498 research outputs found

    Environmental enrichment results in both brain connectivity efficiency and selective improvement in different behavioral tasks

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    Exposure to environmental enrichment (EE) has been a useful model for studying the effects of experience on brain plasticity, but to date, few is known about the impact of this condition on the brain functional networks that probably underlies the multiple behavioral improvements. Hence, we assessed the effect of an EE protocol in adult Wistar rats on the performance in several behavioral tasks testing different domains (Open field (OP): locomotor activity; Elevated-zero maze (EZM): anxiety-related behaviors; 5-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT): attentional processes; 4-arm radial water maze (4-RAWM): spatial memory) in order to check its effectiveness in a wide range of functions. After this, we analyzed the functional brain connectivity underlying each experimental condition through cytochrome C oxidase (COx) histochemistry. Our EE protocol reduced both locomotor activity in the OP and anxiety-related behaviors in the EZM. On the other hand, enriched rats showed more accuracy in the 4-RAWM, whereas 5-CSRTT performance was not significantly ameliorated by EE condition. In relation to COx functional connectivity, we found that EE reduced the number of strong positive correlations both in basal and training conditions, suggesting a modulating effect on specific brain connections. Our results suggest that EE seems to have a selective effect on specific brain regions, such as prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, leading to a more efficient brain connectivity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/3

    On the networked architecture of genotype spaces and its critical effects on molecular evolution

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    Evolutionary dynamics is often viewed as a subtle process of change accumulation that causes a divergence among organisms and their genomes. However, this interpretation is an inheritance of a gradualistic view that has been challenged at the macroevolutionary, ecological and molecular level. Actually, when the complex architecture of genotype spaces is taken into account, the evolutionary dynamics of molecular populations becomes intrinsically non-uniform, sharing deep qualitative and quantitative similarities with slowly driven physical systems: nonlinear responses analogous to critical transitions, sudden state changes or hysteresis, among others. Furthermore, the phenotypic plasticity inherent to genotypes transforms classical fitness landscapes into multiscapes where adaptation in response to an environmental change may be very fast. The quantitative nature of adaptive molecular processes is deeply dependent on a network-of-networks multilayered structure of the map from genotype to function that we begin to unveil.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER funds of the EU through grants ViralESS (FIS2014-57686-P) and VARIANCE (FIS2015-64349-P). J.A. is supported through grant no. SEV-2013-0347. P.C. is supported through the European Union's YEI funds

    The growth threshold conjecture: a theoretical framework for understanding T-cell tolerance

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    Adaptive immune responses depend on the capacity of T cells to target specific antigens. As similar antigens can be expressed by pathogens and host cells, the question naturally arises of how can T cells discriminate friends from foes. In this work, we suggest that T cells tolerate cells whose proliferation rates remain below a permitted threshold. Our proposal relies on well-established facts about T-cell dynamics during acute infections: T-cell populations are elastic (they expand and contract) and they display inertia (contraction is delayed relative to antigen removal). By modelling inertia and elasticity, we show that tolerance to slow-growing populations can emerge as a population-scale feature of T cells. This result suggests a theoretical framework to understand immune tolerance that goes beyond the self versus non-self dichotomy.M.A.H. has been partially supported by MINECO grant no. MTM2014-53156. The rest of the authors have not received any particular financial support for this work

    Identificación de genotipos de papa con tolerancia al déficit hídrico

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    Con el objetivo de identificar genotipos de papa (Solanum spp.) con tolerancia al déficit hídrico, se implementó un ensayo en invernadero en la EESC del INIAP. Se evaluaron 39 genotipos con y sin déficit hídrico. Las variables evaluadas fueron: potencial de recuperación (PR), contenido relativo de agua (CRA), potencial hídrico (Ψ h), número de tubérculos por planta (NTP), rendimiento por planta (RP) y promedio geométrico del rendimiento (PGR). Se encontró un efecto significativo de genotipos (G), déficit hídrico (E) y su interacción G x E. La variedad INIAP-Josefina mostró tolerancia al déficit hídrico en la mayoría de variables. Esta investigación mostró genotipos con un mejor PR que otros, a los 16 días de déficit hídric o y a las 24 horas de recuperación. Para CRA se encontraron genotipos a los 13 y 16 días de déficit hídrico con valores superiores a los 66,98 y 62,98% respectivamente. Los clones 11-9-108, 12-4-145 e INIAP-Josefina con más de 9 tubérculos por planta se ubicaron en los primeros rangos, mientras INIAP-Josefina, 11-9-85, 11-9-45 y 12-4-50 presentaron rendimientos superiores a 132 g/planta. El PGR estableció a INIAP-Josefina, 11-9-45 y 11-9-85 en los primeros rangos con valores superiores a 122,54. Al evaluar el Ψh con déficit hídrico se encontró a INIAP-Catalina, INIAP-Estela y los clones 11-9-66, 11-9-85, 11-9-28 y 11-9-92 mostraron el menor efecto del estrés hídrico con valores menores. Existió variación en la respuesta de los genotipos al déficit hídrico, se han identificado genotipos con tolerancia que continuarán el proceso de evaluación dentro del esquema de mejoramiento

