43 research outputs found

    Source Municipal Management In Russia: The National Base Of The President And System Digitalization

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    The purpose of the study is the diagnosis of practice and the introduction of new legal norms and digital technologies of municipal administration; life quality improvement and sustainable socio-economic development provision in all municipalities of vast Russia. The article analyzes the necessary changes in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), which should ensure life quality increase and accelerated socio-economic development of municipalities. These include: the changes in the powers and functions of local governments; strengthening the responsibility of local administrations for social performance results. A search is underway for the optimal coordination of the functions and powers of federal, regional and municipal governments on a new constitutional basis. The scientific basis of municipal administration is being developed - the theory of municipal service as the managerial core of local self-government is proposed. The scientific methodology of the state and municipal services is correlated. New parameters of social responsibility of local government officials are defined. The possibilities of digital technologies are being studied to increase the effectiveness of municipal governance. The article proposes to conduct systemic digitalization of state and municipal government actively. New digital technologies are considered as a necessary scientific and informational basis to increase the effectiveness of local management. In the article, each of the proposed trends for municipal governance improvement is considered from the perspective of the possible interaction problem study between the authorities and citizens; the conflicts between authorities at various levels. They studied the danger of the destructive consequences of existing performance indicators, local management methods and technique conservation. They presented the perspectives of further research and officials and local administration efficiency and responsibility increase

    Social and medical aspects of elderly age: obesity and professional longevity

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    The article raises the problem of the population aging and the expected significant increase in the proportion of the elderly population in Russian in the next 10–15 years. Population aging will cause the need to attract additional financial resources for pensions to 12–14% of GDP, which is approximately 1.5 – 1.6 times more than is provided for by the program of the Government of Russia aimed at improving the pension System in the period until 2025. The existing pension system and social security system only partially takes into account the aging process. Mechanisms for adapting the elderly to work have not yet been created, a well-thought-out state policy in this area has yet to be developed. In addition, the aging of the population leads to an increase in the older age groups of the risks of diseases with severe and catastrophic consequences, to prevent and reduce which is the number one task before the social policy of the state for this population group. The costs of medical care and care help are exorbitant in scope for the vast majority of retirees, so the elderly remain virtually defenseless against the risks of old age. It is emphasized that before medicine the task is not simply to increase life expectancy, but to prolong the labor activity of a citizen. The article suggests measures to improve the policy of interaction between state institutions and civil society in overcoming the negative consequences of aging and social adaptation of older persons

    Obesity and stress: endocrine and social aspects of the problem in the modern Russian society

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    The purpose of the article is to consider stress as one of the etiological factors of obesity and metabolic syndrome. The review discusses both endocrine and social aspects of stress as a syndrome of adaptation to the current situation in Russian society. It is emphasized that lifestyle factors contributing to the growth of overweight are gaining popularity in the society, and the high incidence of obesity is directly related to the level, quality and lifestyle of a modern man. Constant nervous tension, negative emotions, fear in conditions of abundance of food directly contributes to obesity, which is associated with a large number of other serious diseases. Chronic hyperactivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and chronic hypersecretion of cortisol, if persistence is not a purely physiological condition. Endocrine mechanisms mediating the development of metabolic disorders on the background of chronic stress include activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, changes in eating behavior, hyper-production of glucagon and triglyceride accumulation in visceral fat depots. Processes and social changes occurring in modern society contribute to the construction of everyday socio-cultural environment characterized by increased stress. Chronic stress in combination with physical inactivity, the result of improper lifestyle of modern people, becomes an effective factor contributing to the spread among the population of Russia not only overweight, but also various forms of obesity. It is emphasized that at the state level there is an urgent need to adopt and implement effective programs and mechanisms to ensure the population meets modern requirements and environmental standards of healthy food, rationalization of food distribution among the population, the formation of a culture of food consumption, improving the quality of life of the population and the culture of a healthy lifestyle, teaching the population the correct stress-coping behavior

    Obesity in Russia: modern view in the light of a social problems

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    The purpose of the article is to highlight the social aspects of stress as a syndrome of adaptation to the current situation in Russian society in order to justify the consideration of society as a factor contributing to the development and spread of overweight and obesity among the Russian population. The problem of the conditions and quality of everyday life of a significant part of the population of our country is raised, which are accompanied by an increased stress level of everyday life events. A modern Russian society, possessing an immanently inherent systemic quality - a stressful property, combined with the specificity of a hypodynamic lifestyle, is a powerful and systemically active factor that provokes the development and spread of obesity and overweight. The stress factors of modern society, generated by the disorder and non-complementarity of the work of social institutions, instability in the economic and political spheres are analyzed. Food family traditions, food paradigm, leisure activity of Russians are studied. The irrationality of the use of food by mankind is discussed. The proposed measures to combat and prevent obesity

    A review of the effects of colour and light on non-image function in humans

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    This paper reviews current knowledge on non-image-forming aspects of vision. Developments in the last 20 years have included the discovery of a fifth class of human visual pigment (melanopsin), in addition to the three classes of photopsin to be found in the cones and rhodopsin in the rods in the human retina. Melanopsin is found in a small number of retinal ganglion cells which then, in addition to receiving input from rods and cones, are intrinsically photosensitive. These retinal ganglion cells send their input primarily to the hypothalamus, where they help to regulate the circadian system (daily rhythms of sleep patterns, body temperature, heart rate, etc.). The discovery of the anatomical basis of non-image-forming vision has led to a great deal of research into the effects of light on sleep, depression and mood, retinal photodamage and well-being, amongst other factors. Given that recent technological innovations in LED lighting now give us greater control over environmental lighting, it is timely to review the non-visual effects of light in humans in order to inform lighting design in the future

    Trace-Element Analysis by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): a Case Study for Agates from Nowy Kościoł, Poland

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    Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was applied to detect trace elements in agate from Permian volcanics (Nowy Kościoł, Poland) in low concentrations and with high spatial resolution. The used LA-ICP-MS system consists of a DUV 193 laser ablation system linked to a Thermo Finnigan Element 2 mass spectrometer. The use of a 193 nm ArF excimer laser (50-200 mJ energy output) and the standards NIST 611 and NIST 612 enables to produce and analyse small crater diameters down to 5 μm. Trace-element profiles have been analyzed for the elements Ti, Ge, Al, Fe, Mn, U, Th, Ba, Sr, Rb, Cs, and Y in the ppm- and sub-ppm level. The concentrations of the REE are sometimes below the detection limit of the method. Almost all elements (except Cu) display higher contents in chalcedony than in the macrocrystalline quartz. Fe, for instance, shows a 100 times higher concentration in agate bands compared to quartz, which may be due to finely distributed iron oxide particles in the chalcedony which probably act as colour pigments. The trace elements in agate are released simultaneously with Si during alteration of the surrounding volcanic rocks. Oxygen isotope data indicate that silica accumulation and agate formation took place at temperatures below 120°C. The characteristic trace-element distribution patterns in agate result from a self-purification process during crystallization of chalcedony and quartz from a silica gel

    Catecholamines in regulation of development of GnRH neurons of rat fetuses

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