368 research outputs found

    Cryptography and Its Applications in Information Security

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    Nowadays, mankind is living in a cyber world. Modern technologies involve fast communication links between potentially billions of devices through complex networks (satellite, mobile phone, Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.). The main concern posed by these entangled complex networks is their protection against passive and active attacks that could compromise public security (sabotage, espionage, cyber-terrorism) and privacy. This Special Issue “Cryptography and Its Applications in Information Security” addresses the range of problems related to the security of information in networks and multimedia communications and to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industrials interested by such questions. It consists of eight peer-reviewed papers, however easily understandable, that cover a range of subjects and applications related security of information

    Data Service Outsourcing and Privacy Protection in Mobile Internet

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    Mobile Internet data have the characteristics of large scale, variety of patterns, and complex association. On the one hand, it needs efficient data processing model to provide support for data services, and on the other hand, it needs certain computing resources to provide data security services. Due to the limited resources of mobile terminals, it is impossible to complete large-scale data computation and storage. However, outsourcing to third parties may cause some risks in user privacy protection. This monography focuses on key technologies of data service outsourcing and privacy protection, including the existing methods of data analysis and processing, the fine-grained data access control through effective user privacy protection mechanism, and the data sharing in the mobile Internet

    Data security in cloud storage services

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    Cloud Computing is considered to be the next-generation architecture for ICT where it moves the application software and databases to the centralized large data centers. It aims to offer elastic IT services where clients can benefit from significant cost savings of the pay-per-use model and can easily scale up or down, and do not have to make large investments in new hardware. However, the management of the data and services in this cloud model is under the control of the provider. Consequently, the cloud clients have less control over their outsourced data and they have to trust cloud service provider to protect their data and infrastructure from both external and internal attacks. This is especially true with cloud storage services. Nowadays, users rely on cloud storage as it offers cheap and unlimited data storage that is available for use by multiple devices (e.g. smart phones, tablets, notebooks, etc.). Besides famous cloud storage providers, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, more and more third-party cloud storage service providers are emerging. These services are dedicated to offering more accessible and user friendly storage services to cloud customers. Examples of these services include Dropbox, Box.net, Sparkleshare, UbuntuOne or JungleDisk. These cloud storage services deliver a very simple interface on top of the cloud storage provided by storage service providers. File and folder synchronization between different machines, sharing files and folders with other users, file versioning as well as automated backups are the key functionalities of these emerging cloud storage services. Cloud storage services have changed the way users manage and interact with data outsourced to public providers. With these services, multiple subscribers can collaboratively work and share data without concerns about their data consistency, availability and reliability. Although these cloud storage services offer attractive features, many customers have not adopted these services. Since data stored in these services is under the control of service providers resulting in confidentiality and security concerns and risks. Therefore, using cloud storage services for storing valuable data depends mainly on whether the service provider can offer sufficient security and assurance to meet client requirements. From the way most cloud storage services are constructed, we can notice that these storage services do not provide users with sufficient levels of security leading to an inherent risk on users\u27 data from external and internal attacks. These attacks take the form of: data exposure (lack of data confidentiality); data tampering (lack of data integrity); and denial of data (lack of data availability) by third parties on the cloud or by the cloud provider himself. Therefore, the cloud storage services should ensure the data confidentiality in the following state: data in motion (while transmitting over networks), data at rest (when stored at provider\u27s disks). To address the above concerns, confidentiality and access controllability of outsourced data with strong cryptographic guarantee should be maintained. To ensure data confidentiality in public cloud storage services, data should be encrypted data before it is outsourced to these services. Although, users can rely on client side cloud storage services or software encryption tools for encrypting user\u27s data; however, many of these services fail to achieve data confidentiality. Box, for example, does not encrypt user files via SSL and within Box servers. Client side cloud storage services can intentionally/unintentionally disclose user decryption keys to its provider. In addition, some cloud storage services support convergent encryption for encrypting users\u27 data exposing it to “confirmation of a file attack. On the other hand, software encryption tools use full-disk encryption (FDE) which is not feasible for cloud-based file sharing services, because it encrypts the data as virtual hard disks. Although encryption can ensure data confidentiality; however, it fails to achieve fine-grained access control over outsourced data. Since, public cloud storage services are managed by un-trusted cloud service provider, secure and efficient fine-grained access control cannot be realized through these services as these policies are managed by storage services that have full control over the sharing process. Therefore, there is not any guarantee that they will provide good means for efficient and secure sharing and they can also deduce confidential information about the outsourced data and users\u27 personal information. In this work, we would like to improve the currently employed security measures for securing data in cloud store services. To achieve better data confidentiality for data stored in the cloud without relying on cloud service providers (CSPs) or putting any burden on users, in this thesis, we designed a secure cloud storage system framework that simultaneously achieves data confidentiality, fine-grained access control on encrypted data and scalable user revocation. This framework is built on a third part trusted (TTP) service that can be employed either locally on users\u27 machine or premises, or remotely on top of cloud storage services. This service shall encrypts users data before uploading it to the cloud and decrypts it after downloading from the cloud; therefore, it remove the burden of storing, managing and maintaining encryption/decryption keys from data owner\u27s. In addition, this service only retains user\u27s secret key(s) not data. Moreover, to ensure high security for these keys, it stores them on hardware device. Furthermore, this service combines multi-authority ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) and attribute-based Signature (ABS) for achieving many-read-many-write fine-grained data access control on storage services. Moreover, it efficiently revokes users\u27 privileges without relying on the data owner for re-encrypting massive amounts of data and re-distributing the new keys to the authorized users. It removes the heavy computation of re-encryption from users and delegates this task to the cloud service provider (CSP) proxy servers. These proxy servers achieve flexible and efficient re-encryption without revealing underlying data to the cloud. In our designed architecture, we addressed the problem of ensuring data confidentiality against cloud and against accesses beyond authorized rights. To resolve these issues, we designed a trusted third party (TTP) service that is in charge of storing data in an encrypted format in the cloud. To improve the efficiency of the designed architecture, the service allows the users to choose the level of severity of the data and according to this level different encryption algorithms are employed. To achieve many-read-many-write fine grained access control, we merge two algorithms (multi-authority ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (MA- CP-ABE) and attribute-based Signature (ABS)). Moreover, we support two levels of revocation: user and attribute revocation so that we can comply with the collaborative environment. Last but not least, we validate the effectiveness of our design by carrying out a detailed security analysis. This analysis shall prove the correctness of our design in terms of data confidentiality each stage of user interaction with the cloud

