20 research outputs found

    Robust on-line adaptive footplant detection and enforcement for locomotion

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    A common problem in virtual character computer animation concerns the preservation of the basic foot-floor constraint (or footplant), consisting in detecting it before enforcing it. This paper describes a system capable of generating motion while continuously preserving the footplants for a real-time, dynamically evolving context. This system introduces a constraint detection method that improves classical techniques by adaptively selecting threshold values according to motion type and quality. The footplants are then enforced using a numerical inverse kinematics solver. As opposed to previous approaches, we define the footplant by attaching to it two effectors whose position at the beginning of the constraint can be modified, in order to place the foot on the ground, for example. However, the corrected posture at the constraint beginning is needed before it starts to ensure smoothness between the unconstrained and constrained states. We, therefore, present a new approach based on motion anticipation, which computes animation postures in advance, according to time-evolving motion parameters, such as locomotion speed and type. We illustrate our on-line approach with continuously modified locomotion patterns, and demonstrate its ability to correct motion artifacts, such as foot sliding, to change the constraint position and to modify from a straight to a curved walk motio

    Robust on-line adaptive footplant detection and enforcement for locomotion

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    A common problem in virtual character computer animation concerns the preservation of the basic foot-floor constraint (or footplant), consisting in detecting it before enforcing it. This paper describes a system capable of generating motion while continuously preserving the footplants for a realtime, dynamically evolving context. This system introduces a constraint detection method that improves classical techniques by adaptively selecting threshold values according to motion type and quality. The footplants are then enforced using a numerical inverse kinematics solver. As opposed to previous approaches, we define the footplant by attaching to it two effectors whose position at the beginning of the constraint can be modified, in order to place the foot on the ground, for example. However, the corrected posture at the constraint beginning is needed before it starts to ensure smoothness between the unconstrained and constrained states. We, therefore, present a new approach based on motion anticipation, which computes animation postures in advance, according to time-evolving motion parameters, such as locomotion speed and type. We illustrate our on-line approach with continuously modified locomotion patterns, and demonstrate its ability to correct motion artifacts, such as foot sliding, to change the constraint position and to modify from a straight to a curved walk motio

    On-line locomotion synthesis for virtual humans

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    Ever since the development of Computer Graphics in the industrial and academic worlds in the seventies, public knowledge and expertise have grown in a tremendous way, notably because of the increasing fascination for Computer Animation. This specific field of Computer Graphics gathers numerous techniques, especially for the animation of characters or virtual humans in movies and video games. To create such high-fidelity animations, a particular interest has been dedicated to motion capture, a technology which allows to record the 3D movement of a live performer. The resulting realism motion is convincing. However, this technique offers little control to animators, as the recorded motion can only be played back. Recently, many advances based on motion capture have been published, concerning slight but precise modifications of an original motion or the parameterization of large motion databases. The challenge consists in combining motion realism with an intuitive on-line motion control, while preserving real-time performances. In the first part of this thesis, we would like to add a brick in the wall of motion parameterization techniques based on motion capture, by introducing a generic motion modeling for locomotion and jump activities. For this purpose, we simplify the motion representation using a statistical method in order to facilitate the elaboration of an efficient parametric model. This model is structured in hierarchical levels, allowing an intuitive motion synthesis with high-level parameters. In addition, we present a space and time normalization process to adapt our model to characters of various sizes. In the second part, we integrate this motion modeling in an animation engine, thus allowing for the generation of a continuous stream of motion for virtual humans. We provide two additional tools to improve the flexibility of our engine. Based on the concept of motion anticipation, we first introduce an on-line method for detecting and enforcing foot-ground constraints. Hence, a straight line walking motion can be smoothly modified to a curved one. Secondly, we propose an approach for the automatic and coherent synthesis of transitions from locomotion to jump (and inversely) motions, by taking into account their respective properties. Finally, we consider the interaction of a virtual human with its environment. Given initial and final conditions set on the locomotion speed and foot positions, we propose a method which computes the corresponding trajectory. To illustrate this method, we propose a case study which mirrors as closely as possible the behavior of a human confronted with an obstacle: at any time, obstacles may be interactively created in front of a moving virtual human. Our method computes a trajectory allowing the virtual human to precisely jump over the obstacle in an on-line manner

