331 research outputs found

    Biofertilizante agrobio: Uma alternativa no controle da mancha bacteriana em mudas de pimentão (Capsicum annuum l.)

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    Agrobio é um biofertilizante líquido fabricado à base de esterco bovino, água, melaço e sais minerais, que são submetidos a um processo de fermentação à temperatura ambiente por 56 dias em recipientes abertos. Este produto tem sido largamente utilizado com sucesso por agricultores orgânicos e convencionais em todo o estado do Rio de Janeiro, no controle de várias enfermidades vegetais em diferentes culturas. Em bioensaios realizados em casa de vegetação, observou-se uma ação bacteriostática equivalente a de produtos químicos comerciais contra Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria em mudas de pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.), numa concentração de 5%. Nos bioensaios in vitro, onde foram testadas as concentrações de 2, 5 10 e 50% do Agrobio comercial, observouse que, a partir da concentração de 5%, ocorreu um nível satisfatório de inibição do crescimento bacteriano, apesar deste ter sido inferior ao obtido com o uso de sulfato de cobre e sulfato de estreptomicina

    Determination of dichlobenil and its major metabolite (BAM) in onions by PTV–GC–MS using PARAFAC2 and experimental design methodology

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    The optimization of a GC–MS analytical procedure which includes derivatization, Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) and programmed temperature vaporization (PTV) using design of experiments is performed to determine 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (dichlobenil) and 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM) in onions, using 3,5-dichlorobenzonitrile and 2,4-dichlorobenzamide as internal standards. The use of a central composite design and two D-optimal designs, together with the desirability function, makes it possible to significantly reduce the economic, time and environmental cost of the study. The usefulness of PARAFAC2 for solving problems as the interference of unexpected derivatization artifacts unavoidably linked to some derivatization agents, or the presence of coeluents from the complex matrix, which share m/z ratios with the target compounds, is shown. The limits of decision (CCα) of the optimized procedure, 5.00 μg kg− 1 for dichlobenil and 1.55 μg kg− 1 for BAM (α = 0.05), are below the maximum residue limit (MRL) established by the EU for dichlobenil (20 μg kg− 1) in this commodity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2011-26022) and Junta de Castilla y León (BU108A11-2

    Global agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without a parallel increase in crop diversification

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    The global increase in the proportion of land cultivated with pollinator-dependent crops implies increased reliance on pollination services. Yet agricultural practices themselves can profoundly affect pollinator supply and pollination. Extensive monocultures are associated with a limited pollinator supply and reduced pollination, whereas agricultural diversification can enhance both. Therefore, areas where agricultural diversity has increased, or at least been maintained, may better sustain high and more stable productivity of pollinator-dependent crops. Given that >80% of all crops depend, to varying extents, on insect pollination, a global increase in agricultural pollinator dependence over recent decades might have led to a concomitant increase in agricultural diversification. We evaluated whether an increase in the area of pollinator-dependent crops has indeed been associated with an increase in agricultural diversity, measured here as crop diversity, at the global, regional, and country scales for the period 1961-2016. Globally, results show a relatively weak and decelerating rise in agricultural diversity over time that was largely decoupled from the strong and continually increasing trend in agricultural dependency on pollinators. At regional and country levels, there was no consistent relationship between temporal changes in pollinator dependence and crop diversification. Instead, our results show heterogeneous responses in which increasing pollinator dependence for some countries and regions has been associated with either an increase or a decrease in agricultural diversity. Particularly worrisome is a rapid expansion of pollinator-dependent oilseed crops in several countries of the Americas and Asia that has resulted in a decrease in agricultural diversity. In these regions, reliance on pollinators is increasing, yet agricultural practices that undermine pollination services are expanding. Our analysis has thereby identified world regions of particular concern where environmentally damaging practices associated with large-scale, industrial agriculture threaten key ecosystem services that underlie productivity, in addition to other benefits provided by biodiversity.Environmental Biolog

    Characteristcs chemical and soil salinization in the Irrigated District of California, SE, Brazil

