454 research outputs found

    Monotone Projection Lower Bounds from Extended Formulation Lower Bounds

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    In this short note, we reduce lower bounds on monotone projections of polynomials to lower bounds on extended formulations of polytopes. Applying our reduction to the seminal extended formulation lower bounds of Fiorini, Massar, Pokutta, Tiwari, & de Wolf (STOC 2012; J. ACM, 2015) and Rothvoss (STOC 2014; J. ACM, 2017), we obtain the following interesting consequences. 1. The Hamiltonian Cycle polynomial is not a monotone subexponential-size projection of the permanent; this both rules out a natural attempt at a monotone lower bound on the Boolean permanent, and shows that the permanent is not complete for non-negative polynomials in VNPR_{{\mathbb R}} under monotone p-projections. 2. The cut polynomials and the perfect matching polynomial (or "unsigned Pfaffian") are not monotone p-projections of the permanent. The latter, over the Boolean and-or semi-ring, rules out monotone reductions in one of the natural approaches to reducing perfect matchings in general graphs to perfect matchings in bipartite graphs. As the permanent is universal for monotone formulas, these results also imply exponential lower bounds on the monotone formula size and monotone circuit size of these polynomials.Comment: Published in Theory of Computing, Volume 13 (2017), Article 18; Received: November 10, 2015, Revised: July 27, 2016, Published: December 22, 201

    Circuit complexity, proof complexity, and polynomial identity testing

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    We introduce a new algebraic proof system, which has tight connections to (algebraic) circuit complexity. In particular, we show that any super-polynomial lower bound on any Boolean tautology in our proof system implies that the permanent does not have polynomial-size algebraic circuits (VNP is not equal to VP). As a corollary to the proof, we also show that super-polynomial lower bounds on the number of lines in Polynomial Calculus proofs (as opposed to the usual measure of number of monomials) imply the Permanent versus Determinant Conjecture. Note that, prior to our work, there was no proof system for which lower bounds on an arbitrary tautology implied any computational lower bound. Our proof system helps clarify the relationships between previous algebraic proof systems, and begins to shed light on why proof complexity lower bounds for various proof systems have been so much harder than lower bounds on the corresponding circuit classes. In doing so, we highlight the importance of polynomial identity testing (PIT) for understanding proof complexity. More specifically, we introduce certain propositional axioms satisfied by any Boolean circuit computing PIT. We use these PIT axioms to shed light on AC^0[p]-Frege lower bounds, which have been open for nearly 30 years, with no satisfactory explanation as to their apparent difficulty. We show that either: a) Proving super-polynomial lower bounds on AC^0[p]-Frege implies VNP does not have polynomial-size circuits of depth d - a notoriously open question for d at least 4 - thus explaining the difficulty of lower bounds on AC^0[p]-Frege, or b) AC^0[p]-Frege cannot efficiently prove the depth d PIT axioms, and hence we have a lower bound on AC^0[p]-Frege. Using the algebraic structure of our proof system, we propose a novel way to extend techniques from algebraic circuit complexity to prove lower bounds in proof complexity

    Algorithms for group isomorphism via group extensions and cohomology

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    The isomorphism problem for finite groups of order n (GpI) has long been known to be solvable in nlogn+O(1)n^{\log n+O(1)} time, but only recently were polynomial-time algorithms designed for several interesting group classes. Inspired by recent progress, we revisit the strategy for GpI via the extension theory of groups. The extension theory describes how a normal subgroup N is related to G/N via G, and this naturally leads to a divide-and-conquer strategy that splits GpI into two subproblems: one regarding group actions on other groups, and one regarding group cohomology. When the normal subgroup N is abelian, this strategy is well-known. Our first contribution is to extend this strategy to handle the case when N is not necessarily abelian. This allows us to provide a unified explanation of all recent polynomial-time algorithms for special group classes. Guided by this strategy, to make further progress on GpI, we consider central-radical groups, proposed in Babai et al. (SODA 2011): the class of groups such that G mod its center has no abelian normal subgroups. This class is a natural extension of the group class considered by Babai et al. (ICALP 2012), namely those groups with no abelian normal subgroups. Following the above strategy, we solve GpI in nO(loglogn)n^{O(\log \log n)} time for central-radical groups, and in polynomial time for several prominent subclasses of central-radical groups. We also solve GpI in nO(loglogn)n^{O(\log\log n)} time for groups whose solvable normal subgroups are elementary abelian but not necessarily central. As far as we are aware, this is the first time there have been worst-case guarantees on a no(logn)n^{o(\log n)}-time algorithm that tackles both aspects of GpI---actions and cohomology---simultaneously.Comment: 54 pages + 14-page appendix. Significantly improved presentation, with some new result

    Comparing Information-Theoretic Measures of Complexity in Boltzmann Machines

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    In the past three decades, many theoretical measures of complexity have been proposed to help understand complex systems. In this work, for the first time, we place these measures on a level playing field, to explore the qualitative similarities and differences between them, and their shortcomings. Specifically, using the Boltzmann machine architecture (a fully connected recurrent neural network) with uniformly distributed weights as our model of study, we numerically measure how complexity changes as a function of network dynamics and network parameters. We apply an extension of one such information-theoretic measure of complexity to understand incremental Hebbian learning in Hopfield networks, a fully recurrent architecture model of autoassociative memory. In the course of Hebbian learning, the total information flow reflects a natural upward trend in complexity as the network attempts to learn more and more patterns.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures; Appears in Entropy, Special Issue "Information Geometry II