8 research outputs found


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    如果不以阶级立场和二元论去衡量作品价值,就会发现即便是那些经久不衰的优秀文本,在描写人性方面也离不开革命与恋爱的叙事母题,革命与恋爱也是现代小说中典型的话语符码之一。陈汝惠描述的“革命”指向着自由、平等、解放,而“恋爱”则展现着男女间的关系乃至青年知识分子作为个体的人的意义实现。对陈汝惠来说,它不仅是单纯的文学叙述,也可以说是作家真实生活经验的文学转换。他笔下青年知识分子的革命与恋爱间的关系,这种理念上的浪漫主义与行动上的现实主义所发生的冲突,其实是作家本人与其笔下人物精神遇合的产物。或者说革命与恋爱的关系构成了解读知识分子精神史的极好旁证。若说《女难》中的林田在取舍、选择与欲罢不能中挣扎,多少还带有一些对恋爱的幻想,那么《沉船》的男主人公天池则有着坚定的革命信仰,他不是因恋爱受挫而投身革命,而是以革命作为人生主导,为了救梅,在救生艇只能再承载一人的情况下,不惜牺牲自己,选择与死神相伴。这很像电影《泰坦尼克号》沉船的一幕,尤其天池不为成就自己的爱情,而为成全自己爱人的爱情牺牲,这种道德境界可以肯定是观念意义上的“革命加恋爱”小说所没有达到的。《三人行》讲述了一个为革命而牺牲爱情的故事。克文与乃偲是感情笃深的恋人,在家国危亡的现实面前,克文毅然参加空军,在一次空战中为援救战友而牺牲。乃偲为完成爱人的夙愿,参加了前线救护工作,在一次日军飞机的偷袭中为救伤员而身负重伤,临终前仍鼓励好友扶风继续战斗。陈汝惠笔下的这些青年是心中充满大爱的坚强、美丽的生命群,他们真挚博大的灵魂在个体之我备受推崇的今天颇值得珍视。此外,陈汝惠笔下青年知识分子间的情感往往有爱无性,相爱的男女因战争背景而身居异地,彼此间只能以信件传递思念之情,受过良好教育的他们,在人的自我意识、自我价值的认知上明显高于他人;然而在救亡面前又无暇顾及自己的情感,在投身革命后主动将这种意识遮蔽掉,其精神就更为可敬。   陈汝惠小说饱含着浓郁的宗教思考,带有一定的寓言性质。一战后世界范围内的信仰危机和中国文学进入现代化进程中思想资源的缺失,注定许多作家必然对宗教产生天然的亲近。他笔下人物所体现的关于人的救赎、个人与他者间的关系以及人生终极目的等命题,都能契合基督教义,折射出作家在基督教义影响下对人和世界的思考。《死的胜利》中的飞行员佐治是虔诚的教徒,他参战的精神动力便源于他信仰的基督教,他用《圣经》教义与战友辩论,表达对战争、爱、人类及人性的看法。对于爱,陈汝惠写的人物不仅局限于男女情爱或亲子间的舐犊之爱,有时已升华到宗教层面的博爱,这种挖掘使其小说内蕴有了向更深层面拓展的可能。《死的胜利》中昌明“不是为了牺牲才爱,乃是为了爱才牺牲”。应该说,陈汝惠小说没提出终极关怀问题,也未写出宗教的理想人格与人的现实欲望间的强烈冲突,而只借用宗教寻求一种灵魂上的安慰、依靠,这是遗憾。