15 research outputs found

    Guidelines for eBook design

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    In this paper we intended to propose guidelines for novice designers, i.e., without prior experience with eBook design. The first step was a systematic literature review, which resulted in 1052 guidelines, which were iteratively analysed until reduced to a smaller amount. After that, 15 practicing designers evaluated the utility of these guidelines, and excluded the ones they considered not useful (to novice designers). In an effort to embed expert knowledge, we asked doctoral students to propose guidelines, which went through the same process of analysis and peer evaluation, and were added to the previous set, which resulted in 38 unique design guidelines. Finally, three doctoral students who also are practicing designers with experience in eBook design, commented each guideline and defined the final set. The result is a set of 13 guidelines.Neste artigo pretendemos propor diretrizes para designers iniciantes, ou seja, sem experiência anterior com o design de e-books. O primeiro passo foi uma revisão sistemática da literatura, que resultou em 1052 diretrizes, que foram analisadas iterativamente até serem reduzidas para uma quantidade menor. Depois disso, 15 designers experientes avaliaram a utilidade dessas diretrizes e excluíram as que consideraram não úteis (para designers iniciantes). Em um esforço para incorporar conhecimento especializado, pedimos a estudantes de doutorado para proporem diretrizes, que passaram pelo mesmo processo de análise e avaliação por pares, e foram adicionadas ao conjunto anterior, o que resultou em 38 diretrizes. Finalmente, três estudantes de doutorado que também são designers com experiência em design de eBooks, comentaram cada diretriz e definiram o conjunto final. O resultado é um conjunto de 13 diretrizes

    User Centered Design dan Evaluasi Iteratif pada Pengembangan Aplikasi DUPAK Perekayasa

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    Web technology and internet networks have made web applications the main tool in daily activities. But developing applications with limited time often leads to neglecting the role of the user, which causes a lack of attention to aspects of usability, which results in the failure of the application to meet the needs and desires of the user. In this study we developed an application for submitting credit number determination proposals for engineering functional positions by combining Incremental Prototyping and User Centered Design methods. The results show that the application can meet the usability aspects so that it is easily understood and used in submitting and evaluating proposed credit numbers.Teknologi web dan jaringan internet telah menjadikan aplikasi web sebagai piranti utama dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Namun pengembangan aplikasi dengan keterbatasan waktu seringkali mengabaikan peran pengguna, yang menyebabkan kurangnya perhatian pada aspek usabilitas sehingga berdampak pada kegagalan aplikasi memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan pengguna. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan aplikasi pengajuan usulan penetapan angka kredit (DUPAK) untuk jabatan fungsional perekayasa  dengan menggabungkan metode Incremental Prototyping dan User Centered Design. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan terbukti dapat memenuhi aspek usabilitas sehingga dapat mudah dipahami dan digunakan dalam pengajuan dan penilaian usulan angka kredit

    Guidelines for designing digital educational material for bilingual deaf

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi elencar diretrizes para o projeto de recursos educacionais digita is, voltados para a educação bilíngue de surdos. O público alvo deste estudo são designers: os prof issionais que irão usar as diretr izes para projetar os recursos educacionais que serão utilizados pe los estudantes surdos e seus professores. A importância deste trabalho se deve ao fato que a maior parte dos designers não tem conhecimento científ ico ou empír ico sobre o contexto e as necessidades dos estudantes surdos, tampouco reconhecem o bilinguismo como uma necessidade comunicacional e educaciona l. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográf ica e de entrevistas com profiss iona is com experiência na área de educação de surdos, chegou-se a 33 diretr izes, que sintetizam conhecimentos de áreas de difíc il acesso ao designer. Acredita -se que a disponibilização das diretrizes compiladas nesta pesquisa possa auxiliá -los a produzir recursos educacionais bilíngues.The goal of this research was to establish guidelines for the design of digital educational resources, aimed at the bilingual education of the deaf. The target audience for this study are designers: professionals who will use the guidelines to design the educational resources that will be used by deaf students and their teachers. The importance of this work is due to the fact that most designers do not have scientific or empirical knowledge about the context and needs of deaf students, nor do they recognize bilingualism as a communicational and educational need. Through a bibliographical review and interviews with professionals with experience in the area of education of deaf people, 33 guidelines were preposed, which synthesize knowledge of areas of difficult access to the designer. It is believed that the availability of the guidelines compiled in this research can help them to produce bilingual educational resources

    Diretrizes para design de recursos educacionais digitais voltados à educação bilíngue de surdos.

