813 research outputs found

    Monitoring the salt marsh vegetation and flora of the Baixo Vouga Lagunar (Ria of Aveiro, Portugal)

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    El carácter transicional de la Ría de Aveiro le confiere una riqueza florística singular, integrando comunidades vegetales típicas de las regiones Eurosiberiana y Mediterránea. La implantación del Proyecto Desenvolvimento Agrícola do Vouga (PDAV) va a provocar una modificación de las tasas de encharcamiento y una reducción gradual de la salinidad, factores ecológicos determinantes para muchas de las comunidades halófilas y helofíticas. El presente trabajo pretende contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de la tipología de la vegetación local, que sirva como base para desarrollar un programa de monitorización adecuado que detecte las alteraciones en los patrones espacio- temporales de la vegetación de los sistemas húmedos. Teniendo como objetivo seleccionar los puntos de muestreo donde instalar las parcelas permanentes de monitorización, se realizó una caracterización de la flora y la vegetación a través de trece transectos utilizando una aproximación simplificada al método de Braun- Blanquet. Una vez identificados los tipos de vegetación - en función de su composición florística, corología y ecología - fueron seleccionados al azar inventarios representativos de cada tipo, en los que han sido instaladas dichas parcelas.The transitional biogeographic character of the Ria de Aveiro lagoon area confers it a singular floristic richness, integrating plant communities typical for the Eurosiberian as well as Mediterranean Region. The implementation of the Agricultural Development Plan of the Lower Vouga area (PDAV) in the near future is expected to result in noticeable changes in the tidal submersion regime and a gradual reduction of salinity levels, which are determining ecological factors for many of the halophytic and helophytic plant communities. The present work pretends to contribute to a better knowledge of the local vegetation types and, thereby, to the implementation of an adequate monitoring programme for detecting changes in the spatio-temporal vegetation patterns of the wetlands. With the objective to select the locations for the installation of permanent quadrats, the vegetation of the wetlands was described along 13 transects using a simplified Braun-Blanquet approach. A total of 24 local vegetation types were recognised, 23 of which were selected for the current monitoring programme

    Telepathology Networking in VISN-12 of the Veterans Health Administration

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    The Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN)-12, headquartered in Chicago, has implemented a telepathology network between the eight VISN-12 hospital laboratories and Loyola University Medical School linked by an economical, high-speed wide-area network (WAN). Implementation of the WAN has reduced monthly telecommunications costs in VISN-12 by approximately 67%. In addition to telepathology, the WAN enables real-time teleradiology (general, computer tomography, and ultrasound), telefluoroscopy, telenuclear medicine imaging, telepsychiatry, and other forms of teleconsultation. Current applications of telepathology in VISN-12 include: primary diagnosis and consultation in surgical pathology, interpretation of serum protein electrophoresis and immunofixation gels, provision of support for consolidated microbiology laboratories, review of problematic peripheral blood smears, and distance learning. We have learned a variety of lessons from telepathology. The enthusiasm and technical skill of providers are essential for success. As well, frequent communication and rapid technical support are necessary. Finally, in a supportive environment, telepathology is a tool that can help bring together clinical laboratories with shared missions and goals.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63151/1/153056200750040200.pd

    Ecology and Genetic Structure of a Northern Temperate Vibrio cholerae Population Related to Toxigenic Isolates

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    Although Vibrio cholerae is an important human pathogen, little is known about its populations in regions where the organism is endemic but where cholera disease is rare. A total of 31 independent isolates confirmed as V. cholerae were collected from water, sediment, and oysters in 2008 and 2009 from the Great Bay Estuary (GBE) in New Hampshire, a location where the organism has never been detected. Environmental analyses suggested that abundance correlates most strongly with rainfall events, as determined from data averaged over several days prior to collection. Phenotyping, genotyping, and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) revealed a highly diverse endemic population, with clones recurring in both years. Certain isolates were closely related to toxigenic O1 strains, yet no virulence genes were detected. Multiple statistical tests revealed evidence of recombination among strains that contributed to allelic diversity equally as mutation. This relatively isolated population discovered on the northern limit of detection for V. cholerae can serve as a model of natural population dynamics that augments predictive models for disease emergence

    Modelling the distribution of white matter hyperintensities due to ageing on MRI images using Bayesian inference

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    White matter hyperintensities (WMH), also known as white matter lesions, are localised white matter areas that appear hyperintense on MRI scans. WMH commonly occur in the ageing population, and are often associated with several factors such as cognitive disorders, cardiovascular risk factors, cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Despite the fact that some links between lesion location and parametric factors such as age have already been established, the relationship between voxel-wise spatial distribution of lesions and these factors is not yet well understood. Hence, it would be of clinical importance to model the distribution of lesions at the population-level and quantitatively analyse the effect of various factors on the lesion distribution model. In this work we compare various methods, including our proposed method, to generate voxel-wise distributions of WMH within a population with respect to various factors. Our proposed Bayesian spline method models the spatio-temporal distribution of WMH with respect to a parametric factor of interest, in this case age, within a population. Our probabilistic model takes as input the lesion segmentation binary maps of subjects belonging to various age groups and provides a population-level parametric lesion probability map as output. We used a spline representation to ensure a degree of smoothness in space and the dimension associated with the parameter, and formulated our model using a Bayesian framework. We tested our algorithm output on simulated data and compared our results with those obtained using various existing methods with different levels of algorithmic and computational complexity. We then compared the better performing methods on a real dataset, consisting of 1000 subjects of the UK Biobank, divided in two groups based on hypertension diagnosis. Finally, we applied our method on a clinical dataset of patients with vascular disease. On simulated dataset, the results from our algorithm showed a mean square error (MSE) value of , which was lower than the MSE value reported in the literature, with the advantage of being robust and computationally efficient. In the UK Biobank data, we found that the lesion probabilities are higher for the hypertension group compared to the non-hypertension group and further verified this finding using a statistical t-test. Finally, when applying our method on patients with vascular disease, we observed that the overall probability of lesions is significantly higher in later age groups, which is in line with the current literature

