2,741 research outputs found

    A GIS expert system for the delineation of watersheds in low-relief regions with rural infrastructure

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    vii, 170 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm.Grid-based digital elevation models (DEMs) are used to simulate overland flow paths in hydrological models. The accuracy of these drainage patterns are dependent upon how well the DEM represents the terrain features that control runoff patterns. Often regional DEMs are not produced at scales small enough to represent rural infrastructure. The scale of runoff patterns that can be accurately modeled is, therefore, restricted, particularly when the terrain is relatively flat. The RIDEM (Rural Infrastructure Digital Elevation Model) model is presented that utilizes commonly available ancillary data to downscale grid-based runoff patterns. The resulting drainage patterns reflect drainage modifications imposed by rural infrastructure including: roads, ditches, culverts, and irrigation canals. Downscaling runoff patterns enables the completion of runoff studies at smaller scales. The model was implemented with the Oldman River watershed, Alberta, Canada to determine the spatial patterns of potential runoff contributing areas in three agricultural watersheds regularly contaminated by pathogens

    Towards global-scale compound flood risk modeling

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    Morphologic characterization of urban watersheds and its use in quantifying hydrologic response

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    2009 Summer.Covers not scanned.Includes bibliographical references.Print version deaccessioned 2022.Current methods for hydrologic characterization of urban watersheds and analysis of the impacts of urbanization are primarily based on the description of imperviousness and how changes in this characteristic affect storage, infiltration, and runoff generation. The morphology of urban watersheds and the effects of urbanization on the structure of the drainage system have been much less studied. The overarching objectives of this study are to develop methodologies to characterize the morphology of urban drainage systems including the hillslopes, streets, pipes, and channels and to use this characterization to model the hydrologic response of the watershed. These objectives are accomplished through: (a) an exploration of potential applications of morphologic theories in the characterization of urban watersheds and the impacts of urbanization; (b) the development and testing of a methodology to generate urban terrains (i.e. a raster representation of the topography) in which the effects of conduits typically observed in urban areas are represented; and (c) the development and testing of a new rainfall-runoff model called the U-McIUH (Urban Morpho-climatic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph). The model is based on the morpho-climatic instantaneous unit hydrograph theory, in which the hydrologic response is identified from the spatial structure of the watershed and the properties of the storm event. The morphologic approach adopted reveals significant impacts of urbanization on the internal structure of natural watersheds at a wide range of scales. This finding is relevant when building stormwater models intended to simulate and compare the pre- and post-development catchment response. The morphologic impacts should be incorporated into stormwater models through the redefinition of model parameters that characterize both the channelized and unchannelized portions of the catchment when the urbanized scenario is simulated. This research also shows the importance of incorporating artificial conduits into urban terrain for hydrologic modeling. A new method to incorporate the artificial conduits into the DEM based on the real elevation of these conduits proved to be superior to other previously available methods because it better represents the flow directions and flow paths. Finally, the new rainfall-runoff model developed in this study fills an existing gap in the field of distributed stormwater modeling. It provides a more thorough treatment of the flows in minor conduits and unchannelized portions of the watershed, which enhances the simulations of runoff accumulation that are traditionally used in conceptual models. The model is parsimonious and uses a simplification of kinematic wave routing that considers the dependence of the unit hydrograph on rainfall intensity and the effect of upstream contribution on the travel times without explicitly solving the flow equation at each cell for each time step. This simplification reduces the complexity of the model computations while still producing reasonable model performance

    Application of Geographical Information Systems to Lahar Hazard Assessment on an Active Volcanic System

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    Lahars (highly dynamic mixtures of volcanic debris and water) have been responsible for some of the most serious volcanic disasters and have killed tens of thousands of people in recent decades. Despite considerable lahar model development in the sciences, many research tools have proved wholly unsuitable for practical application on an active volcanic system where it is difficult to obtain field measurements. In addition, geographic information systems are tools that offer a great potential to explore, model and map hazards, but are currently under-utilised for lahar hazard assessment. This research pioneered a three-tiered approach to lahar hazard assessment on Montserrat, West Indies. Initially, requirements of potential users of lahar information (scientists and decision-makers) were established through interview and evaluated against attainable modelling outputs (given flow type and data availability). Subsequently, a digital elevation model, fit for modelling lahars, was used by a path of steepest descent algorithm and a semi-empirical debris-flow model in the prediction of lahar routes and inundation areas. Limitations of these established geographical information system (GIS) based models, for predicting the behaviour of (relatively under-studied) dilute lahars, were used to inform key parameters for a novel model, also tightly coupled to a GIS, that simulated flow routes based on change in velocity. Importantly, uncertainty in model predictions was assessed through a stochastic simulation of elevation error. Finally, the practical utility of modelling outputs (visualisations) was assessed through mutual feedback with local scientists. The new model adequately replicated past flow routes and gave preliminary predictions for velocities and travel times, thus providing a short-term lahar hazard assessment. Inundation areas were also mapped using the debris-flow model to assist long-term planning. Ultimately, a GIS can support ‘on the ground’ planning decisions, but efficacy is limited by an active volcanic system which can restrict feedback to and from end-users. *[The appendices for this thesis were submitted as separate files which could not be uploaded to the repository. Please contact the author for more information.]