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi elencar diretrizes para o projeto de recursos educacionais digitais, voltados para a educação bilíngue de surdos. O público alvo deste estudo são designers: os prof issionais que irão usar as diretr izes para projetar os recursos educacionais que serão utilizados pe los estudantes surdos e seus professores. A importância deste trabalho se deve ao fato que a maior parte dos designers não tem conhecimento científ ico ou empír ico sobre o contexto e as necessidades dos estudantes surdos, tampouco reconhecem o bilinguismo como uma necessidade comunicacional e educaciona l. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográf ica e de entrevistas com profiss iona is com experiência na área de educação de surdos, chegou-se a 33 diretr izes, que sintetizam conhecimentos de áreas de difíc il acesso ao designer. Acredita -se que a disponibilização das diretrizes compiladas nesta pesquisa possa auxiliá -los a produzir recursos educacionais bilíngues

    Método para la evaluación de la Usabilidad del Software del Voto Electrónico Presencial – UsabVEP

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    The evaluation of software usability have an important role in the development of computer systems, because it reveals design and interactivity problems. The electronic voting software proposes great usability challenges because it automates task such as: verification of the identity of the voter, voting, scrutiny, results reports, transmission and presentation of results. Considering the existence of usability methods that are focused on different specific areas or being some very general, the need arises to propose a method adapted to the electronic voting software that allows to detect deficiencies in usability. In this work a method was developed to evaluate the usability of the electronic voting system called UsabVEP, this was applied in the electoral process software of a district of Lima, the results were analyzed, the system was validated and improvements were proposed. The method proposes two phases: 1. Heuristic evaluation and 2. Evaluation with users. The results show that the method developed found 46% more usability problems compared to the method of Jakob Nielsen, taken as a reference, for the electronic voting software in Peru.La evaluación de la usabilidad del software es importante en el desarrollo de sistemas informáticos porque revela problemas de diseño e interactividad. El software del voto electrónico presencial propone grandes retos de usabilidad debido a que automatiza tareas tales como: comprobación de la identidad del elector, emisión del voto, escrutinio, emisión de reportes de resultados, transmisión y presentación de resultados. Considerando la existencia de métodos de usabilidad que están enfocados a distintos ámbitos específicos o siendo algunos muy generales surge la necesidad de plantear un método adaptado al software de voto electrónico presencial que permita detectar deficiencias en usabilidad. En este trabajo se desarrolló un método para evaluar la usabilidad del sistema del voto electrónico presencial denominado UsabVEP, este se aplicó en el software del proceso electoral de un distrito de Lima, se analizaron los resultados, se validó y se propuso mejoras al sistema. El método plantea dos fases: 1. Evaluación Heurística y 2. Evaluación con usuarios. Los resultados muestran que el método desarrollado encontró un 46% más de problemas de usabilidad respecto al método de Jakob Nielsen, tomado como referente, para el software del voto electrónico presencial en el Perú

    A proposal for guidelines to foster student engagement in virtual reality environments

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    O uso de ambientes de realidade virtual pode ser visto como um diferencial na aprendizagem dos alunos, mas ainda enfrenta o desafio de envolver estes de forma engajadora em sua aprendizagem. Desta forma, esta pesquisa objetivou a elaboração de diretrizes para o uso de ambientes educacionais de realidade virtual. Após ter sido efetuada diferentes revisões de literatura, um conjunto de 17 diretrizes finais foi concebido, com base em princípios como clareza, objetividade e adequação ao engajamento. As diretrizes foram avaliadas por profissionais da área de tecnologia na educação, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios e apresentou um instrumento que pode auxiliar no uso deste tipo de ambiente para o âmbito educacional, com foco no engajamento do aluno.With the difficulty for involving students in an engaging way in their learning, this research aimed the elaboration of guidelines for the development of educational environments of virtual reality. After extensive literature reviews, a set of 17 final guidelines was conceived, based on principles such as clarity, objectivity, and appropriateness to engagement. The guidelines were evaluated by professionals in the area of technology in education, and the data collection was performed through the application of a questionnaire. The results were satisfactory and presented an instrument that can help in the use of this type of environment for the educational scope, with focus on student’s engagement.Facultad de Informátic

