6 research outputs found
Antitrust Review of the AT&T/T-Mobile Transaction
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Diabetes in adolescence
- Author
- Amiel
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Barnard
- Bismuth
- Bognetti
- Bryden
- Cameron
- Carson
- Catalano
- Cerkoney
- Channon
- Charron-Prochownik
- Christie
- Codner
- Codner
- Codner
- Codner
- Colton
- Committee on Adolescent Health Care Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Working Group TACoO Gynecologists
- Cooper
- Court
- Cox
- Cox
- Cromer
- Dabadghao
- Daneman
- Danielson
- Davis
- De Wit
- Diabetes Control and Complications Research Group
- Division of Reproductive Health NCfCDP Health Promotion CfDC, Prevention
- Domargard
- Dorchy
- Du Pasquier-Fediaevsky
- Duke
- Eshre Capri Workshop Group
- Fedele
- Fischl
- Franklin
- Garg
- Gimenez
- Goldenring
- Gonder-Frederick
- Gonder-Frederick
- Gourdy
- Grabill
- Green
- Hampson
- Helgeson
- Hillman
- Howells
- Hypoglycemia and Employment/Licensure
- Ingberg
- Inkster
- Ismail
- Jones
- King
- Kipps
- Klein
- Klein
- Kyngas
- Lagreca
- Laing
- Legro
- Lidegaard
- Loman
- Lyons
- Martin
- Martinez-Aguayo
- Mastorakos
- McCrimmon
- Merino
- Michaud
- Morris
- Mortensen
- Negrato
- Nordfeldt
- Northam
- Owens
- Pacaud
- Patino
- Peters
- Peveler
- Peveler
- Ray
- Roberts
- Robling
- Rodin
- Ryan
- Sawyer
- Seiffge-Krenke
- Silverstein
- Sinha
- Skinner
- Snell-Bergeon
- Spaic
- Steel
- Steinberg
- Suris
- Suris
- Swift
- The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group
- Tsujimoto
- Upadhya
- Vanelli
- Verhaeghe
- Visser
- Webb
- Weissberg-Benchell
- Wendland
- Werther
- White
- White
- Wills
- Winkley
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Adolescent Pregnancy Guidelines
- Author
- Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada and Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada
- Adams
- Aggarwal
- Aliyu
- Arnold
- Barnet
- Barnet
- Beeckman
- Belzer
- Bensussen-Walls
- Berggren
- Berman
- Black
- Borges-Costa
- Briggs
- Brownell
- Butt
- Canadian Diabetes Association
- Carroll
- Carson
- Cavalier
- Chang
- Chantrapanichkul
- Chen
- Chen
- Cherniak
- Coker
- Committee on Adolescent Health Care Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Working Group
- Crosby
- Das
- de Vienne
- Department of Justice of the Northwest Territories
- Devries
- Draper
- Elfenbein
- Elton-Marshall
- Eroglu
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Ford
- Gavin
- Gilbert
- Gray
- Hawkins
- Jivraj
- Jolly
- Katz
- Kives
- Klein
- Lao
- Lao
- Lena
- Logsdon
- Loto
- Malabarey
- McClanahan
- McKay
- Miller
- Mossman
- Murphy
- Nelson
- Nguyen
- Niccolai
- Oh
- Oringanje
- O’Donnell
- O’Driscoll
- O’Driscoll
- Paranjothy
- Park
- Parker
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Quinlivan
- Quinlivan
- Quinlivan
- Quinlivan
- Quinlivan
- Quinlivan
- Quinlivan
- Quinlivan
- Sandal
- Schelar
- Scholl
- Shrim
- Silverman
- Skye
- Smith
- Soares
- Stevens-Simon
- Thomas
- Thurman
- Thurman
- Tocce
- Tocce
- Ukil
- United Nations Population Fund
- Urquia
- Usta
- Van den Hof
- Wambach
- Wilson
- Wong
- Woolf
- Woolhouse
- Workowski
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis: Complete Guidelines of the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
- Author
- Aberg
- Aberg
- Aberg
- Adelsberg
- Afzelius
- Alford
- Altounyan
- American Academy of Allergy and Immunology
- American Thoracic Society
- Ammar-Kohdja
- Anch
- Anderson
- Atkins
- Austin
- Badhwar
- Baldwin