陈汝惠小说常常借古喻今,传达思想,有一定的寓言性。如《斗牛》描写人类普遍性的虚无,尽管斗牛士频频胜利,却一再怀疑自己,幻灭感不断滋生。这种技巧与整体布局也符合作者的创作理念,他讨厌传统小说喜欢把主角送入洞房,多以悲剧元素进入文本,让读者产生“悲哀使我们的情感更纯洁更崇高”的共鸣。   陈汝惠小说的价值,有待业内人士的专业估衡,他对被遮蔽文本的发掘,将丰富中国现代文学的历史图景。   (罗振亚 于倩)陈汝惠是教育家,同时也是爱国作家,在上世纪三四十年代写了许多中短篇小说(多收于上海社会科学院出版社2005年出版的《陈汝惠文集》),它们集中反映了抗战时期军民对敌斗争的事件,其中人物的生活形态与精神面貌也和抗战生活直接相关。   战时上海备受压抑的政治氛围与殖民文化统治,并没有遏止住人们的爱国激情与斗志,反倒令许多作家形成了一种共识:文学急需鼓舞士气,在某种程度上实现文学、意识形态与政治宣传的多赢,并在创作中身体力行。陈汝惠当时在上海的大学里求学、工作,又从事过地下活动,很自然地从他的经验与心理出发,将青年知识分子形象作为核心符号进行创作,抒写他们的典型心态与革命情怀。短篇小说《女难》写了男主人公林田从爱情幻想中走回现实、脱胎换骨的过程,真切呈现了一个向成熟迈进的青年知识分子的复杂心理世界。林田徘徊在学生乃平、同学红荷、革命先烈后裔偲之、初恋女友薇等几个年轻貌美、性格迥异的女子之间,但作者没把它设计成张资平式的情欲呈现或肉身纠缠模式,而是让林田一次次陷入反省与自责。与乃平交往时内心纠结、两难,无法拒绝对方的真纯善良、主动热情,又痛苦于自己的软弱顺从,选择乃平后仍难消泯心头愁绪。以林田为代表的青年知识分子,是道德理想主义者,他们的迷惑源于现实与理想的冲突,或自身性格与理想的抵牾,其道德信念、精神追求与革命激情,表明他们仍属“五四”式的新青年。陈汝惠笔下的青年女性也颇具特色。靓丽的她们均受过良好教育,思想觉悟甚至高于身边的男性。她们是新时代女性,又是爱情的忠诚者。革命给她们提供了另一种生存可能,也使她们更加追求自由,由个人而扩展到民族、大众,她们的革命行为被赋予了崇高的政治意义,她们果敢坚强,勇往直前,与男知识分子平等对话,甚至对后者走向革命起了引导作用。短篇小说《三人行》的男主人公最终决定学飞机驾驶的直接动因,便是受到女主人公乃偲的影响与鼓励。同时作家也描写了女性作为母亲所特有的坚忍与担当。选材于真实事件的《小雨》,写出了战争给平民百姓酿成的苦难。玉华的丈夫被日伪特务逮捕,儿子小雨又身患重病,玉华一方面想方设法营救丈夫,一方面尽全力挽救儿子,然而丈夫未被救回,小雨也失去了生命。一个弱女子以常人无法想象的力量支撑、担当家庭的一切,其坚忍的品质、饱经沧桑却依然慈悲的包容性格,接通了传统文化中地母形象的特征,也呼应了题记中“女子本弱,为母则强”那句话。它神圣而富有光辉的母亲形象塑造,与《围城》中的方老太太、《金锁记》中的七巧等对母亲形象的重构完全不可同日而语

