10 research outputs found

    Molla Muhammed Şirin ve Tefsîrâ Şirîn'in tahlili

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    Son yarım yüzyılın müfessirlerinden Molla Muhammed ġirîn'in hayatı, eserleri ve tefsirdeki metodunu konu alan bu çalıĢma, Molla ġirîn‟i ve tefsirini tanıtmayı hedeflemektedir. Osmanlı'nın medreselere verdiği önemin halen devam ettiği bir dönemde doğup büyümüĢtür. Molla ġirîn‟in eseri rivâyet yönünden olduğu kadar dirâyet yönünden de öne çıkan bir eserdir. Molla ġirîn eserini sekiz yılda bitirmiĢ ve ismini "Tefsîrâ ġirîn” koymuĢtur. Eserini yazarken herkesin müracaat edip kolayca istifade edebilmesi için azami muhtasar olmasını hedeflemiĢtir

    Theology, Politics and Society: the Missing Link. Studying Religion in the Mamluk Period

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    The chapter focuses on a few problematic topics which have so far received little attention in contemporary scholarship on religion in the Mamluk period. In particular it tries to shed light on what the author describes as a missing link between theological production and its social and political significance, between theologians and society at large, between ideas about God and their relevance to people\u2019s lives. The article argues that exploring the link between society and theology may be a rewarding research enterprise. An attention to this link is generally missing in scholarship both on the intellectual and the socio-religious history of the Mamluk period. The paper identifies the reasons for this state of affairs and provides a sample of materials that proves that we do not lack the resources for pursuing research in this direction. The paper advocates an interdisciplinary approach where the efforts of experts in Islamic theology and historians interested in religion and society ought to merge

    Ibn Taymiyya, Radical Polymath, Part 2: Intellectual Contributions

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    Ibn Taymiyya, Radical Polymath, Part I: Scholarly Perceptions

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