178 research outputs found

    Fairytale FAROS 2002

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    Clinical interventions, implementation interventions, and the potential greyness in between -a discussion paper

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    Background: There is increasing awareness that regardless of the proven value of clinical interventions, the use of effective strategies to implement such interventions into clinical practice is necessary to ensure that patients receive the benefits. However, there is often confusion between what is the clinical intervention and what is the implementation intervention. This may be caused by a lack of conceptual clarity between \u27intervention\u27 and \u27implementation\u27, yet at other times by ambiguity in application. We suggest that both the scientific and the clinical communities would benefit from greater clarity; therefore, in this paper, we address the concepts of intervention and implementation, primarily as in clinical interventions and implementation interventions, and explore the grey area in between. Discussion: To begin, we consider the similarities, differences and potential greyness between clinical interventions and implementation interventions through an overview of concepts. This is illustrated with reference to two examples of clinical interventions and implementation intervention studies, including the potential ambiguity in between. We then discuss strategies to explore the hybridity of clinical-implementation intervention studies, including the role of theories, frameworks, models, and reporting guidelines that can be applied to help clarify the clinical and implementation intervention, respectively. Conclusion: Semantics provide opportunities for improved precision in depicting what is \u27intervention\u27 and what is \u27implementation\u27 in health care research. Further, attention to study design, the use of theory, and adoption of reporting guidelines can assist in distinguishing between the clinical intervention and the implementation intervention. However, certain aspects may remain unclear in analyses of hybrid studies of clinical and implementation interventions. Recognizing this potential greyness can inform further discourse

    Prácticas del enfermero en el contexto de la atención básica: scoping review

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    Objective: to identify and categorize the practices performed by nurses working in Primary Health Care and Family Health Strategy Units in light of responsibilities established by the profession’s legal and programmatic frameworks and by the Brazilian Unified Health System. Method: a scoping review was conducted in the following databases: LILACS, IBECS, BDENF, CINAHL and MEDLINE, and the Cochrane and SciELO libraries. Original research papers written by nurses addressing nursing practices in the primary health care context were included. Results: the review comprised 30 studies published between 2005 and 2014. Three categories emerged from the analysis: practices in the service; practices in the community; and management and education practices. Conclusion: the challenges faced by nurses are complex, as care should be centered on the population’s health needs, which requires actions at other levels of clinical and health responsibility. Brazilian nursing has achieved important advancements since the implementation of policies intended to reorganize work. There is, however, a need to shift work processes from being focused on individual procedures to being focused on patients so that an enlarged clinic is the ethical-political imperative guiding the organization of services and professional intervention.Objetivo: identificar e categorizar as práticas exercidas pelos enfermeiros junto às Unidades Básicas e às Equipes de Saúde da Família, à luz das atribuições previstas pelos marcos legais e programáticos da profissão e do Sistema Único de Saúde. Método: realizou-se uma revisão da literatura com o método scoping review, nas bases LILACS, IBECS, BDENF, CINAHL e MEDLINE, e nas bibliotecas Cochrane e SciELO. Incluíram-se artigos de pesquisa original, produzidos com enfermeiros, sobre as práticas de enfermagem no contexto dos cuidados de saúde primários. Resultados: a revisão abrangeu trinta estudos publicados entre 2005 e 2014. Da análise, resultaram três categorias: práticas no serviço, práticas na comunidade e práticas de gestão e formação. Conclusão: os desafios dos enfermeiros são complexos, posto que o cuidado deve estar centrado nas necessidades de saúde da população, o que remete à ação para outros níveis de responsabilidade clínica e sanitária. A enfermagem brasileira mostra importantes avanços desde a implantação das políticas de reorganização do trabalho. Necessita, entretanto, avançar no que se refere ao deslocamento dos processos de trabalho, focados em procedimentos individuais, para um processo mais voltado aos usuários, onde a clínica ampliada seja o imperativo ético-político da organização dos serviços e da intervenção profissional.Objetivo: identificar y categorizar las prácticas ejercidas por los enfermeros en las Unidades Básicas y los Equipos de Salud de la Familia, desde el punto de vista de las atribuciones previstas por los marcos legales y programáticos de la profesión y del Sistema Único de la Salud. Método: se realizó una revisión de la literatura con el método scoping review, en las bases LILACS, IBECS, BDENF, CINAHL y MEDLINE, y en las bibliotecas Cochrane y SciELO. Se incluyeron artículos de investigación original, producidos con enfermeros, sobre las prácticas de enfermería en el contexto de los cuidados de salud primarios. Resultados: la revisión abarcó treinta estudios publicados entre 2005 y 2014. Del análisis, resultaron tres categorías: prácticas en el servicio; prácticas en la comunidad; y, prácticas de administración y formación. Conclusión: los desafíos de los enfermeros son complejos, ya que el cuidado debe estar centrado en las necesidades de salud de la población, lo que conduce a la acción para otros niveles de responsabilidad clínica y sanitaria. La enfermería brasileña muestra importantes avances a partir de la implantación de las políticas de reorganización del trabajo. Necesita, entre tanto, avanzar en lo que se refiere al desplazamiento de los procesos de trabajo, enfocados en procedimientos individuales, para un proceso más dirigido a los usuarios, en donde la clínica ampliada sea el imperativo ético político de la organización de los servicios y de la intervención profesional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Collaboration between teachers and speech and language therapists: Services for primary school children with speech, language and communication needs

