443 research outputs found

    Photonic processing of microwave signals

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    La distribution par fibre optique de signaux de type « ultra-wideband (UWB)» requiert le développement de nouvelles technologies photoniques qui seront le sujet d'étude de cette thèse. Nous commençons avec un démonstration expérimentale d'une technique de sculpture d'impulsions qui offre une solution économique et à faible consommation de puissance pour les systèmes UWB . Dans cette étude, nous procédons à l'apodisation de deux réseaux Bragg identiques avec une variation de période linéaire qui sont placés aux deux entrées d'un photodétecteur balancé. L'apodisation est réalisée par l'application d'un profile de température à l'aide d'éléments résistif de petite dimensions, ce qui permet une consommation énergétique réduite et une bonne résolution spectrale. Le filtrage spectral d'une source laser puisée suivi d'une conversion fréquence-temps par propagation dans une fibre optique standard permet de générer une impulsion UWB efficace d'un point de vue énergétique pour les communications à courte portée dans la bande spectrale de 3 a 10 GHz. Dans un deuxième temps, pour générer des signaux passe-bande à haute fréquence, nous avons utilisé un laser puisé à commutation de gain. Après la conversion optique/électrique des impulsions en utilisant des filtres optiques et RF appropriés, nous réussissons à générer des signaux large bande dans des bandes spectrales ayant des fréquences centrales de 25, 35 et 45 GHz. Nous examinons diverses configurations de filtres permettant cette conversion selon qu'il y ait ou non transmission dans une fibre optique. Finalement, nous démontrons la détection de signaux RF dans le domaine optique par le design et la fabrication de filtres adaptés. Notre récepteur utilise un modulateur de Mach-Zehnder pour faire la conversion électrique-optique et des filtres à base de réseau de Bragg comme filtres adaptés. Nous examinons la performance du récepteur pour deux conditions de polarisation différentes du Mach-Zehnder. Nous avons conçu des filtres adaptés pour ces deux cas et nous discutons de la performance résultant

    Design and fabrication of customized fiber gratings to improve the interrogation of optical fiber sensors