- Baraniuk
- Bardana
- Barenholtz
- Baroody
- Baroody
- Bascom
- Bascom
- Benson
- Bernstein
- Bingham
- Birchall
- Bjorksten
- Black
- Bock
- Bock
- Bock
- Borum
- Botelho
- Bousquet
- Bousquet
- Bradding
- Breneman
- Breneman
- Bresolin
- Bronsky
- Bronsky
- Bronsky
- Brostrom
- Bryan
- Burr
- Burrows
- Chambers
- Christie
- Cimbura
- Coates
- Coates
- Connell
- Connell
- Connell
- Coons
- Corren
- Corren
- Corren
- Cox
- Cramer
- Crawford
- Croner
- Dax
- deBlay
- Diamond
- DiSant'Agnese
- Dockhorn
- Dolen
- Donovan
- Doyle
- Druce
- Druce
- Druce
- Druce
- Druce
- Druce
- Druce
- Druce
- Druce
- Drugs Acting at Synaptic and Neuroeffector Junctional Sites
- Durham
- Dykewicz
- Dykewicz
- Eiser
- Evans
- Executive Committee American Academy of Allergy and Immunology
- Executive Committee American Academy of Allergy and Immunology
- Falkoff
- Falliers
- Ferguson
- Fireman
- Fireman
- Fischer
- Fisher
- Fisons Corporation
- Foucard
- Fougard
- Fraunfelder
- Gaffey
- Gaillard
- Garbe
- Gengo
- Georgitis
- Georgitis
- Georgitis
- Gilmore
- Glinert
- Goetz
- Goetz
- Goodman
- Grant
- Greenberger
- Grossman
- Grundbacher
- Grymer
- Gwaltney
- Gwynn
- Haahtela
- Haahtela
- Hagy
- Hagy
- Hallen
- Harowitz
- Hayden
- Hayden
- Heiner
- Henderson
- Hendrick
- Hilberg
- Hindmarch
- Homburger
- Horwitz
- Horwitz
- Incaudo
- Jacobs
- James
- Jeal
- Jelks
- Johnson
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Kailin
- Kaliner
- Kano
- Kay
- Kay
- Kemp
- Kemp
- Klein
- Klink
- Klucka
- Komisar
- Krumlien Drettner
- La Force
- LaForce
- Lee
- Lee
- Lehman
- Lemanske
- Lewis
- Lieberman
- Lieberman
- Linna
- Lockey
- Lowell
- Lucente
- Lund
- Lund
- Lund
- Mabry
- MacKay
- Majchel
- Malm
- Malmberg
- Malmstrom
- Marin
- Marks
- Marsh
- McMenamin
- Meltzer
- Meltzer
- Meltzer
- Meltzer
- Metcalfe
- Metzger
- Moneret-Vautrin
- Morris
- Morrow Brown
- Mullarkey
- Munir
- Murphy
- Mygind
- Mygind
- Mygind
- Naclerio
- Naclerio
- Naito
- Nelson
- Nelson
- Nelson
- Newson-Smith
- Noble
- Noble
- Norman
- Norman
- Novembre
- O'Hanlon
- O'Hanlon
- Ohi
- Ownby
- Ownby
- Pastorello
- Pauwels
- Pedersen
- Pelikan
- Pelikan
- Perelmutter
- Platts-Mills
- Platts-Mills
- Pollart
- Rafferty
- Ramaekers
- Raphael
- Raphael
- Raphael
- Raphael
- Ratner
- Ray
- Raynor
- Reisman
- Richards
- Rohr
- Rose
- Ross
- Rupp
- Saunders
- Scadding
- Schatz
- Schumacher
- Sears
- Selner
- Settipane
- Sherrill
- Shturman-Ellstein
- Sibbald
- Sibbald
- Siegel
- Siegel
- Siegel
- Sim
- Simons
- Simons
- Simons
- Simons
- Skoner
- Skoner
- Skoner
- Slavin
- Smith
- Solomon
- Solomon
- Solomon
- Sorri
- Stafford
- Stanworth
- Starbuck
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stjarne
- Storms
- Sue
- Tang
- Taudorf
- Taylor
- Theander
- Toppozada
- Torfs
- Van Arsdel
- van As
- van As
- Van Metre
- Varyonen
- Vuurman
- Vuurman
- Walsh
- Warren
- Watson
- Weinstein
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Werler
- White
- White
- Wittig
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodfolk
- Woosley
- Wright
- Young
- Zeiger
- Zinreich
- Zohar
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Bibliography
- Author
- AAUP Committee
- Adams F.
- Allen W. R.
- Anderson E.
- Anderson J. D.
- Anderson J. D.
- Auditor questions college's ability to survive.
- Ayadi F.
- Basinger B.
- Basinger J.
- Baxter F. V.
- Beize M.
- Benjamin L.
- Berger J. B.
- Billingsley A.
- Bohr L.
- Bonner F. A.
- Bowles F.
- Brady K.
- Brazzell J. C.
- Brown L.
- Brown M. C.
- Brown M. C.
- Brown M. C.
- Brown M. C.
