381 research outputs found

    Towards Comparative Analysis of Resumption Techniques in ETL

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    Data warehouses are loaded with data from sources such as operational data bases. Failure of loading process or failure of any of the process such as extraction or transformation is expensive because of the non-availability of data for analysis. With the advent of e-commerce and many real time application analysis of data in real time becomes a norm and hence any misses while the data is being loaded into data warehouse needs to be handled in an efficient and optimized way. The techniques to handle failure of process to populate the data are very much important as the actual loading process. Alternative arrangement needs to be made for in case of failure so that processes of populating the data warehouse are done in time. This paper explores the various ways through which a failed process of populating the data warehouse could be resumed. Various resumption techniques are compared and a novel block based technique is proposed to improve one of the existing resumption techniques

    Joining and aggregating datasets using CouchDB

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    Data mining typically requires implementing operations that involve cross-cutting entity boundaries and are awkward to implement in document-oriented databases. CouchDB, for example, models entities as documents, with highly isolated entity boundaries, and on which joins cannot be directly performed. This project shows how join and aggregation can be achieved across entity boundaries in such systems, as encountered for example in the pre-processing and exploration stages of educational data mining. A software stack is presented as a means by which this can be achieved; first, datasets are processed via ETL operations, then MapReduce is used to create indices of ordered and aggregated data. Finally, a Couchdb list function is used to iterate through these indices and perform joins, and to compute aggregated values on joined datasets such as variance and correlations. In terms of the case study, it is shown that the proposed approach to implementing cross-document joins and aggregation is effective and scalable. In addition, it was discovered that for the 2014 - 2016 UCT cohorts, NBT scores correlate better with final grades for the CSC1015F course than do Grade 12 results for English, Science and Mathematics

    Extract, Transform, and Load data from Legacy Systems to Azure Cloud

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    Internship report presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceIn a world with continuously evolving technologies and hardened competitive markets, organisations need to continually be on guard to grasp cutting edge technology and tools that will help them to surpass any competition that arises. Modern data platforms that incorporate cloud technologies, support organisations to strive and get ahead of their competitors by providing solutions that help them capture and optimally use untapped data, and scalable storages to adapt to ever-growing data quantities. Also, adopt data processing and visualisation tools that help to improve the decision-making process. With many cloud providers available in the market, from small players to major technology corporations, this offers much flexibility to organisations to choose the best cloud technology that will align with their use cases and overall products and services strategy. This internship came up at the time when one of Accenture’s significant client in the financial industry decided to migrate from legacy systems to a cloud-based data infrastructure that is Microsoft Azure cloud. During this internship, development of the data lake, which is a core part of the MDP, was done to understand better the type of challenges that can be faced when migrating data from on-premise legacy systems to a cloud-based infrastructure. Also, provided in this work, are the main recommendations and guidelines when it comes to performing a large scale data migration

    A Survey of Distributed Data Stream Processing Frameworks

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    Big data processing systems are evolving to be more stream oriented where each data record is processed as it arrives by distributed and low-latency computational frameworks on a continuous basis. As the stream processing technology matures and more organizations invest in digital transformations, new applications of stream analytics will be identified and implemented across a wide spectrum of industries. One of the challenges in developing a streaming analytics infrastructure is the difficulty in selecting the right stream processing framework for the different use cases. With a view to addressing this issue, in this paper we present a taxonomy, a comparative study of distributed data stream processing and analytics frameworks, and a critical review of representative open source (Storm, Spark Streaming, Flink, Kafka Streams) and commercial (IBM Streams) distributed data stream processing frameworks. The study also reports our ongoing study on a multilevel streaming analytics architecture that can serve as a guide for organizations and individuals planning to implement a real-time data stream processing and analytics framework

    Big Data Now, 2015 Edition

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    Now in its fifth year, O’Reilly’s annual Big Data Now report recaps the trends, tools, applications, and forecasts we’ve talked about over the past year. For 2015, we’ve included a collection of blog posts, authored by leading thinkers and experts in the field, that reflect a unique set of themes we’ve identified as gaining significant attention and traction. Our list of 2015 topics include: Data-driven cultures Data science Data pipelines Big data architecture and infrastructure The Internet of Things and real time Applications of big data Security, ethics, and governance Is your organization on the right track? Get a hold of this free report now and stay in tune with the latest significant developments in big data

