444 research outputs found

    Context-Specific Preference Learning of One Dimensional Quantitative Geospatial Attributes Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Approach

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    Change detection is a topic of great importance for modern geospatial information systems. Digital aerial imagery provides an excellent medium to capture geospatial information. Rapidly evolving environments, and the availability of increasing amounts of diverse, multiresolutional imagery bring forward the need for frequent updates of these datasets. Analysis and query of spatial data using potentially outdated data may yield results that are sometimes invalid. Due to measurement errors (systematic, random) and incomplete knowledge of information (uncertainty) it is ambiguous if a change in a spatial dataset has really occurred. Therefore we need to develop reliable, fast, and automated procedures that will effectively report, based on information from a new image, if a change has actually occurred or this change is simply the result of uncertainty. This thesis introduces a novel methodology for change detection in spatial objects using aerial digital imagery. The uncertainty of the extraction is used as a quality estimate in order to determine whether change has occurred. For this goal, we develop a fuzzy-logic system to estimate uncertainty values fiom the results of automated object extraction using active contour models (a.k.a. snakes). The differential snakes change detection algorithm is an extension of traditional snakes that incorporates previous information (i.e., shape of object and uncertainty of extraction) as energy functionals. This process is followed by a procedure in which we examine the improvement of the uncertainty at the absence of change (versioning). Also, we introduce a post-extraction method for improving the object extraction accuracy. In addition to linear objects, in this thesis we extend differential snakes to track deformations of areal objects (e.g., lake flooding, oil spills). From the polygonal description of a spatial object we can track its trajectory and areal changes. Differential snakes can also be used as the basis for similarity indices for areal objects. These indices are based on areal moments that are invariant under general affine transformation. Experimental results of the differential snakes change detection algorithm demonstrate their performance. More specifically, we show that the differential snakes minimize the false positives in change detection and track reliably object deformations

    Integrating Local and Global Error Statistics for Multi-Scale RBF Network Training: An Assessment on Remote Sensing Data

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    Background This study discusses the theoretical underpinnings of a novel multi-scale radial basis function (MSRBF) neural network along with its application to classification and regression tasks in remote sensing. The novelty of the proposed MSRBF network relies on the integration of both local and global error statistics in the node selection process. Methodology and Principal Findings The method was tested on a binary classification task, detection of impervious surfaces using a Landsat satellite image, and a regression problem, simulation of waveform LiDAR data. In the classification scenario, results indicate that the MSRBF is superior to existing radial basis function and back propagation neural networks in terms of obtained classification accuracy and training-testing consistency, especially for smaller datasets. The latter is especially important as reference data acquisition is always an issue in remote sensing applications. In the regression case, MSRBF provided improved accuracy and consistency when contrasted with a multi kernel RBF network. Conclusion and Significance Results highlight the potential of a novel training methodology that is not restricted to a specific algorithmic type, therefore significantly advancing machine learning algorithms for classification and regression tasks. The MSRBF is expected to find numerous applications within and outside the remote sensing field

    Sustainable Development Under Population Pressure: Lessons from Developed Land Consumption in the Conterminous U.S.

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    Population growth will result in a significant anthropogenic environmental change worldwide through increases in developed land (DL) consumption. DL consumption is an important environmental and socioeconomic process affecting humans and ecosystems. Attention has been given to DL modeling inside highly populated cities. However, modeling DL consumption should expand to non-metropolitan areas where arguably the environmental consequences are more significant. Here, we study all counties within the conterminous U.S. and based on satellite-derived product (National Land Cover Dataset 2001) we calculate the associated DL for each county. By using county population data from the 2000 census we present a comparative study on DL consumption and we propose a model linking population with expected DL consumption. Results indicate distinct geographic patterns of comparatively low and high consuming counties moving from east to west. We also demonstrate that the relationship of DL consumption with population is mostly linear, altering the notion that expected population growth will have lower DL consumption if added in counties with larger population. Added DL consumption is independent of a county’s starting population and only dependent on whether the county belongs to a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). In the overlapping MSA and non-MSA population range there is also a constant DL efficiency gain of approximately 20km2 for a given population for MSA counties which suggests that transitioning from rural to urban counties has significantly higher benefits in lower populations. In addition, we analyze the socioeconomic composition of counties with extremely high or low DL consumption. High DL consumption counties have statistically lower Black/African American population, higher poverty rate and lower income per capita than average in both NMSA and MSA counties. Our analysis offers a baseline to investigate further land consumption strategies in anticipation of growing population pressures

