37 research outputs found

    The effect of skill level on darts throwers’ use of different mental skills

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    Background: In recent years sports psychologists, coaches and athletes have paid a greater focus of attention to mental wellbeing and psychological skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate which psychological skills are important to two levels of skills among Darts players, namely; elite and beginner. Method: The sample consisted of 24 elite and 24 beginner Darts throwers. In order to gain insight into Darts throwing, beginner Darts players attended a national-championship-simulated competition. Both elite and beginner players also completed the Ottawa Mental Skill Questionnaire. Results: Independent t-test results showed that there was a significant difference just in basic psychiatric skills between the beginner and elite Darts throwers (p0.05). Conclusion: Results revealed differences between elite and beginner Darts players in foundation mental skills and commitment and mental practice subscales. Furthermore, results showed that for the commitment skill, elite and beginner Darts throwers were at the highest and lowest level respectively

    The effect of skill level on darts throwers’ use of different mental skills

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    Background: In recent years sports psychologists, coaches and athletes have paid a greater focus of attention to mental wellbeing and psychological skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate which psychological skills are important to two levels of skills among Darts players, namely; elite and beginner. Method: The sample consisted of 24 elite and 24 beginner Darts throwers. In order to gain insight into Darts throwing, beginner Darts players attended a national-championship-simulated competition. Both elite and beginner players also completed the Ottawa Mental Skill Questionnaire. Results: Independent t-test results showed that there was a significant difference just in basic psychiatric skills between the beginner and elite Darts throwers (p0.05). Conclusion: Results revealed differences between elite and beginner Darts players in foundation mental skills and commitment and mental practice subscales. Furthermore, results showed that for the commitment skill, elite and beginner Darts throwers were at the highest and lowest level respectively

    First report on the validity of a continuous Metabolic Syndrome score as an indicator for Metabolic Syndrome in a national sample of paediatric population — the CASPIAN-III study

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    Wstęp: Celem pracy była ocena trafności ciągłego wskaźnika zespołu metabolicznego (cMetS) na próbie reprezentatywnej irańskich dziecioraz zidentyfikowanie zależnych od płci i wieku optymalnych wartości odcięcia wskaźnika cMetS związanych z zespołem metabolicznym.Materiał i metody: Badanie zostało przeprowadzone z udziałem 3254 uczniów w wieku od 10 do 18 lat. cMetS był ustalany poprzezzagregowanie residuów standaryzowanych względem wieku i płci następujących parametrów: obwodu w pasie (WC, waist circumference),średniego ciśnienia tętniczego (MAP, mean arterial pressure), stężenia glukozy, stężenia cholesterolu frakcji lipoprotein wysokiejgęstości (HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol) oraz stężenia triglicerydów (TG). W celu ustalenia optymalnych punktów odcięciadla przewidywania obecności zespołu metabolicznego na podstawie cMetS zastosowano analizę krzywej ROC (receiver operatingcharacteristic) z oszacowaniem czułości i swoistości zmiennych.Wyniki: Wykazano stopniowany związek między wskaźnikiem cMetS a liczbą czynników ryzyka. W przypadku obu płci zaobserwowanowyraźny wzrost średnich wartości wskaźnika cMetS wraz ze wzrostem liczby komponentów. Ogólna optymalna wartość odcięcia wskaźnikacMetS dla przewidywania obecności zespołu metabolicznego wyniosła 2,93 [czułość = 92%, swoistość = 91%, pole powierzchni podkrzywą = 0,96 (0,95–0,97)]. Wartość dla chłopców wyniosła w badaniu 2,97, a dla dziewcząt — 3,26.Wniosek: W przeprowadzonym badaniu ogólnokrajowym potwierdzono trafność wskaźnika cMetS w populacji irańskich dzieci. WskaźnikcMetS wydaje się odpowiednim wskaźnikiem do zastosowania w badaniach epidemiologicznych nad związkiem pomiędzy potencjalnymiczynnikami ryzyka a występowaniem zespołu metabolicznego w Iranie.Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the validity of a continuous Metabolic Syndrome score (cMetS) in a nationally representativesample of Iranian children and to identify sex and age-specific optimal cut-off points of cMetS that are associated with MetS.Material and methods: This study was conducted among 3,254 schoolchildren aged 10–18 years. cMetS was derived by aggregating ageand sex-standardised residuals of waist circumference (WC), mean arterial pressure (MAP), glucose, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol(HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). To determine the optimal cut-off points of cMetS for predicting MetS, receiver operator characteristic(ROC) curve analysis was used with an estimation of the variables’ sensitivity and specificity.Results: A graded relationship was documented between cMetS and the number of risk factors. Increasing mean values of cMetS with increasingnumbers of components were apparent for both genders. The overall optimal cMetS cut-off point for predicting the presence of MetS was 2.93 [sensitivity= 92%, specificity = 91%, area of the curve = 0.96 (0.95–0.97)]. The values for boys and girls were 2.97 and 3.26 respectively in the total study.Conclusion: This nationwide study confirmed the validity of the cMetS score in a population-based sample of Iranian children. cMetSappears to be an appropriate index for investigating the association between potential risk factors and MetS in epidemiological researchin Iran

