1,344 research outputs found

    Computational study of resting state network dynamics

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    Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di mostrare, attraverso una simulazione con il software The Virtual Brain, le più importanti proprietà della dinamica cerebrale durante il resting state, ovvero quando non si è coinvolti in nessun compito preciso e non si è sottoposti a nessuno stimolo particolare. Si comincia con lo spiegare cos’è il resting state attraverso una breve revisione storica della sua scoperta, quindi si passano in rassegna alcuni metodi sperimentali utilizzati nell’analisi dell’attività cerebrale, per poi evidenziare la differenza tra connettività strutturale e funzionale. In seguito, si riassumono brevemente i concetti dei sistemi dinamici, teoria indispensabile per capire un sistema complesso come il cervello. Nel capitolo successivo, attraverso un approccio ‘bottom-up’, si illustrano sotto il profilo biologico le principali strutture del sistema nervoso, dal neurone alla corteccia cerebrale. Tutto ciò viene spiegato anche dal punto di vista dei sistemi dinamici, illustrando il pionieristico modello di Hodgkin-Huxley e poi il concetto di dinamica di popolazione. Dopo questa prima parte preliminare si entra nel dettaglio della simulazione. Prima di tutto si danno maggiori informazioni sul software The Virtual Brain, si definisce il modello di network del resting state utilizzato nella simulazione e si descrive il ‘connettoma’ adoperato. Successivamente vengono mostrati i risultati dell’analisi svolta sui dati ricavati, dai quali si mostra come la criticità e il rumore svolgano un ruolo chiave nell'emergenza di questa attività di fondo del cervello. Questi risultati vengono poi confrontati con le più importanti e recenti ricerche in questo ambito, le quali confermano i risultati del nostro lavoro. Infine, si riportano brevemente le conseguenze che porterebbe in campo medico e clinico una piena comprensione del fenomeno del resting state e la possibilità di virtualizzare l’attività cerebrale

    Resting-State fMRI Advances for Functional Brain Dynamics

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    The development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in quiescent brain imaging has revealed that even at rest, brain activity is highly structured, with voxel-to-voxel comparisons consistently demonstrating a suite of resting-state networks (RSNs). Since its initial use, resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) has undergone a renaissance in methodological and interpretive advances that have expanded this functional connectivity understanding of brain RSNs. RS-fMRI has benefitted from the technical developments in MRI such as parallel imaging, high-strength magnetic fields, and big data handling capacity, which have enhanced data acquisition speed, spatial resolution, and whole-brain data retrieval, respectively. It has also benefitted from analytical approaches that have yielded insight into RSN causal connectivity and topological features, now being applied to normal and disease states. Increasingly, these new interpretive methods seek to advance understanding of dynamic network changes that give rise to whole brain states and behavior. This review explores the technical outgrowth of RS-fMRI from fMRI and the use of these technical advances to underwrite the current analytical evolution directed toward understanding the role of RSN dynamics in brain functioning

    The Translocal Event and the Polyrhythmic Diagram

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    This thesis identifies and analyses the key creative protocols in translocal performance practice, and ends with suggestions for new forms of transversal live and mediated performance practice, informed by theory. It argues that ontologies of emergence in dynamic systems nourish contemporary practice in the digital arts. Feedback in self-organised, recursive systems and organisms elicit change, and change transforms. The arguments trace concepts from chaos and complexity theory to virtual multiplicity, relationality, intuition and individuation (in the work of Bergson, Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon, Massumi, and other process theorists). It then examines the intersection of methodologies in philosophy, science and art and the radical contingencies implicit in the technicity of real-time, collaborative composition. Simultaneous forces or tendencies such as perception/memory, content/ expression and instinct/intellect produce composites (experience, meaning, and intuition- respectively) that affect the sensation of interplay. The translocal event is itself a diagram - an interstice between the forces of the local and the global, between the tendencies of the individual and the collective. The translocal is a point of reference for exploring the distribution of affect, parameters of control and emergent aesthetics. Translocal interplay, enabled by digital technologies and network protocols, is ontogenetic and autopoietic; diagrammatic and synaesthetic; intuitive and transductive. KeyWorx is a software application developed for realtime, distributed, multimodal media processing. As a technological tool created by artists, KeyWorx supports this intuitive type of creative experience: a real-time, translocal “jamming” that transduces the lived experience of a “biogram,” a synaesthetic hinge-dimension. The emerging aesthetics are processual – intuitive, diagrammatic and transversal

