17 research outputs found

    On the use of temporal series of L-and X-band SAR data for soil moisture retrieval. Capitanata plain case study

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    This paper investigates the use of time series of ALOS/PALSAR-1 and COSMO-SkyMed data for the soil moisture retrieval (mv) by means of the SMOSAR algorithm. The application context is the exploitation of mv maps at a moderate spatial and temporal resolution for improving flood/drought monitoring at regional scale. The SAR data were acquired over the Capitanata plain in Southern Italy, over which ground campaigns were carried out in 2007, 2010 and 2011. The analysis shows that the mv retrieval accuracy is 5%-7% m^3/m^3 at L- and X band, although the latter is restricted to a use over nearly bare soil only

    Determinación de la humedad de suelo mediante regresión lineal múltiple con datos TerraSAR-X

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] The first five centimeters of soil form an interface where the main heat fluxes exchanges between the land surface and the atmosphere occur. Besides ground measurements, remote sensing has proven to be an excellent tool for the monitoring of spatial and temporal distributed data of the most relevant Earth surface parameters including soil’s parameters. Indeed, active microwave sensors (Synthetic Aperture Radar - SAR) offer the opportunity to monitor soil moisture (HS) at global, regional and local scales by monitoring involved processes. Several inversion algorithms, that derive geophysical information as HS from SAR data, were developed. Many of them use electromagnetic models for simulating the backscattering coefficient and are based on statistical techniques, such as neural networks, inversion methods and regression models. Recent studies have shown that simple multiple regression techniques yield satisfactory results. The involved geophysical variables in these methodologies are descriptive of the soil structure, microwave characteristics and land use. Therefore, in this paper we aim at developing a multiple linear regression model to estimate HS on flat agricultural regions using TerraSAR-X satellite data and data from a ground weather station. The results show that the backscatter, the precipitation and the relative humidity are the explanatory variables of HS. The results obtained presented a RMSE of 5.4 and a R2 of about 0.6[ES] Los primeros cinco centímetros del suelo forman una interfaz donde se producen los principales intercam-bios de flujos de calor entre la superficie terrestre y la atmósfera. La teledetección ha demostrado ser una excelente herramienta para el seguimiento de datos espacial y temporalmente distribuidos de las características sobresalientes de la superficie terrestre, incluidos los parámetros del suelo. Los sensores de microondas activos (Synthetic Aperture Radar- SAR) ofrecen la posibilidad de monitorizar la humedad de suelo (HS) a escala global, regional y local, mediante la modelación de los procesos involucrados. Diversos algoritmos de inversión han sido desarrollados para derivar información geofísica, como HS, a partir de información SAR. Muchos de ellos utilizan modelos electromagnéticos para simular el coeficiente de retrodispersión y se basan en técnicas estadísticas tales como redes neuronales, mé-todos de inversión y modelos de regresión. Estudios recientes han demostrado que las técnicas simples de regresión múltiple arrojan resultados aceptables. Las variables geofísicas implicadas en estas metodologías son descriptivas de la estructura del suelo, las características de las microondas y la cobertura del suelo. Por esto, en este trabajo se propone desarrollar un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para estimar HS en zonas de llanura combinando datos de la misión satelital TerraSAR-X y datos de una estación meteorológica. La modelación propuesta involucra las variables hidrológicas que caracterizan las zonas de llanura, donde los movimientos verticales de agua en el suelo predominan sobre el escurrimiento horizontal. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la retrodispersión, la precipitación y la hu-medad relativa del aire son las variables explicativas de HS. El modelo obtenido arrojó un RMSE de 5,4 y un R2 de 0,6.García, G.; Brogioni, M.; Venturini, V.; Rodriguez, L.; Fontanelli, G.; Walker, E.; Graciani, S.... (2016). Soil moisture estimation using multi linear regression with terraSAR-X data. Revista de Teledetección. (46):73-81. doi:10.4995/raet.2016.4024.SWORD73814

    analysis of two years of ascat and smos derived soil moisture estimates over europe and north africa

