34 research outputs found

    The Relative Contribution of High-Gamma Linguistic Processing Stages of Word Production, and Motor Imagery of Articulation in Class Separability of Covert Speech Tasks in EEG Data

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    Word production begins with high-Gamma automatic linguistic processing functions followed by speech motor planning and articulation. Phonetic properties are processed in both linguistic and motor stages of word production. Four phonetically dissimilar phonemic structures “BA”, “FO”, “LE”, and “RY” were chosen as covert speech tasks. Ten neurologically healthy volunteers with the age range of 21–33 participated in this experiment. Participants were asked to covertly speak a phonemic structure when they heard an auditory cue. EEG was recorded with 64 electrodes at 2048 samples/s. Initially, one-second trials were used, which contained linguistic and motor imagery activities. The four-class true positive rate was calculated. In the next stage, 312 ms trials were used to exclude covert articulation from analysis. By eliminating the covert articulation stage, the four-class grand average classification accuracy dropped from 96.4% to 94.5%. The most valuable features emerge after Auditory cue recognition (~100 ms post onset), and within the 70–128 Hz frequency range. The most significant identified brain regions were the Prefrontal Cortex (linked to stimulus driven executive control), Wernicke’s area (linked to Phonological code retrieval), the right IFG, and Broca’s area (linked to syllabification). Alpha and Beta band oscillations associated with motor imagery do not contain enough information to fully reflect the complexity of speech movements. Over 90% of the most class-dependent features were in the 30-128 Hz range, even during the covert articulation stage. As a result, compared to linguistic functions, the contribution of motor imagery of articulation in class separability of covert speech tasks from EEG data is negligible

    A novel EEG based linguistic BCI

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    While a human being can think coherently, physical limitations no matter how severe, should never become disabling. Thinking and cognition are performed and expressed through language, which is the most natural form of human communication. The use of covert speech tasks for BCIs has been successfully achieved for invasive and non-invasive systems. In this work, by incorporating the most recent discoveries on the spatial, temporal, and spectral signatures of word production, a novel system is designed, which is custom-build for linguistic tasks. Other than paying attention and waiting for the onset cue, this BCI requires absolutely no cognitive effort from the user and operates using automatic linguistic functions of the brain in the first 312ms post onset, which is also completely out of the control of the user and immune from inconsistencies. With four classes, this online BCI achieves classification accuracy of 82.5%. Each word produces a signature as unique as its phonetic structure, and the number of covert speech tasks used in this work is limited by computational power. We demonstrated that this BCI can successfully use wireless dry electrode EEG systems, which are becoming as capable as traditional laboratory grade systems. This frees the potential user from the confounds of the lab, facilitating real-world application. Considering that the number of words used in daily life does not exceed 2000, the number of words used by this type of novel BCI may indeed reach this number in the future, with no need to change the current system design or experimental protocol. As a promising step towards noninvasive synthetic telepathy, this system has the potential to not only help those in desperate need, but to completely change the way we communicate with our computers in the future as covert speech is much easier than any form of manual communication and control

    Neurolinguistics Research Advancing Development of a Direct-Speech Brain-Computer Interface

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    A direct-speech brain-computer interface (DS-BCI) acquires neural signals corresponding to imagined speech, then processes and decodes these signals to produce a linguistic output in the form of phonemes, words, or sentences. Recent research has shown the potential of neurolinguistics to enhance decoding approaches to imagined speech with the inclusion of semantics and phonology in experimental procedures. As neurolinguistics research findings are beginning to be incorporated within the scope of DS-BCI research, it is our view that a thorough understanding of imagined speech, and its relationship with overt speech, must be considered an integral feature of research in this field. With a focus on imagined speech, we provide a review of the most important neurolinguistics research informing the field of DS-BCI and suggest how this research may be utilized to improve current experimental protocols and decoding techniques. Our review of the literature supports a cross-disciplinary approach to DS-BCI research, in which neurolinguistics concepts and methods are utilized to aid development of a naturalistic mode of communication. : Cognitive Neuroscience; Computer Science; Hardware Interface Subject Areas: Cognitive Neuroscience, Computer Science, Hardware Interfac