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    [EN] Fiber grating sensors and devices have demonstrated outstanding capabilities in both telecommunications and sensing areas, due to their well-known advantageous characteristics. Therefore, one of the most important motivations lies in the potential of customized fiber gratings to be suitably employed for improving the interrogation process of optical fiber sensors and systems. This Ph.D. dissertation is focused on the study, design, fabrication and performance evaluation of customized fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and long period gratings (LPGs) with the double aim to present novel sensing technologies and to enhance the response of existing sensing systems. In this context, a technique based on time-frequency domain analysis has been studied and applied to interrogate different kind of FBGs-based sensors. The distribution of the central wavelength along the sensing structures has been demonstrated, based on a combination of frequency scanning of the interrogating optical pulse and optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR), allowing the detection of spot events with good performance in terms of measurand resolution. Moreover, different customized FBGs have been interrogated using a technology inspired on the operation principle of microwave photonics (MWP) filters, enabling the detection of spot events using radio-frequency (RF) devices with modest bandwidth. The sensing capability of these technological platforms has been fruitfully employed for implementing a large scale quasi-distributed sensor, based on an array of cascaded FBGs. The potentiality of LPGs as fiber optic sensors has also been investigated in a new fashion, exploiting the potentials of MWP filtering techniques. Besides, a novel approach for simultaneous measurements based on a half-coated LPG has been proposed and demonstrated. Finally, the feasibility of FBGs as selective wavelength filters has been exploited in sensing applications; an alternative approach to improve the response and performance of Brillouin distributed fiber sensors has been studied and validated via experiments. The performance of the reported sensing platforms have been analyzed and evaluated so as to characterize their impact on the fiber sensing field and to ultimately identify the use of the most suitable technology depending on the processing task to be carried out and on the final goal to reach.[ES] Los sensores y dispositivos en fibra basados en redes de difracción han mostrado excepcionales capacidades en el ámbito de las telecomunicaciones y del sensado, gracias a sus excelentes propiedades. Entre las motivaciones más estimulantes destaca la posibilidad de fabricar redes de difracción ad-hoc para implementar y/o mejorar las prestaciones de los sensores fotónicos. Esta tesis doctoral se ha enfocado en el estudio, diseño, fabricación y evaluación de las prestaciones de redes de difracción de Bragg (FBGs) y de redes de difracción de periodo largo (LPGs) personalizadas con el fin de desarrollar nuevas plataformas de detección y a la vez mejorar la respuesta y las prestaciones de los sensores fotónicos ya existentes. En este contexto, una técnica basada en el análisis tiempofrecuencia se ha estudiado e implementado para la interrogación de sensores en fibra basados en varios tipos y modelos de FBGs. Se ha analizado la distribución de la longitud de onda central a lo largo de la estructura de sensado, gracias a una metodología que conlleva el escaneo en frecuencia del pulso óptico incidente y la técnica conocida como reflectometria óptica en el dominio del tiempo (OTDR). De esta manera se ha llevado a cabo la detección de eventos puntuales, alcanzando muy buenas prestaciones en términos de resolución de la magnitud a medir. Además, se han interrogado varias FBGs a través de una técnica basada en el principio de operación de los filtros de fotónica de microondas (MWP), logrando así la detección de eventos puntuales usando dispositivos de radio-frecuencia (RF) caracterizados por un moderado ancho de banda. La capacidad de sensado de estas plataformas tecnológicas ha sido aprovechada para la realización de un sensor quasi-distribuido de gran alcance, formado por una estructura en cascada de muchas FBGs. Por otro lado, se han puesto a prueba las capacidades de las LPGs como sensores ópticos según un enfoque novedoso; para ello se han aprovechados las potencialidades de los filtros de MWP. Asimismo, se ha estudiado y demostrado un nuevo método para medidas simultáneas de dos parámetros, basado en una LPG parcialmente recubierta por una película polimérica. Finalmente, se ha explotado la viabilidad de las FBGs en cuanto al filtrado selectivo en longitud de onda para aplicaciones de sensado; para ello se ha propuesto un sistema alternativo para la mejora de la respuesta y de las prestaciones de sensores ópticos distribuidos basados en el scattering de Brillouin. En conclusión, se han analizado y evaluado las prestaciones de las plataformas de sensado propuestas para caracterizar su impacto en el ámbito de los sistemas de detección por fibra y además identificar el uso de la tecnología más adecuada dependiendo de la tarea a desarrollar y del objetivo a alcanzar.[CA] Els sensors i dispositius en fibra basats en xarxes de difracció han mostrat excepcionals capacitats en l'àmbit de les telecomunicacions i del sensat, gràcies a les seus excel¿lents propietats. Entre les motivacions més estimulants destaca la possibilitat de fabricar xarxes de difracció ad-hoc per a implementar i/o millorar les prestacions de sensors fotònics. Esta tesi doctoral s'ha enfocat en l'estudi, disseny, fabricació i avaluació de les prestacions de xarxes de difracció de Bragg (FBGs) i de xarxes de difracció de període llarg (LPGs) personalitzades per tal de desenvolupar noves plataformes de detecció i al mateix temps millorar la resposta i les prestacions dels sensors fotònics ja existents. En este context, una tècnica basada en l'anàlisi temps-freqüència s'ha estudiat i implementat per a la interrogació de sensors en fibra basats en diversos tipus i models de FBGs. S'ha analitzat la distribució de la longitud d'ona central al llarg de l'estructura de sensat, gràcies a una metodologia que comporta l'escaneig en freqüència del pols òptic incident i la tècnica coneguda com reflectometria òptica en el domini del temps (OTDR). D'esta manera s'ha dut a terme la detecció d'esdeveniments puntuals, aconseguint molt bones prestacions en termes de resolució de la magnitud a mesurar. A més, s'han interrogat diverses FBGs a través d'una tècnica basada en el principi d'operació dels filtres de fotònica de microones (MWP), aconseguint així la detecció d'esdeveniments puntuals utilitzant dispositius de ràdio-freqüència (RF) caracteritzats per un moderat ample de banda. La capacitat de sensat d'aquestes plataformes tecnològiques ha sigut aprofitada per a la realització d'un sensor quasi-distribuït a llarga escala, format per una estructura en cascada de moltes FBGs. D'altra banda, s'han posat a prova les capacitats de les LPGs com a sensors òptics segons un enfocament nou; per a això s'han aprofitat les potencialitats dels filtres de MWP. Així mateix, s'ha estudiat i demostrat un nou mètode per a mesures simultànies de dos paràmetres, basat en una LPG parcialment recoberta per una pel¿lícula polimèrica. Finalment, s'ha explotat la viabilitat de les FBGs pel que fa al filtrat selectiu en longitud d'ona per a aplicacions de sensat; per això s'ha proposat un sistema alternatiu per a la millora de la resposta i de les prestacions de sensors òptics distribuïts basats en el scattering de Brillouin. S'han analitzat i avaluat les prestacions de les plataformes de sensat propostes per a caracteritzar el seu impacte en l'àmbit dels sistemes de detecció per fibra i a més identificar l'ús de la tecnologia més adequada depenent de la tasca a desenvolupar i de l'objectiu a assolir.Ricchiuti, AL. (2016). Design and fabrication of customized fiber gratings to improve the interrogation of optical fiber sensors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/66343TESISPremiad