    A Systematic Review on the Status and Progress of Homomorphic Encryption Technologies

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    With the emergence of big data and the continued growth in cloud computing applications, serious security and privacy concerns emerged. Consequently, several researchers and cybersecurity experts have embarked on a quest to extend data encryption to big data systems and cloud computing applications. As most cloud users turn to using public cloud services, confidentiality becomes and even more complicated issue. Cloud clients storing their data on a public cloud always seek solutions to confidentiality problem. Homomorphic encryption emerged as a possible solution where client’s data is encrypted on the cloud in a way that allows some search and manipulation operations without proper decryption. In this paper, we present a systematic review of research paper published in the field of homomorphic encryption. This paper uses PRISMA checklist alongside some items of Cochrane’s Quality Assessment to review studies retrieved from various resources. It was highly noticeable in the reviewed papers that security in big data and cloud computing has received most attention. Most papers suggested the use of homomorphic encryption although the thematic analysis has identified other potential concerns. Regarding the quality of the articles, 38% of the articles failed to meet three checklist items, including explicit statement of research objectives, procedure recognition and sources of funding used in the study. The review also presented compendium textual analysis of different homomorphic encryption algorithms, application areas, and areas of future developments. Results of the evaluation through PRISMA and the Cochrane tool showed that a majority of research articles discussed the potential use and application of Homomorphic Encryption as a solution to the growing demands of big data and absence of security and privacy mechanisms therein. This was evident from 26 of the total 59 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The term Homomorphic Encryption appeared 1802 times in the word cloud derived from the selected articles, which speaks of its potential to ensure security and privacy, while also preserving the CIA triad in the context of big data and cloud computing

    Homomorphic Encryption for Machine Learning in Medicine and Bioinformatics

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    Machine learning techniques are an excellent tool for the medical community to analyzing large amounts of medical and genomic data. On the other hand, ethical concerns and privacy regulations prevent the free sharing of this data. Encryption methods such as fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) provide a method evaluate over encrypted data. Using FHE, machine learning models such as deep learning, decision trees, and naive Bayes have been implemented for private prediction using medical data. FHE has also been shown to enable secure genomic algorithms, such as paternity testing, and secure application of genome-wide association studies. This survey provides an overview of fully homomorphic encryption and its applications in medicine and bioinformatics. The high-level concepts behind FHE and its history are introduced. Details on current open-source implementations are provided, as is the state of FHE for privacy-preserving techniques in machine learning and bioinformatics and future growth opportunities for FHE