    Synchronization in complex networks

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    Synchronization processes in populations of locally interacting elements are in the focus of intense research in physical, biological, chemical, technological and social systems. The many efforts devoted to understand synchronization phenomena in natural systems take now advantage of the recent theory of complex networks. In this review, we report the advances in the comprehension of synchronization phenomena when oscillating elements are constrained to interact in a complex network topology. We also overview the new emergent features coming out from the interplay between the structure and the function of the underlying pattern of connections. Extensive numerical work as well as analytical approaches to the problem are presented. Finally, we review several applications of synchronization in complex networks to different disciplines: biological systems and neuroscience, engineering and computer science, and economy and social sciences.Comment: Final version published in Physics Reports. More information available at http://synchronets.googlepages.com

    An Uncertainty Visual Analytics Framework for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Improving understanding of the human brain is one of the leading pursuits of modern scientific research. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a foundational technique for advanced analysis and exploration of the human brain. The modality scans the brain in a series of temporal frames which provide an indication of the brain activity either at rest or during a task. The images can be used to study the workings of the brain, leading to the development of an understanding of healthy brain function, as well as characterising diseases such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Extracting meaning from fMRI relies on an analysis pipeline which can be broadly categorised into three phases: (i) data acquisition and image processing; (ii) image analysis; and (iii) visualisation and human interpretation. The modality and analysis pipeline, however, are hampered by a range of uncertainties which can greatly impact the study of the brain function. Each phase contains a set of required and optional steps, containing inherent limitations and complex parameter selection. These aspects lead to the uncertainty that impacts the outcome of studies. Moreover, the uncertainties that arise early in the pipeline, are compounded by decisions and limitations further along in the process. While a large amount of research has been undertaken to examine the limitations and variable parameter selection, statistical approaches designed to address the uncertainty have not managed to mitigate the issues. Visual analytics, meanwhile, is a research domain which seeks to combine advanced visual interfaces with specialised interaction and automated statistical processing designed to exploit human expertise and understanding. Uncertainty visual analytics (UVA) tools, which aim to minimise and mitigate uncertainties, have been proposed for a variety of data, including astronomical, financial, weather and crime. Importantly, UVA approaches have also seen success in medical imaging and analysis. However, there are many challenges surrounding the application of UVA to each research domain. Principally, these involve understanding what the uncertainties are and the possible effects so they may be connected to visualisation and interaction approaches. With fMRI, the breadth of uncertainty arising in multiple stages along the pipeline and the compound effects, make it challenging to propose UVAs which meaningfully integrate into pipeline. In this thesis, we seek to address this challenge by proposing a unified UVA framework for fMRI. To do so, we first examine the state-of-the-art landscape of fMRI uncertainties, including the compound effects, and explore how they are currently addressed. This forms the basis of a field we term fMRI-UVA. We then present our overall framework, which is designed to meet the requirements of fMRI visual analysis, while also providing an indication and understanding of the effects of uncertainties on the data. Our framework consists of components designed for the spatial, temporal and processed imaging data. Alongside the framework, we propose two visual extensions which can be used as standalone UVA applications or be integrated into the framework. Finally, we describe a conceptual algorithmic approach which incorporates more data into an existing measure used in the fMRI analysis pipeline

    Network-based brain computer interfaces: principles and applications

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) make possible to interact with the external environment by decoding the mental intention of individuals. BCIs can therefore be used to address basic neuroscience questions but also to unlock a variety of applications from exoskeleton control to neurofeedback (NFB) rehabilitation. In general, BCI usability critically depends on the ability to comprehensively characterize brain functioning and correctly identify the user s mental state. To this end, much of the efforts have focused on improving the classification algorithms taking into account localized brain activities as input features. Despite considerable improvement BCI performance is still unstable and, as a matter of fact, current features represent oversimplified descriptors of brain functioning. In the last decade, growing evidence has shown that the brain works as a networked system composed of multiple specialized and spatially distributed areas that dynamically integrate information. While more complex, looking at how remote brain regions functionally interact represents a grounded alternative to better describe brain functioning. Thanks to recent advances in network science, i.e. a modern field that draws on graph theory, statistical mechanics, data mining and inferential modelling, scientists have now powerful means to characterize complex brain networks derived from neuroimaging data. Notably, summary features can be extracted from these networks to quantitatively measure specific organizational properties across a variety of topological scales. In this topical review, we aim to provide the state-of-the-art supporting the development of a network theoretic approach as a promising tool for understanding BCIs and improve usability