    Evaluation of an English language phoneme-based imagined speech brain computer interface with low-cost electroencephalography

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    IntroductionParalyzed and physically impaired patients face communication difficulties, even when they are mentally coherent and aware. Electroencephalographic (EEG) brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) offer a potential communication method for these people without invasive surgery or physical device controls.MethodsAlthough virtual keyboard protocols are well documented in EEG BCI paradigms, these implementations are visually taxing and fatiguing. All English words combine 44 unique phonemes, each corresponding to a unique EEG pattern. In this study, a complete phoneme-based imagined speech EEG BCI was developed and tested on 16 subjects.ResultsUsing open-source hardware and software, machine learning models, such as k-nearest neighbor (KNN), reliably achieved a mean accuracy of 97 ± 0.001%, a mean F1 of 0.55 ± 0.01, and a mean AUC-ROC of 0.68 ± 0.002 in a modified one-versus-rest configuration, resulting in an information transfer rate of 304.15 bits per minute. In line with prior literature, the distinguishing feature between phonemes was the gamma power on channels F3 and F7.DiscussionHowever, adjustments to feature selection, trial window length, and classifier algorithms may improve performance. In summary, these are iterative changes to a viable method directly deployable in current, commercially available systems and software. The development of an intuitive phoneme-based EEG BCI with open-source hardware and software demonstrates the potential ease with which the technology could be deployed in real-world applications

    Toward an Imagined Speech-Based Brain Computer Interface Using EEG Signals

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    Individuals with physical disabilities face difficulties in communication. A number of neuromuscular impairments could limit people from using available communication aids, because such aids require some degree of muscle movement. This makes brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) a potentially promising alternative communication technology for these people. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals are commonly used in BCI systems to capture non-invasively the neural representations of intended, internal and imagined activities that are not physically or verbally evident. Examples include motor and speech imagery activities. Since 2006, researchers have become increasingly interested in classifying different types of imagined speech from EEG signals. However, the field still has a limited understanding of several issues, including experiment design, stimulus type, training, calibration and the examined features. The main aim of the research in this thesis is to advance automatic recognition of imagined speech using EEG signals by addressing a variety of issues that have not been solved in previous studies. These include (1)improving the discrimination between imagined speech versus non-speech tasks, (2) examining temporal parameters to optimise the recognition of imagined words and (3) providing a new feature extraction framework for improving EEG-based imagined speech recognition by considering temporal information after reducing within-session temporal non-stationarities. For the discrimination of speech versus non-speech, EEG data was collected during the imagination of randomly presented and semantically varying words. The non-speech tasks involved attention to visual stimuli and resting. Time-domain and spatio-spectral features were examined in different time intervals. Above-chance-level classification accuracies were achieved for each word and for groups of words compared to the non-speech tasks. To classify imagined words, EEG data related to the imagination of five words was collected. In addition to words classification, the impacts of experimental parameters on classification accuracy were examined. The optimization of these parameters is important to improve the rate and speed of recognizing unspoken speech in on-line applications. These parameters included using different training sizes, classification algorithms, feature extraction in different time intervals and the use of imagination time length as classification feature. Our extensive results showed that Random Forest classifier with features extracted using Discrete Wavelet Transform from 4 seconds fixed time frame EEG yielded that highest average classification of 87.93% in classification of five imagined words. To minimise within class temporal variations, a novel feature extraction framework based on dynamic time warping (DTW) was developed. Using linear discriminant analysis as the classifier, the proposed framework yielded an average 72.02% accuracy in the classification of imagined speech versus silence and 52.5% accuracy in the classification of five words. These results significantly outperformed a baseline configuration of state-of-the art time-domain features

    Semantic radical consistency and character transparency effects in Chinese: an ERP study

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    BACKGROUND: This event-related potential (ERP) study aims to investigate the representation and temporal dynamics of Chinese orthography-to-semantics mappings by simultaneously manipulating character transparency and semantic radical consistency. Character components, referred to as radicals, make up the building blocks used dur...postprin