    Regular Hierarchical Surface Models: A conceptual model of scale variation in a GIS and its application to hydrological geomorphometry

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    Environmental and geographical process models inevitably involve parameters that vary spatially. One example is hydrological modelling, where parameters derived from the shape of the ground such as flow direction and flow accumulation are used to describe the spatial complexity of drainage networks. One way of handling such parameters is by using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), such modelling is the basis of the science of geomorphometry. A frequently ignored but inescapable challenge when modellers work with DEMs is the effect of scale and geometry on the model outputs. Many parameters vary with scale as much as they vary with position. Modelling variability with scale is necessary to simplify and generalise surfaces, and desirable to accurately reconcile model components that are measured at different scales. This thesis develops a surface model that is optimised to represent scale in environmental models. A Regular Hierarchical Surface Model (RHSM) is developed that employs a regular tessellation of space and scale that forms a self-similar regular hierarchy, and incorporates Level Of Detail (LOD) ideas from computer graphics. Following convention from systems science, the proposed model is described in its conceptual, mathematical, and computational forms. The RHSM development was informed by a categorisation of Geographical Information Science (GISc) surfaces within a cohesive framework of geometry, structure, interpolation, and data model. The positioning of the RHSM within this broader framework made it easier to adapt algorithms designed for other surface models to conform to the new model. The RHSM has an implicit data model that utilises a variation of Middleton and Sivaswamy (2001)’s intrinsically hierarchical Hexagonal Image Processing referencing system, which is here generalised for rectangular and triangular geometries. The RHSM provides a simple framework to form a pyramid of coarser values in a process characterised as a scaling function. In addition, variable density realisations of the hierarchical representation can be generated by defining an error value and decision rule to select the coarsest appropriate scale for a given region to satisfy the modeller’s intentions. The RHSM is assessed using adaptions of the geomorphometric algorithms flow direction and flow accumulation. The effects of scale and geometry on the anistropy and accuracy of model results are analysed on dispersive and concentrative cones, and Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) derived surfaces of the urban area of Dunedin, New Zealand. The RHSM modelling process revealed aspects of the algorithms not obvious within a single geometry, such as, the influence of node geometry on flow direction results, and a conceptual weakness of flow accumulation algorithms on dispersive surfaces that causes asymmetrical results. In addition, comparison of algorithm behaviour between geometries undermined the hypothesis that variance of cell cross section with direction is important for conversion of cell accumulations to point values. The ability to analyse algorithms for scale and geometry and adapt algorithms within a cohesive conceptual framework offers deeper insight into algorithm behaviour than previously achieved. The deconstruction of algorithms into geometry neutral forms and the application of scaling functions are important contributions to the understanding of spatial parameters within GISc

    Debris-flow erosion and deposition dynamics

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    Debris flows are a major natural hazard in mountains world wide, because of their destructive potential. Prediction of occurrence, magnitude and travel distance is still a scientific challenge, and thus research into the mechanics of debris flows is still needed. Poor understanding of the processes of erosion and deposition are partly responsible for the difficulties in predicting debrisflow magnitude and travel distance. Even less is known about the long-term evolution of debrisflow fans because the sequential effects of debris-flow erosion and deposition in thousands of flows are poorly documented and hence models to simulate debris-flow fans do not exist. Here I address the specific issues of the dynamics of erosion and deposition in single flows and over multiple flows on debris-flow fans by terrain analysis, channel monitoring and fan evolution modeling. I documented erosion and deposition dynamics of debris flows at fan scale using the Illgraben debris-flow fan, Switzerland, as an example. Debris flow activity over the past three millenia in the Illgraben catchment in south-western Switzerland was documented by geomorphic mapping, radiocarbon dating of wood and cosmogenic exposure dating of deposits. In this specific case I also documented the disturbance induced by two rock avalanches in the catchment resulting in distinct patterns of deposition on the fan surface. Implications of human intervention and the significance of autogenic forcing of the fan system are also discussed. Quantification and understanding of erosion and deposition dynamics in debris flows at channel scale hinges on the ability to detect surface change. But change detection is a fundamental task in geomorphology in general. Terrestrial laser scanners are increasingly used for monitoring down to centimeter scale of surface change resulting from a variety of geomorphic processes, as they allow the rapid generation of high resolution digital elevation models. In this thesis procedures were developed to measure surface change in complex topography such as a debris-flow channel. From this data high-resolution digital elevation models were generated. But data from laser scanning contains ambiguous elevation information originating from point cloud matching, surface roughness and erroneous measurments. This affects the ability to detect change, and results in spatially variable uncertainties. I hence developed techniques to visualize and quantify these uncertainties for the specific application of change detection. I demonstrated that use of data filters (e.g. minimum height filter) on laser scanner data introduces systematic bias in change detection. Measurement of debris-flow erosion and deposition in single events was performed at Illgraben, where multiple debris flows are recorded every year. I applied terrestrial laser scanning and flow hydrograph analysis to quantify erosion and deposition in a series of debris flows. Flow depth was identified as an important control on the pattern and magnitude of erosion, whereas deposition is governed more by the geometry of flow margins. The relationship between flow depth and erosion is visible both at the reach scale and at the scale of the entire fan. Maximum flow depth is a function of debris flow front discharge and pre-flow channel cross section geometry, and this dual control gives rise to complex interactions with implications for long-term channel stability, the use of fan stratigraphy for reconstruction of past debris flow regimes, and the predictability of debris flow hazards. Debris-flow fan evolution on time scales of decades up to ten thousands of years is poorly understood because the cumulative effects of erosion and deposition in subsequent events are rarely well documented and suitable numerical models are lacking. Enhancing this understanding is crucial to assess the role of autogenic (internal) and allogenic (external) forcing mechanisms on building debris-flow fans over long time scales. On short time scales understanding fan evolution is important for debris-flow hazard assessment. I propose a 2D reduced-complexity model to assess debris-flow fan evolution. The model is built on a broad range of qualitative and empirical observations on debris-flow behaviour as well as on monitoring data acquired at Illgraben as part of this thesis. I have formulated a framework of rules that govern debris-flow behaviour, and that allows efficient implementation in a numerical simulation. The model is shown to replicate the general behaviour of alluvial fans in nature and in flume experiments. In three applications it is demonstrated how fan evolution modeling may improve understanding of inundation patterns, surface age distribution and surface morphology