    Governance of the Facebook Privacy Crisis

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    In November 2018, The New York Times ran a front-page story describing how Facebook concealed knowledge and disclosure of Russian-linked activity and exploitation resulting in Kremlin led disruption of the 2016 and 2018 U.S. elections, through the use of global hate campaigns and propaganda warfare. By mid-December 2018, it became clear that the Russian efforts leading up to the 2016 U.S. elections were much more extensive than previously thought. Two studies conducted for the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), by: (1) Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project and Graphika; and (2) New Knowledge, provide considerable new information and analysis about the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA) influence operations targeting American citizens.By early 2019 it became apparent that a number of influential and successful high growth social media platforms had been used by nation states for propaganda purposes. Over two years earlier, Russia was called out by the U.S. intelligence community for their meddling with the 2016 American presidential elections. The extent to which prominent social media platforms have been used, either willingly or without their knowledge, by foreign powers continues to be investigated as this Article goes to press. Reporting by The New York Times suggests that it wasn’t until the Facebook board meeting held September 6, 2017 that board audit committee chairman, Erskin Bowles, became aware of Facebook’s internal awareness of the extent to which Russian operatives had utilized the Facebook and Instagram platforms for influence campaigns in the United States. As this Article goes to press, the degree to which the allure of advertising revenues blinded Facebook to their complicit role in offering the highest bidder access to Facebook users is not yet fully known. This Article can not be a complete chapter in the corporate governance challenge of managing, monitoring, and oversight of individual privacy issues and content integrity on prominent social media platforms. The full extent of Facebook’s experience is just now becoming known, with new revelations yet to come. All interested parties: Facebook users; shareholders; the board of directors at Facebook; government regulatory agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); and Congress must now figure out what has transpired and what to do about it. These and other revelations have resulted in a crisis for Facebook. American democracy has been and continues to be under attack. This article contributes to the literature by providing background and an account of what is known to date and posits recommendations for corrective action

    On Foundations of Protecting Computations

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    Information technology systems have become indispensable to uphold our way of living, our economy and our safety. Failure of these systems can have devastating effects. Consequently, securing these systems against malicious intentions deserves our utmost attention. Cryptography provides the necessary foundations for that purpose. In particular, it provides a set of building blocks which allow to secure larger information systems. Furthermore, cryptography develops concepts and tech- niques towards realizing these building blocks. The protection of computations is one invaluable concept for cryptography which paves the way towards realizing a multitude of cryptographic tools. In this thesis, we contribute to this concept of protecting computations in several ways. Protecting computations of probabilistic programs. An indis- tinguishability obfuscator (IO) compiles (deterministic) code such that it becomes provably unintelligible. This can be viewed as the ultimate way to protect (deterministic) computations. Due to very recent research, such obfuscators enjoy plausible candidate constructions. In certain settings, however, it is necessary to protect probabilistic com- putations. The only known construction of an obfuscator for probabilistic programs is due to Canetti, Lin, Tessaro, and Vaikuntanathan, TCC, 2015 and requires an indistinguishability obfuscator which satisfies extreme security guarantees. We improve this construction and thereby reduce the require- ments on the security of the underlying indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Couteau, and Hofheinz, PKC, 2020) Protecting computations in cryptographic groups. To facilitate the analysis of building blocks which are based on cryptographic groups, these groups are often overidealized such that computations in the group are protected from the outside. Using such overidealizations allows to prove building blocks secure which are sometimes beyond the reach of standard model techniques. However, these overidealizations are subject to certain impossibility results. Recently, Fuchsbauer, Kiltz, and Loss, CRYPTO, 2018 introduced the algebraic group model (AGM) as a relaxation which is closer to the standard model but in several aspects preserves the power of said overidealizations. However, their model still suffers from implausibilities. We develop a framework which allows to transport several security proofs from the AGM into the standard model, thereby evading the above implausi- bility results, and instantiate this framework using an indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Hofheinz, and Kastner, EUROCRYPT, 2020) Protecting computations using compression. Perfect compression algorithms admit the property that the compressed distribution is truly random leaving no room for any further compression. This property is invaluable for several cryptographic applications such as “honey encryption” or password-authenticated key exchange. However, perfect compression algorithms only exist for a very small number of distributions. We relax the notion of compression and rigorously study the resulting notion which we call “pseudorandom encodings”. As a result, we identify various surprising connections between seemingly unrelated areas of cryptography. Particularly, we derive novel results for adaptively secure multi-party computation which allows for protecting computations in distributed settings. Furthermore, we instantiate the weakest version of pseudorandom encodings which suffices for adaptively secure multi-party computation using an indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Couteau, Ishai, Jarecki, and Sahai, TCC, 2020