- Brown M. C.
- Brown M. C.
- Brown T. L.
- Brown W. R.
- Brown W. R.
- Browning J.
- Buchanan L.
- Carter L.
- Chism M.
- Cohen B.
- Cohen R. T.
- Conrad C. F.
- Conrad C. F.
- Constantine M. G.
- Copeland L.
- Davis L.
- DeSousa D. J.
- DeVaney A.
- Donsky P.
- Donsky P.
- Donsky P.
- Donsky P.
- Donsky Paul
- Du Bois W. E. B.
- Du Bois W. E. B.
- Edgcomb G. S.
- Editor
- Elbert M. M.
- Engs R.
- Epstein E.
- Feds may cut off funding to Morris Brown.
- Fienberg L.
- Fitzgerald M. A.
- Fleming J.
- Fleming J.
- Fletcher M. A.
- Flowers L. A.
- Foster L.
- Freedman Samuel G.
- Freeman K.
- Gall M.
- Garibaldi A.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Gasman M.
- Ghezzi P.
- Giddings P.
- Gilpin P. J.
- Glanton D.
- Goodson M. G.
- Gurin P.
- Haines E.
- Hamilton K.
- Harasin L.
- Harley D. A.
- Harley D. A.
- Harley D. A.
- Harper S. R.
- Harrington E.
- Hendrix W. F.
- Hoff V.
- Homan L. M.
- Hossler D.
- Hytche W. P.
- Injay
- Iyengar S.
- Jackson C.
- Jackson expected to join Morris Brown's board of Trustees.
- Jackson J. F. L.
- Jaffe A. J.
- Jencks C.
- Johnson C.
- Johnson C. S.
- Jones A.
- Jones A.
- Jones A.
- Jones A.
- Jones B.
- Jones B. W.
- Jones J. H.
- Jones L.
- Jones M.
- Jones T. J.
- Jones-Wilson F. C.
- Joyner offers donation to Morris Brown.
- June A. W.
- June A. W.
- June A. W.
- Kennard T. H.
- Kimbrough W.
- Klein Arthur
- Kujovich G.
- Lang M.
- Lash J. S.
- Lefever H. G.
- Lindsey D. F.
- Logan R.
- Luti A. N.
- Manley A.
- Mays B.
- McDonough P. M.
- McGrath E. J.
- McKenzie T. L.
- McKinney R.
- McLendon M.
- Medford G. S.
- Meier A.
- Moore J. A.
- Morgan D.
- Morris Brown Alumni Raise 2.5 Million.
- Morris Brown College Drops Athletics.
- Morris Brown College Faces Uncertainty.
- Morris Brown College Names Charles Taylor its New President.
- Morris Brown May Close.
- Morris Brown names educator businessman as president.
- Morris Brown prepares for reduced enrollment.
- Morris Brown president lays out recovery plan.
- Morris Brown President Quits.
- Morris Brown President Resigns.
- Morris Brown Receives Funding.
- Morris Brown to Begin Process of Re-Accreditation.
- Morris Brown tries to collect student debt.
- Morris Brown Trustees Appoint Chemistry Professor as Acting President.
- Morris Brown Trying to Collect Student Debt.
- Morris Brown's financial aid practices investigated.
- Myrick-Harris C.
- Nettles M. T.
- Nettles M. T.
- Niesse M.
- Olswang S.
- Patterson C. M.
- Payne N. J.
- Pike G. D.
- Poe J.
- Poe J.
- Post C.
- Post C.
- Powell R. J.
- Preer J.
- President of Morris Brown College Resigns.
- Price G. N.
- Price G. N.
- Reverby S. M.
- Richardson J. M.
- Richmond K. A.
- Robbins R.
- Roebuck J. B.
- Ross L.
- Ross M. J.
- Ross M. J.
- Rowe S.
- Sagini M. M.
- Samuels A. L.
- Saunders K. P.
- Sav T.
- Schwartz R. A.
- Scott P.
- Shaw R. G.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Simmons K.
- Sims S. J.
- Smith G.
- Smith T. A.
- Snowden M. T.
- Stepp C.S.
- Stuckert R.
- Tabbye C.
- Taylor E.
- The Morris Brown Mess:
- Thompson C. J.
- Thompson D. C.
- Thompson D. C.
- Thompson D. C.
- Trent W.
- Tucker C.
- Tuckman G.
- UNCF to help fund Morris Brown College.
- Urban W. J.
- Ward A.
- Ware L.
- Watkins W.
- Watson L. W.
- Watson Y.
- Webster D. S.
- Williams J.
- Willie C.
- Willie C. V.
- Willie C. V.
- Willis G.
- Wingard E.
- Wolters R.
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study