4 research outputs found

    Cues adopted by consumers in examining corporate website favorability: an empirical study of financial institutions in the UK and Russia

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore, reconcile and depict corporate website favorability (CWF), its antecedents and consequences in the financial setting in the UK and Russia context. To achieve the goals of this study, the research adopted a mixed method research design by using a survey, which is supported by insights from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Structural equation modeling (SEM) were applied to gain insight into the various influences and relationships. The paper develops and empirically validates the framework of CWF antecedents and consequences. The paper indicates essential guidance for cross-functional managers and designers regarding the integrated and holistic utilization of building favorable corporate websites as part of the corporate identity management. The paper adds to the understanding of CWF and discusses the antecedents of CWF by drawing upon the existing literature. Furthermore, it offers possible consequences of CWF and provides a framework for future testing

    Cues adopted by consumers in examining corporate website favorability: an empirical study of financial institutions in the UK and Russia

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore, reconcile and depict corporate website favorability (CWF), its antecedents and consequences in the financial setting in the UK and Russia context. To achieve the goals of this study, the research adopted a mixed method research design by using a survey, which is supported by insights from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Structural equation modeling (SEM) were applied to gain insight into the various influences and relationships. The paper develops and empirically validates the framework of CWF antecedents and consequences. The paper indicates essential guidance for cross-functional managers and designers regarding the integrated and holistic utilization of building favorable corporate websites as part of the corporate identity management. The paper adds to the understanding of CWF and discusses the antecedents of CWF by drawing upon the existing literature. Furthermore, it offers possible consequences of CWF and provides a framework for future testing

    Internet user behavior change: an evaluation under three dimensions: scholars, professionals, and users

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    Pouco se sabe sobre a mudança de comportamento dos utilizadores em relação aos websites, influenciados pelo uso das Redes Sociais (SM) e Aplicações Móveis (MA). Evidencias estatísticas revelam que as SM e as MA estão a ganhar relevância na Internet e o acesso está sendo feito de forma crescente através desses canais, relegando os Websites a um papel secundário. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender a mudança no comportamento do utilizador na Internet, realizando uma revisão de literatura e compreender a perspetiva dos profissionais e utilizadores da Internet neste contexto. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de mineração de texto (TM) para uma compreensão exaustiva, e encontrar informação e padrões escondidos nos dados recolhidos. Os resultados revelam que o estudo da usabilidade nas três dimensões indica uma lacuna na literatura nas áreas de nutrição e marketing, para além de que o estudo nas MA está subdesenvolvida. Profissionais da Internet revelam resiliência em colocar as SM no centro da estratégia online, revelando confiança de que os utilizadores continuarão a usar os motores de busca que os levarão ao website e que a relevância e a qualidade do conteúdo determinarão o uso contínuo dos websites. Os utilizadores com idade inferior a 31 anos têm mais propensão a usar as SM e as MA em detrimento de websites para pesquisar um produto ou serviço, o que implica que, no futuro, essas plataformas superarão o uso de websites.Little is known regarding the change of users’ behavior towards websites, influenced by the use of Social Media (SM) and Mobile Applications (MA). Statistical evidence reveal that SM and MA are gaining relevance in the Internet and the access is increasingly being made through these channels, taking Websites to a secondary place. The goal of this study is to understand the shift on the Internet user behavior by conducting a usability literature review in the three dimensions (website, SM and MA), and understand the perspective of Internet professionals and users in this context. Data was analyzed through text mining (TM) technique for a comprehensive understanding and search for hidden information and patterns. Result outcome reveals that the research in the usability of website, SM and MA contexts, indicate a gap in the literature in the areas of nutrition and marketing and the study of MA is undeveloped. Internet professionals’ reveal resilience on setting SM in the center of the online strategy, revealing trust that users will continue to use search engines that will lead them to their website, and that relevance and quality of content will determine the continued use of websites. Users under 31 years old have more propensity to use SM and MA instead of websites to search for a product or service, implying that in the future, these platforms will overcome the use of websites

    Examining the influence of corporate website favourability on corporate image, corporate reputation, consumer company identification and loyalty: a study of consumers’ perception in the context of the financial setting in the United Kingdom and Russia

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    The main aim of this study is to add to the current knowledge about the corporate website favourability within the discipline of marketing by developing a rigorous conceptual framework of factors that influence corporate website favourability, and to explore how corporate website favourability contributes to building corporate image, corporate reputation, consumer-company identification and loyalty within the context of the financial setting in the UK and Russia. This research addresses two main questions: 1) what is the impact of the specific antecedents of corporate website favourability on corporate image, corporate reputation, consumer-company identification and loyalty? 2) what are the main favourable influences of corporate website favourability on corporate image, corporate reputation, consumer-company identification and loyalty? To achieve the goals of this research, the thesis adopts a mixed method research design - a predominantly quantitative approach, which is supported by insights from an exploratory phase that embodies in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The thesis draws on attribution, social identity and signalling theories. Based on the multi-disciplinary approach, this study resulted in the introduction of a validated conceptual framework that explains the phenomenon of corporate website favourability. The conceptual framework was supported and enhanced by a qualitative study (in-depth interviews and focus groups) that added three factors which influence corporate website favourability: customer service, website credibility and perceived corporate social responsibility. The conceptual framework was empirically evaluated through the insights from 555 questionnaires in the UK and 563 questionnaires in Russia. The sample of respondents permitted multivariate data analysis to be conducted in both contexts. The data from two contexts (consumers from HSBC in the UK and Sberbank in Russia) were analysed separately. This research employed exploratory factor analysis (EFA), cronbach’s alpha, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to ensure that the scales developed and adapted were robust in terms of validity and reliability. Afterwards, structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to conduct the hypothesis testing for each context. The model confirmed a good fit to the data, good convergent, discriminant and nomological validity and stable reliability in both contexts. The proposed conceptual model showed that 17 hypotheses in the UK and 14 hypotheses in Russia were supported out of the 19 hypotheses. Thus, overall, the research framework was generally supported in both contexts. The results indicated that navigation, information, security, availability, perceived corporate social responsibility, and perceived corporate culture influence corporate website favourability in the UK and Russia. Furthermore, the findings showed that the usability factor does not influence corporate website favourability in either country. Unexpectedly, the visual, customisation, website credibility, and customer service factors were rejected in Russia, but accepted in the UK. Additionally, corporate website favourability was found to have a direct positive affect on corporate image and satisfaction in both the UK and Russia. However, the relationship between attractiveness and corporate image was only supported in Russia, and not in the UK. In addition, in both contexts, corporate image was positively related to corporate reputation, corporate reputation was positively connected to consumer-company identification, and, finally, consumer-company identification was positively related to loyalty. This study is the first systematic research which has conceptualised and operationalised the notion of corporate website favourability, its antecedents and its consequences. It is anticipated to be of value in advancing existing knowledge by proposing a threefold theoretical contribution to the literature: 1) theoretical extension (level of conceptualisation and measurement); 2) assessment of theory; and 3) investigation of generalisation. Additionally, it is hoped that the findings of this research would make a substantial managerial contribution to the understanding of marketing and communication managers and website designers regarding the entire association among corporate website favourability, its antecedents and consequence. Furthermore, it is expected that this examination will enhance the knowledge of company decision-makers, communication professionals and website specialists about the building of a favourable corporate website in line with the corporate identity strategy of the company. Corporate website favourability should be adopted by companies, as part of the overall corporate identity management