    Simulation research on turning motion of underwater snake-like robots

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    Simulation research on turning motion of underwater snake-like robots

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    一、项目简要说明 本研究以塔里木河下游为主要研究对象,开展“新疆干旱区典型荒漠生态系统综合整治技术模式”研究,课题目标和研究任务密切结合国家西部大开发塔里木河流域生态整治工程需求,研究成果对加快塔里木河流域生态整治,促进区域生态安全和社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。本研究对项目区开展了全面的野外调查、资料采集、分析化验、以及技术研发与试验示范等工作,定期对土壤水分、土壤盐分、地下水位、地下水质、植物生理生化指标、土壤呼吸等进行了监测,采集样品及数据达24000余组(份);分析了不同干旱胁迫下荒漠河岸林植物的耗水特性与耗水机理,提出了荒漠河岸林的生态阈值,发现了荒漠植物自适应机理和避害机制..

    Aripiprazole versus other atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: In most western industrialised countries, second generation (atypical) antipsychotics are recommended as first line drug treatments for people with schizophrenia. In this review we specifically examine how the efficacy and tolerability of one such agent - aripiprazole - differs from that of other comparable second generation antipsychotics. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of aripiprazole compared with other atypical antipsychotics for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychoses. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group Trials Register (November 2011), inspected references of all identified studies for further trials, and contacted relevant pharmaceutical companies, drug approval agencies and authors of trials for additional information. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included all randomised clinical trials (RCTs) comparing aripiprazole (oral) with oral and parenteral forms of amisulpride, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, sertindole, ziprasidone or zotepine for people with schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychoses. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We extracted data independently. For dichotomous data we calculated risk ratios (RR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) on an intention-to-treat basis based on a random-effects model. Where possible, we calculated illustrative comparative risks for primary outcomes. For continuous data, we calculated mean differences (MD), again based on a random-effects model. We assessed risk of bias for each included study. MAIN RESULTS: We included 12 trials involving 6389 patients. Aripiprazole was compared to olanzapine, risperidone and ziprasidone. All trials were sponsored by an interested drug manufacturer. The overall number of participants leaving studies early was 30% to 40%, limiting validity (no differences between groups).When compared with olanzapine no differences were apparent for global state (no clinically important change: n = 703, 1 RCT, RR short-term 1.00 95% CI 0.81 to 1.22; n = 317, 1 RCT, RR medium-term 1.08 95% CI 0.95 to 1.22) but mental state tended to favour olanzapine (n = 1360, 3 RCTs, MD total Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) 4.68 95% CI 2.21 to 7.16). There was no significant difference in extrapyramidal symptoms (n = 529, 2 RCTs, RR 0.99 95% CI 0.62 to 1.59) but fewer in the aripiprazole group had increased cholesterol levels (n = 223, 1 RCT, RR 0.32 95% CI 0.19 to 0.54) or weight gain of 7% or more of total body weight (n = 1095, 3 RCTs, RR 0.39 95% CI 0.28 to 0.54).When compared with risperidone, aripiprazole showed no advantage in terms of global state (n = 384, 2 RCTs, RR no important improvement 1.14 95% CI 0.81 to 1.60) or mental state (n = 372, 2 RCTs, MD total PANSS 1.50 95% CI -2.96 to 5.96).One study compared aripiprazole with ziprasidone (n = 247) and both the groups reported similar change in the global state (n = 247, 1 RCT, MD average change in Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) score -0.03 95% CI -0.28 to 0.22) and mental state (n = 247, 1 RCT, MD change PANSS -3.00 95% CI -7.29 to 1.29).When compared with any one of several new generation antipsychotic drugs the aripiprazole group showed improvement in global state in energy (n = 523, 1 RCT, RR 0.69 95% CI 0.56 to 0.84), mood (n = 523, 1 RCT, RR 0.77 95% CI 0.65 to 0.92), negative symptoms (n = 523, 1 RCT, RR 0.82 95% CI 0.68 to 0.99), somnolence (n = 523, 1 RCT, RR 0.80 95% CI 0.69 to 0.93) and weight gain (n = 523, 1 RCT, RR 0.84 95% CI 0.76 to 0.94). Significantly more people given aripiprazole reported symptoms of nausea (n = 2881, 3 RCTs, RR 3.13 95% CI 2.12 to 4.61) but weight gain (7% or more of total body weight) was less common in people allocated aripiprazole (n = 330, 1 RCT, RR 0.35 95% CI 0.19 to 0.64). Aripiprazole may have value in aggression but data are limited. This will be the focus of another review. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Information on all comparisons are of limited quality, are incomplete and problematic to apply clinically. Aripiprazole is an antipsychotic drug with a variant but not absent adverse effect profile. Long-term data are sparse and there is considerable scope for another update of this review as new data emerges from the many Chinese studies as well as from ongoing larger, independent pragmatic trials

    JUNO Sensitivity on Proton Decay pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ Searches

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector designed to explore many topics in fundamental physics. In this paper, the potential on searching for proton decay in pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ mode with JUNO is investigated.The kaon and its decay particles feature a clear three-fold coincidence signature that results in a high efficiency for identification. Moreover, the excellent energy resolution of JUNO permits to suppress the sizable background caused by other delayed signals. Based on these advantages, the detection efficiency for the proton decay via pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ is 36.9% with a background level of 0.2 events after 10 years of data taking. The estimated sensitivity based on 200 kton-years exposure is 9.6×10339.6 \times 10^{33} years, competitive with the current best limits on the proton lifetime in this channel

    JUNO sensitivity on proton decay pνK+p → νK^{+} searches

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    JUNO sensitivity on proton decay p → ν K + searches*

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector designed to explore many topics in fundamental physics. In this study, the potential of searching for proton decay in the pνˉK+ p\to \bar{\nu} K^+ mode with JUNO is investigated. The kaon and its decay particles feature a clear three-fold coincidence signature that results in a high efficiency for identification. Moreover, the excellent energy resolution of JUNO permits suppression of the sizable background caused by other delayed signals. Based on these advantages, the detection efficiency for the proton decay via pνˉK+ p\to \bar{\nu} K^+ is 36.9% ± 4.9% with a background level of 0.2±0.05(syst)±0.2\pm 0.05({\rm syst})\pm 0.2(stat) 0.2({\rm stat}) events after 10 years of data collection. The estimated sensitivity based on 200 kton-years of exposure is 9.6×1033 9.6 \times 10^{33} years, which is competitive with the current best limits on the proton lifetime in this channel and complements the use of different detection technologies