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells as a Potential Biomarker in Interstitial Lung Disease Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) increases morbidity and mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although the pathogenesis of ILD associated with RA (RA-ILD(+)) remains poorly defined, vascular tissue is crucial in lung physiology. In this context, endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) are involved in endothelial tissue repair. However, little is known about their implication in RA-ILD(+). Accordingly, we aimed to investigate the potential role of EPC related to endothelial damage in RA-ILD(+). EPC quantification in peripheral blood from 80 individuals (20 RA-ILD(+) patients, 25 RA-ILD(-) patients, 21 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients, and 14 healthy controls) was performed by flow cytometry. EPC were considered as CD34(+), CD45(low), CD309(+) and CD133(+). A significant increase in EPC frequency in RA-ILD(+) patients, as well as in RA-ILD(-) and IPF patients, was found when compared with controls (p < 0.001, p = 0.02 and p < 0.001, respectively). RA-ILD(+) patients exhibited a higher EPC frequency than the RA-ILD(-) ones (p = 0.003), but lower than IPF patients (p < 0.001). Our results suggest that EPC increase may represent a reparative compensatory mechanism in patients with RA-ILD(+). The degree of EPC frequency may help to identify the presence of ILD in RA patients and to discriminate RA-ILD(+) from IPF

    A double-deletion method to quantifying incremental binding energies in proteins from experiment. Example of a destabilizing hydrogen bonding pair

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    The contribution of a specific hydrogen bond in apoflavodoxin to protein stability is investigated by combining theory, experiment and simulation. Although hydrogen bonds are major determinants of protein structure and function, their contribution to protein stability is still unclear and widely debated. The best method so far devised to estimate the contribution of side-chain interactions to protein stability is double-mutant-cycle analysis, but the interaction energies so derived are not identical to incremental binding energies (the energies quantifying net contributions of two interacting groups to protein stability). Here we introduce double-deletion analysis of isolated residue pairs as a means to precisely quantify incremental binding. The method is exemplified by studying a surface-exposed hydrogen bond in a model protein (Asp96/Asn128 in apoflavodoxin). Combined substitution of these residues by alanines slightly destabilizes the protein, due to a decrease in hydrophobic surface burial. Subtraction of this effect, however, clearly indicates that the hydrogen-bonded groups in fact destabilize the native conformation. In addition, Molecular Dynamics simulations and classic double-mutant-cycle analysis explain quantitatively that, due to frustration, the hydrogen bond must form in the native structure because, when the two groups get approximated upon folding their binding becomes favorable. We would like to remark two facts: that this is the first time the contribution of a specific hydrogen bond to protein stability has been measured from experiment, and that more hydrogen bonds need to be analyzed in order to draw general conclusions on protein hydrogen bonds energetics. To that end, the double deletion method should be of help.Comment: 41 pages, To appear in Biophysical Journal (in press

    Transforming growth factor-beta inhibition reduces progression of early choroidal neovascularization lesions in rats: P17 and P144 peptides