    Implementation of radio-over-fiber OFDM system including a novel optical null-steering beamformer

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    High-Performance On-Chip Microwave Photonic Signal Processing Using Linear and Nonlinear Optics

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    Manipulating and processing radio-frequency (RF) signals using integrated photonic devices has recently emerged as a paradigm-shifting technology for future microwave applications. This emerging technique is referred to as integrated microwave photonics (IMWP) which enables the high-frequency processing and unprecedentedly wideband tunability in compact photonic circuits, with significantly enhanced stability and robustness. However, to find widespread applications, the performance of IMWP devices must meet or exceed the achievable performance of conventional electronic counterparts. The work presented in this thesis investigates high-performance IMWP signal processing from two aspects: the optimized IMWP processing schemes and the photonic integration. Firstly, we explore novel schemes to improve the performance of chip-based microwave photonic subsystems, such as RF delay lines and RF filters which are basic building blocks of RF systems. A phase amplification technique is demonstrated to achieve a Si3N4 chip-based RF time delay with a delay tuning speed at gigahertz level. A new scheme to achieve an all-optimized RF photonic notch filter is demonstrated, producing a record-high RF link performance and complete functionalities. To unlock the potential of RF signal processing, we investigate a new filter concept of pairing linear and nonlinear optics for a high-performance RF photonic filter. To reduce the footprint of the novel IMWP filter, the photonic integration of both the ring resonators and Brillouin-active circuits on the same photonic chip is achieved. To eliminate the use of integrated optical circulators for on-chip SBS, on-chip backward inter-modal stimulated Brillouin scattering is predicted and experimentally demonstrated in a Si-Chalcogenide hybrid integrated photonic platform. The study and demonstrations presented in this thesis make the first viable step towards high-performance IMWP signal processing for real-world RF applications