    A Study of the Correlation between Computer Games and Adolescent Behavioral Problems

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    Background: Today, due to developing communicative technologies, computer games and other audio-visual media as social phenomena, are very attractive and have a great effect on children and adolescents. The increasing popularity of these games among children and adolescents results in the public uncertainties about plausible harmful effects of these games. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between computer games and behavioral problems on male guidance school students.Methods: This was a descriptive-correlative study on 384 randomly chosen male guidance school students. They were asked to answer the researcher's questionnaire about computer games and Achenbach’s Youth Self-Report (YSR).Findings: The Results of this study indicated that there was about 95% direct significant correlation between the amount of playing games among adolescents and anxiety/depression, withdrawn/depression, rule-breaking behaviors, aggression, and social problems. However, there was no statistically significant correlation between the amount of computer game usage and physical complaints, thinking problems, and attention problems. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the students’ place of living and their parents’ job, and using computer games.Conclusion: Computer games lead to anxiety, depression, withdrawal, rule-breaking behavior, aggression, and social problems in adolescents.Keywords: Computer games, Social behavior, Adolescent

    First report on the validity of a continuous Metabolic Syndrome score as an indicator for Metabolic Syndrome in a national sample of paediatric population - The CASPIAN-III study

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the validity of a continuous Metabolic Syndrome score (cMetS) in a nationally representative sample of Iranian children and to identify sex and age-specific optimal cut-off points of cMetS that are associated with MetS. Material and methods: This study was conducted among 3,254 schoolchildren aged 10-18 years. cMetS was derived by aggregating age and sex-standardised residuals of waist circumference (WC), mean arterial pressure (MAP), glucose, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). To determine the optimal cut-off points of cMetS for predicting MetS, receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used with an estimation of the variables' sensitivity and specificity. Results: A graded relationship was documented between cMetS and the number of risk factors. Increasing mean values of cMetS with increasing numbers of components were apparent for both genders. The overall optimal cMetS cut-off point for predicting the presence of MetS was 2.93 sensitivity = 92%, specificity = 91%, area of the curve = 0.96 (0.95-0.97). The values for boys and girls were 2.97 and 3.26 respectively in the total study. Conclusion: This nationwide study confirmed the validity of the cMetS score in a population-based sample of Iranian children. cMetS appears to be an appropriate index for investigating the association between potential risk factors and MetS in epidemiological research in Iran

    Association of dietary patterns with continuous metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents; A nationwide propensity score-matched analysis: The CASPIAN-V study

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    Objective: This study aims to determine the association of dietary patterns with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components in children and adolescents. Methods: This nationwide study was conducted in 2015 among 4200 students aged 7-18 years, who lived in 30 provinces in Iran. The analysis was conducted based on the propensity score using a matched case-control study design. Three dietary patterns were obtained conducting a principal component analysis with a varimax rotation on 16 dietary groups. Continuous MetS score was computed by standardizing the residuals (z-scores) of MetS components by regressing them according to age and sex. The gold standard diagnosis of MetS was considered based on the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Moreover, for the purpose of data analysis, matched logistics analysis was used. Results: The study participants consisted of 3843 children and adolescents (response rate 91.5) with mean (SD) age of 12.45 (3.04) years. Totally 49.4 of students were girls and 71.4 lived in urban areas. Three dietary patterns were obtained: Healthy, Western, and Sweet. Prevalence of MetS was 5 (boy 5.5 and girl 4.5). Results of multivariate analysis show that students with Sweet dietary patterns were at higher risk for abdominal obesity (OR 1.29; 95 CI 1.01-1.66), elevated blood pressure (OR 1.35; 95 CI 1.01-1.81) and MetS (OR 1.33; 95 CI 1.02-1.74). The two other dietary patterns were not associated with MetS and its components. Conclusion: Sweet dietary pattern increase the risk of MetS and some its components in Iranian children and adolescents. This finding provides valuable information for effective preventive strategies of MetS based on diet rather than medication to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a National Sample of Adolescent Population in the Middle East and North Africa: The CASPIAN III Study

