of the “3+2 years” (+ 2 years in practice) usual architectural education in the UK, Live Projects play an important role, adding practical experience to a shorter “5+0 years” model (without the year in practice). The information and knowledge delivered in the symposium could play a demonstrative and exemplary role in future architectural educational reform. At the Cass. School of Architecture, several studios at Undergraduate and Diploma level choose to work on Live Projects with their students as the year-long programme. These Live Projects play an important role within the students’ architectural education and increasingly will do so also in the future, as Live Projects add practical experience to a potentially reduced architectural education to 5 years without a year out. The studios at the Cass do not only teach students about the professional side of architectural practice (e.g. real clients), but also contribute to research in architecture. Three studios presented their work and methodologies as a base for discussion at the beginning of the Symposium, this was followed by a short Q+A session, involving the audience and other institutions to discuss: • What makes a project live? • What support is needed for Live Projects? • What is the role of the architect within the Live Project

    Recent Decisions

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    Admiralty--Damages in a Maritime Collision or Stranding Caused by Mutual Fault Must be Apportioned According to the Comparative Negligence of the Parties Anne Markey ============================= Admiralty--Wrongful Death--General Maritime Law Provides Remedy for Pain and Suffering of Decedent Incurred in Wrongful Death on High Seas but not for Funeral Expenses James F. Maddox ============================= Arbitration--Securities Regulation--In International Sale of Securities, Arbitration Agreement is Binding not Withstanding Non-Waiverability of Judicial Remedy of Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Thomas C. Eklund ============================= IMMIGRATION--ALIEN COMMUTERS, BOTH DAILY AND SEASONAL, WHO HAVE ONCE OBTAINED THE STATUS OF IMMIGRANTS ARE PROPERLY CLASSIFIED AS SPECIAL IMMIGRANTS LAWFULLY ADMITTED FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE RETURNING FROM A TEMPORARY VISIT ABROAD Thomas F. Taylor ============================ INSURANCE--WAR RISK EXCLUSION CLAUSE DOES NOT BAR RECOVERY UNDER AN ALL RISK POLICY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM TERRORIST ACTIVITIES Ralph Vinciguerra ============================ INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION--U.N. CONVENTION ON THE RECOGNITION AND ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARDS--DEFENSES RAISED AGAINST ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARD WILL BE NARROWLY CONSTRUED BY U.S. COURTS TO COMPLY WITH PRO-ENFORCEMENT POLICY OF THE CONVENTION Clark Mervi

    Intercultural Interaction in architectural education

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    Fourteen case studies on architectural education - Intercultural Interactions is a theme that began within SCHOSA (The Standing Conference of Heads of Schools of Architecture) whilst Robert Mull was chair between 2008 and 2010. The theme and publication were then developed with the support of CEBE (The Centre for Education in the Built Environment) and the ASD Projects office at London Metropolitan University

    A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: let us err on the side of caution

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    We greatly appreciate the care and thought that is evident in the 10 commentaries that discuss our debate paper, the majority of which argued in favor of a formalized ICD-11 gaming disorder. We agree that there are some people whose play of video games is related to life problems. We believe that understanding this population and the nature and severity of the problems they experience should be a focus area for future research. However, moving from research construct to formal disorder requires a much stronger evidence base than we currently have. The burden of evidence and the clinical utility should be extremely high, because there is a genuine risk of abuse of diagnoses. We provide suggestions about the level of evidence that might be required: transparent and preregistered studies, a better demarcation of the subject area that includes a rationale for focusing on gaming particularly versus a more general behavioral addictions concept, the exploration of non-addiction approaches, and the unbiased exploration of clinical approaches that treat potentially underlying issues, such as depressive mood or social anxiety first. We acknowledge there could be benefits to formalizing gaming disorder, many of which were highlighted by colleagues in their commentaries, but we think they do not yet outweigh the wider societal and public health risks involved. Given the gravity of diagnostic classification and its wider societal impact, we urge our colleagues at the WHO to err on the side of caution for now and postpone the formalization

    Implementing evidence-based medicine in general practice: a focus group based study

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    BACKGROUND: Over the past years concerns are rising about the use of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) in health care. The calls for an increase in the practice of EBM, seem to be obstructed by many barriers preventing the implementation of evidence-based thinking and acting in general practice. This study aims to explore the barriers of Flemish GPs (General Practitioners) to the implementation of EBM in routine clinical work and to identify possible strategies for integrating EBM in daily work. METHODS: We used a qualitative research strategy to gather and analyse data. We organised focus groups between September 2002 and April 2003. The focus group data were analysed using a combined strategy of 'between-case' analysis and 'grounded theory approach'. Thirty-one general practitioners participated in four focus groups. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit participants. RESULTS: A basic classification model documents the influencing factors and actors on a micro-, meso- as well as macro-level. Patients, colleagues, competences, logistics and time were identified on the micro-level (the GPs' individual practice), commercial and consumer organisations on the meso-level (institutions, organisations) and health care policy, media and specific characteristics of evidence on the macro-level (policy level and international scientific community). Existing barriers and possible strategies to overcome these barriers were described. CONCLUSION: In order to implement EBM in routine general practice, an integrated approach on different levels needs to be developed

    Open Institute of the African BioGenome Project: Bridging the gap in African biodiversity genomics and bioinformatics

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    Africa, a continent of 1.3 billion people, had 326 researchers per one million people in 2018 (Schneegans, 2021; UNESCO, 2022), despite the global average for the number of researchers per million people being 1368 (Schneegans, 2021; UNESCO, 2022). Nevertheless, a strong research community is a requirement to advance scientific knowledge and innovation and drive economic growth (Agnew, et al., 2020; Sianes, et al., 2022). This low number of researchers extends to scientific research across Africa and finds resonance with genomic projects such as the African BioGenome Project (Ebenezer, et al., 2022). The African BioGenome project (AfricaBP) plans to sequence 100,000 endemic African species in 10 years (Ebenezer, et al., 2022) with an estimated 203,000 gigabases of DNA sequence. AfricaBP aims to generate these genomes on-the-ground in Africa. However, for AfricaBP to achieve its goals of on-the-ground sequencing and data analysis, there is a need to empower African scientists and institutions to obtain the required skill sets, capacity and infrastructure to generate, analyse, and utilise these sequenced genomes in-country. The Open Institute is the genomics and bioinformatics knowledge exchange programme for the AfricaBP (Figures 1 & 2). It consists of 10 participating institutions including the University of South Africa in South Africa and National Institute of Agricultural Research in Morocco. It aims to: develop biodiversity genomics and bioinformatics curricula targeted at African scientists, promote and develop genomics and bioinformatics tools that will address critical needs relevant to the African terrain such as limited internet access, and advance grassroot knowledge exchange through outreach and public engagement such as quarterly training and workshops