    Eosinophilic Panniculitis and Insect Bite-Like Eruption in a Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia: A Spectrum of the Same Entity

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    Background. Eosinophilic dermatosis of hematologic disorders is a reactive process that may cause a variety of clinical manifestations. Methods. We report a patient who had outbreaks of skin lesions since the onset of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Results. The cutaneous eruptions began as eosinophilic panniculitis and after changed to insect bite-like lesions. Conclusion. We think that eosinophilic panniculitis and insect bite-like lesions may be part of the spectrum of the same entity in patients with hematologic disorders

    Confound modelling in UK Biobank brain imaging

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    © 2020 Dealing with confounds is an essential step in large cohort studies to address problems such as unexplained variance and spurious correlations. UK Biobank is a powerful resource for studying associations between imaging and non-imaging measures such as lifestyle factors and health outcomes, in part because of the large subject numbers. However, the resulting high statistical power also raises the sensitivity to confound effects, which therefore have to be carefully considered. In this work we describe a set of possible confounds (including non-linear effects and interactions that researchers may wish to consider for their studies using such data). We include descriptions of how we can estimate the confounds, and study the extent to which each of these confounds affects the data, and the spurious correlations that may arise if they are not controlled. Finally, we discuss several issues that future studies should consider when dealing with confounds

    Kansei for the Digital Era

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    For over 40 years, Kansei-based research and development have been conducted in Japan and other East Asian countries and these decades of research have influenced Kansei interpretation. New methods and applications, including virtual reality and artificial intelligence, have emerged since the millennium, as the Kansei concept has spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world. This paper reviews past literature and industrial experience, offering a comprehensive understanding of Kansei, the underlying philosophy, and the methodology of Kansei Engineering from the approach of psychology and physiology, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The breadth of Kansei is described by examples, emerging from both industry and academia. Additionally, thematic mapping of the state-of-the-art as well as an outlook are derived from feedback obtained from structured interview of thirty-five of the most distinguished researchers in Kansei. The mapping provides insights into current trends and future directions. Kansei is unique because it includes the consideration of emotion in the design of products and services. The paper aims at becoming a reference for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders across borders and cultures, looking for holistic perspectives on Kansei, Kansei Engineering, and implementation methods. The novelty of the paper resides in the unification of authors amongst pioneers from different parts of the world, spanning across diversified academic backgrounds, knowledge areas and industries

    Changes in the Serotype Distribution of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Causing Otitis Media After PCV13 Introduction in Spain

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    One of the beneficial effects of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) has been a decrease in the incidence of non-invasive infections, such as otitis media (OM) caused by vaccine serotypes. In this study, we analyzed the epidemiology of pneumococcal OM before and after PCV13 introduction in 2010. Between 2008 and 2016, the middle ear exudates from 2653 children under 14 years of age with OM were studied in two Spanish provinces (Gipuzkoa and Barcelona), and S. pneumoniae was isolated in 235 (8.9%) of cases. The 204 available isolates were serotyped and distributed in three 3-year periods: one before and two after PCV13 introduction (early and late post-PCV13). A significant decrease in the rate of OM caused by S. pneumoniae was observed mainly due to a decrease in infections caused by all PCV13 serotypes, although exceptions were observed including the persistence of serotype 3 in Gipuzkoa and a weak re-emergence of serotype 19F in both regions. The rate and diversity of non-PCV13 serotypes increased in both regions and an emerging clone causing OM was detected in each region: serotype 23B ST2372 in Gipuzkoa and serotype 11A ST838/ST6521 in Barcelona. The introduction of PCV13 has been followed by a change in the epidemiology of pneumococcal OM, with a decrease in the rate of vaccine serotypes accompanied by an increase in the diversity of non-vaccine serotype and the clonal spreading of different single clones in each region.JMM was funded in part by the Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES-26). CMA was funded in part by the Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de de Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP-57). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. This work was funded in part by the Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES-26) and de Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP-57)

    Pneumonia in children admitted to the national referral hospital in Bhutan: a prospective cohort study

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    Objectives The study aim was to describe the etiological profile and clinical characteristics of pneumonia among children hospitalized in Thimphu, Bhutan. Methods This prospective study enrolled children aged 2–59 months admitted to the Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital with World Health Organization (WHO)-defined clinical pneumonia. Demographic and clinico-radiological data were collected through questionnaires, physical examination, and chest radiography. Blood samples and nasopharyngeal washing were collected for microbiological analysis including culture and molecular methods. Results From July 2017 to June 2018, 189 children were enrolled, of which 53.4% were infants. Pneumonia-related admissions were less frequent over the winter. Chest radiographies were obtained in 149 children; endpoints included pneumonia in 39 cases (26.2%), other infiltrates in 31 (20.8%), and were normal in 79 children (53.0%). Non-contaminated bacterial growth was detected in 8/152 (5.3%) blood cultures, with only two cases of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Viral detection in upper respiratory secretions was common, with at least one virus detected in 103/115 (89.6%). The three most-commonly isolated viruses were respiratory syncytial virus (52/115; 45.2%), rhinovirus (42/115; 36.5%), and human parainfluenza virus (19/115; 16.5%). A third of patients with viral infections showed mixed infections. Case fatality rate was 3.2% (6/189). Conclusion Respiratory viral infections predominated among this cohort of WHO-defined clinical pneumonia cases, whereas bacterial aetiologies were uncommon, highlighting the epidemiologic transition that Bhutan seems to have reached