    Reconfigurable Reflective Arrayed Waveguide Grating on Silicon Nitride

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    [ES] La presente tesis se ha centrado en el modelado, diseño y demonstración experimental por primera vez del dispositivo Reconfigurable Reflective Arrayed Waveguide Grating (R-RAWG). Para la consecución de este dispositivo que tiene posibilidades de uso en la espectrometría, una plataforma de nitruro de silicio llamada CNM-VLC se ha usado, ya que este material permite operar en un gran ancho de banda. Esta plataforma posee ciertas limitaciones y los elementos necesarios para el funcionamiento de este dispositivo tenían un performance bajo. Por ello, se ha desarrollado y validado una metodología que ha permitido obtener mejores divisores. Además, se ha diseñado un inverted taper que ha mejorado considerablemente el acoplo de luz al chip. Esto ha sido gracias a un exhaustivo análisis de opciones existentes en la literatura que también ha permitido escoger la mejor opción para realizar un espejo reconfigurable en la plataforma sin cambiar ni añadir ningún proceso de fabricación. Se han demostrado espejos reconfigurables gracias a utilizar divisores ópticos realimentados y también se ha desarrollado códigos que predicen el comportamiento del dispositivo experimentalmente. Con todo el trabajo realizado, se ha diseñado un R-RAWG para que pudiera operar en un gran ancho de banda y que los actuadores de fase no tuvieran peligro de estropearse. También se ha desarrollado un código para el modelado del R-RAWG que permite imitar la fabricación de estos dispositivos y que, gracias a esto, se ha desarrollado un método o algoritmo llamado DPASTOR, que usa algoritmos usados en machine learning, para optimizar la respuesta con tan sólo la potencia óptica de salida. Finalmente, se ha diseñado una PCB para poder conectar eléctricamente el chip fotónico y se ha desarrollado un método de medida que ha permitido tener una respuesta estable consiguiendo demostrar multitud de respuestas de filtros ópticos con el mismo dispositivo.[CAT] La present tesi s'ha centrat en el modelatge, disseny i demonstració experimental per primera vegada del dispositiu Reconfigurable Reflective Arrayed Waveguide Grating (R-RAWG). Per a la consecució d'aquest dispositiu que té possibilitats d'ús en l'espectrometria, una plataforma de nitrur de silici anomenada CNM-VLC s'ha usat ja que aquest material permet operar en una gran amplada de banda. Aquesta plataforma posseeix certes limitacions i els elements necessaris per al funcionament d'aquest dispositiu tenien un performance baix. Per això, s'ha desenvolupat i validat una metodologia que ha permés obtindre millors divisors i també, gràcies als processos de fabricació, s'ha dissenyat un acoplador que ha millorat considerablement l'acoble de llum al xip. Això ha sigut gràcies a un exhaustiu analisis d'opcions existents en la literatura que també ha permés triar la millor opció per a realitzar un espill reconfigurable en la plataforma sense canviar ni afegir cap procés de fabricació. S'han demonstrat espills reconfigurables gràcies a utilitzar divisors realimentats i també s'ha desenvolupat codis que prediuen el comportament del dispostiu experimentalment. Amb tot el treball realitzat, s'ha dissenyat un R-RAWG fent ús de determinades consideracions perquè poguera operar en una gran amplada de banda i que els actuadors de fase no tingueren perill de desbaratar-se. També s'ha desenvolupat un codi per al modelatge del R-RAWG que permet imitar la fabricació d'aquests dispositius i que, gràcies a això, s'ha desenvolupat un mètode o algorisme anomenat DPASTOR, que usa algorismes usats en machine learning, per a optimitzar la resposta amb tan sols la potència òptica d'eixida. Finalment, s'ha dissenyat una PCB per a poder connectar elèctricament el xip fotònic i s'ha desenvolupat un mètode de mesura que ha permés tindre una resposta estable aconseguint demostrar multitud de respostes de filtres òptics amb el mateix dispositiu.[EN] This thesis is focused on the modelling, design and experimental demonstration for the first time of Reconfigurable Reflective Arrayed Waveguide Grating (R-RAWG) device. In order to build this device, that can be employed in spectrometry, a silicon nitride platform termed CNM-VLC has been chosen since this material allows to operate in broad range of wavelengths. This platform has the necessary elements, but some limitations because the operation of this device had a low performance. Therefore, a methodology has been developed and validated, which has allowed to obtain better splitters. Also an inverted taper has been designed, which has considerably improved the coupling of light to the chip. This has been possible thanks to an exhaustive analysis of existing options in the literature, that has allowed choosing the best option to make a reconfigurable mirror on the platform without changing or adding new manufacturing steps. Reconfigurable mirrors have been demonstrated by using feedback splitters. Furthermore, codes have been developed to predict the behaviour of the actual device. With all the work done, a R-RAWG has been designed by using certain considerations so that it can operate over a broad wavelength range and the phase actuators are not in danger of being damaged. A code has also been developed for the modelling of the R-RAWG, which allows manufacturing imperfections to be considered, thanks to this, a method or algorithm called DPASTOR has been developed. DPASTOR resembles machine learning to optimise the response by just using the optical output power. Finally, a PCB and an assembly with the chip interconnected to it have been made and designed. Moreover, a measurement method has been developed, which has made it possible to have a stable response and to demonstrate a multitude of optical filter responses with the same device.Fernández Vicente, J. (2021). Reconfigurable Reflective Arrayed Waveguide Grating on Silicon Nitride [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165783TESI