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    More than two years of soil moisture data derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) and from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) radiometer are analysed and compared. The comparison has been performed within the framework of an activity aiming at validating the EUMETSAT Hydrology Satellite Application Facility (H-SAF) soil moisture product derived from ASCAT. The available database covers a large part of the SMOS mission lifetime (2010, 2011 and partially 2012) and both Europe and North Africa are considered. A specific strategy has been set up in order to enable the comparison between products representing a volumetric soil moisture content, as those derived from SMOS, and a relative saturation index, as those derived from ASCAT. Results demonstrate that the two products show a fairly good degree of correlation. Their consistency has some dependence on season, geographical zone and surface land cover. Additional factors, such as spatial property features, are also preliminary investigated

    Influence of Surface Roughness Spatial Variability and Temporal Dynamics on the Retrieval of Soil Moisture from SAR Observations

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    Radar-based surface soil moisture retrieval has been subject of intense research during the last decades. However, several difficulties hamper the operational estimation of soil moisture based on currently available spaceborne sensors. The main difficulty experienced so far results from the strong influence of other surface characteristics, mainly roughness, on the backscattering coefficient, which hinders the soil moisture inversion. This is especially true for single configuration observations where the solution to the surface backscattering problem is ill-posed. Over agricultural areas cultivated with winter cereal crops, roughness can be assumed to remain constant along the growing cycle allowing the use of simplified approaches that facilitate the estimation of the moisture content of soils. However, the field scale spatial variability and temporal variations of roughness can introduce errors in the estimation of soil moisture that are difficult to evaluate. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of roughness spatial variability and roughness temporal variations on the retrieval of soil moisture from radar observations. A series of laser profilometer measurements were performed over several fields in an experimental watershed from September 2004 to March 2005. The influence of the observed roughness variability and its temporal variations on the retrieval of soil moisture is studied using simulations performed with the Integral Equation Model, considering different sensor configurations. Results show that both field scale roughness spatial variability and its temporal variations are aspects that need to be taken into account, since they can introduce large errors on the retrieved soil moisture values

    Assessment of multi - date sentinel - 1 polarizations and GLCM texture features capacity for onion and sunflower classification in an irrigated valley: An object level approach

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    The objective of this work is to evaluate the capacity of the C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) time series imagery, acquired by the European satellite Sentinel-1 (S1), for the agriculture crop classification and its reliability to differentiate onion from sunflower, among others. The work then focused on classifying land cover in intensively cultivated agricultural regions. The study was developed in the Bonaerense Valley of the Colorado River (BVCR), Buenos Aires Province in Argentina, backed up by the field truth of 1634 field samples. In addition to the onion and sunflower crops, there are other crops present in the study area such as cereals, alfalfa, potatoes and maize, which are considered as the image background in the classification process. The field samples database was used for training and supporting a supervised classification with two machine learning algorithms—Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)—obtaining high levels of accuracy in each case. Different S1 SAR time-series features were used to assess the performance of S1 crop classification in terms of polarization VH+VV, Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) image texture and a combination of both. The analysis of SAR data and their features was carried out at OBIA lot level (Object Based Image Analysis) showing an optimal strategy to counteract the effect of the residual and inherent speckle noise of the radar signal. In the process of differentiating onion and sunflower crops, the analysis of the VH+VV stack with the SVM algorithm delivered the best statistical classification results in terms of Overall Accuracy (OA) and Kappa Index, (Kp) when other crops (image background) were not considered (OA = 95.35%, Kp = 0.89). Certainly, the GLCM texture analysis derived from the S1 SAR images is a valuable source of information for obtaining very good classification results. When differentiating sunflower from onion considering also other crops present in the BVCR, the GLCM stack proved to be the most suitable dataset analyzed in this work (OA = 89.98%, Kp = 0.66 for SVM algorithm). This working methodology is applicable to other irrigated valleys in Argentina dedicated to intensive crops. There are also variables inherent to each lot, soil, crop and agricultural producer that differ according to the study area and that should be considered for each case in the future.Fil: Caballero, Gabriel. Universidad Blas Pascal. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Aplicado en Informática y Telecomunicaciones (CIADE-IT); ArgentinaFil: Platzech, Gabriel. INVAP. Government & Security Division; ArgentinaFil: Pezzola, Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Casella, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Winschel, Cristina Ines. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Silva, Samanta. Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario (Buenos Aires, provincia). Colorado River Development Corporation (CORFO); ArgentinaFil: Ludueña, Emilia. INGTRADUCCIONES; ArgentinaFil: Pasqualotto, Nieves. Universidad de Valencia. Image Processing Laboratory (IPL); EspañaFil: Delegido, Jesús. Universidad de Valencia. Image Processing Laboratory (IPL); Españ