    Interactive techniques for motion deformation of articulated figures using prioritized constraints

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    Convincingly animating virtual humans has become of great interest in many fields since recent years. In computer games for example, virtual humans often are the main characters. Failing to realistically animate them may wreck all previous efforts made to provide the player with an immersion feeling. At the same time, computer generated movies have become very popular and thus have increased the demand for animation realism. Indeed, virtual humans are now the new stars in movies like Final Fantasy or Shrek, or are even used for special effects in movies like Matrix. In this context, the virtual humans animations not only need to be realistic as for computer games, but really need to be expressive as for real actors. While creating animations from scratch is still widespread, it demands artistics skills and hours if not days to produce few seconds of animation. For these reasons, there has been a growing interest for motion capture: instead of creating a motion, the idea is to reproduce the movements of a live performer. However, motion capture is not perfect and still needs improvements. Indeed, the motion capture process involves complex techniques and equipments. This often results in noisy animations which must be edited. Moreover, it is hard to exactly foresee the final motion. For example, it often happens that the director of a movie decides to change the script. The animators then have to change part or the whole animation. The aim of this thesis is then to provide animators with interactive tools helping them to easily and rapidly modify preexisting animations. We first present our Inverse Kinematics solver used to enforce kinematic constraints at each time of an animation. Afterward, we propose a motion deformation framework offering the user a way to specify prioritized constraints and to edit an initial animation so that it may be used in a new context (characters, environment,etc). Finally, we introduce a semi-automatic algorithm to extract important motion features from motion capture animation which may serve as a first guess for the animators when specifying important characteristics an initial animation should respect

    Real Time Animation of Virtual Humans: A Trade-off Between Naturalness and Control

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    Virtual humans are employed in many interactive applications using 3D virtual environments, including (serious) games. The motion of such virtual humans should look realistic (or ‘natural’) and allow interaction with the surroundings and other (virtual) humans. Current animation techniques differ in the trade-off they offer between motion naturalness and the control that can be exerted over the motion. We show mechanisms to parametrize, combine (on different body parts) and concatenate motions generated by different animation techniques. We discuss several aspects of motion naturalness and show how it can be evaluated. We conclude by showing the promise of combinations of different animation paradigms to enhance both naturalness and control

    Challenges in Crowd Simulation

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the problems to solve in order to simulate real-time crowds in a Virtual Environment. We try to classify these problems and study how they have been addressed until now by the research community and our Lab in particular. We then discuss for each problem what are the,future challenges and how to address them

    Interactive Low-Dimensional Human Motion Synthesis by Combining Motion Models and PIK

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    This paper explores the issue of interactive low-dimensional human motion synthesis. We compare the performances of two motion models, i.e. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) or Probabilistic PCA (PPCA), for solving a constrained optimization problem within a low-dimensional latent space. We use PCA or PPCA as a first step of preprocessing to reduce the dimensionality of the database to make it tractable, and to encapsulate only the essential aspects of a specific motion pattern. Interactive user control is provided by formulating a low-dimensional optimization framework that uses a Prioritized Inverse Kinematics (PIK) strategy. The key insight of PIK is that the user can adjust a motion by adding constraints with different priorities. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach by synthesizing various styles of golf swing. This movement is challenging in the sense that it is highly coordinated and requires a great precision while moving with high speeds. Hence, any artifact is clearly noticeable in the solution movement. We simultaneously show results comparing local and global motion models regarding synthesis realism and performance. Finally, the quality of the synthesized animations is assessed by comparing our results against a per-frame PIK technique

    Motion Pattern Encapsulation for Data-Driven Constraint-Based Motion Editing

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    The growth of motion capture systems have contributed to the proliferation of human motion database, mainly because human motion is important in many applications, ranging from games entertainment and films to sports and medicine. However, the captured motions normally attend specific needs. As an effort for adapting and reusing captured human motions in new tasks and environments and improving the animator’s work, we present and discuss a new data-driven constraint-based animation system for interactive human motion editing. This method offers the compelling advantage that it provides faster deformations and more natural-looking motion results compared to goal-directed constraint-based methods found in the literature