412 research outputs found

    Generalized Galilean Algebras and Newtonian Gravity

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    The non-relativistic versions of the generalized Poincar\'{e} algebras and generalized AdSAdS-Lorentz algebras are obtained. This non-relativistic algebras are called, generalized Galilean algebras type I and type II and denoted by GBn\mathcal{G}\mathfrak{B}_{n} and GLn\mathcal{G}\mathfrak{L}_{_{n}} respectively. Using a generalized In\"{o}n\"{u}--Wigner contraction procedure we find that the generalized Galilean algebras type I can be obtained from the generalized Galilean algebras type II. The SS-expansion procedure allows us to find the GB5\mathcal{G}\mathfrak{B}_{_{5}} algebra from the Newton--Hooke algebra with central extension. The procedure developed in Ref. \cite{newton} allow us to show that the non-relativistic limit of the five dimensional Einstein--Chern--Simons gravity is given by a modified version of the Poisson equation. The modification could be compatible with the effects of Dark Matter, which leads us to think that Dark Matter can be interpreted as a non-relativistic limit of Dark Energy.Comment: 16 pages, no figures in 755 (2016) 433-43

    Anatomy of flower and fruit of Vassobia breviflora (Solanaceae) in the south of the southern Yungas (Argentina)

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    Solanaceae es una familia con aproximadamente 2400 especies de distribución cosmopolita. Vassobia breviflora es la única especie del género presente en Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar y caracterizar la anatomía de la flor y fruto de V. breviflora a partir de muestras recolectadas en poblaciones de las Yungas del noroeste argentino. Se aplicaron técnicas anatómicas convencionales. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de las estructuras de la flor, el fruto y la semilla no difirieron de lo previamente reportado respecto de la organización estructural descripta para otras especies de Solanaceae. No obstante, por primera vez, describimos el androceo, el fruto, la semilla, pedicelo floral y frutal, cinco tipos de tricomas y cinco tipos de estomas en el perianto. Encontramos diferencias en la forma del tejido de transmisión y del tipo de óvulo respecto de lo previamente descripto. Además, localizamos el parénquima y las células epidérmicas secretoras del nectario. En el contexto de la familia Solanaceae, discutimos la función y valor diagnóstico de las estructuras descriptas.Solanaceae is a family with nearly 2400 species of cosmopolitan distribution. Vassobia breviflora is the only species of the genus present in Argentina. The goal of this work was to review and characterize the anatomy of the flower and fruit of V. breviflora from samples collected in populations of Yungas in the argentine Northwest. Conventional anatomical techniques were applied. The results showed that most flower, fruit and seed structures did not differ from those previously reported regarding the structural organization described for other species of the Solanaceae family. However, for the first time, we described the androecium, fruit, seed, floral and fruit pedicels, five types of tricomes and five types of stomata in the perianth. We found some differences in the shape of the transmission tissue and in the type of ovule with respect to that previously reported. Also, we located the parenchyma and the epidermic secretory cells of the nectary. In the context of the family Solanaceae, we discussed the function and diagnostic value of the described structures.Fil: Bernacki, F. G.. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Albornoz, P. L.. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Valoy, M.. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Ordano, Mariano Andrés. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Temperature regulates NF-κB dynamics and function through timing of A20 transcription

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    NF-κB signaling plays a pivotal role in control of the inflammatory response. We investigated how the dynamics and function of NF-κB were affected by temperature within the mammalian physiological range (34 °C to 40 °C). An increase in temperature led to an increase in NF-κB nuclear/cytoplasmic oscillation frequency following Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα) stimulation. Mathematical modeling suggested that this temperature sensitivity might be due to an A20-dependent mechanism, and A20 silencing removed the sensitivity to increased temperature. The timing of the early response of a key set of NF-κB target genes showed strong temperature dependence. The cytokine-induced expression of many (but not all) later genes was insensitive to temperature change (suggesting that they might be functionally temperature-compensated). Moreover, a set of temperature- and TNFα-regulated genes were implicated in NF-κB cross-talk with key cell-fate–controlling pathways. In conclusion, NF-κB dynamics and target gene expression are modulated by temperature and can accurately transmit multidimensional information to control inflammation

    Loop-induced photon spectral lines from neutralino annihilation in the NMSSM

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    We have computed the loop-induced processes of neutralino annihilation into two photons and, for the first time, into a photon and a Z boson in the framework of the NMSSM. The photons produced from these radiative modes are monochromatic and possess a clear "smoking gun" experimental signature. This numerical analysis has been done with the help of the SloopS code, initially developed for automatic one-loop calculation in the MSSM. We have computed the rates for different benchmark points coming from SUGRA and GMSB soft SUSY breaking scenarios and compared them with the MSSM. We comment on how this signal can be enhanced, with respect to the MSSM, especially in the low mass region of the neutralino. We also discuss the possibility of this observable to constrain the NMSSM parameter space, taking into account the latest limits from the FERMI collaboration on these two modes.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Minor clarifications added in the text. Typing mistakes and references corrected. Matches published versio