    Spatial Analysis of Forest Crimes in Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri

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    Forest crime mitigation has been identified as a challenging issue in forest management in the United States. Knowledge of the spatial pattern of forest crimes would help in wisely allocating limited enforcement resources to curb forest crimes. This study explores the spatial pattern of three different types of forest crimes: fire crime, illegal timber logging crime, and occupancy use crime in the Salem-Patosi Ranger District of Mark Twain National Forest. Univariate and bivariate Ripley’s K-functions were applied to explore the spatial patterns in crime events, like clustering and attraction among forest crime types. Results reveal significant clustering for each forest crime type and the combined events. Peak clustering was observed at 2.3 km, 2.7 km and 3.6 km for fire, timber and occupancy use crimes, respectively. For better forest crime mitigation, when there is an event of a given forest crime type, monitoring should be intensified around its respective spatial scale of peak clustering to avert future crime events. Significant attraction was observed between i) fire crime and illegal timber logging crime, and ii) fire crime and occupancy use crime, at spatial scales of 0.3 km and 0.2 km, respectively. At the respective spatial scales, occurrence of one type of crime increases the chances of occurrence of another type of crime, thus we recommend allocating available resources accordingly to minimize crime events. Further study could help establish any association of clustering or attraction of forest crimes with different socio-economic and bio-physical factors prevalent in and around the area


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    H υπαίθρια εργασία μας στην περιοχή του Κάτω Σελίου στο όρος Βέρμιο, δείχνει ότι το Τεκτονικό Κάλυμμα του Βερμίου δεν υπέρκειται τεκτονικά μόνο του Μαιστρίχτιου φλύσχη της Πελαγονικής Ζώνης, αλλά και ενός Ιουρασικού melange που υπέρκειται τεκτονικά των Τριαδικών-Ιουρασικών μαρμάρων της Πελαγονικής Ζώνης. Επιπλέον, ανάμεσα στο Tεκτονικό Κάλυμμα του Βερμίου και του υποκείμενου melange, τεκτονικοί φακοί μετα-ψαμμιτών–μετα-ρουδιτών έχουν τεκτονικά τοποθετηθεί. Αυτό απαιτεί μια αναθεώρηση της τοποθέτησης του Τεκτονικού Καλύμματος του Βερμίου και του ρόλου του στη γεωτεκτονική εξέλιξη της περιοχής.Our fieldwork in the area of Kato Seli of Mt Vermion suggests that the Vermion Nappe is not only tectonically overlying the Maastrichtian flysch of the Pelagonian Zone, but also a Jurassic melange that overlies the Triassic-Jurassic marbles of the Pelagonian Zone. Moreover, between the Vermion Nappe and the underlying melange, tectonic slivers of meta-sandstones-meta-rudites are tectonically emplaced. This calls for a reassessment of the emplacement of the Vermion Nappe and its role in the geotectonic evolution of the area