    Power Sensitivity Analysis of Multi-Frequency, Multi-Polarized, Multi-Temporal SAR Data for Soil-Vegetation System Variables Characterization

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    The knowledge of spatial and temporal variability of soil water content and others soil-vegetation variables (leaf area index, fractional cover) assumes high importance in crop management. Where and when the cloudiness limits the use of optical and thermal remote sensing techniques, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery has proven to have several advantages (cloud penetration, day/night acquisitions and high spatial resolution). However, measured backscattering is controlled by several factors including SAR configuration (acquisition geometry, frequency and polarization), and target dielectric and geometric properties. Thus, uncertainties arise about the more suitable configuration to be used. With the launch of the ALOS Palsar, Cosmo-Skymed and Sentinel 1 sensors, a dataset of multi-frequency (X, C, L) and multi-polarization (co- and cross-polarizations) images are now available from a virtual constellation; thus, significant issues concerning the retrieval of soil-vegetation variables using SAR are: (i) identifying the more suitable SAR configuration; (ii) understanding the affordability of a multi-frequency approach. In 2006, a vast dataset of both remotely sensed images (SAR and optical/thermal) and in situ data was collected in the framework of the AgriSAR 2006 project funded by ESA and DLR. Flights and sampling have taken place weekly from April to August. In situ data included soil water content, soil roughness, fractional coverage and Leaf Area Index (LAI). SAR airborne data consisted of multi-frequency and multi-polarized SAR images (X, C and L frequencies and HH, HV, VH and VV polarizations). By exploiting this very wide dataset, this paper, explores the capabilities of SAR in describing four of the main soil-vegetation variables (SVV). As a first attempt, backscattering and SVV temporal behaviors are compared (dynamic analysis) and single-channel regressions between backscattering and SVV are analyzed. Remarkably, no significant correlations were found between backscattering and soil roughness (over both bare and vegetated plots), whereas it has been noticed that the contributions of water content of soil underlying the vegetation often did not influence the backscattering (depending on canopy structure and SAR configuration). Most significant regressions were found between backscattering and SVV characterizing the vegetation biomass (fractional cover and LAI). Secondly, the effect of SVV changes on the spatial correlation among SAR channels (accounting for different polarization and/or frequencies) was explored. An inter-channel spatial/temporal correlation analysis is proposed by temporally correlating two-channel spatial correlation and SVV. This novel approach allowed a widening in the number of significant correlations and their strengths by also encompassing the use of SAR data acquired at two different frequencie

    Power Sensitivity Analysis of Multi-Frequency, Multi-Polarized, Multi-Temporal SAR Data for Soil-Vegetation System Variables Characterization