    UWB FastlyTunable 0.550 GHz RF Transmitter based on Integrated Photonics

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    Currently, due to the 6G revolution, applications ranging from communication to sensing are experiencing an increasing and urgent need of software-defined ultra-wideband (UWB) and tunable radio frequency (RF) apparatuses with low size, weight, and power consumption (SWaP). Unfortunately, the coexistence of ultra-wideband and software-defined operation, tunability and low SWaP represents a big issue in the current RF technologies. Recently, photonic techniques have been demonstrated to support achieving the desired features when applied in RF UWB transmitters, introducing extremely wide operation and instantaneous bandwidth, tunable filtering, tunable photonics-based microwave mixing with very high port-to-port isolation, and intrinsic immunity to electromagnetic interferences. Moreover, the recent advances in photonics integration also allow to obtain very compact devices. In this article, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of a complete tunable software-defined RF transmitter with low footprint (i.e. on photonic chip) is presented exceeding the state-of-the-art for the extremely large tunability range of 0.5-50 GHz without any parallelization of narrower-band components and with fast tuning (< 200 s). This first implementation represents a breakthrough in microwave photonics

    Optical frequency comb technology for ultra-broadband radio-frequency photonics

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    The outstanding phase-noise performance of optical frequency combs has led to a revolution in optical synthesis and metrology, covering a myriad of applications, from molecular spectroscopy to laser ranging and optical communications. However, the ideal characteristics of an optical frequency comb are application dependent. In this review, the different techniques for the generation and processing of high-repetition-rate (>10 GHz) optical frequency combs with technologies compatible with optical communication equipment are covered. Particular emphasis is put on the benefits and prospects of this technology in the general field of radio-frequency photonics, including applications in high-performance microwave photonic filtering, ultra-broadband coherent communications, and radio-frequency arbitrary waveform generation.Comment: to appear in Laser and Photonics Review

    Principles, fundamentals, and applications of programmable integrated photonics

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    [EN] Programmable integrated photonics is an emerging new paradigm that aims at designing common integrated optical hardware resource configurations, capable of implementing an unconstrained variety of functionalities by suitable programming, following a parallel but not identical path to that of integrated electronics in the past two decades of the last century. Programmable integrated photonics is raising considerable interest, as it is driven by the surge of a considerable number of new applications in the fields of telecommunications, quantum information processing, sensing, and neurophotonics, calling for flexible, reconfigurable, low-cost, compact, and low-power-consuming devices that can cooperate with integrated electronic devices to overcome the limitation expected by the demise of Moore¿s Law. Integrated photonic devices exploiting full programmability are expected to scale from application-specific photonic chips (featuring a relatively low number of functionalities) up to very complex application-agnostic complex subsystems much in the same way as field programmable gate arrays and microprocessors operate in electronics. Two main differences need to be considered. First, as opposed to integrated electronics, programmable integrated photonics will carry analog operations over the signals to be processed. Second, the scale of integration density will be several orders of magnitude smaller due to the physical limitations imposed by the wavelength ratio of electrons and light wave photons. The success of programmable integrated photonics will depend on leveraging the properties of integrated photonic devices and, in particular, on research into suitable interconnection hardware architectures that can offer a very high spatial regularity as well as the possibility of independently setting (with a very low power consumption) the interconnection state of each connecting element. Integrated multiport interferometers and waveguide meshes provide regular and periodic geometries, formed by replicating unit elements and cells, respectively. In the case of waveguide meshes, the cells can take the form of a square, hexagon, or triangle, among other configurations. Each side of the cell is formed by two integrated waveguides connected by means of a Mach¿Zehnder interferometer or a tunable directional coupler that can be operated by means of an output control signal as a crossbar switch or as a variable coupler with independent power division ratio and phase shift. In this paper, we provide the basic foundations and principles behind the construction of these complex programmable circuits. We also review some practical aspects that limit the programming and scalability of programmable integrated photonics and provide an overview of some of the most salient applications demonstrated so far.European Research Council; Conselleria d'Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; European Cooperation in Science and Technology; Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.Pérez-López, D.; Gasulla Mestre, I.; Dasmahapatra, P.; Capmany Francoy, J. (2020). Principles, fundamentals, and applications of programmable integrated photonics. Advances in Optics and Photonics. 12(3):709-786. https://doi.org/10.1364/AOP.387155709786123Lyke, J. C., Christodoulou, C. G., Vera, G. A., & Edwards, A. H. (2015). An Introduction to Reconfigurable Systems. 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    Automatic Tuning of Silicon Photonics Millimeter-Wave Transceivers Building Blocks