    Um modelo de arquitetura em camadas empilhadas para Big Data

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    Debido a la necesidad del análisis para los nuevos tipos de datos no estructurados, repetitivos y no repetitivos, surge Big Data. Aunque el tema ha sido extensamente difundido, no hay disponible una arquitectura de referencia para sistemas Big Data que incorpore el tratamiento de grandes volúmenes de datos en bruto, agregados y no agregados ni propuestas completas para manejar el ciclo de vida de los datos o una terminología estandarizada en ésta área, menos una metodología que soporte el diseño y desarrollo de dicha arquitectura. Solo hay arquitecturas de pequeña escala, de tipo industrial, orientadas al producto, que se reducen al alcance de la solución de una compañía o grupo de compañías, que se enfocan en la tecnología, pero omiten el punto de vista funcional. El artículo explora los requerimientos para la formulación de un modelo arquitectural que soporte la analítica y la gestión de datos estructurados y no estructurados, repetitivos y no repetitivos, y contempla algunas propuestas arquitecturales de tipo industrial o tecnológicas, para al final proponer un modelo lógico de arquitectura multicapas escalonado, que pretende dar respuesta a los requerimientos que cubran, tanto a Data Warehouse, como a Big Data.Until recently, the issue of analytical data was related to Data Warehouse, but due to the necessity of analyzing new types of unstructured data, both repetitive and non-repetitive, Big Data arises. Although this subject has been widely studied, there is not available a reference architecture for Big Data systems involved with the processing of large volumes of raw data, aggregated and non-aggregated. There are not complete proposals for managing the lifecycle of data or standardized terminology, even less a methodology supporting the design and development of that architecture. There are architectures in small-scale, industrial and product-oriented, which limit their scope to solutions for a company or group of companies, focused on technology but omitting the functionality. This paper explores the requirements for the formulation of an architectural model that supports the analysis and management of data: structured, repetitive and non-repetitive unstructured; there are some architectural proposals –industrial or technological type– to propose a logical model of multi-layered tiered architecture, which aims to respond to the requirements covering both Data Warehouse and Big Data.A questão da analítica de dados foi relacionada com o Data Warehouse, mas devido à necessidade de uma análise de novos tipos de dados não estruturados, repetitivos e não repetitivos, surge a Big Data. Embora o tema tenha sido amplamente difundido, não existe uma arquitetura de referência para os sistemas Big Data que incorpore o processamento de grandes volumes de dados brutos, agregados e não agregados; nem propostas completas para a gestão do ciclo de vida dos dados, nem uma terminologia padronizada nesta área, e menos uma metodologia que suporte a concepção e desenvolvimento de dita arquitetura. O que existe são arquiteturas em pequena escala, de tipo industrial, orientadas ao produto, limitadas ao alcance da solução de uma empresa ou grupo de empresas, focadas na tecnologia, mas que omitem o ponto de vista funcional. Este artigo explora os requisitos para a formulação de um modelo de arquitetura que possa suportar a analítica e a gestão de dados estruturados e não estruturados, repetitivos e não repetitivos. Dessa exploração contemplam-se algumas propostas arquiteturais de tipo industrial ou tecnológicas, eu propor um modelo lógico de arquitetura em camadas empilhadas, que visa responder às exigências que abrangem tanto Data Warehouse como Big Data

    Adaptive Big Data Pipeline

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    Over the past three decades, data has exponentially evolved from being a simple software by-product to one of the most important companies’ assets used to understand their customers and foresee trends. Deep learning has demonstrated that big volumes of clean data generally provide more flexibility and accuracy when modeling a phenomenon. However, handling ever-increasing data volumes entail new challenges: the lack of expertise to select the appropriate big data tools for the processing pipelines, as well as the speed at which engineers can take such pipelines into production reliably, leveraging the cloud. We introduce a system called Adaptive Big Data Pipelines: a platform to automate data pipelines creation. It provides an interface to capture the data sources, transformations, destinations and execution schedule. The system builds up the cloud infrastructure, schedules and fine-tunes the transformations, and creates the data lineage graph. This system has been tested on data sets of 50 gigabytes, processing them in just a few minutes without user intervention.ITESO, A. C

    Benchmarking of RDBMS and NoSQL performance on unstructured data

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    New requirements are arising in the database field. Big data has been soaring. The amount of data is ever increasing and becoming more and more varied. Traditional relational database management systems have been a dominant force in the database field but due to the massive growth of unstructured and multiform data, firms are now turning to architectures that have scaleout capabilities using open source software, commodity servers, cloud computing and services like Database as a Service. Due to this, relational databases ought to adopt and meet these new data requirements with easier and faster data processing capabilities and also provide multiple analytical tools that have the possibility of displaying analytics instantly. This study aims to benchmark the performance of relational systems and NoSQL systems on unstructured data.Novos requisitos estão surgindo na área das bases de dados. “Big data” permitiu avanços consideráveis em vários setores. O volume de dados tem aumentado e tornase cada vez mais variado. Os sistemas tradicionais de gestão de base de dados relacionais têm sido uma força dominante na área, mas devido ao crescimento massivo de dados não estruturados e multiformes, as empresas agora recorrem a arquiteturas que possuem recursos escaláveis usando software livre, servidores, computação em nuvem e serviços, tais como “base de dados como um serviço”. Nesse sentido, as bases de dados relacionais devem considerar e adotar novos requisitos de dados com maior agilidade no seu processamento e também fornecer múltiplas ferramentas analíticas com a possibilidade de mostrar análises em tempo real. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de sistemas relacionais e sistemas NoSQL em dados não estruturados