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    O manejo inadequado da irrigação pode resultar no acúmulo de sais no solo, cuja intensidade depende da qualidade da água utilizada na irrigação, da fração de lixiviação adotada e da demanda evapotranspirativa da região. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os atributos físicos e químicos dos solos do perímetro irrigado Califórnia, localizado no extremo noroeste do Estado de Sergipe. Para tal, foram realizadas amostragens em 42 lotes, correspondendo a 16,4% dos lotes deste perímetro. As maiores concentrações de sais e de sódio ocorreram na camada superficial (0–0,2m) do solo, o que evidenciou a falta de um manejo da irrigação adequado visando ao controle da salinidade. O aumento do pH do solo foi correlacionado significativamente com a porcentagem de sódio trocável, atingindo valores acima de 9,5. Correlações positivas significativas foram observadas entre a condutividade elétrica e os teores de Ca e Mg, indicando que sais desses íons podem estar se acumulando no solo pela ascensão do lençol freático, associado à ausência de lixiviação e drenagem. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The improper irrigation management may result in the accumulation of salts in the soil profile, which intensity depends on the irrigation water quality, the leaching fraction adopted and on the evapotranspiration demand of the region. The objective of the present study was to study the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils in the irrigated district of California, located in the northwest of the State of Sergipe. Thus, soil sampling were made in 54 lots, corresponding to 16.4% of the lots of this district. The highest salt and sodium concentrations occurred in the shallowest soil layer (0–0.2m), evidencing the lack of an appropriate irrigation management in order to control the salinity build up. The increasing of the soil pH was significantly correlated to the exchangeable sodium percentage, reaching values over 9.5. Significant positive correlations were observed between the electrical conductivity and the Ca and Mg content, indicating that salts of both ions could be accumulating in soil by the capillary rise of the water table, associated to the lack of leaching and drainage

    Measurements of long-range near-side angular correlations in sNN=5\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}}=5TeV proton-lead collisions in the forward region

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    Two-particle angular correlations are studied in proton-lead collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of sNN=5\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}}=5TeV, collected with the LHCb detector at the LHC. The analysis is based on data recorded in two beam configurations, in which either the direction of the proton or that of the lead ion is analysed. The correlations are measured in the laboratory system as a function of relative pseudorapidity, Δη\Delta\eta, and relative azimuthal angle, Δϕ\Delta\phi, for events in different classes of event activity and for different bins of particle transverse momentum. In high-activity events a long-range correlation on the near side, Δϕ≈0\Delta\phi \approx 0, is observed in the pseudorapidity range 2.0<η<4.92.0<\eta<4.9. This measurement of long-range correlations on the near side in proton-lead collisions extends previous observations into the forward region up to η=4.9\eta=4.9. The correlation increases with growing event activity and is found to be more pronounced in the direction of the lead beam. However, the correlation in the direction of the lead and proton beams are found to be compatible when comparing events with similar absolute activity in the direction analysed.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2015-040.htm

    Evidence for the strangeness-changing weak decay Ξb−→Λb0π−\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-

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    Using a pppp collision data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0~fb−1^{-1}, collected by the LHCb detector, we present the first search for the strangeness-changing weak decay Ξb−→Λb0π−\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-. No bb hadron decay of this type has been seen before. A signal for this decay, corresponding to a significance of 3.2 standard deviations, is reported. The relative rate is measured to be fΞb−fΛb0B(Ξb−→Λb0π−)=(5.7±1.8−0.9+0.8)×10−4{{f_{\Xi_b^-}}\over{f_{\Lambda_b^0}}}{\cal{B}}(\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-) = (5.7\pm1.8^{+0.8}_{-0.9})\times10^{-4}, where fΞb−f_{\Xi_b^-} and fΛb0f_{\Lambda_b^0} are the b→Ξb−b\to\Xi_b^- and b→Λb0b\to\Lambda_b^0 fragmentation fractions, and B(Ξb−→Λb0π−){\cal{B}}(\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-) is the branching fraction. Assuming fΞb−/fΛb0f_{\Xi_b^-}/f_{\Lambda_b^0} is bounded between 0.1 and 0.3, the branching fraction B(Ξb−→Λb0π−){\cal{B}}(\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-) would lie in the range from (0.57±0.21)%(0.57\pm0.21)\% to (0.19±0.07)%(0.19\pm0.07)\%.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2015-047.htm

    BB flavour tagging using charm decays at the LHCb experiment

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    An algorithm is described for tagging the flavour content at production of neutral BB mesons in the LHCb experiment. The algorithm exploits the correlation of the flavour of a BB meson with the charge of a reconstructed secondary charm hadron from the decay of the other bb hadron produced in the proton-proton collision. Charm hadron candidates are identified in a number of fully or partially reconstructed Cabibbo-favoured decay modes. The algorithm is calibrated on the self-tagged decay modes B+→J/ψ K+B^+ \to J/\psi \, K^+ and B0→J/ψ K∗0B^0 \to J/\psi \, K^{*0} using 3.0 fb−13.0\mathrm{\,fb}^{-1} of data collected by the LHCb experiment at pppp centre-of-mass energies of 7 TeV7\mathrm{\,TeV} and 8 TeV8\mathrm{\,TeV}. Its tagging power on these samples of B→J/ψ XB \to J/\psi \, X decays is (0.30±0.01±0.01)%(0.30 \pm 0.01 \pm 0.01) \%.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at http://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2015-027.htm
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