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    Today, continuously growing wireless traffic have guided the progress in the wireless communication systems. Now, evolution towards next generation (5G) wireless communication systems are actively researched to accommodate expanding future data traffic. As one of the most promising candidates, integrating photonic devices in to the existing wireless system is considered to improve the performance of the systems. Emerging silicon photonic integrated circuits lead this integration more practically, and open new possibilities to the future communication systems. In this dissertation, the development of the electrical wireless communication systems are briefly explained. Also, development of the microwave photonics and silicon photonics are described to understand the possibility of the hybrid SiP integrated wireless communication systems. A limitation of the current electrical wireless systems are addressed, and hybrid integrated mm-wave silicon photonic receiver, and silicon photonic beamforming transmitter are proposed and analyzed in system level. In the proposed mm-wave silicon photonic receiver has 4th order pole-zero silicon photonic filter in the system. Photonic devices are vulnerable to the process and temperature variations. It requires manual calibration, which is expensive, time consuming, and prone to human errors. Therefore, precise automatic calibration solution with modified silicon photonic filter structure is proposed and demonstrated. This dissertation demonstrates fully automatic tuning of silicon photonic all-pass filter (APF)-based pole/zero filters using a monitor-based tuning method that calibrates the initial response by controlling each pole and zero individually via micro-heaters. The proposed tuning approach calibrates severely degraded initial responses to the designed elliptic filter shapes and allows for automatic bandwidth and center frequency reconfiguration of these filters. This algorithm is demonstrated on 2nd- and 4th-order filters fabricated in a standard silicon photonics foundry process. After the initial calibration, only 300ms is required to reconfigure a filter to a different center frequency. Thermal crosstalk between the micro-heaters is investigated, with substrate thinning demonstrated to suppress this effect and reduce filter calibration to less than half of the original thick substrate times. This fully automatic tuning approach opens the possibility of employing silicon photonic filters in real communication systems. Also, in the proposed beamforming transmitter, true-time delay ring resonator based 1x4 beamforming network is imbedded. A proposed monitor-based tuning method compensates fabrication variations and thermal crosstalk by controlling micro-heaters individually using electrical monitors. The proposed tuning approach successfully demonstrated calibration of OBFN from severely degraded initial responses to well-defined group delay response required for the targeted radiating angle with a range of 60◦ (-30◦ to 30◦ ) in a linear beamforming antenna array. This algorithm is demonstrated on OBFN fabricated in a standard silicon photonics foundry process. The calibrated OBFN operates at 30GHz and provide 2GHz bandwidth. This fully automatic tuning approach opens the possibility of employing silicon OBFN in real wideband mm-wave wireless communication systems by providing robust operating solutions. All the proposed photonic circuits are implemented using the standard silicon photonic technologies, and resulted in several publications in IEEE/OSA Journals and Conferences