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    The knowledge of spatial and temporal variability of soil water content and others soil-vegetation variables (leaf area index, fractional cover) assumes high importance in crop management. Where and when the cloudiness limits the use of optical and thermal remote sensing techniques, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery has proven to have several advantages (cloud penetration, day/night acquisitions and high spatial resolution). However, measured backscattering is controlled by several factors including SAR configuration (acquisition geometry, frequency and polarization), and target dielectric and geometric properties. Thus, uncertainties arise about the more suitable configuration to be used. With the launch of the ALOS Palsar, Cosmo-Skymed and Sentinel 1 sensors, a dataset of multi-frequency (X, C, L) and multi-polarization (co- and cross-polarizations) images are now available from a virtual constellation; thus, significant issues concerning the retrieval of soil-vegetation variables using SAR are: (i) identifying the more suitable SAR configuration; (ii) understanding the affordability of a multi-frequency approach. In 2006, a vast dataset of both remotely sensed images (SAR and optical/thermal) and in situ data was collected in the framework of the AgriSAR 2006 project funded by ESA and DLR. Flights and sampling have taken place weekly from April to August. In situ data included soil water content, soil roughness, fractional coverage and Leaf Area Index (LAI). SAR airborne data consisted of multi-frequency and multi-polarized SAR images (X, C and L frequencies and HH, HV, VH and VV polarizations). By exploiting this very wide dataset, this paper, explores the capabilities of SAR in describing four of the main soil-vegetation variables (SVV). As a first attempt, backscattering and SVV temporal behaviors are compared (dynamic analysis) and single-channel regressions between backscattering and SVV are analyzed. Remarkably, no significant correlations were found between backscattering and soil roughness (over both bare and vegetated plots), whereas it has been noticed that the contributions of water content of soil underlying the vegetation often did not influence the backscattering (depending on canopy structure and SAR configuration). Most significant regressions were found between backscattering and SVV characterizing the vegetation biomass (fractional cover and LAI). Secondly, the effect of SVV changes on the spatial correlation among SAR channels (accounting for different polarization and/or frequencies) was explored. An inter-channel spatial/temporal correlation analysis is proposed by temporally correlating two-channel spatial correlation and SVV. This novel approach allowed a widening in the number of significant correlations and their strengths by also encompassing the use of SAR data acquired at two different frequencie

    Potential of Spaceborne X & L-Band SAR-Data for Soil Moisture Mapping Using GIS and its Application to Hydrological Modelling: the Example of Gottleuba Catchment, Saxony / Germany

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    Hydrological modelling is a powerful tool for hydrologists and engineers involved in the planning and development of integrated approach for the management of water resources. With the recent advent of computational power and the growing availability of spatial data, RS and GIS technologies can augment to a great extent the conventional methods used in rainfall runoff studies; it is possible to accurately describe watershed characteristics in particularly when determining runoff response to rainfall input. The main objective of this study is to apply the potential of spaceborne SAR data for soil moisture retrieval in order to improve the spatial input parameters required for hydrological modelling. For the spatial database creation, high resolution 2 m aerial laser scanning Digital Terrain Model (DTM), soil map, and landuse map were used. Rainfall records were transformed into a runoff through hydrological parameterisation of the watershed and the river network using HEC-HMS software for rainfall runoff simulation. The Soil Conservation Services Curve Number (SCS-CN) and Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) loss methods were selected to calculate the infiltration losses. In microwave remote sensing, the study of how the microwave interacts with the earth terrain has always been interesting in interpreting the satellite SAR images. In this research soil moisture was derived from two different types of Spaceborne SAR data; TerraSAR-X and ALOS PALSAR (L band). The developed integrated hydrological model was applied to the test site of the Gottleuba Catchment area which covers approximately 400 sqkm, located south of Pirna (Saxony, Germany). To validate the model historical precipitation data of the past ten years were performed. The validated model was further optimized using the extracted soil moisture from SAR data. The simulation results showed a reasonable match between the simulated and the observed hydrographs. Quantitatively the study concluded that based on SAR data, the model could be used as an expeditious tool of soil moisture mapping which required for hydrological modelling

    Retrieval of soil physical properties:Field investigations, microwave remote sensing and data assimilation

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