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    Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) are prevalent among primary school-aged children. Collaboration between speech and language therapists (SLTs) and teachers is beneficial for supporting children’s communication skills. The aim of this study was to investigate the needs of both professional groups and their preferences for service delivery when working with mainstream, primary school-aged children with SLCN. This study was undertaken within one education region in New South Wales, Australia, using a mixed-methods research design. In Phase 1, all teachers (schools n = 156) and all SLTs (n = 36) working within the region were invited to complete a questionnaire. Responses were obtained from 14 teachers and 6 SLTs. In Phase 2, a subsample of participants (n = 4) contributed to a focus group. Within the study sample, minimal collaborative practice was reportedly occurring. Teachers and SLTs expressed a desire for increased training and knowledge and more collaborative practice. Teachers and SLTs also expressed frustration at perceived systemic inadequacies with regard to funding, personnel and resources. Findings from this study suggest that change to service delivery needs to be considered at an individual, interpersonal and organizational level to enable better outcomes for children with SLCN and increased support for their families and the professionals who work with them

    Digital rights management: Desirable, inevitable, and

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    The title of this presentation is a slight modification of that of an earlier lecture on a closely related topic [5]. It reflects a slight exaggeration, but only a slight one, of the general thesis that Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies will continue to play a modest role in the future of ecommerce. DRM is attractive for several related reasons. Content providers feel they can get more control over their wares. Such control is comforting in general, and could enable new methods of charging, which might provide greater revenues. More generally, the Internet is enabling sellers to find out much more about buyers ' ability and willingness to pay, and also (through DRM and other techniques) is providing sellers with tools to control usage (and thus prevent arbitrage), leading to unprecedented opportunities and incentives for price discrimination [8, 9]. Thus it should not be surprising that extensive efforts have gone into research, development, and deployment of DRM. Yet the record of DRM so far is not too inspiring. And a rising chorus of voices (including Steve Jobs of Apple) is urging the content industry to give up or at least relax its insistence on DRM. The lecture summarized here will review the arguments of DRM skeptics. This abstract provides a very brief overview of some of the main points. References are given to my papers, where those points are explained in more detail, and citations are provided to the extensive literature on the subject. The fundamental issue that limits current use and future prospects of DRM is that, in the words of [10], The important thing is to maximize the value of your intellectual property, not to protect it for the sake of protection. DRM all too often gets in the way of maximizing the value of intellectual property. To some extent this is the fault of the DRM technologies. We simply do not know how to build secure systems. The last half a century demonstrates this conclusively. And in general we do not know how to build usable systems. In contrast with secure systems, there is more knowledge about usability, and more examples of successful designs, but still only a few, and it is not clear the situation will change