    Topographic Signatures of Geodynamics

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    The surface of the Earth retains an imperfect memory of the diverse geodynamic, climatic, and surface transport processes that cooperatively drive the evolution of Earth. In this thesis I explore the potential of using topographic analysis and landscape evolution models to unlock past and/or present evidence for geodynamic activity. I explore the potential isolated effects of geodynamics on landscape evolution, particularly focusing on two byproducts of tectonic strain: rock displacement and damage. Field evidence supports a strong correlation between rock damage and erodibility, and a numerical sensitivity analysis supports the hypothesis that an order of magnitude weakening in rock, well within naturally occurring weakening levels, can have significant effects on the rates and patterns of landscape evolution. More specifically, weak zones associated with fault damage erode relatively quickly and hence attract a greater proportion of surface runoff, causing many rivers to become confined to the exposed structures of fault zones. In many cases this influence is independent of how evolved a landscape is prior to weak zone introduction. When combined, displacement and damage along a fault cooperatively control the drainage network pattern, hillslopes, and channel gradients. Quantitative methods for measuring topographic anisotropy indicate signature patterns associated with specific scale-dependent geodynamic and geomorphic processes that could otherwise go unnoticed when attempting to identify features from raw topographic data alone. The sharp relief associated with weak zone erosion leads to a significant perturbation of the near surface stress field that can potentially localize crustal failure under active tectonic conditions. Models used to study interactions between climate, surface processes, and crustal tectonics suggest a strong positive feedback between erosion and strain caused by the mechanical link between rock damage and erodibility. The rapid erosion of shear zones leads to greater topographic stress and hence greater strain localization. The link between erodibility and strain localization scales with greater damage, particularly due to structurally confined drainage patterns focusing a greater degree of fluvial incision in regions that already accommodate the majority of strain, resulting in a greater concentration and greater longevity of strain in narrow shear zones

    Potential of Spaceborne X & L-Band SAR-Data for Soil Moisture Mapping Using GIS and its Application to Hydrological Modelling: the Example of Gottleuba Catchment, Saxony / Germany

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    Hydrological modelling is a powerful tool for hydrologists and engineers involved in the planning and development of integrated approach for the management of water resources. With the recent advent of computational power and the growing availability of spatial data, RS and GIS technologies can augment to a great extent the conventional methods used in rainfall runoff studies; it is possible to accurately describe watershed characteristics in particularly when determining runoff response to rainfall input. The main objective of this study is to apply the potential of spaceborne SAR data for soil moisture retrieval in order to improve the spatial input parameters required for hydrological modelling. For the spatial database creation, high resolution 2 m aerial laser scanning Digital Terrain Model (DTM), soil map, and landuse map were used. Rainfall records were transformed into a runoff through hydrological parameterisation of the watershed and the river network using HEC-HMS software for rainfall runoff simulation. The Soil Conservation Services Curve Number (SCS-CN) and Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) loss methods were selected to calculate the infiltration losses. In microwave remote sensing, the study of how the microwave interacts with the earth terrain has always been interesting in interpreting the satellite SAR images. In this research soil moisture was derived from two different types of Spaceborne SAR data; TerraSAR-X and ALOS PALSAR (L band). The developed integrated hydrological model was applied to the test site of the Gottleuba Catchment area which covers approximately 400 sqkm, located south of Pirna (Saxony, Germany). To validate the model historical precipitation data of the past ten years were performed. The validated model was further optimized using the extracted soil moisture from SAR data. The simulation results showed a reasonable match between the simulated and the observed hydrographs. Quantitatively the study concluded that based on SAR data, the model could be used as an expeditious tool of soil moisture mapping which required for hydrological modelling