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    Objective. The present study was designed to investigate the prevalence of different combinations of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk factors among a nationally representative sample of adolescents in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Methods. The study sample, obtained as part of the third study of the school-based surveillance system entitled CASPIAN III, was representative of the Iranian adolescent population aged from 10 to 18 years. The prevalence of different components of MetS was studied and their discriminative value was assessed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results. The study participants consisted of 5738 students (2875 girls) with mean age of 14.7±2.4 years) living in 23 provinces in Iran; 17.4% of participants were underweight and 17.7% were overweight or obese. Based on the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation for the adolescent age group, 24.2% of participants had one risk factor, 8.0% had two, 2.1% had three, and 0.3% had all the four components of MetS. Low HDL-C was the most common component (43.2% among the overweight/obese versus 34.9% of the normal-weight participants), whereas high blood pressure was the least common component. The prevalence of MetS was 15.4% in the overweight/obese participants, the corresponding figure was 1.8% for the normal-weight students, and 2.5% in the whole population studied. Overweight/obese subjects had a 9.68 increased odds of (95% CI: 6.65–14.09) the MetS compared to their normal-weight counterparts. For all the three risk factors, AUC ranged between 0.84 and 0.88, 0.83 and 0.87, and 0.86 and 0.89 in waist circumference, abdominal obesity, and BMI for boys and between 0.78 and 0.97, 0.67 and 0.93, and 0.82 and 0.96 for girls, respectively. Conclusion. The findings from this study provide alarming evidence-based data on the considerable prevalence of obesity, MetS, and CVD risk factors in the adolescent age group. These results are confirmatory evidence for the necessity of primordial/primary prevention of noncommunicable disease should be considered as a health priority in communities facing a double burden of nutritional disorders

    Association of anthropometric measures with cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome in normal-weight children and adolescents: The CASPIAN III study

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    Objective: This nationwide study was conducted to determine the association of anthropometric measures with cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Iranian normal-weight children and adolescents. Methods: We analyzed the data of 3,565 children and adolescents (50.3 boys), aged 10-18 years, with a normal BMI (5th-84th percentile) obtained from the third survey of 'Childhood and Adolescence Surveillance and Prevention of Adult Non-communicable Disease' (CASPIAN III) study. The diagnostic criteria for MetS were defined by the International Diabetes Federation consensus. Results: The prevalence of MetS for 10- to 13.9-year-old boys, 14- to 18-year-old boys, 10- to 13.9-year-old girls, and 14- to 18-year-old girls were 1.4, 2.8, 2.3, and 3.3, respectively. After adjustment for age and sex, each unit increase in BMI (within normal range) and waist circumference increased the odds of MetS from 6 to 72 and from 1 to 20, respectively. The dominant pattern of dyslipidemia among the participants was high triglycerides and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Conclusion: This study complements recent research about the high frequency of metabolic risk factors among normal-weight individuals in the pediatric age group. © 2013 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg

    Table 2: Example applications of the use of remote sensing technologies to detect change in vegetation.

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    In order to understand the distribution and prevalence of Ommatissus lybicus (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae) as well as analyse their current biographical patterns and predict their future spread, comprehensive and detailed information on the environmental, climatic, and agricultural practices are essential. The spatial analytical techniques such as Remote Sensing and Spatial Statistics Tools, can help detect and model spatial links and correlations between the presence, absence and density of O. lybicus in response to climatic, environmental, and human factors. The main objective of this paper is to review remote sensing and relevant analytical techniques that can be applied in mapping and modelling the habitat and population density of O. lybicus. An exhaustive search of related literature revealed that there are very limited studies linking location-based infestation levels of pests like the O. lybicus with climatic, environmental, and human practice related variables. This review also highlights the accumulated knowledge and addresses the gaps in this area of research. Furthermore, it makes recommendations for future studies, and gives suggestions on monitoring and surveillance methods in designing both local and regional level integrated pest management strategies of palm tree and other affected cultivated crops

    EMG magnitude normalization

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    EMG data were normalized using Max-Min strategy. For comparison across all subjects, ʃIEMG values were normalized through following formula. the result of this equation ranged all the ʃIEMG values in to -1 to +1ʃIEMGN = ʃIEMGi / ʃIEMGMAXTHIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV