290 research outputs found

    Variability in Blood Pressure Assessment in Patients Supported with the HeartMate 3TM

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    Targeted blood pressure (BP) control is a goal of left ventricular assist device medical management, but the interpretation of values obtained from noninvasive instruments is challenging. In the MOMENTUM 3 Continued Access Protocol, paired BP values in HeartMate 3 (HM3) patients were compared from arterial (A)-line and Doppler opening pressure (DOP) (319 readings in 261 patients) and A-line and automated cuff (281 readings in 247 patients). Pearson (R) correlations between A-line mean arterial (MAP) and systolic blood pressures (SBP) were compared with DOP and cuff measures according to the presence (\u3e1 pulse in 5 seconds) or absence of a palpable radial pulse. There were only moderate correlations between A-line and noninvasive measurements of SBP (DOP R = 0.58; cuff R = 0.47) and MAP (DOP R = 0.48; cuff R = 0.37). DOP accuracy for MAP estimation, defined as the % of readings within ± 10 mmHg of A-line MAP, decreased from 80% to 33% for DOP ≀ 90 vs. \u3e90 mmHg, and precision also diminished (mean absolute difference [MAD] increased from 6.3 ± 5.6 to 16.1 ± 11.4 mmHg). Across pulse pressures, cuff MAPs were within ±10 mmHg of A-line 62.9%-68.8% of measures and MADs were negligible. The presence of a palpable pulse reduced the accuracy and precision of the DOP-MAP estimation but did not impact cuff-MAP accuracy or precision. In summary, DOP may overestimate MAP in some patients on HM3 support. Simultaneous use of DOP and automated cuff and radial pulse may be needed to guide antihypertensive medication titration in outpatients on HM3 support

    The efficacy of exercise training for cutaneous microvascular reactivity in the foot in people with diabetes and obesity : secondary analyses from a randomized controlled trial

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    It is unclear if cutaneous microvascular dysfunction associated with diabetes and obesity can be ameliorated with exercise. We investigated the effect of 12-weeks of exercise training on cutaneous microvascular reactivity in the foot. Thirty-three inactive adults with type 2 diabetes and obesity (55% male, 56.1 +/- 7.9 years, BMI: 35.8 +/- 5, diabetes duration: 7.9 +/- 6.3 years) were randomly allocated to 12-weeks of either (i) moderate-intensity continuous training [50-60% peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), 30-45 min, 3 d/week], (ii) low-volume high-intensity interval training (90% VO2peak, 1-4 min, 3 d/week) or (iii) sham exercise placebo. Post-occlusive reactive hyperaemia at the hallux was determined by laser-Doppler fluxmetry. Though time to peak flux post-occlusion almost halved following moderate intensity exercise, no outcome measure reached statistical significance (p > 0.05). These secondary findings from a randomised controlled trial are the first data reporting the effect of exercise interventions on cutaneous microvascular reactivity in the foot in people with diabetes. A period of 12 weeks of moderate-intensity or low-volume high-intensity exercise may not be enough to elicit functional improvements in foot microvascular reactivity in adults with type 2 diabetes and obesity. Larger, sufficiently powered, prospective studies are necessary to determine if additional weight loss and/or higher exercise volume is required

    Reductions in C-reactive protein in older adults with type 2 diabetes are related to improvements in body composition following a randomized controlled trial of resistance training

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    BACKGROUND: Reductions in skeletal muscle mass and increased adiposity are key elements in the aging process and in the pathophysiology of several chronic diseases. Systemic low grade inflammation associated with obesity has been shown to accelerate the age-related decline in skeletal muscle. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effects of 12 months of progressive resistance training (PRT) on systemic inflammation, and whether reductions in systemic inflammation were associated with changes in body composition. We hypothesized that reductions in systemic inflammation following 12 months of PRT in older adults with type 2 diabetes would be associated with reductions in adiposity and increases in skeletal muscle mass. METHODS: Participants (n = 103) were randomized to receive either PRT or sham-exercise, 3 days a week for 12 months. C-reactive protein (CRP) was used to assess systemic inflammation. Skeletal muscle mass and total fat mass were determined using bioelectrical impedance. RESULTS: Twelve months of PRT tended to reduce CRP compared to sham exercise (ÎČ = −0.25, p = 0.087). Using linear mixed-effects models, the hypothesized relationships between body composition adaptations and CRP changes were significantly stronger for skeletal muscle mass (p = 0.04) and tended to be stronger for total fat mass (p = 0.07) following PRT when compared to sham-exercise. Using univariate regression models, stratified by group allocation, reductions in CRP were associated with increases in skeletal muscle mass (p = 0.01) and reductions in total fat mass (p = 0.02) in the PRT group, but not in the sham-exercise group (p = 0.87 and p = 0.32, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We have shown for the first time that reductions in systemic inflammation in older adults with type 2 diabetes following PRT were associated with increases in skeletal muscle mass. Furthermore, reductions in CRP were associated with reductions in adiposity, but only when associated with PRT. Lifestyle interventions aimed at reducing systemic inflammation in older adults with type 2 diabetes should therefore incorporate anabolic exercise such as PRT to optimize the anti-inflammatory benefits of favorable body composition adaptations

    Reviews and syntheses: the GESAMP atmospheric iron deposition model intercomparison study

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    This work reports on the current status of the global modeling of iron (Fe) deposition fluxes and atmospheric concentrations and the analyses of the differences between models, as well as between models and observations. A total of four global 3-D chemistry transport (CTMs) and general circulation (GCMs) models participated in this intercomparison, in the framework of the United Nations Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) Working Group 38, The Atmospheric Input of Chemicals to the Ocean. The global total Fe (TFe) emission strength in the models is equal to  ∌ 72Tg Fe yr−1 (38–134Tg Fe yr−1) from mineral dust sources and around 2.1Tg Fe yr−1 (1.8–2.7Tg Fe yr−1) from combustion processes (the sum of anthropogenic combustion/biomass burning and wildfires). The mean global labile Fe (LFe) source strength in the models, considering both the primary emissions and the atmospheric processing, is calculated to be 0.7 (±0.3)Tg Fe yr−1, accounting for both mineral dust and combustion aerosols. The mean global deposition fluxes into the global ocean are estimated to be in the range of 10–30 and 0.2–0.4Tg Fe yr−1 for TFe and LFe, respectively, which roughly corresponds to a respective 15 and 0.3Tg Fe yr−1 for the multi-model ensemble model mean. The model intercomparison analysis indicates that the representation of the atmospheric Fe cycle varies among models, in terms of both the magnitude of natural and combustion Fe emissions as well as the complexity of atmospheric processing parameterizations of Fe-containing aerosols. The model comparison with aerosol Fe observations over oceanic regions indicates that most models overestimate surface level TFe mass concentrations near dust source regions and tend to underestimate the low concentrations observed in remote ocean regions. All models are able to simulate the tendency of higher Fe concentrations near and downwind from the dust source regions, with the mean normalized bias for the Northern Hemisphere ( ∌ 14), larger than that of the Southern Hemisphere ( ∌ 2.4) for the ensemble model mean. This model intercomparison and model–observation comparison study reveals two critical issues in LFe simulations that require further exploration: (1) the Fe-containing aerosol size distribution and (2) the relative contribution of dust and combustion sources of Fe to labile Fe in atmospheric aerosols over the remote oceanic regions

    A High-Throughput Screen Indicates Gemcitabine and JAK Inhibitors May be Useful for Treating Pediatric AML

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    Improvement in survival has been achieved for children and adolescents with AML but is largely attributed to enhanced supportive care as opposed to the development of better treatment regimens. High risk subtypes continue to have poor outcomes with event free survival rates \u3c 40% despite the use of high intensity chemotherapy in combination with hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Here we combine high-throughput screening, intracellular accumulation assays, and in vivo efficacy studies to identify therapeutic strategies for pediatric AML. We report therapeutics not currently used to treat AML, gemcitabine and cabazitaxel, have broad anti-leukemic activity across subtypes and are more effective relative to the AML standard of care, cytarabine, both in vitro and in vivo. JAK inhibitors are selective for acute megakaryoblastic leukemia and significantly prolong survival in multiple preclinical models. Our approach provides advances in the development of treatment strategies for pediatric AML

    Pyrogenic iron: The missing link to high iron solubility in aerosols

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    Atmospheric deposition is a source of potentially bioavailable iron (Fe) and thus can partially control biological productivity in large parts of the ocean. However, the explanation of observed high aerosol Fe solubility compared to that in soil particles is still controversial, as several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this observation. Here, a statistical analysis of aerosol Fe solubility estimated from four models and observations compiled from multiple field campaigns suggests that pyrogenic aerosols are the main sources of aerosols with high Fe solubility at low concentration. Additionally, we find that field data over the Southern Ocean display a much wider range in aerosol Fe solubility compared to the models, which indicate an underestimation of labile Fe concentrations by a factor of 15. These findings suggest that pyrogenic Fe-containing aerosols are important sources of atmospheric bioavailable Fe to the open ocean and crucial for predicting anthropogenic perturbations to marine productivity

    Blind trials of computer-assisted structure elucidation software

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the largest challenges in chemistry today remains that of efficiently mining through vast amounts of data in order to elucidate the chemical structure for an unknown compound. The elucidated candidate compound must be fully consistent with the data and any other competing candidates efficiently eliminated without doubt by using additional data if necessary. It has become increasingly necessary to incorporate an <it>in silico </it>structure generation and verification tool to facilitate this elucidation process. An effective structure elucidation software technology aims to mimic the skills of a human in interpreting the complex nature of spectral data while producing a solution within a reasonable amount of time. This type of software is known as computer-assisted structure elucidation or CASE software. A systematic trial of the ACD/Structure Elucidator CASE software was conducted over an extended period of time by analysing a set of single and double-blind trials submitted by a global audience of scientists. The purpose of the blind trials was to reduce subjective bias. Double-blind trials comprised of data where the candidate compound was unknown to both the submitting scientist and the analyst. The level of expertise of the submitting scientist ranged from novice to expert structure elucidation specialists with experience in pharmaceutical, industrial, government and academic environments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Beginning in 2003, and for the following nine years, the algorithms and software technology contained within ACD/Structure Elucidator have been tested against 112 data sets; many of these were unique challenges. Of these challenges 9% were double-blind trials. The results of eighteen of the single-blind trials were investigated in detail and included problems of a diverse nature with many of the specific challenges associated with algorithmic structure elucidation such as deficiency in protons, structure symmetry, a large number of heteroatoms and poor quality spectral data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When applied to a complex set of blind trials, ACD/Structure Elucidator was shown to be a very useful tool in advancing the computer's contribution to elucidating a candidate structure from a set of spectral data (NMR and MS) for an unknown. The synergistic interaction between humans and computers can be highly beneficial in terms of less biased approaches to elucidation as well as dramatic improvements in speed and throughput. In those cases where multiple candidate structures exist, ACD/Structure Elucidator is equipped to validate the correct structure and eliminate inconsistent candidates. Full elucidation can generally be performed in less than two hours; this includes the average spectral data processing time and data input.</p

    Lake salinization drives consistent losses of zooplankton abundance and diversity across coordinated mesocosm experiments

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    Human-induced salinization increasingly threatens inland waters; yet we know little about the multifaceted response of lake communities to salt contamination. By conducting a coordinated mesocosm experiment of lake salinization across 16 sites in North America and Europe, we quantified the response of zooplankton abundance and (taxonomic and functional) community structure to a broad gradient of environmentally relevant chloride concentrations, ranging from 4 to ca. 1400 mg Cl- L-1. We found that crustaceans were distinctly more sensitive to elevated chloride than rotifers; yet, rotifers did not show compensatory abundance increases in response to crustacean declines. For crustaceans, our among-site comparisons indicate: (1) highly consistent decreases in abundance and taxon richness with salinity; (2) widespread chloride sensitivity across major taxonomic groups (Cladocera, Cyclopoida, and Calanoida); and (3) weaker loss of functional than taxonomic diversity. Overall, our study demonstrates that aggregate properties of zooplankton communities can be adversely affected at chloride concentrations relevant to anthropogenic salinization in lakes.Peer reviewe

    Current water quality guidelines across North America and Europe do not protect lakes from salinization

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    Human-induced salinization caused by the use of road deicing salts, agricultural practices, mining operations, and climate change is a major threat to the biodiversity and functioning of freshwater ecosystems. Yet, it is unclear if freshwater ecosystems are protected from salinization by current water quality guidelines. Leveraging an experimental network of land-based and in-lake mesocosms across North America and Europe, we tested how salinization-indicated as elevated chloride (C-) concentration-will affect lake food webs and if two of the lowest Cl- thresholds found globally are sufficient to protect these food webs. Our results indicated that salinization will cause substantial zooplankton mortality at the lowest Cl- thresholds established in Canada (120 mg Cl-/L) and the United States (230 mg Cl-/L) and throughout Europe where Cl- thresholds are generally higher. For instance, at 73% of our study sites, Cl- concentrations that caused a >= 50% reduction in cladoceran abundance were at or below Cl thresholds in Canada, in the United States, and throughout Europe. Similar trends occurred for copepod and rotifer zooplankton. The loss of zooplankton triggered a cascading effect causing an increase in phytoplankton biomass at 47% of study sites. Such changes in lake food webs could alter nutrient cycling and water clarity and trigger declines in fish production. Current Cl- thresholds across North America and Europe clearly do not adequately protect lake food webs. Water quality guidelines should be developed where they do not exist, and there is an urgent need to reassess existing guidelines to protect lake ecosystems from human-induced salinization.Peer reviewe