    New measurement of neutron capture resonances of 209Bi

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    The neutron capture cross section of Bi209 has been measured at the CERN n TOF facility by employing the pulse-height-weighting technique. Improvements over previous measurements are mainly because of an optimized detection system, which led to a practically negligible neutron sensitivity. Additional experimental sources of systematic error, such as the electronic threshold in the detectors, summing of gamma-rays, internal electron conversion, and the isomeric state in bismuth, have been taken into account. Gamma-ray absorption effects inside the sample have been corrected by employing a nonpolynomial weighting function. Because Bi209 is the last stable isotope in the reaction path of the stellar s-process, the Maxwellian averaged capture cross section is important for the recycling of the reaction flow by alpha-decays. In the relevant stellar range of thermal energies between kT=5 and 8 keV our new capture rate is about 16% higher than the presently accepted value used for nucleosynthesis calculations. At this low temperature an important part of the heavy Pb-Bi isotopes are supposed to be synthesized by the s-process in the He shells of low mass, thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars. With the improved set of cross sections we obtain an s-process fraction of 19(3)% of the solar bismuth abundance, resulting in an r-process residual of 81(3)%. The present (n,gamma) cross-section measurement is also of relevance for the design of accelerator driven systems based on a liquid metal Pb/Bi spallation target.Comment: 10 pages, 5figures, recently published in Phys. Rev.

    Light neutralino dark matter in the MSSM and its implication for LHC searches for staus

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    It was shown in a previous study that a lightest neutralino with mass below 30 GeV was severely constrained in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), unless it annihilates via a light stau and thus yields the observed dark matter abundance. In such a scenario, while the stau is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP), the charginos and the other neutralinos as well as sleptons of the first two families are also likely to be not too far above the mass bounds laid down by the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider. As the branching ratios of decays of the charginos and the next-to-lightest neutralino into staus are rather large, one expects significant rates of tau-rich final states in such a case. With this in view, we investigate the same-sign ditau and tri-tau signals of this scenario at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for two MSSM benchmark points corresponding to light neutralino dark matter. The associated signal rates for these channels are computed, for the centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. We find that both channels lead to appreciable rates if the squarks and the gluino are not too far above a TeV, thus allowing to probe scenarios with light neutralinos in the 14 TeV LHC run with 10-100 fb^{-1}.Comment: 19p, 4 Fig

    Primordial Nucleosynthesis

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    Primordial nucleosynthesis, or Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), is one of the three evidences for the Big-Bang model, together with the expansion of the Universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background. There is a good global agreement over a range of nine orders of magnitude between abundances of 4He, D, 3He and 7Li deduced from observations, and calculated in primordial nucleosynthesis. This comparison was used to determine the baryonic density of the Universe. For this purpose, it is now superseded by the analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation anisotropies. However, there remain, a yet unexplained, discrepancy of a factor 3-5, between the calculated and observed lithium primordial abundances, that has not been reduced, neither by recent nuclear physics experiments, nor by new observations. We review here the nuclear physics aspects of BBN for the production of 4He, D, 3He and 7Li, but also 6Li, 9Be, 11B and up to CNO isotopes. These are, for instance, important for the initial composition of the matter at the origin of the first stars. Big-Bang nucleosynthesis, that has been used, to first constrain the baryonic density, and the number of neutrino families, remains, a valuable tool to probe the physics of the early Universe, like variation of "constants" or alternative theories of gravity.Comment: Invited Plenary Talk given at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Role of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in the Pathogenesis of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Comprehensive Review

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered the most common liver disorder, affecting around 25% of the population worldwide. It is a complex disease spectrum, closely linked with other conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome, which may increase liver-related mortality. In light of this, numerous efforts have been carried out in recent years in order to clarify its pathogenesis and create new prevention strategies. Currently, the essential role of environmental pollutants in NAFLD development is recognized. Particularly, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have a notable influence. EDCs can be classified as natural (phytoestrogens, genistein, and coumestrol) or synthetic, and the latter ones can be further subdivided into industrial (dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, and alkylphenols), agricultural (pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides), residential (phthalates, polybrominated biphenyls, and bisphenol A), and pharmaceutical (parabens). Several experimental models have proposed a mechanism involving this group of substances with the disruption of hepatic metabolism, which promotes NAFLD. These include an imbalance between lipid influx/efflux in the liver, mitochondrial dysfunction, liver inflammation, and epigenetic reprogramming. It can be concluded that exposure to EDCs might play a crucial role in NAFLD initiation and evolution. However, further investigations supporting these effects in humans are required

    Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report

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    We present the activities of the "New Physics" working group for the "Physics at TeV Colliders" workshop (Les Houches, France, 30 May-17 June, 2011). Our report includes new agreements on formats for interfaces between computational tools, new tool developments, important signatures for searches at the LHC, recommendations for presentation of LHC search results, as well as additional phenomenological studies.Comment: 243 pages, report of the Les Houches 2011 New Physics Group; fix three figure