    Leveraging EEG-based speech imagery brain-computer interfaces

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    Speech Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) provide an intuitive and flexible way of interaction via brain activity recorded during imagined speech. Imagined speech can be decoded in form of syllables or words and captured even with non-invasive measurement methods as for example the Electroencephalography (EEG). Over the last decade, research in this field has made tremendous progress and prototypical implementations of EEG-based Speech Imagery BCIs are numerous. However, most work is still conducted in controlled laboratory environments with offline classification and does not find its way to real online scenarios. Within this thesis we identify three main reasons for these circumstances, namely, the mentally and physically exhausting training procedures, insufficient classification accuracies and cumbersome EEG setups with usually high-resolution headsets. We furthermore elaborate on possible solutions to overcome the aforementioned problems and present and evaluate new methods in each of the domains. In detail we introduce two new training concepts for imagined speech BCIs, one based on EEG activity during silently reading and the other recorded during overtly speaking certain words. Insufficient classification accuracies are addressed by introducing the concept of a Semantic Speech Imagery BCI, which classifies the semantic category of an imagined word prior to the word itself to increase the performance of the system. Finally, we investigate on different techniques for electrode reduction in Speech Imagery BCIs and aim at finding a suitable subset of electrodes for EEG-based imagined speech detection, therefore facilitating the cumbersome setups. All of our presented results together with general remarks on experiences and best practice for study setups concerning imagined speech are summarized and supposed to act as guidelines for further research in the field, thereby leveraging Speech Imagery BCIs towards real-world application.Speech Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) bieten eine intuitive und flexible Möglichkeit der Interaktion mittels Gehirnaktivität, aufgezeichnet während der bloßen Vorstellung von Sprache. Vorgestellte Sprache kann in Form von Silben oder Wörtern auch mit nicht-invasiven Messmethoden wie der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) gemessen und entschlüsselt werden. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet enorme Fortschritte gemacht, und es gibt zahlreiche prototypische Implementierungen von EEG-basierten Speech Imagery BCIs. Die meisten Arbeiten werden jedoch immer noch in kontrollierten Laborumgebungen mit Offline-Klassifizierung durchgeführt und finden nicht denWeg in reale Online-Szenarien. In dieser Arbeit identifizieren wir drei Hauptgründe für diesen Umstand, nämlich die geistig und körperlich anstrengenden Trainingsverfahren, unzureichende Klassifizierungsgenauigkeiten und umständliche EEG-Setups mit meist hochauflösenden Headsets. Darüber hinaus erarbeiten wir mögliche Lösungen zur Überwindung der oben genannten Probleme und präsentieren und evaluieren neue Methoden für jeden dieser Bereiche. Im Einzelnen stellen wir zwei neue Trainingskonzepte für Speech Imagery BCIs vor, von denen eines auf der Messung von EEG-Aktivität während des stillen Lesens und das andere auf der Aktivität während des Aussprechens bestimmter Wörter basiert. Unzureichende Klassifizierungsgenauigkeiten werden durch die Einführung des Konzepts eines Semantic Speech Imagery BCI angegangen, das die semantische Kategorie eines vorgestellten Wortes vor dem Wort selbst klassifiziert, um die Performance des Systems zu erhöhen. Schließlich untersuchen wir verschiedene Techniken zur Elektrodenreduktion bei Speech Imagery BCIs und zielen darauf ab, eine geeignete Teilmenge von Elektroden für die EEG-basierte Erkennung von vorgestellter Sprache zu finden, um so die umständlichen Setups zu erleichtern. Alle unsere Ergebnisse werden zusammen mit allgemeinen Bemerkungen zu Erfahrungen und Best Practices für Studien-Setups bezüglich vorgestellter Sprache zusammengefasst und sollen als Richtlinien für die weitere Forschung auf diesem Gebiet dienen, um so Speech Imagery BCIs für die Anwendung in der realenWelt zu optimieren