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) inhibitor peptides (P17 & P144) on early laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (LI-CNV) lesions in rats, two weeks after laser CNV induction. Seventy-one Long Evans rats underwent diode laser application in an established LI-CNV model. Baseline fluorescein angiography (FA) was performed 14 days following laser procedure, and treatments were administered 16 days post-laser application via different administration routes. Intravenous groups included control (IV-Control), P17 (IV-17), and P144 (IV-144) groups, whereas intravitreal groups included P17 (IVT-17), P144 (IVT-144), and a mixture of both peptides (IVT-17+144) (with fellow eyes receiving vehicle alone). CNV evolution was assessed using FA performed weekly for four weeks after treatment. Following sacrifice, VEGF, TGF-β, COX-2, IGF-1, PAI-1, IL-6, MMP-2, MMP-9, and TNF-α gene expression was assessed using RT-PCR. VEGF and p-SMAD2 protein levels were also assessed by western-blot, while MMP-2 activity was assessed with gelatin zymography. Regarding the FA analysis, the mean CNV area was lower from the 3(rd) week in IVT-17 and IVT-144 groups, and also from the 2(nd) week in IVT-17+144. Biochemical analysis revealed that gene expression was lower for VEGF and COX-2 genes in IV-17 and IV-144 groups, VEGF gene in IVT-17+144 group and MMP-2 gene in IVT-17 and IVT-144 groups. VEGF protein expression was also decreased in IV-17, IV-144, IVT-17 and IVT-144, whereas pSMAD-2 levels were lower in IV-17, IV-144 and IVT-17+144 groups. Zymogram analysis revealed decreased MMP-2 activity in IV-17, IV-144, IVT-17 and IVT-144 groups. These data suggest that the use of TGF-β inhibitor peptides (P17 & P144) decrease the development of early CNV lesions by targeting different mediators than those typically affected using current anti-angiogenic therapies. Its potential role in the treatment of early CNV appears promising as a single therapy or adjuvant to anti-VEGF drugs

    A protective personal factor against disability and dependence in the elderly: an ordinal regression analysis with nine geographically-defined samples from Spain

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    Background Sense of Coherence (SOC) is defined as a tendency to perceive life experiences as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. The construct is split in three major domains: Comprehensibility, Manageability, and Meaningfulness. SOC has been associated with successful coping strategies in the face of illness and traumatic events and is a predictor of self-reported and objective health in a variety of contexts. In the present study we aim to evaluate the association of SOC with disability and dependence in Spanish elders. Methods A total of 377 participants aged 75 years or over from nine locations across Spain participated in the study (Mean age: 80.9 years; 65.3% women). SOC levels were considered independent variables in two ordinal logistic models on disability and dependence, respectively. Disability was established with the World health Organization-Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (36-item version), while dependence was measured with the Extended Katz Index on personal and instrumental activities of daily living. The models included personal (sex, age, social contacts, availability of an intimate confidant), environmental (municipality size, access to social resources) and health-related covariates (morbidity). Results High Meaningfulness was a strong protective factor against both disability (Odds Ratio [OR] = 0.50; 95% Confidence Interval [CI] = 0.29–0.87) and dependence (OR = 0.33; 95% CI = 0.19–0.58) while moderate and high Comprehensibility was protective for disability (OR = 0.40; 95% CI = 0.22–0.70 and OR = 0.39; 95%CI = 0.21–0.74), but not for dependence. Easy access to social and health resources was also highly protective against both disability and dependence. Conclusions Our results are consistent with the view that high levels of SOC are protective against disability and dependence in the elderly. Elderly individuals with limited access to social and health resources and with low SOC may be a group at risk for dependence and disability in Spain.This project was partially funded by a research contract in support of the project “Epidemiological Study of Dementia in Spain” signed by the Pfizer Foundation and Carlos III Institute of HealthS

    A common classification framework for neuroendocrine neoplasms: an International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and World Health Organization (WHO) expert consensus proposal

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    The classification of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) differs between organ systems and currently causes considerable confusion. A uniform classification framework for NENs at any anatomical location may reduce inconsistencies and contradictions among the various systems currently in use. The classification suggested here is intended to allow pathologists and clinicians to manage their patients with NENs consistently, while acknowledging organ-specific differences in classification criteria, tumor biology, and prognostic factors. The classification suggested is based on a consensus conference held at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in November 2017 and subsequent discussion with additional experts. The key feature of the new classification is a distinction between differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), also designated carcinoid tumors in some systems, and poorly differentiated NECs, as they both share common expression of neuroendocrine markers. This dichotomous morphological subdivision into NETs and NECs is supported by genetic evidence at specific anatomic sites as well as clinical, epidemiologic, histologic, and prognostic differences. In many organ systems, NETs are graded as G1, G2, or G3 based on mitotic count and/or Ki-67 labeling index, and/or the presence of necrosis; NECs are considered high grade by definition. We believe this conceptual approach can form the basis for the next generation of NEN classifications and will allow more consistent taxonomy to understand how neoplasms from different organ systems inter-relate clinically and genetically