    An evaluation of the usability and end user acceptance of an education management software system.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The study is aimed at evaluating the usability and end user acceptance of a management software system. The study serves an exploratory agenda to determine the current state of usability regarding SASAMS and to determine end users’ intentions to make use of SASAMS. The knowledge from the empirical phase of the study converges to an output that provides guidance on possible aspects of SASAMS that may be improved from a usability perspective. The quantitative research method is used to guide the study. The targeted population in this study will be composed of a total of 45 secondary, combined and primary schools that use the SASAMS within the Piet Retief Circuit and the sample for the study has been purposively selected to consist of 43 users of the SASAMS. The survey method is used for data collection and the data collection instrument is a questionnaire. The research findings indicate that SASAMS is a relatively user friendly package and the overall usability enabled an end user to quickly obtain proficiency in the use of the package. However, the usability of the package is dependent on intensive training sessions where end users have an opportunity to “internalise” elements of core functionality of the system as well as pick up on subtleties about the interface so that they could become expert users of the system. Aligned to this outcome from the empirical phase of the study, a recommendation is made with regards to the need for training and workshops for educators, heads of departments, deputy principals and school principals so that the usability of the system is enhanced. Another major area of improvement that has been identified is the issue of data input into the system. Proficiency in this regard is functionally dependent on the level of experience in the use of the system or the amount of training that a prospective user is exposed to. The activity of data capture has been identified as an area of improvement of the interface. The recommendations from the study also makes incursions into issues regarding the connectivity of the system which is dependent on a real-time link to the Department of Home Affairs as well as the Department of Basic Education in the Mpumalanga Province. Optimal usage of the SASAMS will only be viable if all the intended functional components of the system are available to educators on a regular basis. From a positive perspective, the empirical data shows that the SASAMS has been endorsed by school principals, Heads of Departments, educators and school administrators. There is a positive correlation with current usage practice and the intention to continue making use of the SASAMS. However, the issue of training and the availability of technical support for the use of the package has been highlighted as areas of significant concern

    Examining factors influencing Jordanian customers’ intentions and adoption of internet banking: Extending UTAUT2 with risk

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    YesThe key objective of this study is to propose and examine a conceptual model that best explains the key factors influencing Jordanian customers’ intentions and adoption of Internet banking. The conceptual model proposed was based on the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). This was further extended by adding perceived risk as an external factor. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was conducted to analyse the data collected from the field survey questionnaires administered to a convenience sample of Jordanian banking customers. The results show that behavioural intention is significantly influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, price value and perceived risk; however, social influence does not have a significant impact on behavioural intention. This study offers Jordanian banks some guidelines for designing and marketing such channel in order to enhance their acceptance by their customers

    Elaboración y validación de un marco de trabajo para el diseño de interfaces para cajeros automáticos

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    Los cajeros automáticos o ATM fueron el primer gran intento de los bancos por descentralizar sus servicios y desde entonces están en una constante ampliación, posicionando más cajeros para mejorar el alcance a sus clientes. Sin embargo, los ATM tienen demasiadas funcionalidades, lo que genera problemas de usabilidad debido a la falta de consideración por el usuario final en el diseño de las interfaces. Esto se debe a la escasa información sobre cómo aplicar nociones de usabilidad en el diseño de las interfaces de ATM. En el presente trabajo de tesis se elabora y valida formalmente un marco de trabajo para el diseño de interfaces usables para ATM. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un análisis de sus resultados permitiendo encontrar los métodos de diseño más idóneos para el diseño de interfaces usable ATM. Se clasificaron los métodos de acorde a las fases del estándar ISO 13407, se refinaron y validaron mediante entrevistas y cuestionarios dirigidos a expertos en usabilidad y ATM. El marco de trabajo propuesto fue empleado por el equipo de desarrollo de ATM de una entidad financiera del Perú para el rediseño de las interfaces del flujo de depósito de efectivo. Como resultado se obtuvieron interfaces gráficas que mejoraban la satisfacción del usuario final y resolvían problemas identificados por el equipo a través de métodos de diseño centrado en el usuario. Para la validación de la propuesta, se llevó a cabo pruebas de usabilidad con usuarios finales, quienes probaron interfaces diseñadas sin una metodología de diseño frente a las interfaces resultantes de la ejecución del marco de trabajo propuesto. Las interfaces resultantes de la ejecución de la propuesta tuvieron un nivel de usabilidad mayor, validando la eficacia del marco de trabajo propuesto para el diseño de interfaces usables para ATM. Con esto, se logra incluir un proceso metodológico de diseño centrado en el usuario al dominio ATM que puede ser empleada por la industria en un contexto real, mejorando la usabilidad en las interfaces finales.Tesi