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    To όριο μεταξύ των εσωτερικών Ελληνίδων και της Ελληνικής ενδοχώρας αποκαλύπτεται στο νότιο τμήμα της χερσονήσου του Άθω ως μια επαφή ΒΑ-ΝΔ παράταξης μεταξύ της Σέρβο μακεδόνικης μάζας και της Περιροδοπικής Ζώνης. Μελετήθηκαν τα κύρια τεκτονικά χαρακτηριστικά και η παραμόρφωση της περιοχής κατά τη διάρκεια της τελική αλπικής ορογένεσης όσο και μετά από αυτήν με σκοπό την καλύτερη κατανόηση των τελικών ορογενετικών διεργασιών που οδήγησαν στην σημερινή διαμόρφωση αυτού του ορίου. Η υπαίθρια έρευνα έδειξε ότι οι κυρίαρχες δομές στο νότιο τμήμα της χερσονήσου του Αθω είναι ένα ασύμμετρο, βυθιζόμενο προς τα ΝΑ, με φορά προς τα ΒΑ μέγα-αντίμορφο και μια ΒΑ-ΝΔ διεύθυνσης αριστερόστροφη διατρητική ζώνη. Αυτές οι δομές είναι αποτέλεσμα μιας transpressional παραμόρφωσης που άρχισε τουλάχιστον από το Ηώκαινο σε πλαστικές, συμμεταμορφικές (χαμηλή πρασινοσχιστολιθική φάση) συνθήκες και σταδιακά άλλαξε κατά το Ολιγόκαινο - Κάτω Μειόκαινο σε θραυσιγενείς συνθήκες με Α-Δ διεύθυνσης ανάστροφα ρήγματα-επωθήσεις και ΒΒΑ-ΝΝΑ διεύθυνσης δεξιόστροφα και ΒΑ-ΝΑ διεύθυνσης αριστερόστροφα ρήγματα οριζόντιας μετατόπισης. Αυτή η παραμόρφωση σβήνει κατά το Μέσο Μειόκαινο και αλλάζει σε transtension με Α-Δ διεύθυνσης αριστερόστροφα ρήγματα οριζόντιας μετατόπισης και ΒΑ-ΝΑ δεξιόστροφα πλάγια έως κανονικά ρήγματα. Από το Ανω Μειόκαινο ένα εφελκυστικό καθεστώς κυριαρχεί στην περιοχή με τον ελάχιστο κύριο άξονα τάσης (σ3) σε ΒΑ-ΝΔ διεύθυνση κατά το Άνω Μειόκαινο - Πλειόκαινο και σε Β-Ν διεύθυνση από το Κάτω Πλειστόκαινο — σήμερα.The boundary between Internal Hellenides and the Hellenic hinterland is exposed in the southern part of the Athos peninsula as a NE-SW trending contact between the Serbomacedonian massif and the Circum-Rhodope Belt. The main tectonic features and deformation of the area during late- and post-alpine times have been investigated in order to understand better the late orogenic processes that led to the present arrangement of this boundary. The field study showed that the prevailing structures in the southern Athos peninsula are an asymmetric, SW-plunging, NWverging mega-scale antiform and a NE-SW striking left-lateral shear zone. These structures are the result of a transpressional deformation that initiated at least since the Eocene under ductile, syn-metamorphic (low-greenschist fades) conditions and progressively changed during the Oligocene-Early Miocene to brittle conditions with E-W striking reverse faults-thrusts and NNW-SSE striking right-lateral and NESW striking left-lateral strike-slip faults. This deformation waned in Middle Miocene changing to transtension with E- W striking, left-lateral strike-slip and NW-SE rightlateral oblique to normal faults. Since the Late Miocene an extensional regime dominates the area with the least principal stress axis (σ3) orientated NE-SW during Late Miocene - Pliocene andN-Sfrom Early Pleistocene -presen


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    The Kastoria-Nestorion region, which belongs to the Tertiary MesoHellenic Trough (MHT), is a low relief NW-SE trending intermountainous basin filled with Tertiary molasse-type sedimentary rocks and nowadays drained by the Aliakmnonas River and its tributaries. In the present work, the large fault zones in the region and the general fault pattern are defined, mapped and described with the aid of satellite images. In addition, a large number of fault-slip data from the mesoscale exposed faults has been recorded, in order to better understand the faulting geometry and kinematics of the region. The stress-inversion analysis of these fault-slip data in comparison with earthquake faultplane solution information permits us to define the stress regimes imposed to the region from the Late Tertiary up to the present and to correlate them with the late orogenic and post-orogenic deformation of the Hellenic orogen. In particular, five stress regimes have been defined from which the former two (D1 and D2) are related to the late collisional processes between the Apulia and Eurasia plates, the next two events (D3 and D4) are related to the present-day Hellenic subduction zone, whereas the last D5 event which is the active deformation of the region appears as an intra-continental or intra-plate deformation more related with the Adria-Eurasia ongoing convergence rather with the Hellenic subduction zone